An entity and me [M28] [F25] [Fantasy] [Bondage] [NonCon]

There was something in the house. I don’t know how I knew but I could feel it. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew I was not alone.
Slowly, I sat up in bed. I looked around, and listened for any signs of life.

There was nothing there. That’s it, I was going crazy.

I lay down again. After a few minutes, I started to relax. In fact, I felt a great sense of calm and weighted pressure. It was strange. I was starting to fall asleep, completely calm, when I felt a growing heat between my legs.

It was weird. Out of nowhere, this feeling of a mysterious weight on my chest and of a growing desire in my shorts.

I rolled onto my front. I still felt terrified but I knew I had to sleep.

Then I felt a breath on the back of my neck.

I couldn’t have imagined it. But when I turned around there was nowhere there. I felt scared, but the part between my thighs felt disappointed.

I lay again on my front and felt another, slow, breath on my neck, and more pressure , as if there was a force holding me there.

Then, when I turned and checked again, the force stopped. The breathing stopped. Everything stopped.

“I know you’re there.” I said. “What do you want with me?” I tried to stop my voice from trembling. This strange entity could be really here, in my room. As bizarre as it seemed, if there was really something here, I would be powerless against it. It could do anything it wanted.

Then I heard it. A strange whisper mixed with a growl


Now I was getting increasingly frightened. I lay down, and felt my body moving on its own.
I was being guided by this unknown force.
First, the heat between my legs increased. I began to feel a surge of arousal.

Then slowly, my arms drifted above my head, and once they were straight above me, I couldn’t pull them down. It was as if I was locked into place.

Now I was really scared. I looked out into the room, for some kind of sign of what was to come. I was wearing only my pyjama top and shorts, and reality was starting to dawn on me.

Then, there was nothing for what felt like years. I waited in anticipation. My arms stayed above my head and I continued to look out. I moved my legs and hips but it got me nowhere. I was stuck.

Then, I felt another force. It was like a hand on my thigh, moving up slowly. I didn’t know what to do.

“What are you doing?” I asked, as the hand stopped just shy of my shorts.

Then I heard a deep voice, clear as day.

“Whatever I want” it said.




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