Daybreak I: A Strange Night [M48/F21] [noncon,vampire]

A young woman laughed as she took a shot, her friends giggling to themselves. It was odd to be together yet alone as well. Hungry eyes looked upon her raven hair, her fair throat showing through. A serpentine tongue licked a pair of fangs. She was the one. A cold soul began to stride to her when a shoulder bumped his.

“Sorry,” a bright smile greeted him. Freckles on her face and shoulders, her arm intertwined with her boyfriend’s as they headed to a private room in the back. No… This one was the one.

“Man…” Allyson sighed as she kicked the heels off of her feet, tidying up her pink dress. “I think I’ve had a little too much to drink.”

“You tell me…” slurred a little. “One shot and I can’t drive back home…” He lay back, exhausted.

“Well… At least we had fun. Didn’t you?” Allyson glanced down to find her boyfriend fast asleep. “Hmmm… So did I…” she said to herself, laying beside him. She nuzzled his face with hers, whispering as she kissed his forehead. “You’re the best boyfriend ever…”

A dim green filled Allyson’s eyes as she got out of bed. It was like an instinct, her heart beckoning her to step forth. So she did. She followed her heart, where all her eyes saw was green. Then… a stop. It felt like she stood over a vast precipice, the void of oblivion below.

That’s when Allyson felt her lips crash into someone else’s, feeling their tongue slide into her mouth. She returned the favor, never thinking of who it was. Peter was never this physical with her. This was a dream. It had to be. But none of these thoughts were present as the man kissing her parted from her mouth before moving onto her cheek, then making his way down her neck. Allyson, on the other hand, simply stood there. She couldn’t move a muscle as the man continued necking her. Then, the man stopped kissing her. His eyes were drawn upon her long, toned neck. She said nothing, her vacant eyes staring off into space. Then the man smiled to himself and pressed his lips against Allyson’s neck once more.

Allyson could feel the man sucking on the tender skin of her neck. His lips pressed tight as he ran circles with his tongue. It felt… good. So good that Allyson felt herself giving in to the man. She could feel him holding her ever so tighter. An arm wrapped around her waist, and a hand pulled her head to the side, giving more room for the man as he continued necking her. That’s when the girlfriend lost herself. Allyson moaned softly, leaning into the man, feeling his cold caress. She’d embrace him as well if she could, but couldn’t. As the man continued sucking on her neck, Allyson could feel him undo the lacings on her back, and her dress slowly fall off of her shoulders.

Peter blinked at the light coming in through the window above him. He looked to his Allyson at his side, his precious girl. A slight frown on her face as she breathed through her mouth. Sweat on her forehead. Seems like she did a number that night.

“Hey,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. She opened her tired eyes, looking around the room.

“Hey…” she groaned back. Her hair was messy, and her dress was undone, though still on. She sat up in bed, adjusting herself.

“Sleep well?”

“I guess. Did we do it last night?” She was looking around the sheets, puzzled. “I can’t find my underwear.”

“Hell, we must’ve. What do you have in plan?” He climbed off of the bed, adjusting his shirt.

“Probably not a big deal,” Allyson tugged at her dress, ending at her knees. She smiled at Peter. “Let’s go home.”

Allyson slipped into a loose shirt, matching her baggy pants. She sighed to herself as she looked into her tired reflection in the mirror.

“In love with your reflection?” Peter came around his girlfriend, hugging her close to him as he planted kisses on her shoulder.

“Hmmm. You don’t need to pretend I’m pretty.” She turned to face him, smiling up at him.

“But you are…” Peter pressed his lips against hers. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.” He held her as he kissed her tender neck.

“Mmm… go easy on me this time. Drunk hickeys aren’t my thing.”

“Girl, you’re making it sound like you made out with someone else last night.” Peter teased, sweeping Allyson off of her feet and spinning her around the room. The two laughed together, their hearts one.

Ivory fangs formed a grin inside a sarcophagus, a serpentine tongue licking hungry lips. He’d never tasted skin like hers in ages, and his throat cried out of her blood. Soon… soon he shall have his night.



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