[MF] [Sex Club] [Public] [Kink] Sam’s First Sex Club

For those who like this subreddit for sexy details, this probably isn’t the story for you. For those who enjoy honest stories about sex and what it can be like in a sex club, this is for you. Sex at the end.

Sam and I kept in touch after [my time in her city](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xuwfux/mf_becoming_sams_sex_sensei_her_words_kinkbdsm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and as luck would have it, we had some overlap on a trip to Europe. She arrived in the small European capital I was staying in, loaded with all the things she would need for her lengthy trip through the continent. She dropped her bags, and while our embrace and kiss indicated we both wanted to fall into bed and fuck, we decided a wander and some food would suffice. I had some worry that the energy and chemistry we shared in her hometown might have been lost, a one time thing, but when the night ended with a fist full of hair as I fucked her from behind, I had a feeling this would be a fun trip.

I made sure to bring my favorite impact implements this time, as well as a recently acquired njoy Pure Wand that I purchased after the resounding positive reviews by the folks at my local sex shop. Sam was a fan of the Pure Wand from the first time we used it. The first few times, as I started to hear the sloshing of fluids build up, she would grab my hand to stop, worried that she was going to pee. After some re-assurance, and a few experiences she was gushing all over our AirBnB’s bed.

As we searched for new experiences together, we found a local sex club with good reviews (all the bad ones were men who were mad they were turned away to keep numbers in check). We dolled ourselves up and wandered over to this corner bar with all the windows covered with vinyl signs. We rang the door bell and were greeted gruffly by a man with a thick accent. He gave us the run down, explained the pricing and the rules, and made it very clear that if anyone did not respect a “no”, to find him and he would kick them out. It turned out he was the door man, the bartender, and the enforcer, and while it meant service could be slow at times, he did a pretty good job fulfilling all the duties. We walked in and saw what I have normally seen in these sorts of scenes, a number of couples huddled to themselves like a middle school dance, and a couple of extroverts chatting up strangers. It was early in the evening, and despite how pedestrian it all felt, the bar was full. The things that stood out most for me were the wide range of ages, how few single men there were (rare for it not being a couples-only night), and the handful of trans people there. The few sex clubs I have been to have been very hetero and cis normative. It was refreshing.

Sam and I sat at the bar at the only two open seats, ordered our drinks, and started chatting with the couple next to us. “First time here?” I ask, as they had the wide stare of a deer caught in headlights, “No, we go to these often in our home country.” They were actually from the same country as Sam and we made the normal small talk with them. While their English seemed perfect, they were not too chatty, so we took our drinks for a walk.

As we were getting ready to get up, I could feel a set of eyes staring at me from the far end of the bar. As I got up, I noticed someone in my periphery get up as well, fixated in our direction, like a target. They followed very close behind us, but as we rounded the bar to check out the adjoining room, that person began talking to someone else, so I thought maybe I was imagining it. A few minutes later that person, I’ll call them Kris, walks up to us and asks us if we’re enjoying ourselves. Kris was tall and slender, with feminine features and hair down to the middle of their back. Hair follicles barely showed on their face, and they were free from body hair under their rainbow colored see-through top. We would later discover, though not in a fun, story-worthy way, they were quite well-endowed.

We engaged for far too long with Kris, mainly because I couldn’t think of a good exit, and Kris was doing all the talking. We were basically repeating “uh huh”, and other acknowledging phrases, but it was painful. Kris was either intoxicated by something, or had been awake for far too long, as their eyes never opened past half way, and they talked in slow slurs. The conversation was quite melancholy at times, but mainly just boring. What was bothering me the most, though, was that I could see another cute couple eyeing us from afar, and at one point stood in our orbit, looking like they wanted to talk, but they didn’t care to interrupt. The couple finally gave up, and eventually we escaped Kris and continued our exploration.

The bar (Room A) sat maybe 20-30 people and took up a vast majority of the entrance room. Along the long wall on one side, there were dark booths to lounge in. The short wall where we entered from had lockers where we put out stuff, and the next long wall opened into a room of about the same size (Room B). Running along two of the walls was an uninterrupted booth for people to sit and watch what was built into the other walls – a few stripper poles, a bed or two, a cage, and a nice ladder of bars running up a section of wall where one could be tied up in various positions. Downstairs was a dimly lit dungeon with various benches with stirrups, a sex swing, a Saint Andrew’s Cross, a few rooms, a glory hole, a queen-sized bed, and a large bed that could easily fit three couples, four to five if they were friendly.

Downstairs was pretty tame, given the dungeon atmosphere. There was one couple making out on the very large bed and a few of us casually watching. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the woman from the couple on her knees in the corner and realize she is using the glory hole. A few minutes later, I see her partner emerge and help her up, as they walk back upstairs with giddy smiles on their face. I got a complete kick out of this. These two were the most vanilla looking people, exactly who you would see lined up at a tourist attraction line near you. Sam and I continued watching downstairs for a while and then headed back up.

A few more couples had come in, and the glory hole couple were now the most relaxed looking couple in the joint. Sam and I grabbed drinks and went to the adjoining room where we sat on the bench on the wall and watched a couple pole dance for one another. The woman had some experience, and her partner was a good sport on trying to learn from her, she was really into his display. Around this time, a man walked in with his sub and they took my attention for the next while. She was naked and following every order, they looked to have pretty strict protocols, which was super hot to me. He tied her up, and had his way with her, having a really great impact and sensation scene. She looked at absolute peace, their connection was electric. I spoke with the Dom later and complimented them on their dynamic, he said they had been together three years. It showed.

In the middle of their scene, Kris approached me from the side while I was entrances in the scene and asked “what’s your orientation?” I was struck by this, because for one, I was clearly fixed on what was going on, and two – I don’t know how anyone could have experienced our interaction and think I was interested in them. I glanced away from the scene and said “I’m straight”, to which they responded “Bummer. You’re cute.” And then awkwardly stood by me for a while.

The Dom and their sub took a smoke break, so Sam and I went downstairs to see what was going on. There were two couples playing separately on the giant bed while a number of us watched and admired. In a world where many of our only references to sex is porn, it was so humanizing to watch really normal people indulge in pleasure with one another. With normal penises that aren’t the size of a small woman’s forearm, that sometimes perform, and sometimes get a little shy, and a focus on each other, rather than how they may look.

As the action started to build in the basement, Sam leaned her weight back into me as we watched. Her right hand found the back of my neck, while her left embraced my hand on her stomach. My right hand lightly roamed her body while she gyrated into me. She was enchanted by everything going on around us. Two couples were going at it on the big bed, one woman blowing her partner, while the other couple was busy slowly stripping and dry humping while they made out. In the room next to us, a woman was dropping to her knees to blow her partner. They were by far the youngest and most conventionally attractive in the place, but also the most mechanical. They were cute, but the chemistry of the couples on the bed was palpable and kept all of our attention. As they moved through positions and eventually moved on, a place opened up on the big bed.

“Care to mess around?” I asked Sam.

She looked up at me and excitedly nodded. “I don’t know if I want to have sex tonight, though…”

“Thanks for letting me know your boundaries!” I said with a big smile as I led her to the bed.

She laid back on the black mattress, and I hiked up her skirt to start slowly teasing my way down to her pussy. I slowly worked my fingers inside of her and sucked on her clit while she laid back and moaned. As pleasure began to build, I felt this presence behind me. I paused to look around and found one of the two single men in the club, a middle-aged man in jeans, t-shirt, and baseball hat, with his hand down his pants, stroking himself. What a guy, just making sure he’s ready in case I desperately need a man to tap in. I glare at him while I continue to play with Sam and then focus back on her. After about 30 seconds I still feel his presence, and so I ask him to step back and give me a space. He looks at me confused, like I asked him to leave the room, but he complies and I feel comfortable again and get back to what I was enjoying. A while later, the other single man, a younger man in jeans and a button down – also stroking himself for the tag in – is standing a little too close to my left, but it just took our eyes meeting for him to move to a more comfortable distance.

With boundaries set, I could finally start enjoying myself like Sam was. After Sam reached climax, hunger in her eyes, she told me to lay down. I swapped places, with her, and she climbed up on the bed, fishnet covered ass and pussy up in the air for everyone to admire, and she started to pull down my pants and stroke and blow my flaccid penis with the enthusiasm that I had grown to appreciate. Unfortunately, my penis decided not to cooperate then, so I ran my fingers down her cheek, she made eye contact with me, and I motioned with my head for her to lay next to me. We just chilled and chatted quietly between ourselves while the small group of people realized we were done for the time being and dispersed.

We sorted ourselves and headed upstairs to find most people in Room B. The Dom/sub couple were having a fun impact scene, and there were a few people having fun on the stripper poles. The long bench along the wall was now full of people. Some couples having sex, others just grinding on one another with clothes on. There were a dozen or so people just having a great time, some apart of the scene, others completely in their own world. Sam and I took in everything, but were mainly transfixed on the impact scene going on.

At some point Kris appeared to the right of me. “I took my pants off” they said. Sam and I just sort of nodded and went back to watching the impact scene. While the evening was far from over, Sam and I decided our time was done and headed back to the AirBnB. We may have channeled that energy into sex when we got home, we may have passed out. The trip feels like a bit of a blur at this point. One kinky, indulgent, sexy blur.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zm3afy/mf_sex_club_public_kink_sams_first_sex_club