[F] Comparing my pizza dough to my titties

So many stories about wild sex here! While I just want to let you know that I like making pizza for my friends. Before they come to my place, I prepare the dough so that we can later top the ingredients together. I usually make two or four pizza dough balls, size of a hands full only (I like my pizza base thin).

When the yeast was fresh and the dough rose well, the balls get so soft and full in my hands. I squeeze and fondle them a bit more than necessary. Then I always feel this urge to compare them to my breasts. I put the dough balls aside, reach under my top and bra, then I squeeze and fondle my thick titties for comparison. After that I get back to my dough balls, smash them on the kitchen table and and roll them out.

I wonder what other pizza chefs think when squeezing their dough.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zqlhul/f_comparing_my_pizza_dough_to_my_titties


  1. I do the same for my friends and often think about how they look like boob implants. I’m curious how yours compare…

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