I told the bar tender I had never squirted…he said “lets change that” [FM]

I was pretty vanilla in my younger years…by age 21 I knew vaguely that girls squirted but I’d never come close to experiencing it.

One night I went into my local pub to meet up with some friends about an hour before closing time. I was on my way home and thought I’d have a quick drink with them before heading home to bed…alone…again.

I had always thought the Bar Manager was cute, but tonight he looked ravishing…a young Brad Pitt look a like. I was practically undressing him with my eyes as he poured my drink for me. We had flirted a little before but it had never been serious, or (to my disappointment) come to anything. As he passed the wine over the bar he leaned in to me and asked “So? Are you a squirter?” I was shocked and a little embarrassed as I looked around to make sure no one had heard. He just laughed at me and went to walk away. I followed him gaining confidence from the couple of wines I’d had over dinner, “no I haven’t” I said, “I don’t actually really know what it is or if I can”.

He weighed me up coyly, head cocked to the side and said “Stay back after last drinks and lets find out”.

As the patrons filed out one by one the butterflies grew…I wasn’t sure if I was excited or nervous or both. As the last staff member said goodnight and left ‘Brad the second’ turned, walked purposefully to me and lifted me on to the bar. I had a short summer dress on and my panties were swiftly and expertly whipped off and flung to the floor. My legs were spread wide across the bar and then his lips and tongue were on my pussy lips which were already dripping with anticipation. His fingers slipped inside me and a feeling of utter euphoria took over me. The bar was already wet from my juices by the time he pulled me forward and entered me. I hadn’t noticed him drop his pants as I was filled with his rock hard 8” cock. As he thrust, the pressure built and built and continued to build. “Stop, I don’t think I can hold it” I whispered into his ear, “Does it feel good?” He whispered back as I exploded all over him. I was shocked and a little embarrassed. I honestly had no idea what had happened. I looked down and he was drenched. He and the bar were dripping and there was a puddle forming on the floor. He just smiled at me as he bent down to lick me clean… “now you know you can squirt” he said looking up at me. I looked at him as he licked me, looked at the mess I had made and thought about how good it had felt. “Get up” I said…”do it again”.

To this day I can’t remember his name. I just think of him as Brad. Brad who made me squirt eight times that night as we fucked on the bar, the table and then eventually, his bed. That’s how I discovered I was a squirter…and a pretty powerful one at that. I successfully drenched his bed to the point we had to sleep on the couch together that night. Eight is my record in one night…I wonder if anyone will ever beat it…..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zkrsad/i_told_the_bar_tender_i_had_never_squirtedhe_said


  1. My ex did . I loved making love to her she would come so much and have so many orgasms it was a huge turn on. She would have three orgasms giving me head. I will come up with my face completely drenched at times felt like I was drowning I loved every second of it. Inside of her it was such a turn on every time we had to take a pause for her to stop buckling and thrashing her body. She would give me three orgasms on average. She would have 20+ minimum. Damn I miss her

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