[MF] How I turned down a threesome to actually get with a milf

So this was when I was 24 I met a milf at a printing shop where I was collecting some posters for my dads business.
I went to collect these posters but got there early and had to wait for them to be cut to size. When I arrived the owner was heading out to deliver another order and told his assistant to finish off my order. At first when I noticed her I didn’t pay any attention to her sat down behind her computer but once she stood up I seen her hour glass body in her skin tight dress. Her tits were bouncing up and down and her ass was shaking while she walked. She noticed me admiring her sexy body and asked if I wanted to come into the back to where she was finishing off the order instead of sitting in the small cold waiting area. I agreed and joined her in the back warehouse and just made small talk with her at first but couldn’t take my eyes off her body. As she was working I went on to ask her how old she was and she told me 41 and I laughed and said to her you’re lying. She reassured me that she was 41 with 3 kids and her husband had passed. She then asked me and I hesitated for a second and told her I was 30. I think she believed me but never really bought it up again.

We carried on talking and she asked me why I was single. I went on to say that I haven’t met a mature enough partner yet. After a hour or so of watching her work she had my order ready and I was on my way. When I got back with the posters my dad told me they’d done them wrong so I had to go back the next day.
I went back but even more earlier this time and the owner was already out and his assistant was sat there with a smile on her face welcoming me. We proceeded to go into the back warehouse and started talking again and then I got confident enough to ask her for her number. So once I was off again but this time with her number.

A few days passed and I decided to drop her a message asking how she is and she replied with ‘took you long enough to text me’ and we started talking constantly for a few weeks and I asked her if she wanted to go out. She told me she had her youngest child at home with her but asked if I wanted to come over and chill but “nothings going to happen”. I agreed and went over and we chilled as we planned and nothing happened. She did look upset that I didn’t make a move until before I left which was just a hug goodbye.

After a week I got a call from her and you could tell she was a bit drunk and she said she’s with her friend and asked if I wanted to have a threesome. I was in shock cause I’ve not even had sex with her and the first thing she wants is a threesome. I replied to her saying no and when she asked why I said to her I don’t think I could handle you in bed nevermind a threesome. She was impressed and told me come over that night.
I don’t drink so I didn’t want to take advantage of that opportunity so I told her I was busy and I’d come over on the weekend. The weekend came and passed and I still didn’t go see her but was still talking to her daily. Then one day while I was at work she calls me asking why she can’t have me and why don’t I like her. She said she was turned on over the fact that I turned her advances down and she had to have me.

That night I went over to hers pretty late so her youngest son who lived with her was upstairs fast asleep.
I went in and she was sat on her sofa in a leopard print nighty with her legs showing and you could tell she wasn’t wearing anything else. I went and sat next to her and before I could spark up a conversation she jumped on top of me kissing me and rubbing her pussy on my jeans. I was so turned on and pulled her nighty down to let out her big soft juicy breasts. I sucked on her dark brown areoles and juicy nipples until she started pulling my jeans down and went on to give me the best blowjob I’ve ever had and then I got her on her living room floor and spread her legs and rubbed my cock on her pussy before putting it in and then went onto doggy style and she wanted me to cum inside her and re assured me that she had her tubes tied. I pumped my load into her and as I fell back to get my breath she said you better be ready for another round and we did.
After that I used to go see her a few times a week to fuck her. Once I went over and had a quick session and needed to leave as I had work early the next day but as I got to the front door she got on her knees and pulled my pants down and started sucking my cock with the door half open. On her break at work she’d ask if I was free to come see her so she could suck my dick for lunch.

This lasted for around 6 months before we ended it after I got too busy with work and couldn’t make time to see her as often.

Thanks for reading and sorry if it was long and not well written as it’s my first time putting my experiences into words

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zkim2t/mf_how_i_turned_down_a_threesome_to_actually_get