A Slippery Slope, Part 1 [romantic] [bdsm] [femdom] [real] [D/s] [F40/m43]

The morning was nothing more than average. Average traffic on the driving part of his commute, the wintertime temperature was somewhere in the mid-30’s, and the wait for his train when he arrived at station was just about three minutes – everything was almost exactly as would be expected on a December Tuesday morning. He stepped on to the NYC-bound Path train wearing his AirPods, a KN-95 mask and winter hat, took a standing corner space near the door, took out his iPhone and started mindlessly scrolling as Nas’ KD3 played on Spotify played in his ears. A sudden jolt from the train made him pick up his head reach for the steel bar and take a moment to grab his balance; and in that moment, things went from average to anything but.

As he picked up his head he saw her, she was about his height, brown hair with just a tint of red pulled back tight against her head with a part down the middle and eyes that not only grabbed your attention, but wouldn’t let it go. She was dressed in a warm, fuzzy black coat draped with a bright scarf and brown leather pants, just the tiniest bit of her ankles exposed and a pair of black leather sneakers with a white sole. In all of about one-tenth-of one second, her image was burned into his mind forever – and that was a good thing, because he didn’t have the type of personality to speak to someone on the train, even someone clearly not wearing any type of traditional jewelry that would show commitment.

Because he still had 18 minutes left of his 20 minute train ride, he played the game of looking at his phone while trying to steal glances; but most importantly not get caught. Every time he glanced, her beautiful eyes were closed, not in a way where she appeared tired or sleeping, but almost as if she was meditating. In his head, he just hoped to she stayed on board through the three stops before arriving at the World Trade Center to possibly have a chance to share another, less crowded train to their final destination. As that thought entered his head, he lifted his gaze from the screen of his 13 Pro Max device, and when he did, she was staring back at him – he felt his heart momentarily stop as he tried his hardest to avert his eyes without seeming like a creep.

Her expression never changed. Her thin lips stayed together as she once again closed her eyes and went back to what seemed like a state of zen. The first stop passed and he kept his head down, and when he finally looked up, she was no longer standing across from him – she was gone. Panic instantly set in as his eyes peered out the window, scanning the platform as the train pulled away, but he didn’t even catch a final look – she was gone. As it set in, he clearly felt a disproportionate sense of loss for someone he’d only shared a few glances from eight feet away for about a 10-minute stretch; and as he took off his hat and wiped his brow, he noticed the familiar sneakers, exposed ankle and brown leather pants sitting on a seat just two feet to the right of where she was standing. She wasn’t gone forever, she just took a seat that had opened up.

As his glance shifted upward, he noticed her eyes weren’t closed and she was very clearly looking at him, although it felt as if her stare cut right through him and saw him at his core. When their eyes locked, her face relaxed and she smiled – she had most definitely seen his range of emotions when she had moved to a new spot. He pulled down his mask and smiled back, but not a word was exchanged. The train filled up at the next two stops and their line of site to each other was blocked. And as they pulled into the station beneath the Oculus, they exited out separate sides of the train. As he went up the escalator, he couldn’t get her off his mind. She reminded him of someone from his past, someone who played a major role in everything that defined him. He knew he still had a few moments to daydream about what could have been before needing to switch to focusing on work, but as he got to the top of the escalator, she was there; and she wasn’t running or even walking towards the MTA trains, she was just waiting where he’d be in less than two seconds.

“That wasn’t the first time we’ve ridden the train together, you know,” she said to him as he stepped off the escalator. “We’ve been in the same car, a few times in the past three weeks. Once I even sat right next to you for the entire ride.”

He was taken aback by not only the fact that this beautiful woman he’d created an entire future with in his head was speaking to him, but by the fact she’d actually noticed him before he spotted her.

He nervously introduced himself and extended his hand, which quickly turned into an awkward exchange as those types of greetings usually tend to do. They turned and walked towards the exit together. He asked her name and almost immediately asked if he could text her his contact details, she agreed, gave him the number and he typed as they walked together.

“You’re usually very caught up in your phone when I see you, and I assumed you were always on when it came to your career,” she said as she stopped near an exit. “Then when I sat next to you last week, I noticed everything you were scrolling through on Instagram – very interesting stuff.”

He felt the blood flush his face turning it bright red. When he thought no one was looking, he would always scroll his kink-filled instagram account – it was a who’s who of the internet’s best femdom and leather-centric accounts, which he tried hard to keep a secret.

She openly chuckled as she saw his humiliation – he clearly didn’t expect the conversation to go in this direction, even if he secretly hoped it would.

“Why don’t you meet me at lunchtime today, let me text you the address and time,” she typed as she spoke, clearly needing to be somewhere shortly. “There you go. See you at 11:30 – do not be late.”

He watched her as she turned and walked away, but was interrupted by the vibrating of the phone. The message said ‘111 Christopher Street, 11:30 💋’ that was it. He put his phone in his pocket and briskly walked away – he had a train to catch uptown. As he stood on the platform for the R & W trains, he took out his phone to restart Spotify and noticed a notification from the same 973 number as the address before – it was a VCard. He clicked to add it to his contacts, just hoping it had some social media details included, but when it created a new entry in the address book, it was only a phone number and an entry name. His new contact had added itself to his phone under the name ‘my Mistress.’

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zrju6y/a_slippery_slope_part_1_romantic_bdsm_femdom_real


  1. Holy shitballs… this SCREAMS for an encore…😳😳😳 (and leather boots 🤭🤭)

  2. Oh lord. I will be checking the subreddit every day for updates to this story. I love it already.

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