[FM] I finally met my sensual massage muse

Buckle up for a ride. I, 33 F Dallas, have posted previously in different subs looking for regular sensual massages. I started this quest for sensual massages in summer 2022, after finding that a sensual massage felt like a safe and relaxing outlet to explore my sexual pleasure. You see, the punchline here is that, as a 33-year-old woman, I spent my entire life orgasm-deprived. I only discovered self-pleasure a little more than a year ago, and without a regular partner, I found that sensual massage gave me the opportunity to experience orgasms from partners—without the pressure or risk that can come with sex.

After posting in this sub, I had a couple of responses here and there, but significantly less than I expected, especially with living in a metro area the size of DFW. I spent hours and days and weeks searching various other subs and all over reddit hoping to find posts/usernames that would happen to link me to what I was looking for. One day in late July, I happened upon u/massagetravel08a profile. Which then sent me into his post history. I saw a recent post by him saying that he travels all over the world giving sensual massages to women. He listed a couple of cities he regularly travels to, and wouldn’t you know, Dallas was the last city listed on his list. I thought, what the hell, I’ll message him and see how it goes.

Now this man had an intimidatingly large post history, expansive travel footprint, and an undeniably robust sensual massage history. I had none of that. He seemed busy and I assumed it was probably pretty difficult to get attention in his inbox, but I messaged him and waited for a response.
He responded to me within 24 hours. And, contrary to the majority of my other reddit chat experiences, he sent me a very thoughtful and thorough response. He was gentle and genuine and I was caught off guard by this—so much so that I kind of blew him off in my response back. After he had clearly put a lot of thought into his response to me, we exchanged a few messages and I felt immediate connection with this man and it intimidated me, so I decided to play hard to get and I said something like, “I’m really busy. I’m going tor have to respond to you later.” To which he respected and allowed me to run off.

In the meantime, I went back to his profile and continued reading the scores of posts and success stories on his profile. He has an AMA post and one of the comments asks him if he’s ever been tempted to have sex with a woman he’s massaging (he has a strict no-sex policy) and he responded to the comment with, “Of course I’ve been tempted, a beautiful naked woman in my hands, who wouldn’t be?” and at that moment I knew that **I wanted to be the beautiful naked woman in his hands** and I wanted to be the woman he was writing about. I was mesmerized by his stories, and I knew the experience he was offering was something I desired, so I wrote him back.

When I reached back out, he and I got more basic “get to know you” stuff out of the way and shared some non-face photos of ourselves to each other. I distinctly remember biting my lip when his first NSFW photo came into our reddit chat. A handsomely real and athletic body flashed on my phone screen, approachable, but fucking sexy as hell. One of the first photos he sent me was a full backside of him. It was so hot to look at, and I loved the mystery of not knowing what his face looked like, that I ended up assigning that backside photo of his bare ass as his contact photo in my phone. (I would later end up loving that when he would text me, his toned bare ass would pop up on my Apple Watch. I especially loved when this would happen in social, and even better, professional settings, bringing me some secret arousal in a clearly non-deal setting.)

I shared with him a bit of my past complicated relationship with orgasms (or lack thereof). What felt very vulnerable (and possibly humiliating), he was very interested in hearing more about and talking through my previous experiences and hearing about my desires and what I wanted in a sensual massage.He offered to move our conversation out of reddit chat and into text. He had made it very clear with me upfront that not only does he have strict physical boundaries (no sex) for the massage (which I was good with, I’m also not looking for casual sex from sensual massage experiences) but that he prioritizes discretion and privacy (almost obsessively) over all. I agreed to this, but fully intended on learning as much as I could about him (and I have advanced FBI-style stalking skills, so challenge accepted).

What happened next was unexpected and unintentional (until it became very intentional). He and I started texting frequently, and then, eventually, we started spending hours on video chat. We got to where we were spending hours at a time naked together either through text or video chat. He offered for us to show our faces on video, but I was loving the mystery that a faceless connection was giving me. Our conversation began to develop and evolve as we became more interested in each other. We always kept a bit of a sexy, flirty, desire-driven tone to our conversations, but we began to talk about other things—our days, work, our pasts, laughing, commiserating, smiling, complaining, and of course, pleasuring.

During all this, both of us were still meeting up with different people from reddit for massage experiences. I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t bother me to see him post new success stories with other women. **I wanted it to be me**. I have no idea how many women he was communicating with (I still don’t) while he was simultaneously communicating with me, but he always made me feel like he wanted me the most. He always made me feel like it was just me. At the same time, I was having my own massage experiences—some better than others. I was always running a tight ship with my massage interactions—limited reciprocation, and very little (if any) connection to the other person, I couldn’t help but notice that his massage experiences always seemed more meaningful than mine. He and I were building an undeniable physical and emotional connection and I tried not to overthink if he was having this same type of connection with other women. There was more than one time when I told him about a recent massage experience and he responded with, “I wish it had been me,“ and, fuck, that just deepened my desire for him.

He is busy. Traveling all over the US and all over the world, but his demanding travel schedule was keeping him from making it to Dallas. And while I desperately wanted to have our time together, the wait bothered me less than I expected it would. I was getting something from him and our virtual connection that I didn’t know I wanted, and I was ok with the wait. And even though I wasn’t getting my physical time, he was still giving me a lot of time and attention and that meant a lot to me, because I began to realize how demanding his work was.

He and I would usually spend hours together either through text or video, or a mixture of both 1-3 times a week. Some weeks more than others and never more than a week would go by without hearing from him. Oftentimes, he would be on late night work calls (with people on other sides of the world so the timezones were wonky) and he would talk to me until the early morning hours until we pleasured ourselves to sleep while talking, sharing photos and audio. I was loving this adventure he was taking me on.

Months went by without me ever seeing his face. Our connection and my attraction toward him was so solidified that there was no way seeing his face would make me want him less. We had built truly blind chemistry and connection.

Since I’m new to orgasms, and on this journey of learning more about my pleasure, he and I spent a lot of time discussing this. He would ask me thought-provoking questions about my past sexual history that I’d never considered before. My conversations with him were helping me learn more about my body and process thoughts and feelings that I’d never done before.

Talking to him was also building my confidence. I was at a point in my life where I was feeling undesired by men, but he made me feel otherwise. During our conversations, he was always eager to receive a new photo of me, even though he’d seen my body dozens of times before. He often talked about his attraction toward natural female bodies, emphasis on natural. This made me feel like he was genuinely attracted to my body for how it was. It relieved some of the pressure from me trying to perfect every photo I sent to him. I figured, if this man— who has seen dozens of naked women in real life— can think I’m sexy, then I must be!

One day in October, in the middle of the day, he was on another continent, quarantining with covid, and he’s texting me. It was the middle of the day in the US and the middle of the night where he was. He asks if I want to video. I say yes. By now, we’ve spent hours on video, both chatting and getting each other off, but never showing our faces (but showing every other inch of our bodies!). I go to log in to join the video chat and the screen opens up with his face. He surprised me, and what a gratifying surprise it was. There, a handsome face to to go with the months-long desire we’d built up was staring back at me. I had been nervous about being face to face, but of course, we talked to each others’ faces with ease.

Around October I started to realize I had developed some very real feelings toward him. I was honest and shared this with him. He kept his emotions at an arm’s length. He didn’t reciprocate my feelings, but he listened to me and never made me feel dumb for being honest and sharing how I felt. On multiple occasions, I expressed a desire to meet up with him outside of the massage setting, and that I wanted to go on a date with him or that I wanted him “to have a drink with me” (we share the same cocktail of choice—an old fashioned).

We kept this cadence of communication all fall. But little by little he let me in on more about him, easing his guard down but still maintaining anonymity. All the while, it ever failed that every time he would text me, I would instantly get wet, bite my lip, and immediately fall into a state of desire where all I wanted to do was talk to him.

The week after Thanksgiving, we were texting during the middle of the weekday (a rare occasion). I reminded him that in addition to him massaging me, I wanted to massage him (I’ve been practicing!). And again, I mentioned my desire for him to have a drink with me. He reiterated that he heard me, but that it wasn’t going to happen. I told him I was persistent and I’d keep bugging him about it (in a flirty way).

Last Sunday evening, I’m sitting in my living room. I have cookies baking in the oven and I’m watching the season finale of Love is Blind 3 (yes, I’m aware of the irony here). Its about 8:30pm when I get a text from him that says, “hi.” This is a very typical first text from him and a very typical time in which he would text me. I respond and say hi back and ask if he’s on work calls. He responds with a photo of a very identifiable Dallas skyline landmark. I have never flown off my couch faster. He showed up in Dallas unannounced. He was here.

Months before, he asked me if I had thought about what clothes I wanted him to take off me. The idea of this began to consume me. I started asking my straight guy friends what their favorite kind of clothing on a woman was, and what they liked taking off a woman. I thought this subject to death for months, never quite being able to put my finger on what I wanted him to see me in, and then stand behind me unzipping. At the time of his text, I was actively thinking about this, but hadn’t quite decided, but figured I had time since he had assured me he would give me ample notice about his arrival. And then he didn’t. And I didn’t know what to wear. In a moment of panic following his text announcing his arrival, I reminded myself that he likes women in their natural state and he is attracted to me no matter what I wear, so I didn’t have to obsess over my outfit or how my hair and makeup looked. He wants me as I am. So, I shaved my legs and threw on a blue velvet mini dress with a matching bra and panty set (he had told me he liked matching sets).

30 minutes later, I’m in an Uber on my way to his hotel. My heart racing, my nerves flaring, my breaths deepening. The walk through the hotel lobby and elevator ride up to his floor felt like an out-of-body experience. I couldn’t believe this was happening and that I’d had no time to prepare myself. But, ready or not, this was happening.

He answers the door and greets me into his room. I walk into a suite with a living room and a separate bedroom. Take a wild guess what is sitting on the coffee table. None other than an old fashioned for him and and old fashioned for me. Clever man.

We sit and enjoy our drinks and chat for the first time in-person. My nerves are raging but he’s making it comfortable and its beginning to feel natural. We relive some of our interactions over the past 4.5 months and he reminds me that I tried to blow him off in the beginning. Ahh, but look at us now! Then, he leads me into the bedroom…

He goes to the bathroom to start the shower, and comes back into the room where I’m standing and he pulls me in for a deep, long kiss. God. I’d spent four months wanting that moment and it was finally mine. He spins me around and begins to unzip my velvet dress, sliding the straps off my shoulders, kissing the back of my neck as he’s going. I’m immediately wet. I want him. I turn back around and keep kissing him and start unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans. It is finally my turn.

I’d read in his success stories that he often showers before and after the massage with the woman. I was hesitant to agree to this because it felt extremely intimate to me, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted that level of intimacy with a “stranger on the internet” but as our conversation and connection grew, I knew I wanted the shower. I’d had other massage parters ask me if I wanted to shower with them and I told them no— I knew I wanted to save that first experience for him.

Naked, he leads me to the shower. He starts soaping and washing me. Holy shit. Have you ever done that? What an intimate act, washing someone. Touching every part of someone. It was in the shower that I thought, “I know this man, I’ve spent tens of dozens of hours with him for months. This feels comfortable.” I faced him, wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my naked body against his and settled into our kiss. This was happening. We’d spent so long relying on written and verbal communication that it felt so natural to finally just rely on physical communication in that moment.

After the shower and more kissing while standing damp and naked in the bedroom, he told me to lie on the bed, and he started the massage. We started with my head at the foot of the bed and him standing at the foot of the bed. He was already hard and my clit was already awake. Hell, he’d had me aroused for four months straight. He starts massaging my back with long strokes from my shoulders down to my ass and it takes me no time at all to grab his cock. How could I not? This is my time. I’ve waited for this. I lightly stroked him, occasionally lifting my head to give him some licks.

He moved onto the bed, straddling me and massaging my low back and ass. The whole time I could feel his hard cock pressing between my ass cheeks and I wanted him in that moment so badly. He began to play with anal stimulation as he already knew that I quite enjoy anal pleasure. He spent some time here and my breaths shallowed and quickened and I started to moan. We had discussed taking a photo of this moment, and I reminded him to take some photos—mostly for us, but we have decided to share one with you for your viewing pleasure (attached in his post).

I flip over. Honestly, this is where it gets a little blurry. I remember him sucking on my nipples and me saying, “that feels so good” because holy shit it did feel so fucking good, and him acknowledging it with a “yeah?” I remember him sitting at the head of the bed and spreading my legs, getting a full view of my soaking wet and swollen pussy. And then he continued to tease me, massaging my outer and inner labia, occasionally inserting a finger inside me, touching everything but my clit, and I was ready to start begging him to touch it. I wanted him to make me cum so bad. I had waited for months for him to make me cum. He moves from the head of the bed to my side. I look at him and practically beg for him to make me cum. My clit could not take the neglect any longer. He knew that’s what I wanted. He reached down and starts massaging my clit. I’m moaning with some volume, thrusting my pelvis toward him, head pushed back into the mattress, back arched, touch me more, more, right there, yes! There. Keep going. Oh my god, keep going, that feels so good. You are going to make me cum. I’m going to cum.

**I am the beautiful naked woman in his hands.**

A wave of pleasure rips though me. I knew that I had the capability of squirting, but it doesn’t happen every time. He was able to pull out maybe my best one yet. The release felt so intense and a rush of fluid started pouring out of me, he kept the stimulation constant, drawing out even more cum and even louder moans. He lets up stimulation and looks down at me, I open my eyes and look up at him, both of us stunned at how my body reacted to him.He lies down next to me, kisses me.
My turn. No chance this man is getting away from me without me getting to return the favor. I roll on top of him, kissing his torso down to his thighs. I take his cock in my mouth. Next thing I know, he rolls over onto his stomach and says, “nope, I want you to massage me first.” Gladly. I want to put my hands all over this body that I’ve lusted after and only seen through the view a camera lens for the last few months.

By now, it was pretty late in the evening. Time flies when you’re naked. I spent time massaging his entire body, admiring what was finally mine, even if it was just for a few hours. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, couldn’t keep my hands off him. His breathing was deep and relaxed. He flips over, and I couldn’t keep my hands off his hard cock any longer. I take him in my mouth and then I finish him off by stroking him to completion. He looks at me, satisfied. We cuddle briefly before he says, “Let’s shower before I fall asleep.”

We head to the shower for a final rinse off. He becomes playful. We start having a fun, natural, spirited conversation in the shower. We haven’t talked much up to this point, we were mostly letting our bodies do the talking. But the final shower, we joke, we laugh, we kiss, we press our naked bodies together. I am the beautiful naked woman in his hands.

We dry off and get dressed. I kiss him goodbye and Uber home. On cloud fucking nine.
I can’t wait to do it all over again, every single detail, each of our interactions, virtual and in-person, becoming more comfortable and more perfected with time.

This is obviously more than a massage experience for me, but it all started on reddit and the last four months of my life would’ve been very different, and significantly less fun if I’d never found him here.

*To the women* reading this who are in cities he’s traveling to and wondering if he’s a safe man to meet up with— one hundred times yes. He will treat you with respect and give you leg shaking pleasure. If you’re a woman in Dallas, then back off because when he’s here, he’s mine. ;)

*To the men* in (or traveling to) DFW interested in meeting for a massage—message me! I love meeting new people and I’ve had some good experiences.

*To the man* I’m writing about— I’m standing in front of the entire internet to ask you: Will you have another drink with me?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/znggy3/fm_i_finally_met_my_sensual_massage_muse


  1. Some posts on this sub are arousing, some are straight fantasy, but a rare few are something wholly different. Yours is one of the rare ones; arousing to be sure but also wholesome and affirming. Your journey to overcome societal repression, take ownership of your sexuality and sexual expression, and then seek out your own pleasure on your terms makes me very happy. I wish you many more happy, fulfilling encounters.

  2. As an ex-resident of and frequent traveler to Dallas myself, what “very identifiable Dallas skyline landmark” did he use? Reunion Tower? :)

  3. Wow. Very well written and sexy. I’ve had a fantasy to give an erotic massage to a stranger for the longest time, and I was just in Dallas. Great read.

  4. What a beautifully written story, erotic and sensual and exactly what you were looking for. The connection you established during the lead up led to an explosive encounter which is what we’re all looking for in life.

  5. This was an amazing story. Both sides of the tale are so interesting. Makes me want to explore this subject, would love to be able to give a woman this kind of experience. Makes me wish I was in Dallas again.

  6. Wow! This is the most beautifully written story I’ve seen on Reddit! Thank you for writing this!

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