[FF] I reclaimed a strange, sexy Christmas gift

So, I’ve given many sexy gifts for the holidays in my years being a sex maniac/slut. My first xmas gift to my husband after we started dating was a set of butt plugs, another year a strap-on set, another year an attachment for the hitachi for him. I’ve also got a slave that I tend to always get something new and sexy to wear. Christmas might be a “Christian” holiday, but that certainly doesn’t stop me from being a sex freak.

But the item that has the best story was instead, a gift I received. Warning, this one is both naughty and happy/sad at the same time:

The holidays two years ago were as you all know…not a good time. It was peak COVID and all the normal holiday fun was cancelled. Instead of the normal parties and celebrations, we all sat in our homes watching the world seemingly burn, or freeze I guess. Joy.

In reaction to this bleak moment, my friends decided the best course of action was to distract ourselves with retail therapy. Most years we do a secret santa type gift exchange so that we all don’t have to spend too much, but that year we decided “Fuck it. We can’t go out, so let’s buy each other a whole bunch of shit.” There was no spending limit, no rules. Just buy as much as you wanted for everyone.

After all our packages came in, we dropped them off on each other’s porches and did a videocall for the unwrapping. Most of my friends have shopping addictions, so we all had a lot to unwrap. It was now my turn to unwrap my best friend’s gift which was a single, smallish, rectangular box. Too big for jewelry, too small for clothing, not the right shape or size to be a game. What could this be? (I bet some of you can already guess…)

Anyway, I unwrap the box and hold up for the entire videocall to see… a striped rainbow dildo…

Everyone broke out into laugher of course. They all know I’m a deviant and we are pretty open about sex stuff, so it wasn’t embarrassing to me or anything. But honestly, this thing was ridiculous looking. It was a nice brand’s pride edition dildo and I love me anything rainbow (both for aesthetic and I gotta gay up the place whenever I can), but this thing looked like something from a clown kink porn.

Of course, there were many jokes had at my and the dildo’s expense. But I finished up the chatter about the gift by saying to my best friend, “You think it’s funny now, but this thing is coming for you. I’m gonna fuck you with it.”

Some backstory. My best friend and I have fooled around off and on over the years. She’s actually been a key figure in some of the other stories I’ve posted. We’ve done a lot of weird, kinky shit together, so me fucking her with that rainbow cock was not anything outside the realm of possibility. I saw it as only a matter of time.

So, I started teasing her with it. Sending sexy photos of me posing with it. Displaying it prominently in my home on what I call my “gay shrine.” And in general, just reminding her that I was going fuck her with that crazy, colorful dick in due time.

But as luck would have it, that freaky sex encounter I thought would only be around the corner seemed less and less likely as time passed. Over the next year I got my heartbroken and went through a bit of identity crisis… I disconnected from my slut stuff for a bit. And after I started feeling better, she got distracted by work and by a new boy.

More time passed, and the rainbow dildo sat there in its box, collecting dust. Since I had made all those jokes and promises, it seemed odd to use it with another partner. I had plenty of opportunities once I’d turned slut mode back on. But I’d been saving the first use for us to be silly together. Fuck. This dumb dildo had somehow become sentimental.

By the time this past Spring rolled around, it had been sitting in that box waiting for a year and a half to be used for it’s intended sex purposes. And then, shit really hit the fan…

She decided to move to another state and go become a first time mom with the new boy.

As you can imagine, I was crushed. All of our friends of 20+ years still lived in the same city together. And she was leaving to do the mom thing with someone I didn’t even know. All my abandonment issues were brought to the forefront of my mind. I questioned the meaning of life and the depth of my relationships. I had to grieve a person who was still alive in a lot of ways. Everywhere in my home I looked I saw her and our shared memories. Even in that fucking rainbow dildo…

It got dark there for a bit, but I’d been doing a lot of work on myself in the past couple of years. So, I pushed through it with a little time and more work. By around the end of summertime I was feeling myself again and pretty happy with my life.

And then, I met Natasha.

For those who read my most recent story on this sub, you’ll know exactly who this is. Certified freak, 7 days a week, mid 20’s beauty of queer femme perfection. My last story was lagged a bit on the posting part…So, timeline wise, she and I met at the end of August and having been having all sorts of sex and fun partying it up since then. But the thing that surprised me the most about her, was just how fucking compatible we were. Sex awesome, spending other time together, also awesome…

Now, slightly more backstory. I have been openly bi and poly for some years now, but one thing that has eluded me is an official romantic relationship with another woman that had mutual love. I’ve fallen for many in 1-sided situations. Or was in situations that just couldn’t turn into a relationship. Or just faced some sort of impediment. I’d just come to accept that while I may fool around and date a lot of women, the loving girlfriend reality might never happen to me. I’d just have to be an big slut and use that extra free time to indulge that part of me to the max.

But, this girl was different. I could feel myself falling even before we made the “official” proclamation. I was being careful, but I just couldn’t help it. Once I accepted it had happened, I lived in anxiety for a bit. I’d just gone through a lot. I’d lost that day to day relationship with my closest female companion. What would another round of heartbreak do to me if she never ended up feeling the way I felt about her. I thought she did, but I’ve been down to road to disappointment too many times to not question things.

So, one night we are hanging out, just chilling in my bed snuggling and chatting about all the weird sex stuff we wanted to do (this is a common topic for us) and sex toys.

“Yeah, there’s a few different toys in my bad of sexy shit I haven’t used yet,” I said. Ok, well I might have a shopping addiction too, but its really just for sex toys…

The bag was open slightly and off to the side of the room. By chance, the rainbow cock was poking out of it.

“Have you used that one yet?” She asked referring to that colorful monstrosity.

“Hah, no. Best Friend gave me that. I haven’t gotten a chance to use it yet.” Not really going into the extent of my odd attachment to this penis-shaped piece of silicon. She knew I went/was going through it with my friend’s departure, but that was all.

“It looks like a clown penis. Clown pp.” She giggled. She was 100% right. It did. “I want to use it.”

Ok, even more backstory. She’s kind of got a morbid curiosity surrounding clowns. And she’s a weirdo and into doing strange, demented sex shit. It made sense for her to want to fuck me/be fucked with the clown pp.

After thinking for a bit, I responded, “Yeah, we should use it!” I needed to give in at some point, my plan for that thing was highly, highly unlikely to ever happen at this point. I was a perfectly good sex toy, and I had a partner who appreciated how bizarre it was.

She got excited and we started making out. Got a bit distracted by it. As much of a ho as I am, I love kissing…a lot. It got intimate.

At this point, that pull to tell her I loved her had been nawing at me for a while and was getting harder and harder to ignore. It was going to come out some point soon, there was no avoiding it. I also wanted to do it before “sex” began so it didn’t seem like just a reaction to a fantastic fuck. And things were headed that direction. And it was that day, for whatever reason, that I didn’t feel afraid anymore.

So, I pulled her in close, and put my lips to her ear and whispered, “I love you.”

It felt so good to let it out. This was the moment of truth, but I felt nothing but calm.

Without time for me to even possibly get in my head about it though, she responded, “I love you too.”

She loved me too <3

That elusive moment was here, and I couldn’t wish for a better person to share it with. This wacky, wonderful, sexy, freak.

The next half hour or so we kissed, we talked, we cried. We let it out. We let it breathe and enjoyed the moment.

But after our emotional conversation had run its course, being the sex fiend I am. I wanted to fuck.

“Ok, now I’m going to fuck you with the clown pp.”

“Yes!” She said, hopped out of bed and grabbed the box. Always on the same page.

As she cracked the seal of the box and opened it up, I got another wave of relief. But this wave of relief was different. I felt the relief of letting go of the past, relief that I wouldn’t be stuck in that place of grief forever, relief that I was moving on. Change is hard, but I had this new and wonderful person in my life, and that was beautiful.

After getting that colorful cock out of its wrapping, she wiggled it around a bit, laughed (because penis shaped things are silly), and hopped back into bed with me. We wasted no time getting right into it this time.

She actually ended up fucking me with the clown penis first. I came hard and a lot, so I knew absolutely for sure whatever I was holding onto truly released. Though, fucking the pain away is often my favorite type of therapy…

Eventually we switched and I got to return the favor, though it is no favor really. Watching her wiggle around, buck her hips, and moan while I guided that gay-ass rainbow cock in and out of her while thumbing her clit was more reward than favor. And now, seeing her eyes roll back and flutter in pleasure meant more than just a job well done, it meant I was making my love feel good, and that made me feel more than amazing. And as much as I love her as she is outside of me, I love how ridiculous we both are together. Always down to go the less traveled path. Like fucking each other with a clown penis.

Anyway, that was less sexy fun, and more emotional than I intended. But a good gift always has emotion behind it. It gives the gifter a vessel for their love gives the gift receiver the feeling of being loved. I doubt my best friend intended this rainbow dildo to have quite this journey, but she knows me well enough to know I’d do some weird, gay shit with it. She’d also probably expect I would end up enjoying a moment with it, silly or otherwise, with someone I love–even if it wasn’t her. She knew it would bring me happiness in one way or another. And that is a truly amazing gift.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zlldzf/ff_i_reclaimed_a_strange_sexy_christmas_gift


  1. Now that’s beautiful. I hope your life continues to go well and that you enjoy as much sex as you can handle. You are a brilliant writer. !subscribeme

  2. You’re an amazing writer, and that was one hell of a story. Didn’t think I could laugh, feel sad and happy while having a hard on. But here we are 😂😂.

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