Beggin’: A Short Story [Werewolf/MindControl/Transformation/ 26F and 27M]

Quinn reached the top of the hill and gulped down the late night air. She looked out over the valley, able to see pretty well in the full moons light. Two years ago she had started a tradition of making a hike up to this area once a year, to reflect everything she had to be thankful for. No flashlights, just her and her thoughts.

Quinn wasn’t really afraid of animals. The woods she was in didn’t gave anything bigger then a black bear, and those things were cowards anyway. In the worst case she had a small pistol at her side.

It was time to head back. She turned around and headed back down the trail. It had been a long year. Quinn was 26 just a couple months away from graduating with a masters in engineering. It had put a strain on her relationship with her boyfriend, but they had gotten through it.

A rustle in the pushed caused Quinn to jump. She laughed at herself before shouting and clapping her hands. That would scare off anything hiding in there.

Quinn took a few steps forward when something huge lumbered in front of her. It stood on two legs, hunched slightly forward and towered at least two feet above her. It’s yellow eyes glowed at her.

Quinn took a step back, her heart pounding. The beast put a hand up “Dont worry…I am a friend”

Quinn took another step back “I…I’m sure you are…” She needed to go for her gun. This thing, whatever it was, was not looking at her as a friend. His eyes(a quick glance down confirmed it was a he) showed desire for prey, not a friend. Those eyes were quite pretty however.

The beast hummed softly. “So distrustful. Are these the eyes of a killer?”

The yellow of his eyes seemed to be shifting. Gold to white to yellow again. Quinn was so fascinated by the shifting colors that she didn’t even notice the beast getting closer.

“So? Are they the eyes of a killer?”

Quinn continued to look into his eyes. They seemed so pleasent. Calm. “n-no…” she whispered.

The beast was right in front of her. Quinn almost took a step back again, but a smell hit her nose. It was…fantastic. It was like freshly cut wood and grass, sweaty and gritty all at the same time. It made her knees weak. It made her…

The beasts hand pressed against Quinn’s crotch, and her body sang in pleasure. Her body swayed, and the beast caught her in his arms. He growled, and tire her jeans away like paper. The cold air caused goosebumps to pop up all across her thighs. What the hell was going on? She should be terrified, but instead…

The beast chuckled “No resistance…Turn around and bend over for me.”

Quinn’s body obeyed. Her ass wiggled in the air like a whores. Her body trembled in excitment. Why? Why was she reduced to this-

The beast dug into his meal. His cock thrusted inside of her, and she squealed. Not screamed, not yelled, squealed. The pleasure was instant, and she forgot to resist. The beasts hands groped her breasts as he pulled her closer to him. She could feel his stomach against her back through her sweater, hot and sweaty and smelling delicious. Her hands grabbed at his neck, wrapping her arms around him like a years long lover.

His cock stretched Quinns pussy to its limits, but there wasn’t any pain. It felt like she was whole for the first time, the heat and the pulsing cock pumping pleasure throughout her soul.

She drooled into the dirt, panting and groaning with every thrust. She could hear the clap as his hips met her ass. That was her. Her body being violated. No, being dominated. And she was loving it. Her moans echoed back at her off of the hills.

The beasts panting got quicker, and his hands dug into her breasts. It hurt in the best kind of way. Just as his cock grew expanded, and exploded hot cum into her, his teeth sunk into her left arm. She didn’t notice the pain for a second, the cum in her womb became her entire world.

It pumped into Quinn, wave after wave, and she squealed again as her pussy clenched, and she orgasmed. She quivered in his grip, hips grinding for more, as her juices mixed with his cum.

Quinn passed out like that, still impaled on his wonderful cock.


Quinn sat up in her bed, drenched in sweat and completely naked. She looked around quickly. What the hell? When had she gotten back from her hike? Had that all been a runner’s high induced dream? It had felt so real so animalistic, so….


Quinn shook her head. She needed to get ready for the day. She walked to the shower, and noticed her left arm.

There was a scar. It looked like she had been bitten by some sort of dog.

Her breath quickened. It had been real. She’d been fucked in the dirt like a bitch in heat. And she’d loved it.

Goddamnit she needed a shower, she felt too hot and sweaty to be dealing with this. In fact, one place in particular was getting hotter. That wasn’t sweat in between her thighs.

Quinn jumped in the shower and started the water. She started washing her hair, and realized her hips were swaying back and forth the enture time. Her thighs kept rubbing together.

She tried to focus on her hair, but one hand kept drifting towards her clit. Images of the beast above her, behind her, below her, *inside* of her-

Quinn’s hands started mauling her body. Her fingers pumped in and out of her while her left hand pulled hard on her nipple. It wasn’t enough it wasn’t enough.

Quinn jumped out of the shower, soaking wet in a couple of ways, and made a run for her dildo collection. She had a few, and she needed all of them. Two five inches, one eight inches, and final 13 inch one that was supposed to be a joke gift.

She grabbed the biggest dildo and hovered above it. It disappeared into her pussy. For a moment, on the floor and filled, she thought it worked. But the need returned with a vengeance. She moved her hips up and down as fast as she good, growling as she searched for the climax she so desperately wanted.

It wasn’t enough. While continuing to fuck her self, she shoved both five inch dildos into her ass, and sucked on the eight inch one. She moaned onto it “More…More!”She bit the tip off of the eight inch dildo in frustration.

Wait, Quinn had a boyfriend. She could just call Vaughn. That’s what boyfriends were for, moments where artificial dicks weren’t enough.

It was 8 in the morning but Quinn didn’t care. She called Vaughn, and he answered after a few rings. “H-hey.. babe what’s up” he said still half asleep.

Quinn was still fucking her self. “I-I neeeeed you here…now” Quinn put the phone on speaker, and made sure he heard every moan, groan, and sound her body made.

Vaughn woke up more at that “Jesus alright I’m on my way”

It took far too long, but Vaughn arrived and knocked at her door. Quinn answered and yanked him inside by his shirt. “Goddamn” he said looking at the 13 inch dildo drenched in her juices “Did you actually us-”

Quinn pulled down at his pants. “Dick. Now.”

Vaughn smiled and quickly gave her what she wanted. Quinn shoved him to the ground, his pants and underwear still around his ankles. “Quinn wait, the doors not even-”

Quinn ignored him and impaled herself on his cock. It felt amazing. For just a moment.

Quinn growled in frustration. Useless man. She impaled herself again and again on his cock, sitting down with her full weight each time so that it would slam into her as hard as possible.

Vaughn groaned, holding tightly onto her hips. “Fucking…hell…what’s gotten…into you…?”

Quinns nails dug into his shoulders as she rode him. She shook her head. “I dont…I don’t know. I just need to fuck and fuck and fuck!”

To Vaughns credit, he matched her energy. He thrusted up into her at the same speed as her, and slapped her ass so hard it left a red hand shaped mark wherever he did it.

It was almost there, but not quite. And Vaughn only had so much stamina. Soon he came. Filling her with cum that felt so disappointing.

Quinn shook him by the shoulders “No no NO!”

She ran outside, ignoring Vaughns yells. She needed that beast, and she needed him now.


Quinn ran through the woods. Where was he where was he. Her body felt so *empty*.

She finally reached the point where she had first met that God like beast. The dirt showed signs of a struggle, and there was even some dried semen in the dirt.

Quinn fell to her hands and knees. She whined loudly as her ass wiggled in the air with need. It was so unfair. Why had he blessed her just to go away and abandon her!

She didn’t know how long she had waited there, but she fell asleep. Quinn finally woke up to someone sniffing her body up and down. She looked up and gasped in joy. The beast had returned for her!

The beast grinned down. “So the transformation is almost complete? I’m surprised you took to it so quickly”

Quinn nodded and jumped into his arms. She breathed in his scent, oh god his *scent*! That alone was more satisfying then a hundred Vaughn’s. “Yes yes, im yours I’m yours” she meant it, she never wanted to be away from him again.

The beast laughed and pulled her closer, his cock pressing against her belly. “You’ll make a wonderful mate” without another word he picked her up, and placed her onto of his dick. The tip teased against her folds, which twitched with need.

Quinn nodded rapidly. Her hands grabbed at the beasts fur. “Put it in please, fuck me silly fuck me inside out pump me full of babies until I’m coughing up cum, just *do it now*!”

The beast almost dropped her onto his dick. It slid into her, and the world clicked into place. Quinns legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms around his next. His tongue entered her mouth and she gladly sucked on it. It filled her mouth and throat, and she couldn’t stop swallowing it.

Her pussy was being stretched again to its max, and her womb was being filled with precum. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that her arms were covered in fur. Quinn couldn’t even care, her tail wagged back and forth as her pussy was pumped full of the beasts cock again and again.

Quinn howled at the sky as she came, and the beast did the same. Their howls harmonized as hot cum filled Quinns womb.

She hugged the beast close, and imagined how excited she would be to name her new puppies.

