I [f] fucked my best friend [m] on Christmas

I’ve been friends with Jordan since the second grade. In fact we’re best friends. The only issue is that we went to different colleges. I hadn’t seen him for two years before this happened. What “this” is, is something that we’ll get into soon.

Of course we called and texted but I hadn’t seen what he looked like as he’s a private person with no social media and we never got around to facetiming or never saw the point in it. From what I remembered at the time he was a scrawny 5 foot 8 awkward little boy with messy black hair, thick glasses, some acne, and a wardrobe that consisted of mainly neon colored gym clothes even after significant effort I put into trying to take him to the mall. What I saw when I came over to his family’s home for Christmas blew me away.
I arrived at Jordan’s parents’ beautiful home in the suburbs(daddy’s money) full of anxiety as I was fifteen minutes late as usual. The modern style architecture smothered in Christmas lights stuck out like a sore thumb among all the boring old classic suburban homes, also smothered in Christmas lights. I rushed to the front door tripping over the thick layer of snow and gave two brief knocks before impatiently walking in.

I had spent just as much of my childhood in this home as I had in my own allowing me to open the door so hastily despite my modest nature. After opening the door my senses were overloaded, the warmth inside in contrast to the cold outside, the smell of Christmas food and Christmas candles, and the burning fireplace, The sounds of friendly cheering from Jordan’s family, and the view of all the beautiful decorations and familiar faces that greeted me as I opened the door. I rushed to hug Jordan’s mother as she was closest to me and she told me to go say hi to Jordan in his room and I obliged making my way to the stairs while saying my quickest hello’s to the rest of the family. After making it upstairs in a hurry I swung his door open just as impatiently and enthusiastically as the door to the house and that’s when I saw him, rushing to sit up from his position on his back reading my jaw dropped.

He dropped his book as a smile formed on his face, he always had a nice smile, his abs tensed from the effort of sitting up which is also when I put together that he was shirtless wearing only pajama pants, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach as he flicked his still messy beautiful black hair off of his face revealing his gorgeous green eyes. When he stood up he rushed to hug me but stopped when he saw my expression. I was stunned in awe. I couldn’t move, he was at least six foot three he was hot….. extremely hot.
“Hi,” he said in a questioning tone, finally breaking the silence.
“What the fuck happened to you!” I said maybe a little too loud.
He giggled “I have no idea what you’re talking about”
“Don’t fuck with me, why do you look like a greek god!” I hoped no one heard that. I also hoped that didn’t come off weird.
“You know, yoga a little raw milk” He’s always so sarcastic. I hate that.
He finally hugged me. I could feel him towering over me as he did so. I felt his muscles wrap around me effortlessly, crushing lungs. He finally let go after hearing my labored gasps for air. He giggled again.
“You don’t look too bad yourself” he looked me up and down.
“Go get dressed. I’m going to go say hi to everyone” I said adding copious amounts of disgust into my voice.
“You don’t want to watch” He said showering in his own self confidence.
I left without answering. God he really does think he’s hilarious.
I went back downstairs to find everyone sitting at the table visibly waiting for us. Jordan’s family didn’t believe too strictly in tradition so when Jordan finally came downstairs wearing a t-shirt this time we got straight to eating. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at him during the meal. I won’t bore you with every conversation that happens at the dinner table, so I’ll skip to the movie we watched after.
The entire family sat down on the couch to watch some Christmas movies. Me and Jordan snuggled under a blanket, his parents were on the opposite end of the couch, and his brother was sent to bed as he’s young and it was late. About an hour into the movie Jordan lightly ran his fingernails along my thigh. I gasped and he heard me. I know he did. I’ve always been a sucker for that sort of thing. The tingles when someone lightly runs their hands along your body.
“I don’t know what they’re doing to you at NYU but you’ve changed” he whispered.
I didn’t answer. I think he noticed me blushing because he then began running his hand long my inner thigh. Going a little higher each time. The feeling got more intense the higher up he went. After a while he got a little too high.
“Hey, your parents are here. Calm down” I whispered.
“I could say the same to you” He said with the utmost confidence.
“Fuck you” I whispered at inncredible voulme/
Of course, he was right. I looked over at his parents. They were both half asleep. I started to think of a way to get out of this situation but I was interrupted. He touched… it. I gasped and moaned and quieted myself all at the same tim. I looked at him and he looked back. He began taking broad strokes at my pussy. Dragging two of his fingers from top all the way back to the bottom and back again through my shorts guessing at where my pussy was. He guessed correctly.

He looked so confident like everything was going according to his plan. He didn’t break eye contact. I got flustered and looked back at the movie . I heard him chuckle. Even through my shorts and panties it felt incredible. The truth is I’ve had a massive crush on Jordan for years, I could see past his glasses and acne and neon clothes to who he really was. He was sweet and caring and smart but now he was hot and skilled. I felt my pleasure slowly start to build with my anxiety of his parents seeing us. After a short while I had already grown bored of his broad creepily accurate movements. I wanted more. Luckily ever perceptive Jordan stuck his hand under my shorts. I moaned.I prayed his parents didn’t hear me. He went back to his stubborn up and down movements only now with only one layer of clothing between my pussy and his fingers.
“Shhhhhh” he whispered sarcastically.
“Fuck you” I shouted as quietly as I could.
He smiled and started going faster. Fuck I hate that guy. God his smile is so pretty. I pretended to be angry. He smiled harder. I started growing numb to the passage of time as his fingers dragged along my pussy. I felt as if my anxiety was slowly replaced with my slow growing sensitivity. I once again wanted more and he once again knew without me saying anything. He slowly pulled down my panties and I looked at him and he looked back as if to ask for consent to which I nodded. He preemptively covered my mouth. I tried to take his hand off my face but before I could feel his fingers on my clit with nothing in between them. I tried to moan but his hand was covering my mouth. I thought he would continue his up and down motions but instead he kept his fingers there, moving in circles around my clit. I couldn’t tell him to stop if I wanted to. Not long after I was getting close. I had completely forgotten about his parents and the movie. As I got closer and closer to orgasm he went faster and faster until I was about a second away from the best orgasm of my life, but then he stopped.

The arrogant little bastard stopped. Once I was done recovering from Jordans little game I hit him. I did as hard as I could in the stomach. He groaned at the pain I looked over at his parents, sound asleep. I put my clothes back on and practically ripped him out his spot on the couch and all the way up to his room. he complied following me with that same stupid smile on his face. We ran all the way back up to his room and I swung open the door just as I had earlier that day.

I turned to him and tried to think of something to say but before I even finished turning he had shut the door and grabbed me by my throat and had started kissing me. I had never had a kiss like this. He moved his hand from my throat to the back of my neck and his other to my waist and pressed me against the wall. His tongue effortlessly danced with mine he pulled my waist into him. I told him to take his shirt off and he obliged. I did the same and then I saw him, shirtless in the dimmed lights of his room panting, horny, and staring at me with those god damned green eyes. He slowly walked towards me and finally when we were mere inches apart he picked me up and placed me on the edge of the bed, spread my legs and kneeled in between them.

He looked up at me with that same look from before and I nodded again to give my consent. God I almost came right there. Seeing him shirtless on his knees looking up at me from between my legs with those eyes. Fuck those eyes. He slowly pulled down my shorts, keeping eye contact the whole time. I watched as Jordan broke eye contact and lowered himself until his face was mere millimeters from my pussy before looking back to me and smirking. He stuck his tongue out and I watched in anticipation as he sat there unflinchingly. Teasing me. I couldn’t take it anymore, I pressed his face against me forcing his tongue against my wet pussy. I was enveloped in pleasure as his tongue finally made contact with my clit even through my underwear. I was so sensitive from when he edged me earlier, my mind went blank and I pressed harder causing me to feel even better which made me moan louder which is precisely when Jordan broke free from my grip, stood up and once again covered my mouth. He keeps fucking doing that. I’m starting to like it.
“Be quiet” He whispers in my ear after letting go of mouth.
“Go back down” I said between labored breaths trying to sound scary.
He chuckled and walked away towards his closet.
“Where the fuck are you going” I said hiding my anguish from being let down twice.
He ignored me and opened his closet reaching for a belt. I gulped quickly running through the possible scenarios in my head. He approached me slowly.
“Hands behind your back” he said in a creepily friendly tone.
“No” I was trying to sound confident.
His expression changed. I expected him to laugh but he looked so serious. He was right in front of me now towering over me with his new found height before bending over and lifting my chin so that I was facing. He kissed me briefly.
“All or nothhing” He whispered directly into my ear, holding my chin even higher now. I’m pretty sure I let out a noise to try and protest but he had already grabbed one of my hands and was making his way behind me. I was far too flustered to respond. He grabbed my other hand. I resisted but he was too strong. He wrapped the belt around and in between my wrists and tightened. I had never felt this feeling before. The tightening of the belt sent a wave of unfamiliar pleasure up my arms through to my neck and breasts then down to my increasingly neglected clit and thighs immediately followed by a feeling of release sinking into my restrained state, letting go. Jordan faced me once again admiring his work. I tried to avoid eye contact. He kissed me again, for longer this time. Without me noticing he had unhooked my bra and once again stepped back to admire me wearing nothing but soaked underwear.
“ We’re doing this my way.” He said confidently.
I couldn’t think of anything to say. He once again knelt between my legs without saying anything and once again made eye contact. He slowly licked high up my inner thigh. I winced at the unfamiliar sensation. I watched as his face slowly approached my pussy. He was moving as slow as he possibly could, most likely to tease me. It was working. He finally stuck his tongue out and finally he licked me of his own volition. He did so as lightly as he possibly could. I moaned. More quietly than I did before in hopes that he wouldn’t stop again. I was in ecstasy. I felt as every nerve he touched with his tongue sent signals of pleasure to my brain. He continued his up and down motions with his tongue as lightly as he could. I felt as my breathing get heavier and the pleasure I was feeling get more intense but I was once again interrupted by Jordan’s teasing. He had stopped… again.
“Fuck you.” I said with all the effort I could muster while wrestling with my restraints.
He looked me in the eyes and smirked once more as he reached for the straps of my underwear. He pulled them down slowly. He likes to take his fucking time. I gasped as I felt my panties get unstuck from my pussy which was wetter than I had noticed. I felt him watching as the panties became unstuck. I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed but I was promptly reassured by him once again licking me as lightly as he could. His bare tongue on my pussy with nothing in between felt incredible. I was once again creeping my way back to the edge of climax. I knew that he knew. I could no longer hold myself up. I fell to my back Writhing in pleasure, legs shaking, moaning with ever reducing inhibition and then that little shit stopped. I wasn’t angry this time, I only felt helpless.
“Please” I said, swallowing my pride using all the breath I had left.
I felt something heavy mount the mattress, I knew it was him. He kissed me. Hard. He sat up when I noticed he was sitting on my stomach, he was heavy, it was painful and he did it on purpose.
“Please what?” He said with the pure intention of pissing me off. It worked.
“Fuck you.” I said struggling with his weight on me.
“I won’t give you what you don’t ask for.”
God he’s so fucking cocky. He got off me and off the bed and went back to his place kneeling between my thighs.
“Please what?” he said, letting me know exactly where he was.
“Please let me cum.” I surrendered the rest of my pride with that request.
I sensed his smile. The next thing I felt was his lips around my clit and then his tongue. I felt him create a light suction and start licking in circles around and on it. I was on the edge within seconds. This time he didn’t stop. I finally went over the edge, my legs shook, I moaned at the top of my lungs, I struggled against the belt that kept my arms bound, my stomach tensed but most of all I had never felt that good in my life. Wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through my entire body. My entire body was hot, my lungs empty. I expected the pleasure to slow but the orgasm continued and Jordan hadn’t stopped licking all of a sudden I became light headed and the world went black.
I woke up fully clothed in Jordan’s bed. I opened my eyes to look for him as I didn’t feel his presence in the bed. I found him sitting on the floor with his back against the wall on the opposite side of the room. He looked just as I had left him wearing only his pajama pants. I invited him into bed with me to cuddle and he agreed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zm3vkt/i_f_fucked_my_best_friend_m_on_christmas


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