Miz Majesty gets Conned 2 M30/F25 Mdom NC superheroine peril

Miz Majesty descended to the rooftop to meet the convention organizers and facility managers. In a world where any superpowered being was treated as a celebrity, imitations were inevitable. Rather than waste time trying to establish credentials, as if there was some sort of driver’s licence category for godlike superbeing, she felt it best to arrive in such a fashion as to get all questions out of the way up front. Not to mention terrify the handsy little men who looked upon what little fabric of her armour was left after sufficient spatial compression to make it dense enough to survive her use, and got bad ideas.

She descended from heaven, like the goddess she was. She could have landed silently and without any fanfare, but that would accomplish nothing. Instead she allowed her body to glow with the brilliance of another sun in the sky, a golden aura around her white clad form as she descended like the sun given form. Settling onto the earth with the grace of a falling rose petal, her breasts heaved as she sighed at the usual rapture her arrival had caused in the audience of six men and a woman. She allowed the electromagnetic power of her eyes to bleed into static discharge as her hair raised in a halo. Her eyes leaked living lightning as she scanned the whole of the building at full power, looking for any traps or intentionally shielded areas.

Satisfied that the convention hall was just that, a convention hall in the middle of preparation for the largest science fiction and comic convention in North America, Wyvern Con, Miz Majesty stepped forward to greet her hosts, red half cape flapping behind as she prepared to begin her infiltration mission.

“Greetings. I am Miz Majestic. I have seen the same thing you have. Doctor Degrader has promised to appear in the convention with the intention of demonstrating his heroine breaking devices. As you know, several heroines have succumbed to him in the past. What you do not know is that those who were not permanently and organically superhuman did not survive the experience. Only I have the power to be unaffected by his devices. If merely mortal women like those that attend these conventions, were to be mistaken for the real heroines and submit to any of his torments thinking them nothing but convention cosplay games, the consequences would be both literally and legally catastrophic.”

The truth was they were all fine, the ones that broke retired as heroines and became sex professionals due to Doctor Degrader induced submissive nymphomania with a humiliation kink. It wasn’t magical or technical, it wasn’t forced. It was the effect of his having them long enough to train their body to break their own mind with pleasure. Those reward loops were something the broken chose to reenforce for themselves until there was no mind left at all. Some heroines recovered, some did not. Those whose bodies were artificially enhanced through magical or technical means just had bodies more powerful than the minds that rode them. This made them the Doctors rightful prey. Miz Majesty was different. Her mind was as superior as her body.

The woman in front pushed back the glasses that made her look more like Velma than many who cosplayed her gulped and pushed forward an “All Access” Wyverncon badge.

“Here Miz Majesty ma’am. With this you can go anywhere, skip any lineup, and if you push the tab on the back security will answer and accept any orders for information, evacuation or lockdown that you need to give. This convention is the most important one for our community, not just locally, but nationally. We can’t afford any costly legal issues, nor can we take any chances with our convention goers lives.”

Miz Majesty smiled. This was going to go so smoothly.

Doctor Degrader looked at his armour modifications. Some of the stuff the slash lit writers had suggested was too good not to include, even if some of it were totally unworkable.

The use of the sonic hyperwave inducers from his thunderpunch gauntlets as a vibrator was one that terrified him. I mean, he used those to shatter bank vaults and stone walls. The sonics in them were designed to allow him to punch someone like Miz Majesty and put her down. It flattened Savage Steel, put that metal skinned muscle head into the hospital for six weeks when he responded to a trap set for Miz Majestic. Sure the guy could bench press an Abrams tank, but he was no Miz Majestic. He even knocked her down with them.

Doctor Degrader smiled, growing hard remembering her on her knees before him. Then blanched remembering how she put an uppercut into his junk that put him in the hospital until Savage Steel got out. Yes, that much power in a vibrator could turn an woman’s insides into paste, rather than bring her to orgasm. He could make it work though, he would have to use the palm induction buffers to step the power down to something only twice as powerful as the top of the line commercial models, but with his tactical computer and biometrics to analyze responses and tailor pulse cycles and intensity to maximize victims pleasure. Honestly, he could set it on “terminal edge” and literally take a woman to the edge a thousand times, stopping just as she thought she was going to get over this time.

He would give a kidney to have the real Miz Majesty at his mercy like that, but lets face it, she would just crush his gauntlets if he tried, like she did every time.

Doctor Degrader snarled, remembering his “great idea” with the palm buffers synergistic loop power siphon/nerve induction. The idea was that when Miz Majesty grabbed his hands with hers. locking fingers together to test her god like strength against his best body armour, he could use her power to induce nerve pain in her hands so she would have to stop before pinning and binding him for arrest (again). Instead, it worked too well and she spasmed her hands into fists in surprise, with his hands in them. Six months it took in rehab before he could even jack off again, let alone type enough to program his computers for the next armour version.

Still, maybe he could rig them to siphon power from the target and use it to stimulate pleasure nerves? I mean he wouldn’t even have to adjust it. Young strong fit women would have more power, and get more stimulated. Less physically able women would get less bang for the buck, but he wouldn’t put a horny grandmother with a heart condition into cardiac arrest just with a little nipple play or a quick finger bang in either door. He was fully hard now, just thinking about it. I mean, Doctor Degrader loved shiny young innocent girls as much as the next guy, but watching a proud Congresswoman, CEO, or military officer screaming in pleasure and begging to serve him and his minions as sexual playthings was WHY he became a supervillain.

What was it that Hucow21 had asked for on the slash lit site again? Ah yes, a milking machine for Miz Majesty’s giant class jugs. Why not couple that with the pleasure siphon/induction his palms would have. He bet he could actually tune them to induce lactation if he let them cycle for a few minutes. I mean they would cycle the pleasure up to a point the particpants would have to have a safe button to press if it got too much, but some of these women would be brave enough to stand up to as it cycled high enough to be squirting from two nipples and slut hole both! Gods but he loved his community.

Honestly if he went legit he would be a legal billionaire. He did this because he loved breaking powerful women, giving them pleasure that broke their brains and left them begging to be used by him and anyone he designated. What man could turn that down for simple riches and fame? That was trash. Breaking powerful women was better than drugs, glory or riches. Miz Majesty was a living goddess, and if he can’t have her, at least he can spend a weekend in a convention filled with perverts just like himself who loved the sacred mystery of a goddess on her knees, a domina in chains, a queen covered in cum. Freaky geeks, nyppho nerds, men and women, young and old, all races, these were his people. Sure Miz Majesty thought he needed therapy, but she needed a good lay. At least the women he had his way with left satisfied.

He looked upon his epic device. It was going to be the centerpiece of his Wyvern Con After Dark Degradation Dungeon. It could hold four heroines, Miz Majesty in the center, three heroines bound, one to her left, one to her right, and one beneath her. She would be suspended for full access to front and back, both helpless and maximally displayed. He had put up a sign in sheet with time slots available and it was looking like he would have to limit the slots to half hour a piece as there was so much interest from the female and transfemmes in being bound either as Miz Majesty cosplayers, or as other heroines bound in character with her.

The males playing either heroes or villains all had their choices for targets. Miz Majesty, Batbrat, Night Panther, Amazing Amazon, and a dozen others. The times each were scheduled to be bound in the device would be posted so sign ups would match tormentor to target with maximum satisfaction for all. The women signing up were often proud professional feminists, intelligent and capable women whose very strength of mind allowed them to embrace their sexual needs to make their fantasy real for a night. They had courage Miz Majestic could never understand. They were sexual deviants, sure, but they lived their truth. They took the risk of public shame to be real and true, even if only for one night. He loved these people.

Society was fake, morality was a mask for greed and justification for control by a system more corrupt than he ever could be. He rejected it. Rejected false morality and the desire for wealth and status that was supposed to be the goal of power.

Money was fake, cum was real.

He was going to bring his people to a paradise of sexual bliss undreamed of by the gods themselves. Plus, there was a good chance he could get an autograph from Julie Newmar. Her Catgirl had changed his sexuality when he was in grade school

No, for once in his supervillain career, this was not about Miz Majesty. This was about geeks letting their freak flag fly, and a good time being had by all.

This was going to go so smoothly.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zlrsmy/miz_majesty_gets_conned_2_m30f25_mdom_nc