Elisa’s Journey – Part 3: Beyond Redemption [M/F 18 – 56] [Cheating]

Work. The last fucking place I wanted to be. The day was really dragging, as well. I was stacking shelves and Sam was helping with deliveries in the back, as someone had called in sick. It kind of worked out well because I really didn’t want to be around him. I couldn’t look him in the eyes; I felt so ashamed. I couldn’t get Sarah out of my head, either. I got why she covered for me the night before, when she told Sam that I was at work with her, when I was actually at the sex club, but why had she covered for me for another night, completely unprompted? I had so many ideas flying around my mind, but I couldn’t land on one. I had no choice but to just wait for her to respond to the text I’d sent her that morning.

She replied a few hours before my shift ended. As soon as I saw her message, I dashed into the break room to read it. She explained that because Sam had asked her where I was, she’d assumed that he must have been giving me a pretty hard time. She said she told him we could be training for another night in case I needed some more alone time. She was always so considerate, but I kind of wished she hadn’t told him that. I had really enjoyed myself at the club, but I knew I’d crossed a line. I’d actually fucked someone other than my boyfriend. As much as I’d loved it, I was so disgusted at my depravity, and I’d told myself that it would be the last time I did something so stupid. I had been resolved in my decision. But, now, Sarah had unknowingly given me the opportunity to go out and have more fun, the thoughtful idiot. I had the perfect chance to do something bad. How could I not take advantage of it?

I put my phone away and cursed to myself. I did all sorts of mental gymnastics, telling myself that I should just stay home with Sam and forget about the opportunity that Sarah had afforded me. I was lying to myself, though. I knew exactly what I was actually going to do, I was just keeping my conscience distracted. Doing the right thing was just not an option at that point. I was heading down a path that I couldn’t come back from. I was getting addicted to doing bad things, and doing them behind Sam’s back. It was just such a thrill, such a rush. I felt like I was finally alive for the first time in my life.

I eventually responded to Sarah’s text, thanking her for covering for me and telling her that I would like another night away from Sam. She replied right away, telling me that she was always there for me and she’d cover for me any day. I put my phone in my pocket and my mind went straight on autopilot; planning another night of naughtiness. When Sam and I were on the way back from work, I told him that Sarah and I had to go back to the bar and finish off our training. He accepted my lie without a second thought. I was happy that he hadn’t been so jealous for the last couple of days, but it kind of scared me. What could I be capable of if he wasn’t checking up on me? We got home, I rushed through dinner, then went to shower and get changed for ‘work’. As I was heading out the door, Sam stopped me and kissed me on the cheek.

I arrived in front of the club, still feeling where Sam had kissed me, and it was like the autopilot in me suddenly just turned off. I caught my breath and the reality that I was actually back settled in. What the fuck was I doing? I had been distraught after my last session at the club, why was I back to demean and shame myself again? I knew how I’d feel if I went through with it. I’d feel seedy, gross, and appalled with myself. I was terrified of being caught, too, so why was I still intent on going in? As I stared at the entrance, I realised I had to do something to forget about the guilt and confusion. I told myself that I was just going to have a little bit of fun and deal with the shitty feelings afterward. I told myself that it would be worth it. I took a deep sigh and headed inside. As I crossed the threshold, the guilty thoughts did leave, much quicker than I thought they would. I was consumed by an exhilaration from not knowing what was in store for me. It was intoxicating.

Once I was inside, wrapped up in my towel, I wasted no time. I wanted to be misbehaving in the darkness, where no one knew who I was and there was no chance of getting caught. I dashed upstairs, entered the gloryhole room, and made my way into a cubicle. I chose a different cubicle this time; the decision was almost automatic. I picked one in the middle as it had an extra wall, therefore an extra hole. The more holes, the more chance of getting what I wanted. I locked the door behind me and sat on the floor. I waited and waited and waited, but nothing. I had too much time to think. I did my best to remember that the guilt was for afterward, not for now. Now was for enjoying myself. After even more waiting, I heard a noise. Someone had come into the room. I closed my eyes and listened to the darkness. I heard footsteps, and they were coming my way. A cubicle door squeaked open and someone walked in. My heart immediately began thudding harder, and my breath started getting away from me. That little moment of anticipation seemed to last forever. My mind was just swirling with excitement, nerves, fear, and a strange sense of enjoyment at how depraved I felt.

Suddenly, a fully erect cock appeared through the hole. I didn’t waste any time. I impatiently grabbed it, slid it into my mouth, and began slurping away. I immediately just melted into how amazing the experience was and forgot about any lingering doubts. I don’t even recall how big it was, I was just so consumed by how dirty I felt. The guy on the other side of the wall began thrusting into my mouth, occasionally making me gag, but I didn’t mind. It just added to the rush. There was spit and pre-cum all around my mouth and dribbling down my chin, and I was making all kinds of filthy moans, slurping sounds, and occasional gagging noises. He was really going for it, just fucking away at my mouth, and it was turning me on so much. Just as I was thinking that I could have blown him all night, the guy suddenly drew his cock back through the hole. I was stunned. What had happened? Why had he stopped? Was he not enjoying it? I heard him leave the cubicle and walk out of the room. Disappointed and embarrassed, I slumped back onto the floor. I was feeling a little sorry for myself; I’d so desperately wanted to swallow a big load.

I continued waiting for quite a while, but no one else came in. Feeling defeated, I decided to leave the safety of my dark, little cubicle and go explore. As I had such a great session in the sauna last time, I instinctively went to check there first. I opened the sauna door, half-hoping that Jack would be there, but the room was empty. Frustrated, but not dissuaded, I shut the door and headed up another set of stairs. I felt like I was walking on eggshells, being out in the open. I really didn’t want to run into anyone in the hallway. As I reached the top of the stairs, I noticed a sign that pointed to either private rooms or public rooms. Public rooms sounded far too risky, so I sneaked down the hallway to the private rooms. It looked like a hotel, with a long, narrow corridor that had doors all the way down it. As I edged closer, I noticed that most of the doors were open. I peeked inside the first one I came to. There was a leather padded bed, a TV playing porn, a bowl of condoms and lube sachets, and a waste bin. It was very basic, but I thought that it didn’t need to be more than it was. I continued walking, peering into each room as I went. They were all the same. A couple of doors were shut, though, and I could hear faint moans and the sound of skin against leather, coming from within. I smiled to myself, imagining what the occupants were getting up to. I carried on walking, getting more and more excited, the further down I got. As I reached the end of the corridor, I saw that there were two rooms opposite each other that had windows. I glanced inside one of the rooms, it was just like the others, except that it had a window. It was empty. I turned and looked into the other room. That room, however, wasn’t empty.

Silent and still, I watched in amazement as some fat, hairy guy fucked a woman from behind. My eyes were transfixed on the sight in front of me. I didn’t find them attractive in the slightest, but they just looked so wild, primal, and carefree. It was a messy thing to watch, too; they were sweaty, clearly out of breath, and had obviously been at it for ages. It was kind of gross, but I loved it. Without really thinking, my hand pushed passed the towel wrapped around my body, and found my wet pussy. They were oblivious to me, as I stood there perving on them, slowly playing with myself. Almost as soon as I’d started, I heard a door open down the corridor, and a young couple stepped out. Like a terrified, little animal I quickly crouched down, hoping not to be noticed. I watched them like a hawk as they strolled away from me, towards the stairs. They hadn’t seen me, but I felt like I had just been caught doing something really wrong. Once I heard them walking downstairs, I slowly stood up and turned my attention back to the window. The couple hadn’t noticed me, either. I thought about playing with myself again while I watched them, but I was frightened that someone else would catch me perving in the hallway. No, I couldn’t stay where I was.

I knew that there were a few other rooms that I hadn’t explored yet, but I was panicked. Being caught was the absolute last thing I wanted, and I felt like being out in the hallways was just asking for trouble. I wanted the solitude and darkness of the cubicles again. I’d be safe there. As I carefully made my way back to the gloryhole room, I could feel that my anxiety was beginning to take hold of me. I kept thinking that I was totally insane for being in this dirty, little sex club. What in the actual hell was I doing? I almost felt disconnected from my body, as though I was just watching myself from above, like an outside observer. It was surreal. I told myself that I’d just try and get lucky in the cubicle, hopefully swallow some cum, then call it a night and go home. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, and began turning toward the gloryhole room, I saw a man I recognised. He walked in and shut the door behind him. I quickly spun around and flew up a few steps, my heart now racing. I peered back down, praying that I hadn’t been seen. The man didn’t come back out, so I was pretty sure I was in the clear.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered to myself, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

It only took a couple of seconds for my head to register who I’d seen. I did recognise him. More than that, I knew him. It was Mr. Barker. Of all the people I hadn’t expected to see there, it was him. It was Sam’s dad.

I don’t know how or why it happened, as I didn’t consciously make the decision, but I instinctively dashed towards the door he’d entered. Autopilot must have taken over again. I tiptoed through the darkness, trying to silently follow him. As I reached the cubicles, I saw one of the doors shut, then heard it lock. I wasn’t thinking, I was just running on sheer instinct. Holding my breath, I quietly slipped inside the cubicle next to the one he had gone into and locked the door behind me. My heart was beating so bloody hard. I was sure that he could hear it, as it felt deafening against the silence. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, I was just feverish with desire. I dropped to my knees and waited, struggling to catch my breath. I heard his towel fall to the floor. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen, what I was about to do. It was all happening so fast. All I knew was that this would definitely be wrong. It would be awful, and a mistake, and I’d regret it so much. But, I didn’t care. If anything, knowing that it was fucked up and wrong was just spurring me on, making me even more impatient.

I didn’t have to wait long. His dick appeared from the hole. For some reason, I held my breath; I was just in total disbelief. The longer I looked at it, the more my eyes adjusted to the darkness. It was a beautiful-looking cock. He wasn’t fully hard yet, but he was thick and already bigger than anything I’d seen before. With the reality of the situation hanging in front of me, I suddenly started to come to my senses. What the fuck was I doing? Was I actually about to suck his cock? As much as I wanted it, I knew I shouldn’t. I’d never be able to look Sam in the eyes again and I’d never be able to forgive myself. Frozen in place, I just stared at it. No, I couldn’t do this. I told myself that I would just wait for a different dick. He must have assumed that, whoever I was, I wasn’t interested in sucking him, as he suddenly drew his dick back through the hole.

“No, wait!” I blurted out.

I covered my mouth with both hands, my eyes wide with shock at my outburst. Where had that come from? I was petrified that he would recognise my voice, too. I had no idea why I’d spoken. I hadn’t meant to. It just seemingly came out of nowhere. Before I had any more time to think, his cock reappeared. I was relieved. Not just because he hadn’t recognised my voice, but also because I so desperately wanted him. I told myself that he would never find out it was me, so I should just go for it. I was decided, finally.

Smiling like a maniac, I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his cock. I let out a small moan. It was happening. It was actually fucking happening. I slowly stroked him, feeling him grow in my hand. I was in utter disbelief as I marveled at the sight in front of me. It didn’t take long for him to get fully hard and, fuck, he was big. It must have been about 9 inches and almost as thick as my arm. I had never seen anything like this in my life. It was awe-inspiring. I just couldn’t get over how huge it was. His son definitely didn’t take after him. As I carried on stroking him, I decided that I was going to take my sweet time with this. I held his dick upright and lowered my head towards it. I wanted to put everything I’d learned from Sarah to the test. With one hand holding his length, and the other fondling his balls, I slid my tongue from the base of his cock all the way to the top. I slowly swirled it in circles around his thick head and heard him moan from my movements. I was so giddy. I couldn’t actually believe that this older man was enjoying what I was doing. He must have been so experienced, but here I was, making him moan. I was so fucking proud of myself for being able to pleasure him.

After teasing him with my tongue for a while, I was ready to get to work. I took his head into my mouth and started sucking him. I moaned again, loving how incredibly dirty I felt to have Sam’s dad’s massive cock in my mouth. I began stroking him, too, twisting my hand as I went. Even with my hand wrapped around him and his head in my mouth, he still looked huge. I took my other hand from his balls and began to stroke him with both hands, as I desperately slurped away. I tried forcing him deeper into my throat, but he was just too big to handle, and I gagged a few times. The gagging sounds were basically lost in the rest of the noises, though. I was moaning loudly and slobbering all over his cock. It was the best fucking thing ever. I was losing myself to the moment, just like Sarah had done with Tom when I’d watched them. I was just totally absorbed in pleasuring him. At that moment, it was all I existed for. I’ve no idea how long I sucked him, but it was probably a long time; my jaw was starting to ache. I didn’t care, though, and I pushed through the pain. I was having so much fun being a dirty slut. As I continued furiously stroking and sucking him, I heard his moans grow in intensity, and felt him start to tense up. I knew what was coming, but something in me didn’t want it. I felt like I was only just getting started, I didn’t want it to end yet. I quickly pulled his cock from my throat.

“No, stop! Don’t cum, Mr. Barker!” I blurted out.

I instantly realised that I had royally fucked up. His dick hung there, motionless, and time basically just stopped. I inhaled sharply. It felt like I was holding my breath in that moment forever. I was frozen in fear.

“Who is that?” he called out, clearly worried.

I didn’t reply, I just stayed silent and still.

His cock suddenly disappeared back through the hole. I heard him shuffle around with his towel, then leave his cubicle. I jumped as I heard three loud knocks on my cubicle door. I was really starting to panic.

“Who is that?” he asked again, more forcefully. “I obviously know you’re in there. How do you know me? Who are you?”

I was shaking uncontrollably. This was it. I’d fucked everything. My relationship with Sam would be over, he’d hate me. Mr. Barker would be furious. I’d be outed as a slut and a whore and everyone would find out my terrible secret. Everything was going to crash and burn around me. I realised I might have to move back home with my dad. Fuck. No. What had I done?

“Please,” he said, sounding softer this time, “I’m not angry, I just want to know who you are.”

I couldn’t handle it, but I didn’t see the point in hiding, anymore. I resigned myself to my fate and reached up to unlock the door. It quickly swung open. I was curled up, knees to my chest, hiding my nakedness. I looked up at him.

“El…holy fuck…Elisa? Is that you?” he asked, stunned.

I nodded.

“Oh, my God. Fuck. Shit. Oh, no,” he said, quickly.

He reached down and took hold of one of my arms.

“Come on, we need to go and have a chat,” he said, pulling me to my feet.

He sounded so caring, which I found strange. I scrambled for my towel and quickly tied it around me.

“Let’s go and talk in one of the private rooms,” he said, leading me out.

I followed along, my head hung low. I knew I was about to get the talking-to of a lifetime. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I knew I deserved it. We left the gloryhole room and made our way upstairs. He led me into the first windowless, private room and shut the door behind us. He locked it and came and sat down on the bed. He patted the space next to him, beckoning me over. I adjusted my towel to make sure it was well secured, then took a seat next to him.

“What’s going on, Elisa? Why…how did you…” he said, pausing.

I was so nervous I thought I would faint. I didn’t know what to say and I felt physically sick.

“Did you follow me here, or something?” he asked.

“No,” I quietly replied, my head hanging towards the floor.

“Why…why are you here? What’s going on, then?” he asked, concern in his voice.

“I…I…I’m so sorry,” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. “I…I didn’t mean to. I just…”

I burst into a crying fit; an ugly, loud crying fit. It was so embarrassing.

“Hey, hey, come on…it’s okay,” he said, cautiously placing a hand on my back.

He continued to comfort me as I cried my eyes out. I tried to speak a few times, but I just couldn’t get the words out. It was all so overwhelming. After far too long, I began to calm down.

“I’m so, so sorry,” I finally managed to say.

“You don’t need to be sorry,” he reassured me. “But, I just don’t understand what you’re doing here.”

“I…I came here to…to have sex with someone,” I stuttered, hating myself as soon as the words left my mouth.

“With who?” he asked.

“Umm…no one in particular,” I replied. “I just…I wanted to have sex.”

“I don’t understand. Can’t you have sex with Sam?” he asked.

“Well…yeah,” I said.

“Why are you here, then?” he asked, again.

“I…I just don’t know. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have come here. I feel fucking terrible,” I said.

“So, you came here to cheat on Sam, then?” he asked.

I nodded, I didn’t want to say the words out loud.

“So, my wife didn’t send you to follow me?” he asked, his tone slightly more concerned.

“Wh…what? No,” I said, confused.

“Okay,” he sighed. “So, it was just random bad luck that we were here at the same time?”

“Umm…I guess so,” I replied.

He lowered his voice. “Elisa, then, why were you sucking my dick?”

He didn’t sound mad, just concerned. It was so confusing. I couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on. Was I in trouble? It didn’t seem like it.

“I…I don’t even know. I just saw you go into the room and…and…and I followed you,” I said. “I don’t even know why I did it. You’ve got to believe me. I’m so sorry.”

He sighed.

“Alright, well, I need you to understand that my wife doesn’t know I come here,” he said. “I can’t let her find out.”

I stayed silent. I hadn’t even considered the fact that he was cheating on his wife. Maybe I wasn’t going to get in trouble. Maybe everything was going to be okay.

“Are you going to tell her? Or tell Sam?” he asked.

“No!” I said, loudly and suddenly. “I don’t want to hurt Sam. And I wouldn’t ever tell your wife, I promise, Mr. Barker. I promise.”

“Jesus, Elisa, my name’s Frank. You know that. Just call me Frank,” he said.

I looked across at him.

“Are you going to tell Sam?” I asked, terrified of the answer.

“No, Elisa, of course not! If you get into trouble, then I get into trouble,” he said.

“Okay,” I said, sighing loudly in relief. “Thank you.”

“It’s fine, but you can’t tell anyone…ever,” he said, sternly. “Got it?”

“Got it,” I replied, nodding.

“Okay, then,” he said, resting his hands on his knees. “Well, come on, let’s go. I can drive you back to you and Sam’s flat if you want. Unless you’d rather just walk?”

“Umm…I…I think I’ll walk,” I said, a sinking feeling opening up in my stomach.

He nodded, stood up, and walked towards the door.

“Wait!” I called out, desperately, as his hand found the door handle.

He turned around.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“I…” I trailed off, not actually able to say the words that I wanted.

“Elisa, what are you doing?” he asked. “Come on.”

I knew it was wrong. I did. I knew this had all been one massive disaster, but I wanted more. As awful as I felt, I knew it would be the kinkiest thing in the world to fuck Sam’s dad, and I wanted to do it. If I didn’t speak up now, I’d lose the chance forever.

“I…maybe…maybe we can…I want to carry on,” I said, barely loud enough to hear.

“What?” he asked, clearly unsure if he’d heard me correctly.

“I…I want to carry on,” I said, again, a little louder.

“No,” he said, turning back around. “Come on, we’re going.”

He unlocked the door, opened it, and looked back at me.

“But…” I began.

He walked over to me.

“Elisa, we fucked up. We fucked up bad, okay? We have to be responsible and stop this, now,” he said, holding out his hand.

Who was I to argue against him? He was right. I nodded, took his hand, and stood up. I felt so stupid. What was wrong with me? We walked out of the room and down the hallway to the stairs. I started to face up to the reality of the situation and realised that I had to stop being such a stupid slut. It was going to ruin my life if I wasn’t careful. Just as we began walking downstairs, I felt this desperate feeling flash into my mind. No. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay. I wanted to have fun with him. It was a selfish thought, one that I knew I should just suppress and forget, but I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. My mind quickly presented me with the best idea it had at the time. I stopped walking downstairs. Mr. Barker took a couple of steps before he realised that I’d stopped. He turned around.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

I walked down a couple of steps and pulled at his arm.

“Come on, let’s go back,” I pleaded.

“Elisa, we’ve been through this. No,” he said, trying to turn back around.

I didn’t let go of his arm, though, and just pulled at him again.

“Elisa-” he began.

“No, it’s not like that,” I said, cutting him off. “I…I just feel so fucking shit about everything. I don’t know how to handle this. I feel like I’m gonna have a breakdown. Can we go back and just talk? Please.”

He sighed.

“Please?” I begged.

“Okay, fine,” he said. “Just…just for a little bit, yeah?”

I nodded, maybe too enthusiastically, and skipped back up the stairs. He followed me back to the room and locked the door behind us. I took a seat on the leather bed again, wondering what the hell the plan was from here. My mind had only taken me so far. He sat next to me and sighed again.

“So, talk to me. What’s up?” he asked.

I had literally no idea what to say. No thoughts. No words. Nothing. My heart was racing.

“I…I guess…umm…” I said, grasping at something to say.

I knew I needed to think of something to say or do, or he’d insist that we leave again. My mind was still blank, though. All I knew for certain was that I wanted him.

“I feel bad about everything,” I began, not knowing where my words were going. “I think…I just…”

This wasn’t working. I knew it wasn’t. I was running out of time and options. I had to do something, or this opportunity would be behind me before I knew it. I stood up.

“I don’t know what to do about…” I said, starting to pace the small room. “I mean…I’m upset…I…”

I had to stop stalling. I needed to just make a move. I paced a bit more and eventually stopped at his feet. I needed to make it look subtle, in case he caught on and just made us leave.

“I feel terrible…” I said, quickly falling to my knees in front of him.

“Elisa-” he began.

“Really terrible…” I said, cutting him off again.

I quickly shuffled closer to him and reached under his towel. I found his soft cock, took it in my hand, and began to slowly stroke him. He tried to push my arm off, but I just threw his hand away with my free arm.

“Elisa, we…” he started to say.

I took his cock into my mouth and eagerly began sucking him.

“We…” he tried to say again.

I pulled his length from my mouth.

“I feel bad, I do…really bad,” I said, running my tongue up his growing erection.

He rested his head back and let out a long moan. I smiled and carried on sucking him. It had worked. I couldn’t fucking believe it. It actually worked. Finally, I could stop worrying and put all this shit behind me. It was time to have some kinky sex.

I slurped up and down on his big, hard dick, really letting go of my inhibitions. He felt even harder than before. With my free hand, I pulled off my towel to let him admire my body, while I pleasured him. I could feel my pussy dripping onto the floor. This was just the biggest turn-on for me. I was loving that I was cheating, and I was loving that I was cheating with Sam’s dad, but I also loved that he was such an older man. It was so incredibly sexy that someone his age wanted me. All I wanted to do was perform for him, impress him, please him. It was a powerful and totally uncontrollable feeling. As I sucked him, he placed a hand on my head, forcing me down and pushing his dick deeper into my throat. I moaned loudly in response. I would have done anything he wanted me to do.

“Fuck,” he said, still holding my head down.

I took him as deep as I could until I felt my gag reflex kick in. I quickly pulled up and took him out of my throat, gasping for air.

“Do you like that?” I asked, looking up at him as innocently as I could.

“Yeah, you’re so fucking bad,” he replied, nodding.

I took hold of his cock again and started flicking my tongue over his head, still looking up at him.

“You want me to be a bad girl for you?” I asked, going back to sliding my tongue up and down his long dick.

I was so surprised that I had the confidence to talk like this. I had just truly given myself to the moment.

“Oh, God. Yes!” he cried out.

If he wanted a bad girl, he was going to get one. I quickly stood up, got onto my back on the leather bed, and held my legs wide apart. He looked across at me with this crazy hot stare. I could tell how much he wanted me, and it was driving me mad. I’d expected him to just start fucking me but instead, he lay on his front and positioned his face between my legs. I watched him intently as he began sliding his tongue over my pussy.

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered to myself.

It was an amazing sight, watching the father of my boyfriend eating my pussy. I clenched a handful of his greying hair while he sucked on my clit, and held him hard against me. He was good at it, really good. I pushed my crotch into his face, as my moans grew louder and louder. I was having the time of my life. It was such a surreal experience, it almost didn’t feel like it was actually happening, but the pleasure his tongue was giving me kept reminding me that it was definitely happening. After a little while, I was ready. I didn’t want to wait, anymore. I wanted his cock. I wanted him to fuck me. I tapped his arm and he brought his head up to look at me.

“I…I want you to fuck me,” I said.

“I only fuck bad girls, are you a bad girl?” He asked, smiling, my juices all over his face.

“Yes,” I said, smiling back.

“You sure?” he asked.

“Yes!” I said. “I’m a really bad girl.”

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” he said.

I almost couldn’t bare the teasing.

“I am!” I shouted. “I’m a bad fucking girl! Please, fuck me, Mr. Barker!”

He wiped the wetness from his face and got onto his knees, between my legs. I suddenly started to feel breathless. It was actually about to happen. I looked down at his big, thick cock; it looked magnificent. I was so desperate to find out how it would feel. He took hold of it and positioned it into me. His head was so fat that I was certain he wouldn’t be able to fit. He began a gentle rhythm, slightly pushing his tip in and out of me. It wasn’t fully going in, but it felt great. I watched in excitement as he started to push harder. Suddenly, his head slipped into me.

“Woah!” I screamed, locking eyes with him.

It was painful. I quickly flinched backward and his cock popped out.

“You okay?” he asked. “Shall I carry on?”

I smiled, bit my lip, and nodded. I was more than willing to tolerate a bit of pain. He pushed into me again, until his head slipped back in. I let out another small scream, but let him take control of what was happening. He took hold of my ankles, holding them wide apart, and began gently pushing into me. He didn’t go far, just a few inches. He pulled back slowly and then pushed in some more. It was an intense feeling, I almost felt like I was going to break, but I endured. He kept up the rhythm for ages, and I gradually got used to how big he was.

“You ready for all of it?” he eventually asked.

“Yes…” I said, my mouth hanging open as I watched him.

He smiled, and ever so slowly began pushing deeper into me.

“Oh, fuck. Oh, my God. Oh, fuck,” I moaned.

He continued sliding into me, stretching me tight. It felt like I could feel it pushing into my stomach. I didn’t care, though. I wanted to have that whole, massive thing inside of me. I watched in disbelief as his dick fully disappeared into my pussy. I felt his balls touch my arse. My eyes widened and I let out a deep, long moan. He was in, all the way in, and I was actually taking it. I could barely handle how full and stretched I felt, let alone the pain. I really had not been prepared for what it would feel like. He began sliding back out of me, and my eyes rolled into my head. Before I had time to adjust to the sensation, he slid all the way back in, then out, then in. He kept up his pace and I just moaned, at varying degrees of loudness, the whole time. Occasionally, I would let out a small scream of pain, but the longer he fucked me, the less often it happened. I was just about starting to get used to his size.

He carried on softly fucking me for the longest time, and not a second passed where I wasn’t moaning. The pain had completely gone now, and only a slight, stretching discomfort remained. It didn’t matter, though, because it was worth every minute. I began to realise how much I’d been missing out. I had no idea what a different experience it could be. It consumed me and kept me in constant ecstasy, not letting go of me for a single second. It felt like I was constantly on the brink of an Earth-shattering orgasm. The only thing that was able to bring me away from getting completely lost in pleasure, was the thought of how bad it was that I was fucking my boyfriend’s dad. I’d fixate on what a naughty slut I was and obsess over it until the physical pleasure broke my thoughts, and I could only focus on his big dick again. I went back and forth between mental and physical pleasure for so long. For an older guy, he had seemingly unlimited stamina.

Then, without warning, he picked up his pace. It started with a hard, deep thrust into me. I screamed, not expecting it. Then, another hard thrust. And another. And another. And another. Each thrust seemed more powerful than the last. I started screaming constantly. The pleasure was out of this world, and I couldn’t control myself. There’s nothing like being aggressively fucked by a massive dick. Needless to say, I felt an orgasm building. This one felt different, though, not that I had much experience to draw from. Last time, my orgasm had come from having my pussy licked, but this time I was getting close just from being fucked. It was a much deeper, stronger, and more intense sensation. As Mr. Barker continued to pound me mercilessly, he leaned down, grabbed one of my boobs, and began sucking my nipple. It immediately sent me into overdrive, and I felt my whole body start to convulse. I screamed and shook, as the orgasm started to rip through me. I quickly and repeatedly tapped his arm.

“Pull out! Pull out!” I screamed.

He slipped out of me and I just exploded over him. My screams evolved into a whole other level of loudness, as I squirted all over his chest and dick. I carried on shaking and spasming, as my orgasm eventually calmed to a trickle. The pleasure was miles beyond anything that I thought was possible. I rolled around on the leather bed with my eyes closed, whimpering and moaning. The orgasm was still reverberating around my body.

He didn’t wait long for me to recover, though. While I tried to remember what reality was, he threw me onto my front and brought me up onto all fours. It took all my energy and concentration not to collapse back into the bed. Within seconds, he was pushing that fat dick back into me. I let out another scream, suddenly remembering how full he made me feel. I arched my perky arse in the air and let him have his filthy way with me. As he fucked me senseless again, he wrapped his hands around my neck, pulling me towards him slightly. It was a bit of a shock, as I’d never been choked before, but I quickly realised it was hot as fuck. He used his grip on my throat to slam my body back into each stroke he made. It was incredible, I felt like his little fuck-toy. I was thoroughly enjoying the feeling of being used.

“Oh, God. Oh, yes!” I screamed. “Fuck me, dad!”

Thankfully, he couldn’t see the look of horror and confusion on my face. Where the fuck had that come from? Why had I said ‘dad’? I had no idea, but I could barely focus on why I’d said it. Besides, he seemed to love it, as he began pumping me even harder.

“Oh, yes, baby!” he yelled.

His grip around my neck tightened and my eyes began rolling into my head again.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I screamed. “Fuck my pussy harder, dad!”

Shit! I did it again. I still wasn’t sure why it happened, but something about it felt so kinky. Plus, it made him fuck me with renewed vigor and strength.

“Oh, shit! I’m gonna cum!” he shouted, trying to pull out of me.

I quickly threw my arms back and held on to him, stopping him from pulling out.

“Elisa, fuck! Let me go, I’m gonna-” he yelled.

“No!” I screamed back. “Finish in my pussy, daddy!”

I no longer cared what I said or how hard I was leaning into this whole ‘dad’ thing. All I knew was that I wanted him to fill me up. His moans turned into a monstrous roar as I felt him erupting into me. Load after load after load. It never seemed to end. I just pushed back into his gradually slowing thrusts, smiling to myself. I can’t fully explain how fulfilled I felt. It was the best feeling of my life. After a few moments, he pulled out of me and fell into the bed. I collapsed, too, and we both just lay there, breathing heavily.

“Wow,” he said, after a while.

“Yeah,” I replied.

Once we both managed to compose ourselves, we cleaned up as best we could. It was a little awkward, with neither one of us really saying much. We eventually decided to go and get changed, then we left together. I had planned on just walking home, but it was dark and I was struggling to walk properly, so I asked Mr. Barker for a lift home. The whole journey back, I was just reliving the insane fucking that I had just received. I was riding a serious high. As we neared my and Sam’s flat, he broke my trail of thought.

“Elisa…we…that, we can’t do that again. You understand that, right?” he asked.

I was beyond disappointed to hear it.

“Oh…okay, well, sure,” I replied.

“I had a great time, a really great time, but it was wrong. We could hurt people if we let it carry on,” he said.

“I…I understand,” I said.

Neither of us spoke again until we pulled into the flat car park. He switched the engine off and turned to me.

“You gonna be okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I guess,” I mumbled.

“And, remember, don’t tell anyone,” he said.

“I won’t,” I said, smiling.

“What?” he asked, responding to my smile.

I reached over to him and began to undo his trousers.

“Elisa…I…we just…we said…” he trailed off, as I pulled his dick from his boxers.

I leaned over and began sucking his dick. It was such a rush, slurping on his cock again, right outside my and Sam’s flat. As risky as it was, I wanted to swallow some cum. It was what I’d gone to the club for, after all. After about half an hour, he poured streams of his thick cum down my throat and I swallowed every drop. Once I was done, he quickly straightened himself out, and I made sure I looked presentable.

“Thanks,” he said, grinning. “Seriously, though, that has to be the last time, okay?”

“Yep,” I said, nodding, knowing full well that I couldn’t go without his dick again.

We said goodbye, I hopped out of the car, and he drove away. I started walking towards the flat and suddenly remembered Sam at home.

“Fuck,” I whispered to myself.

Sam was waiting for me and wanted to spend the evening together. I felt terribly guilty. Partly because I had cheated on Sam, but mostly because I really just wanted to go to sleep. I knew that he had been so excited to spend some quality time with me. When I got in, he kissed me, then started cooking a lovely meal for us. Knowing that he was clueless that I’d just swallowed his dad’s cum started to get me going again, and I could feel myself getting wet. I made sure that we kissed as much as possible, that evening. I couldn’t quite believe what I was becoming, but I was loving it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zm4lrg/elisas_journey_part_3_beyond_redemption_mf_18_56