Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Our First Threesome [MFF]

In between describing his personal experience with a multitude of different STDs as “The Talk”, my father did share one piece of advice that has stuck with me all these decades later: “Good sex is between your ears.”

If there is a sex act that titillates the imagination (though they all do), from the perspective of a heterosexual male, (or I guess a bisexual female), that would be the MFF threesome. If one pussy is amazing, then two pussies at the same time must be mind blowing. If you’re a woman who likes both dick and pussy, wouldn’t it be great to have both at the same time?

I was twenty years old, living in those blessed college years you can never fully appreciate at the time, and dating Rachel, who was also twenty years old, and fully committed to exploring with me all of the deprecations of sex and drugs that age and lifecycle stage offers. Rachel was confidently bisexual, having a handful of experiences with men and women, and she and I had been dating for what was at the time a shockingly long personal record for both of us at a year. She was the best friend that I had ever had, and was completely rewriting my personal book on love.

Our sex life was deeply exploratory, as we were still learning our kinks, inventing new fantasies and figuring out together what our bodies were for. One thing that Rachel and I shared was a deep mutual interest in bringing in another woman into our bedroom. Rachel was more interested in women than men in general, and I was a twenty year old male: as much as I loved her, I wanted to stick my dick in every vagina I could and jerked off to sticking it in plenty of vaginas that I couldn’t.

We made the democratic decision to try to get another woman to sleep with us as quickly as possible. This led to us exploring a number of very cringy and in retrospect stupid avenues to make that happen. As a man, getting a woman to fuck you under any circumstances takes a certain amount of effort or good fortune. Trying to get two women to fuck you at the same time does not take twice as much work, skill or luck. It takes like ten times that amount at a minimum. While sexuality in America is becoming more and more inclusive (and that social progress is one of the nicest things about being alive right now), and though it seemed like more women in college identified as bisexual than anything else, finding a woman who wanted to sleep with an established couple is no easy feat. There’s a reason why they’re called unicorns.

This is not, however, a story about dead ends on an idiot unicorn hunt. My major had one of those required classes that did not play to the strengths of the majority of people who would pick that major to begin with. It was one of those bottlenecks that everyone had to squeeze through in order to keep going. Fortunately, I had the dumb luck to be good enough on that subject that I ended up being recommended to tutor that class while I was still taking it.

Enter Emily. Emily was in my major, and while she was breezing through the rest of our required courses, she got caught in the bottleneck and I was helping her get through it. While Emily and I knew each other from classes before, and in freshman year she had given me a scalp massage while I was rolling on ecstasy because she’s just that type of lovely person, we kept everything above board and professional as we met in the library and worked through the material.Well, almost everything. I was on my unicorn hunt, and I heard a rumor that Emily had spontaneously participated in group sex with four other people, two women and two men. I did a bit of homework to try to confirm this rumor, but finally towards the end of the semester, I just decided to confront Emily about it. We’d worked through the material for that week, and I decided to take a chance.

“So, um, I heard this rumor…” I started.
“Uh-huh…” Emily said.
“That you had an experience with a few other people?”
Emily blushed, suddenly coy. “Yeah…”
“So it’s true?”
“Yes, it’s true.”
“What was that like?”
“Well, I was drinking with Anna, and we went over to Sam’s room, and then the next thing I know, Anna is eating my pussy, and things just sort of took off from there.”
“Wow. Was it fun?”
“Sort of?”
“Would you do it again?”
“That’s a good question. Maybe?”
I took a deep breath.
“So, Rachel and I have been trying to find a third.”
“Oh really?” Emily said.“Yeah, and I’m just not having any luck.”
“That’s surprising.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, you’re both attractive, and…” She blushed again.
“Would you be…” I trailed off, the question half-spoken and lingering.
Emily giggled. “Maybe? Hard to just say yes to that.”
“I get it.”

There was a pause, as both of us seemed to stare at each other for a moment in the quiet of the study room.
“Would you want to hang out with us?” I asked.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.”
We finished up and left the library.

I probably skipped all the way to Rachel’s room to tell her our latest and most promising lead in our unicorn hunt. Cut to that Friday, and Emily, Rachel and I are all drinking with a few other people. I was trying to turn on the charm with Emily and she was basking in it, but not letting me get anywhere. It wasn’t until Rachel started also giving her some attention, holding her hand, soft touches, and the occasional kiss on the cheek that Emily started to realize Rachel was also into it and started to reciprocate a bit. However, while Emily was extremely adventurous, she was not easy, and let the night end with Rachel and I going back to Rachel’s room without Emily. The night had been pretty crazy, with slap shots and other drinking games, but no threesome.

The next day, after the hangovers had subsided, the three of us met back up to hang out again. I think I asked Rachel and Emily what they wanted to do that night. Emily said something like, “Last night was pretty wild. I’m down to hang out again, but can we like just stay in Rachel’s room with a bottle of tequila?” Smelling opportunity, Rachel and I pretty much immediately agreed that was a great plan, and after a brief booze run, all three of us were back in Rachel’s room with a handle of shitty tequila.

Emily was sending mixed signals, like she might be down for this, but also seemed more interested in just getting blitzed on tequila and whatever happened was just what was going to happen. Rachel was always a shyer than I was, and sometimes struggled to initiate. I found a deck of cards and had the brilliant idea to suggest that the three of us play poker. Emily asked what we would gamble. I offered up strip poker. Rachel and Emily laughed, and Emily said she’d want to gamble shots of tequila before she’d be gambling her clothes. I said fine.

We start playing a few hands, and both girls are just betting shots of tequila. Fearing for my future performance, and wanting to get things moving in the direction I wanted them to, I kept trying to gamble their clothes, but they weren’t having it beyond getting rid of a hoodie or socks. It was pretty obvious to all of us that I had a lot more poker experience and was the only person who understood the rules to the game, and they were both smart enough that they weren’t going to let me use that advantage. So I did something a bit bold and counter-intuitive, and I started betting my own clothes and playing to lose.

Soon I lost my shirt and pants and was down to my boxers. That’s when Rachel decided to lose her pants, and Emily got down to jeans and a bra. Rachel lost her shirt in the next hand. We did a few hands of just betting shots while Rachel and I were in our underwear, and Emily had an advantage on us. That’s when I decided I may as well get naked and see what happened. I lost and stripped down to nothing. I pulled my boxers down, and while I wasn’t fully hard, I was sporting a decent chub. I sat back down and crossed my legs to hide my dick a bit, but I caught Emily trying to sneak a peek.Rachel, being a consummate team player, lost her bra and let us both get a peek at her pink nipples, before trying to cover up a bit. Emily decided at that point to lose her pants in the next hand, and stripped her jeans off to let us see the cream colored thong she was wearing. Emily laughed a bit nervously, and made some joke about hanging out in her underwear.

We switched back to gambling shots, though I couldn’t help but notice that Emily’s eyes kept wandering to my cock with a hungry look. Rachel lost her underwear, and Emily announced that she had won. I said no fair, there were still things to gamble, but it was clear that the game was effectively over and we could drop the pretense.

The three of us moved from sitting on the floor to sitting on the edge of Rachel’s bed, with Rachel on my left and Emily on my right. Rachel and I were both naked, and Emily was in her thong. My cock was getting harder, and it was clear that Emily liked what she saw. She was being less and less shy about staring, and I caught her staring intently while biting her lower lip.

“So, do we gamble sexual favors or-“ I started to ask, but Emily cut me off.
“You two should make out.” She instructed Rachel and I.
I turned to Rachel and she and I began kissing, with Emily next to us. I let my hands wander for a moment before Rachel broke off the kiss, and then she leaned around me, grabbed Emily and started kissing her. I let my left hand drift between Rachel’s legs and found her wet. I let my right hand slide to Emily’s thigh. She spread her legs in a clear invitation. I slid up against her thong and found it damp. Emily broke off the kiss just long enough to say, “You should take that off.” I grabbed the sides, and she lifted her butt to allow me to slide it off. I was now on my knees on the floor, Emily’s thong in my hand, while she and Rachel kissed sitting next to each other on the bed. Emily had closed her legs again, but I pushed my head forward and she spread them to let me see her for the first time.

If you’re the sort of person who takes the advice that “good sex is between your ears” to heart and would prefer to just imagine three people to your own liking, then you can skip these next three paragraphs, but if you’re curious and like descriptions of the participants, then allow me to paint brief pictures of the three of us.

Rachel’s coloration was strawberries and cream. Anything on her body that wasn’t a soft ivory was pink. She was on that edge between blonde and ginger, too pale to be truly red, but just a little too pink to be purely golden. Her hair was a beautiful cascade of thick strawberry blonde curls that was lovely push your fingers through, though her neatly trimmed bush was always a bit more gold than up top. Her body was tall for a woman at 5’8” or so, and healthily curvy, with wide hips, thick thighs and a deliciously full ass. Her breasts filled the hand nicely without overfilling it, and her nipples were a soft and delightful shade of pink that gradually got darker as playtime went on. She had big light blue eyes that seemed to see everything, and a wide and genuine smile that lit up her whole face when she found it. Her skin was soft and smooth, and she never got out of the shower without slathering herself head-to-toe in lotion. Her pussy was an innie, with big outer lips that covered everything up, though as she got aroused, her little flower petals would blossom pink, just peeking out from her labia majora, and get bigger and redder as she got more and more turned on. She was truly radiant on her best days.

Emily was much more petite and duskier. Her hair was shoulder length and straight, and couldn’t seem to decide if it was a dark brown or just black, with the occasional golden strand thrown in for good measure. Her eyes were a darker blue, and seemed perpetually upturned as if laughing at some secret, naughty joke. She was a master of the sultry look, and her face and body were home to constellations of light brown freckles. She was much more of a hard body, thin and tight and fit, with some impressive abs and little fat. Her breasts were smaller though she wasn’t flat chested, and she had big red nipples that let you know with certainty when they were hard. She kept her pubic hair trimmed short, it was black and straight and seemed to be pointing at her quim, which had full inner lips, jutting from smaller outer lips, the hood of her clit not managing to quite hide fully within them. Those lips would get darker, and open up as her body got more and more into the groove of things. Her skin was a little rougher, and clearly used to time out in the sun.

As for me, I was skinny-fit and lanky, about an inch into the nice side of six feet. I had shaggy brown hair and green eyes and was starting those first tentative experiments in growing a beard. Rachel always said my cock was gorgeous, and it was like a third leg and prehensile, so I use it to work the clutch whenever I’m driving a stick shift. That was a joke, it just seems like virtually every story here involves some clownishly large monster penis. Evolution distributed dicks on a bell curve because women wanted it that way. Anyways, my dick is circumcised, long enough that I have to be careful to not get overenthusiastic, thick enough that I always need to take my time working it in and evidently nice looking enough that Emily couldn’t stop eye-fucking it.

I buried my face between Emily’s thighs and put my lips around her pussy and sucked her labia gently. I heard her gasp and put her fingers into my hair. Rachel pushed Emily back onto the bed and kept kissing her, Rachel’s hands exploring the top half of Emily’s body while I held onto Emily’s hips.All too soon, it seemed like Emily was breaking the kiss with Rachel and pulling my hair slightly. I stopped and looked up.

“You two should fuck.” Emily told us. Rachel told her to move, and positioned Emily fully on the bed, her head on the pillow. Rachel moved down Emily’s body and began to eat her out, while bent over. Rachel’s beautiful ass was on full display, her pussy framed between her thighs, her inner lips now protruding and pink and very obviously wet. I didn’t need to be told twice.

I lined up behind Rachel, and she reached one hand back to grab at my thigh and pull me closer. I pushed inside her, sliding easily into her sopping wet twat. I grabbed Rachel’s hips and started slow fucking her as I gazed over her head to take in Emily’s body while Rachel devoured her cunt.My eyes found Emily’s, slit in pleasure and with a sultry grin on her face, and I felt the heat suddenly rise in my balls uncontrollably and out of nowhere I was pumping cum into Rachel before I could stop it.

“Oh fuck.” I muttered. I didn’t pull out, but my cock immediately starting wilting. Rachel stopped and looked back at me with the unspoken question plain across her face.
“Um” was the best I could manage.
Emily laughed, “Did you cum already?”
“Uh… yes.”
She laughed a little more, not cruelly or at me.
“I can’t see how you wouldn’t, seeing two beautiful women like this.”
“I’ll get it up again.” I offered.
“Yes you will, we’re not even close to done.”

I had probably masturbated to the thought of a threesome (or moresome, or like every-girl-in-my-class-at-oncesome) for the first time like a month into discovering masturbation, and that fantasy had only gotten more play when Rachel had first revealed that she was bisexual and wanted to have sex with more women. Masturbation, at least at that point in my life, was also very much a speed game. I’d primed the pump maybe a little too well with the years of fantasizing about this moment prior to it actually happening.

Have you ever attempted to will blood into your cock while in a room with two naked women like thirty seconds after you’ve just exploded in one of them? It doesn’t go well. Each passing moment turns into more dread and embarrassment. You rue every unwanted erection for the chance, to please, buddy, just get hard for me, right now? I promise I’ll treat you better.

“Wanna cuddle?” Rachel asked Emily. Emily nodded vigorously and Rachel crawled up to lay next to her. They shared a short and sweet kiss, and entangled in each other’s arms, and then Rachel turned to look at me expectantly. Before I could say anything, Emily asked, “Is that his cum leaking out of you onto me?”

I looked down, and Emily’s leg was between Rachel’s, and I could see my cum leaking out of Rachel and onto Emily.
“Yes.” Rachel said.
“That’s so fucking hot.” Said Emily, and kissed Rachel again.
“Is there room for one more?” I asked.
“Duh.” Said Rachel.I crawled in bed next to them. We lay there for a moment, all entangled, our hands wandering across each other. My cock lay dormant. After awhile, Rachel started tugging on him to no avail.

Slowly my impatience with my dick grew.
“I’m gonna grab a cigarette.”
“You do you.” Rachel said, and snuggled closer to Emily as I got up.

I grabbed Rachel’s bathrobe and went outside. I sat on the back steps up to the dorm and lit up. I stared down at my dick, feeling a sense of betrayal and thought about performance anxiety. I tried to just relax. I was just enjoying a smoke break in the middle of what was going to be a long evening, I told myself. Emily certainly didn’t seem in any hurry to leave, and Rachel seemed like she was having fun. They both seemed to like each other at least. I wonder what they’re doing while I’m gone. I started to imagine the two of them together, and I felt my cock twitch. Oh, that’s what it takes, you fickle bastard? I finished the cigarette and went back inside.

I came in, and Rachel and Emily were both on the bed, still naked and talking. I took the robe off, and crawled onto the foot of the bed.
“Ohh, glad he’s back.” Emily cooed, staring at my cock.
“Emily wants you to fuck her.” Rachel announced.
I turned to her. In all of our talk, we had actually discussed some limits and this was one of them. I looked at her for a moment, not asking, just waiting.
“And I want to watch.” Rachel added, and got out of the bed.
“Are you sure?” I asked, though my ears were damn near ringing with excitement and my cock was suddenly growing with every beat of my heart.
“Yes. Emily and I talked about it.”
“Okay.”I looked at Emily, who lay naked before me, that ‘fuck me please’ look beaming back at me. She slowly opened her legs and bent her knees, slowly revealing herself to me. Her vulva was as expressive as the rest of her, and beckoned as intently as the bit lip of her smirk. I crawled up and kissed her. She reached down and guided me into her. I slowly had to work it in.

“Fuck you’re tight.” I announced.
“Mmmmm” was all Emily said.
I looked over and Rachel was sitting in her dorm desk chair, playing with her clit with one hand and squeezing a tit with the other while watching us.
I pushed a little deeper into Emily, and she squirmed underneath me. I looked into her face, her eyes were closed, and she was breathing softly as I pushed a little further. She gripped me tightly, her muscles tense around the first half of my cock. I tried to push a little deeper, and she squeezed tighter, and I felt that sudden heat again in my balls. I pulled out quickly, and Emily gasped.

I took a minute to stare down at my cock, which twitched for a moment, just on that knife edge, and then settled back down.

“That was close. Jesus Christ, you are fucking tight.”
Emily gave that smile.
“You’re stretching me.” She turned to Rachel. “God, you’re lucky.”
“Even though I keep almost nutting?”
“Oh that’s super hot.” Emily said. “Like, I’d cum that quick too if I were you.”
“Uh, thanks?”
“Can he finish in me?” Emily asked. Rachel paused at that.
“Maybe. I’ll have to think about that.”
“Okay.” Emily said. “You’ve got two beautiful naked women in front of you. What have you wanted to see them do?”
“Yes. This is what college is for. I’m loving this.”
I turned to Rachel. She nodded. “We talked. You were gone for awhile.”
“Well, umm,” I felt my mind reel for a second. “Have you guys heard of scissoring?”
“No,” said Emily.
“What’s that?”
“It’s got a fancy name too, it’s, uh, tribadism?”
Emily still looked dumbfounded, but intensely curious to hear of an entirely new sex act.
Rachel said, “Wait, I get it,” and made a set of scissors with two fingers on each hand and then connected the two.
“Exactly!” I said.
“I still don’t get it.” Said Emily.
“Here, you lay down like this,” Rachel said, directing Emily, “and I go like this, and then we…”
Rachel had moved Emily onto her side and lifted one of her legs, and then crawled backwards between them. She pushed against Emily.
“Ohhh!” Said Emily. She grabbed onto Rachel’s leg and rolled her hips. Rachel started rolling hers at the same time.
“This is awkward.” Rachel said.
“I can’t really see anything.” I admitted.
“This isn’t doing anything for me.” Said Emily.
“Me neither.”
They stopped and disentangled.
“That was disappointing.” I said, “Not you guys,” I added quickly. “You two are amazing!”
“Yeah, real life isn’t porn.” Rachel said.
“It’s so disappointing!” Emily cried.

I looked over at the clock. It was painfully late.
“I could fuck again. I’ve got one left in me.”
“Me too.” Said Emily. Rachel just nodded.
“Want me to eat you out some more?” I asked Emily.
“Um, fuck yes, please.”
“Do you want to watch?” I asked Rachel. She nodded vigorously.
I got on the foot of the bed, Emily spread her legs, and Rachel assumed her perch on her desk chair, eyes wide.

There are times when cunnilingus deserves some soft and sweet build-up before the act begins. This was not one of those times.I snaked my arms around her legs, put my hands under her butt and lifted her up to my mouth and put my lips over her twat. I closed my eyes and let my tongue explore the complex folds of her delightful lips. I moved the tip around and felt her tense up as I ran between her hood and her lip, and flicked my tongue back over that spot. Her breathe caught her in throat and she let out a low moan as I did it again. And again.

I found the pace and she put one hand on the back of my head, telling me not to move, while her other hand scrabbled at the bed sheets. I slowly lowered her to the bed and brought my hands up to cup her breasts and gently play with her nipples.

I heard another moan, and turned slightly to see Rachel with one hand a blur over her clit, a nipple twisted sharply, and her mouth wide open in a silent scream.

“No, focus on me.” Emily said and guided me back to her clit. I found the spot and worked it with my tongue, and Emily purred in response.

While there’s nothing tedious about having a cunt in your mouth, sometimes good pussy eating means doing the same thing without any variation for as long as it takes. Anything else is just a distraction as she focuses on and pulls her orgasm from the ether. It builds up slowly, and she drops little bread crumbs to follow with her moans, her gasps, the slow bend of her whole body as her back arches, and clawing at the back of your head like a life raft in a boat fire.Emily gave me all of that and more before she just exploded, hips bucking, legs shaking and holding her breath before her body went limp, and letting out a long, “Oooohhhhh…”

“Fuck!” Rachel damn near shouted, and I turned to see her have her own shaking orgasm, her legs clamping shut with her hand locked between, her other fist slamming down on the top of her desk.

My cock spasmed in response. I looked at Emily. Her eyes were closed and a satiated smile was on her face. I looked at Rachel. She was still catching her breath. I watched her for a moment as she slowly regained her composure.
“Um, anyone want to fuck?”
Emily chuckled, her eyes still closed. Rachel burst into laughter. I looked at the clock again. Predictably, since that’s how time works, it was later.
“I wish you could sleep over.” I said to Emily.
“Oh!” She said, and sat up. “We can! I have a double and my roommate might be at her boyfriend’s. We could just put the mattresses on the floor and push them together.”
I looked over at Rachel.
“That’d be great!”

We discussed logistics for a second, and then got dressed. We made the not-quite-a-walk-of-shame and had a cigarette as we crossed the half-empty campus. It was late, but it wasn’t that late.
“Did I die?” I asked. “Is this heaven?”
Rachel hit me.
“Ow!” I said.
“See, you’re still alive.”
We got to Emily’s dorm room, and started setting up the bed.

I stripped down first again.
“So are we gonna?” I asked, like some hopeful puppy.
Both girls laughed. Emily looked at Rachel.
“I’m going to go brush my teeth. You two can do whatever you want.” Rachel grabbed her bag and left.

I got in the bed and watched Emily take her clothes off again, though I noticed she never bothered putting her bra or panties back on for the walk over. She crawled in next to me.
“You have the coolest girlfriend in the world.”
“I know.”
She pulled me on top of her, and we began working my cock into her. Again, she was tight, but the orgasm had her wet and willing. I pushed about halfway into her and stopped.
“When she said, ‘whatever you want’, do you think that means I can cum in you?”
“Please just assume it does and fuck me.”
I worked the rest of my cock into her, and let it sit for a second, feeling her muscles clench and relax around my length. I slowly started pulling back out and then pushed back in. She wrapped her arms around my back and cooed. I started fucking her slowly, but she said, “faster, harder” and I obliged. I reached my hands down to grab her ass and pull her into me and began to just pound away with abandon.
“Fucking give it to me.”
I pushed harder, and picked up the pace. Now I’m slamming into her, the mattress moving slowly across the floor and away from its partner.
“Fucking cum in me!” Emily demanded.

I felt something unlock in me, and I made those last pumps, focusing intently on how her pussy felt around my cock, and then exploded myself, pumping hot cum into her. She wrapped herself tighter around me, moaned, “fuuuuuuck” and had her own orgasm. I pulled out of her and rolled over.

I looked over at her, sweat on her forehead. I leaned over and gave her a kiss.
“Seriously dude, you have the best girlfriend ever.”
Rachel opened the door and walked in.
“I know, I’m awesome.” She announced. She stripped down and got in on my other side. Emily curled around me and I curled around Rachel.
“I love you.” I told her.
“I love you too.” She said back.
“You guys are the cutest.” Emily said.
“You should spoon her.” Rachel said.
We all rolled over. I took Emily in my arms and she snuggled in. Rachel wrapped her arms around me, and pulled close. She kissed the back of my neck.
“I love you.” She said.
“I love you too.” I told her back.
I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up mid-morning with a monster hangover. Emily was gone. Rachel was next to me, and looked profoundly unhappy.
“I feel like shit.”
“Me too.”
“Where’s Emily?”
“She had work study early.”
“Yes, she mentioned this last night, but I’m pretty sure all your blood was in your dick and you missed it.”
Rachel took a big gulp of water from a bottle she’d brought.
“I have the worst taste I have ever experienced in my mouth.” She announced.
We left and decided to go shower and change before getting breakfast, and then spent most of that Sunday sleeping off the tequila hangover.

That was the first of Rachel and I’s forays into the wonderful world of MFF threesomes, but not the last. Sadly, Emily ended up dating someone seriously or studying abroad for the rest of our time at college together, so while we stayed friendly, we never managed a repeat experience with her. It was always fun when Emily and I would have classes together and get to share a knowing look and a flirty smile whenever we’d do beginning of semester introductions.



  1. Great story, well written and engaging. I loved it. Please keep writing, you’re good at the craft.

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