(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Dare

Sorry for the delay!! It has been crazy busy past couple of weeks.

These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a couple of months ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 39 here

**Part 40 is below**

Eric opened the car door and stepped out. He was about to walk away when he reached back through the window and said

*Eric – “On second thoughts it seems that you are in a bit of a daring mood.”*

*Me – (Grinning) – “Am I now, baby?”*

*Eric (Smiling) – “Oh yes you are. Give me a kiss, Pallavi.”*

I reached through the window and kissed him deeply on his lips.

*Eric – “Come let us go.”*

*Me (Confused tone) – “Go where?”*

*Eric – “Drop me off till the security gate.”*

My grin on my face changed to one of shock at what he daring me to do. There were some obvious cum stains on my dress where I could still feel his wet cum still seeping through. It was also a fairly low cut dress which meant it probably would attract a lot of attention from everyone at the airport. The only saving grace was that the red dress kind of hid the stains fairly well, unless someone looked at it pretty closely. I was caught in two minds – on one hand it was pretty risky, but on the other hand it definitely had the dare factor to it and I hated backing away from one.

*Eric (Smiling) – “Coming, Pallavi?”*

I convinced myself that the stains were not that obvious and I could be in and out so quickly that I would not be noticed at all.

*Me – (Taking a deep breath) – “Yes. I am coming.”*

I reached out to the box of tissues in order to wipe away the cum shots that were on my face, neck and arms that were not hidden by the dress.

*Eric (Softly) – “I did not ask to clean up. Did I?”*

*Me (Complete Shock) – “WHAT? Are you serious?”*

*Eric – (Grinning) – “Well it is not much of a dare if you wipe it away. Is it now, Pallavi?”*

*Me – “I cannot go out like this in public with your cum visibly on my body.”*

*Eric (Taunting me) – “Guess you are that daring after all, Pallavi”*

One thing I really hated was backing away from a dare, but this really was a tough one. I could not believe what he was daring me to do. I really had to make a quick decision since by this time we had been parked for a while in the loading zone and it was causing a bit of a traffic jam. I could already see the cop heading towards our car. *’Shit! Shit! Shit’* I thought to myself as I was running out of time.

*Eric – “Let me sweeten the deal, If you do this, I will do something you ask me to do on Sunday.”*

*Me (Muttering to myself) – “You evil bastard.”*

I was torn between the two alternatives. The honking of the other cars were getting louder, causing a ruckus. Without thinking it through, I just quickly stepped out of the car into full public view. Eric was shocked as he did not expect me to actually do it.

*Eric – “Oh my god, Pallavi. You actually did it.”*

Eric stood there gawking at me as my hubby slowly pulled away from the curb. As I saw the departing car, it hit me that there was nowhere to hide now and I had to go through with the dare.

*Me (Muttering) – “Stop staring. Let us go.”*

I quickly walked into the airport with Eric following behind me. My whole body felt alive and was shivering with a combination of fear and excitement. My heart was beating wildly that it felt like it might literally jump out of my chest. I tried to stare straight ahead and avoid any eye-contact with anybody else. I was just praying that nobody would stop or say something. I could already feel a million eyes on me. My low cut party dress was so out of place at the airport, people could not help but notice. Most of the people noticed the party dress, then a few of them noticed the stains and Eric’s cum on my body. I could easily make out the people who noticed the cum on my body by the shocked look on their faces. A couple of them wanted to say something, but I quickly walked past them before they could say anything.

*Eric (Whispering) – “You look so hot, wearing my cum on your body, Pallavi.”*

Hearing him say that made me pretty wet. I cursed softly and tried to keep a brisk pace and we were soon at the security gates.

*Me – “Good we are here.”*

*Eric – “Unbelievable. You actually did it. You are crazy.”*

*Me – (Smiling weakly) – “Just remember what you promised. I will show you how crazy I am on Sunday.”*

I kissed him as he left to enter the security line. I turned back and started walking back quickly avoiding all the eyes staring at my cum stained body. I was almost near the entrance, I texted my hubby asking him for his location. He texted back he was still circling and should be there in less than 5 minutes. I hid behind a pillar as I waited for the minutes to tick by. My hubby then texted that he was arriving at the spot where I got dropped off. I could see my hubby approaching as I quickly ran out of the door and stood at the open curb.

As luck would have it some other car, some Uber driver cut him off and took that spot. *’Damn it’* I thought to myself. It was too late to run anywhere. The car door opened and a young shapely brunette stepped out. I stood frozen at my spot, unable to move as we both stared at each other. The shocked look on her face eventually gave way to a knowing smile on her lips.

*Brunette – “Nice dress.”*

*Me – (Stuttering) – “Thank…Thank you.”*

The brunette babe grabbed her bags from the car as she stepped past me.

*Brunette – “Nice makeup too.”*

*Me – (Smiling) – “Thanks, I guess.”*

The other car pulled away and my hubby took the spot and opened the door. I waved to her and quickly stepped into the car and closed the door. As we drove away, I heaved a sigh of relief as I collapsed in the back seat of the car. The back of the car was a mess. At this point this car really needed a very deep cleaning.

*Hubby – “Do you know her? I hope not.”*

*Me – “No. She is a stranger. She complimented my ‘makeup’.”*

*Hubby – “Haha. Ok. Wow. I still could not believe it when you stepped out of the car.”*

*Me – “I still cannot believe it either. I just did it without really thinking of the consequences. Luckily nothing untoward happened.”*

*Hubby – “Are we still doing dinner or do take out?”*

*Me – “We can go for dinner. I think I can carry off the dress. I am going to clean up Eric’s jizz that is on my body.”*

We drove in silence as I pulled out a wad of tissues and proceeded to clean up. I suddenly remembered something.

*Me – “Babe, I am sorry. I kind of did not ask you beforehand about inviting him back on Sunday night.”*

*Hubby – “Oh it is fine. No problem.”*

*Me – “I know I promised the other day that you will be the first one to experience things with me. Sorry I ended up doing this dare with Eric first rather than you.”*

*Hubby – “Babe it is ok. Don’t worry about it. (Laughing) Anyways if it were mine then the few drops would hardly be noticeable.”*

*Me – “Haha. Nonetheless, I will make it up to you.”*

By this time we had reached the dinner spot. I fixed my make up in the car. and then confidently walked into the restaurant without caring much about the stains on the dress. We ordered some wine and my hubby poured me a generous helping of it. I began feeling a little amorous and lightheaded with the wine and started playing footsie with my hubby under the table.

*Hubby – (Grinning) – “Looks like someone is in a playful mood.”*

*Me (Sticking my tongue out) – “You do realize I am not wearing anything under this dress.”*

*Hubby – “Damn! I forgot about the fact that your big black lover stole your panties.”*

I playfully spread my legs apart as my hubby did a quick sneak peek under the table to check out my sopping wet cunt. I kept having more of the wine and by dessert time I was pretty drunk. The sun was just about to set when we settled the check and got back to the car.

*Me (In a husky voice) – “How about we take the long way home?”*

The long way home was this long scenic semi rural road through the hills which usually had much less traffic compared to the freeway. The last time we took it we ended up stopping at a small park where my hubby fucked my brains out. My hubby smiled and started heading towards the road.

The combination of the wine and actually doing that dare left me in a state of happy high. I was feeling extremely frisky. My hubby did not even have to ask me, when I tugged off one of the straps of my dress and exposed my breast and started playing with the nipple. My hubby eyes went wide with surprise as I tugged the other strap as well exposing both my boobs. My dress was soon bunched at my waist and I spread my legs and started gently rubbing my pussy.

*Hubby – “Are we stopping at the park?”*

*Me (Soft husky voice) – “If you want to, baby.”*

By the time we pulled into the park, the sun had set, but it was still twilight and not completely dark. There did not appear to be any other cars in the parking lot.

*Hubby – “Are you sure? It is not completely dark yet.”*

I was still drunk from both the wine and the high of doing that dare. My response to his question was stepping out of the car in my semi undressed state and walking unsteadily on those heels to the front of the car. I then danced slowly, gyrating my hips and touching my tits as my hubby watched me from inside the car. I then turned around and bent over as I slowly worked that dress down my legs. It was pretty hot knowing that somebody could drive in anytime and see my naked body. I spread the dress on the bonnet of the car as I continued to dance for him for a couple of minutes. I walked over to the driver’s side and reached inside and kissed my hubby.

*Me – “I will be at the bench, baby.”*

I then walked away shimmying my ass towards that bench where we had fucked last time. I looked like a naked slutty porn star as I got up on the bench on all fours as I waited for my hubby. I saw him come over as he bent over and licked my sopping wet pussy. He soon had me heaving and panting with his delightfully skillful tongue which felt so good. Honestly his tongue action was so much better than Eric. I was in a mood for some ass play.

*Me – (Moaning) – “Lick my ass baby.”*

His tongue immediately switched to licking my asshole and I could feel his tongue probing and entering my pulsing butthole. I looked back to see my hubby’s face buried between my ass cheeks as his roving tongue probed and ravaged my sensitive ass. I wanted him real badly.

*Me – “Take my ass baby.”*

*Hubby – “We do not have any lube.”*

*Me – (Moaning) – “Just spread my cheeks and spit in it. That should be enough. I will be ok. I need you now.”*

My hubby did not appear to be too convinced as he was afraid of hurting me.

*Me – “Go get my purse from the car. It has a few things that might work as a lube.”*

My hubby quickly ran to the car and came back with my purse. He had a look of consternation on his face.

*Hubby – “I am not sure, but it seemed like there was another car entering the parking lot.”*

I was too far aroused to even care anymore.

*Me – “I don’t care. Just fuck my ass.”*

My hubby quickly opened my purse and found a skin lotion that might do the job. He applied a little of the cold lotion to my asshole making me flinch. I heard the sound of his zipper and his hard dick against my butthole. With a quick thrust he pushed himself into my ass. I let out a guttural moan as my lotioned-up asshole happily accepted his much more manageable sized dick when compared to Eric’s monster cock. He put his hand on my mouth to silence my screams as he started thrusting into my ass. I bit and sucked on his fingers as he hammered into me and he actually lasted longer than I anticipated. He eventually came with a groan and I could feel his warm cum flooding my asshole. Honestly I was hoping someone would walk in on us like the other day.

*Hubby – “Wait here. I will go check it out if the coast is clear.”*

*Me (Following him) – “I think it should be fine. The car might have gone by now.”*

We went quietly a little closer to the parking lot and my hubby was right. There was another car parked right next to ours. There was a guy who was standing outside smoking a cigarette. He must have probably pulled over to have a smoke. He was looking over at our car which still had my red dress spread across the bonnet. There was no way we were going to our car without being spotted by him.

*Hubby (Softly) – “Let us wait. Maybe he will go away after that cigarette.”*

It was much darker than when we had arrived, but it was still bright thanks to the full moon. We waited as both of us watched him smoke, still lost in his thoughts and staring at the dress. He was ethnically ambiguous; he seemed to have white, black, hispanic and maybe some asian features. It was also pretty difficult to guess his age, but he was probably in his late twenties. He was actually quite handsome in a rugged sort of a way. He finished his cigarette, but appeared to be in no hurry to leave as he pulled out another one.

*Hubby (Softly) – “He is not leaving. Let me go get that dress. He will know what we have been up to, but we can leave quickly.”*

*Me – “Give it another minute.”*

I was sure he must have been wondering what that dress was doing there and where the owner of the dress was. I was curious if he would touch that dress. I watched him intently as he took a quick look around and then went closer to study the dress. His hands reached out to touch the dress, but he hesitated and drew them back.

*Hubby – “Ok I better go now and get it now, before he takes it or something.”*

*Me (Holding him back) – “Wait.”*

We watched a little longer as curiosity finally got the better of him and he put his hands on the dress. I smiled to myself as he got a little bolder and took the dress of the car and held it up to take a better look.

*Me (Whispering) – “Let us go now.”*

*Hubby – “What?”*

*Me – “It is fine. He looks harmless. I am sure he wants to see the owner of the dress.”*

Before my hubby could do or say anything, I left our hiding place and started walking towards the car. My hubby cursed softly and followed me and then overtook me and walked in front of me. The guy had our back to us looking at the dress intently. He had the shock of his life when he heard my hubby loudly say *”Hello”*. He appeared totally flustered and dropped the lit cigarette on the dress, burning a little hole through it. He tried to say something, but the words left his mouth when he saw my naked form come into view from behind my hubby.

*Guy – “Oh! Wow!”*

He had this deep, rich, sexy voice which made my pussy a little wet.

*Me – (pointing to the dress) – “Can I have my dress back?”*

*Guy – (Noticing the hole in the dress ) – “I am really sorry. I accidently seemed to have burnt it. I..I…can buy a new one.”*

My hubby wanted to leave as soon as possible, but I wanted to hear more of that silky smooth voice, so I kept up the conversation.

Me – “No worries. It is not that expensive. I suppose you must have been wondering what that dress was doing there and what the owner of the dress looked like.”

*Guy – “Indeed I was.”*

I took the dress from him, but did not make any move to wear it.

*Me – (Smiling) – “And am I doing your imagination justice?”*

*Guy (Relaxing) – “I have to apologize. My imagination did not do you justice. You are way more gorgeous than I could have possibly imagined.”*

He was even more handsome up close with his nice smile and deep brown eyes. He definitely was a charmer with his sexy voice and easy demeanour – A total panty dropper, not that I had any panties to drop. . I felt confident enough to introduce myself.

*Me – “Haha. Thank you. I am Pallavi by the way.”*

*Guy – “Definitely nice to meet you. Is that an Indian name? I am Jim (Name Changed)”*

*Me – “Yes, it is an Indian name. Nice to meet you too.”*

*Jim – “I suppose I do not have to ask you what you guys were doing back there. Watching the sunset right?”*

*Me (Giggling) – “Lol. Yes we were watching the sunset, though I kind of missed it because my husband here fucking me in the ass.”*

*Jim – “Woah! Damn! I should come by a little sooner then.”*

*Me (Giggling like a teenager) – “I will inform you the next time we are here.”*

*Jim – “Hope you do not mind me smoking.”*

*Me – “Not at all.”*

He offered my hubby a cigarette. My hubby politely refused as he does not smoke at all. I smoke on occasion, but it is very rare.

*Me – “Are you not going to offer me one?”*

*Jim – “Oops sorry. Where are my manners? Would the beautiful lady want one?”*

I took one from Jim and leaned towards him as he lit the cigarette. Standing there in the park, naked, smoking, listening to Jim’s sexy voice was actually a pretty exhilarating experience. In the mood I was in I would have sucked his dick if he had asked me to. It was a missed opportunity for him as the cigarette got over and we got into our car.

*Jim – “Bye guys. It was nice talking to you. Stay in touch?*

I hesitated and wavered. If he asked my pussy she definitely would have wanted to be touched with that mouth from which that sexy voice came out.

*Me – “How about we do this? You give me your number and maybe I will call you.”*

Jim took out a visiting card from his pocket and handed it to me.

*Me – “Real estate agent eh?”*

*Jim – “Yeah I am a real estate agent. I was just heading home after doing some final setup for a house showing in this xyz neighborhood.”*

*Me – “Oh, We live in that neighborhood.”*

*Jim -“Cool. It is a beautiful neighborhood. We are having an open house this weekend, maybe one more next weekend.”*

*Me – “Bye Jim. Good luck. Maybe our paths will cross soon. (Winking) See you around, maybe even at the open house.”*

We got into the car and drove away. I discarded the dress to the back of the car.

*Hubby – “What was that about?”*

*Me – “At this point, do I really need to wear that dress?”*

*Hubby – “No, I meant you just walking out and chatting up with Jim, completely naked.”*

*Me – “Oh, that. I guess I was just in one of those moods. But oh my god, his voice is so amazing. I just can’t get enough of it.”*

*Hubby (Winking) – “Just his voice, eh?”*

*Me – (Smiling) -“I was feeling kind of similar to how I was feeling when I met Eric. So you better watch out.”*

*Hubby – “You are going to call him…”*

*Me – (Winking) – “Only time will tell.”*

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zmfssr/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_dare