[FF] I (33) fucked a stripper (23) and checked something off my “fuck-it” list

I’m sitting here typing directly post-coital at 5am, just because I’m too up from our encounter. I know the rest will come later, but I had to start now because the story and the fun was just too good. Unexpected twists and turns etc. You’re going to have to sit through a full story for this one (or if you don’t want the whole narrative and want to get right to the sex, skip to the middle 😉)

The seed of this encounter happened about a week ago. After work, I met up with some friends who were in town visiting. They’d been day drinking and I was just getting off work. I planned on meeting them for a drink or two and then going home. I wasn’t expecting a crazy night. But knowing myself and the crowd I generally roll with, I should have known…

The bar I met the group at was the most cis-het bar I’ve possibly ever been to. The bar’s purposeful aesthetic was trashy-hick and it was crammed full of youths who looked barely old enough to drink. Me, a 30-something poly bi weirdo, was a bit in shock over the spectacle of the thing. I hadn’t been in that kind of space in a while. But hey, I was here, so time to make the best of it. I went to the bar and got a drink.

The drink was truly terrible and in no way resembled what I ordered, but I drank it anyway to try to get on everyone’s level. Though I was certainly behind… Ces la vie, I love a party.

So, we are dancing and having fun, but it was nearish closing time. Perhaps time to plan the escape route. But before the lights could come on and everyone could be unceremoniously kicked out, I felt a horrible sensation waft over me and began coughing uncontrollably. I looked around and I was not alone. Everyone around me was bent over in a coughing fit. Before words could be exchanged amongst the crew, we all run outside, evacuating like a bomb had gone off.

We all made it out coughing and in slight panic, but luckily were met with fresh air. Through my dazed headspace, I realized the crowd had been pepper sprayed. Either on purpose or accidentally–baaaaaaad vibes. I informed everyone of my theory and everyone agreed. It was a first time for all of us, but it made sense. It sucked, but we would live. Crisis averted.

After we all caught our breadth, some of the group felt that was their cue to go home and get some rest, others…not so much. The excitement of the series of events seemed to have given them life. People were itching for more and asked us locals “what next?”

There was another club not too far away that stayed open late and is a favorite haunt of mine, so we decided to head there. I suspected the party would probably get tired fairly quick after they manifested their next move, but I decided why not tag along? The night was already weird, let’s see where else it took us.

After a short ride away, we ended up at my favorite afterhours club. We paid probably too much for cover and were inside. The scene we walked into was the exact opposite of the previous bar… It was all gas, no brakes, full-blown gay night. Men in tiny briefs or jock straps, holsters, and little else. The only thing in common with the last bar was that it was mostly dudes. But instead of like 65% men it was 95% men, and these men were far more comfortable with their homoerotic desires.

Even though we were a mixed gender/mixed sexuality crew and in daytime party clothes, everyone jumped into the pit not giving a fuck. As we moseyed our way to the front of the dance floor, the boys took off their shirts attempting swim seamlessly into the sea of muscular, shirtless gays— gay night surprise.

I was unfortunately stuck in a relatively bland outfit, and…female. Chances of me finding someone to flirt with at this club tonight was…unlikely. But ultimately, it didn’t matter too much to me. I felt more at home here than at the previous bar, and that was more than something. I was just going to dance and make my cover worth it.

But me being me, I was still scouting a lil… Always on the prowl.

After a bit on the floor, sure enough, I spot a girl in a baseball cap. Bingo. I’m in business. Perhaps the only queer gal in a sea of men. I inched my way in that direction.

The closer I got I notice she’s dancing in the proximity of a hippie-looking dude. This club has a variety of different themed nights so they, like us, probably just ended up here by sheer “let’s go party somewhere” attitude. Probably just a couple wanting to have a night out. Either way, time to make friends with the folks who were clearly not here for the planned event.

I approached them and started doing a “let’s be friends” dance. In the process, I finally get a good look at the girl and I was, well… gob smacked. She was fucking gorgeous with a hell of a body. Granted it was dark and the lights were flashing, but even through that it was very clear…this girl was a 10/10. Slightly above average height, unique but stunning features, cute nose, very fit, huge rack. Who knows what hair or eye color, but honestly who cared considering the rest. Hot damn…

As we exchanged dance pleasantries, I could kind of tell the dude was trying to push myself and the girl together to talk without being obtrusive. Alright, so so far so good.

Anyway, she and I start chatting. Even from the name exchange, this was clearly not a “let’s be gal pals in a platonic way” chat, naw. This girl was doing exactly what I was doing. Scouting for ladies…And I just happened to be one of the only ones there. Fantastic.

We hit it off and have a conversation about whatever. It didn’t matter, we were enjoying each other’s company and I had a sense this girl was…interesting. I like interesting.

Eventually the topic of age comes up and…she’s 23… Now I’m not really one for younger folks, generally I much prefer people in the same stage of life as me, but well I was along for the ride tonight. I decided not to be an age-ish and just let what was going to happen, happen.

Meanwhile on the side of us, my crew was fading. The adrenaline of the pepper spray incident had worn off and the reality of their day drinking was setting in. They clearly were not long for this party world. Sure enough, within minutes of me checking in, they were saying “we’re going home.”

But I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted to find out more about this girl and if nothing else to dance.

After I reassured my friends I’d be fine on my own, they left. That was fine, we’d had our fun together and I was on a mission to pry deeper into this girl if I could.

After dancing a bit more, she wanted to sit down. I asked if she wanted company. She said, “yes.”

So, we go to sit and resume our conversation. Sort of to my surprise, she brings up the whole “I’m poly and queer” topic first. Massive props. If I had the balls to have that conversation outright with people at the age of 23, I would have skipped several uncomfortable moments in my life…

I quickly relayed the same about my own identity. A huge smile spread across her face. She immediately wanted to exchange numbers, with the caveat that she wanted to ask me out on a proper date. She wasn’t into random hookups and wanted to “get a read.”

I was in shock. It was like hearing myself talk. As much of a ho as I am, I do truly prefer some form of intimate “getting to know you” before I ruin people in the bedroom…most of the time. I mean, sometimes I’m just in the mood for a fuck, but I have depth. I promise! Also, in my experience, people in clubs generally are either looking to make a friend, hookup for the night, or exchange social media and add to their followers or some shit. Rarely did an exchange of information lead anywhere. But this girl seemed serious. Also, I am usually the one to make the move. So, this exchange was…refreshing. Who could say no? Age difference, shmage difference — I was in.

So, we exchanged numbers and then got back to just enjoying each other’s space.

But, despite the promise of a proper date at another time, we were still into each other. And clearly still sluts… So, eventually our eyes locked and we both leaned in. Lips met. Sizzle, crack, bang. There was clear chemistry there. I made the right choice staying behind and saying yes to that date.

I tried to be cool and not get too handsy, but this girl had a body and I wanted so bad to run my hands all over it. I settled on just your typical makeout, but boy, it got me good with the head spins and all. I liked this girl.

Eventually we broke away. We both agreed date was superior to random hookup and if we kept this up slowing the roll would be…difficult. So, we made our way to the dance floor to get out that last burst of energy. This time around on the floor we got closer and it felt goooood. I threw in a few more smooches that I simply couldn’t resist and we had a nice end of our night. We parted ways with big smiles on our faces.

Not wanting this one to get away, I texted her when I got home, “Hi, this is dirtyshloot69. Enjoy your night’s rest. Don’t be afraid to text me for that date.”

Perhaps I was a bit eager, but honestly, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I wanted to ensure her I really was interested in something beyond the night.

The next day, I woke up and patiently awaited her response. Not gonna lie, I still thought she might flake. People have a lot of confidence when out and about often catch nerves once reality sets in. But no, she texted me that afternoon asking me out. Oh fuck, this girl really was serious –awesome!

My schedule was flexible that week, but I wanted to nail this down, and quick. I suggested meeting the very next night, and she agreed 😊

Only, there was a problem. My throat was sore. Nothing crazy, I figured it was from a night of partying and a long week screaming over people at the bar I work at. It would subside by the morning.

However, that was not the case. I woke up that Monday morning with a full set of cold symptoms, nothing too bad, but enough to warrant not going out and getting other people sick. I had to postpone the date :/

Now when you meet someone new, whether it be in-person, on an app etc., your chances of actually meeting up in-person drastically decrease by the days that pass between initial contact and get together plans, especially if you’re not engaging much. Even worse if you cancel or postpone like I did. While I know I made the right choice for health, I knew that meant this one might slip through my fingers, and like not in the good way :P

So, I did everything I could to kick the little cold I had and decided I’d spend my way too much downtime texting this girl like…a lot. Sure, it was a risk to seem too attentive, but I wanted to hold interest and well, I was bored…

Instead of our panned date, we just texted each other about all the getting to know you shit. Honestly, it was kind of nice. Get it out so that the first date we could skip the small talk. We talked about everything from identity to upbringing to personal and relationship history to interests. I was surprised how much self-awareness such a young person had, it seemed like she’d already lived and learned quite a lot. Love it.

Eventually the “work” topic came up, to which she very of matter of factly responded with, “just stripping for now.” Jaw drop. Now I am absolutely the last person to judge. I write dirty stories and post nudes on the internet, so it was not a matter of the judgement. I was just surprised based on my read of her personality. But hey, us sluts come in all shapes and sizes etc.

Anyway, we text through the week and let me say, it got pretty hot…Not quite sexting in the let’s write each other porn kind of way, but lots of talk about all the sexy shit that we liked and wanted to do.

At one point I dropped my “fuck-it” list (my list of sexy things I want to do before I die). For all you curious people out there here it is:

-Lady Orgy (in the works)

-Lady 3 way (Only MFFs so far)

-Fuck a girl taller than me (I’m 6+ feet)

-Fuck someone with the same name as me (and no its not dirtyshloot69)

-DP (somehow hasn’t happened, with 2 people at once anyway…)

-Very public sex act (I have, but I’m not fully satisfied)

-Fuck an NB (in the works…)

-Fuck on a boat (also in the works…)

-Find a dick that’s too big to fit (like I said, I’m a large woman)

-Fuck someone with the same birthday as me (I got close once!)

-Fuck every astrological sign (honestly, I’ve probably done this but I can’t remember ALL of the birthdays)

-Fuck someone after getting a street vendor hot dog (that one is sort of a joke suggestion from a friend, but hey I love a joke)

-Fuck someone from all G7 countries (I need to travel more…)

-Fuck someone from every year of the Chinese Zodiac (again, might have them all but I can’t member)

-Date more women than Jerry Seinfeld (70 women btw)

-Finger bang two girls at once (Waiting for that lady orgy…)

-MMF (the boys have to do stuff together, I wanna watch)

-Squirt (I’ve seen it, but it’s elusive for me personally sadly)

-Get fisted (I’ve done it to someone, but apparently everyone I’ve fucked has been scared to give me the full experience)

Some of the things are long overdue, others might take some time. Anyway, if you all have suggestions, post them! The longer the list, the longer I’ll live right? Can’t die without completing the fuck-it list.

Anyway, when I sent my list she relatively quickly responded with her own. Apparently, she’d had a mental list and just needed to write them all down and now was the perfect excuse.

Her list for those interested:

-all women/femme orgy

-public sex in a sundress or short skirt and nothing underneath

-gangbang that ends in bukkake

-fuck another stripper at work

-sex with a clown or dressed as a clown

-sex wearing Halloween masks

-knife play

-sex in a mini pool filled with lube

-post a porn style sex tape online

-totally anonymous sex where you don’t learn someone’s name

-glory hole

-All girls 1 guy pegging gangbang

Love it! This girl was exactly my type of freak. Let’s get fucking weird.

Now that I for sure knew this girl was a sexual deviant, I made sure to send her a link to my reddit account so she could see the extent of my own debauchery. She was pretty excited and sent me her own dirty reddit account as well. We were a match made in Hell it seemed.

As I perused her profile I noticed her photos looked a bit ummm different than the person I met. Mainly, like in the boob region. Maybe I was misremembering though. Still, I was into it and told her as much.

“I followed you on Reddit. I’m seeing all the things and am now dead. You’re a force. I love it.”

To which she responded, “Oops, I guess I ruined the tease by sending you my Reddit. Too slutty for my own good.”

As much as I love the tease, I didn’t care. The horny jail I was currently in needed some sort of spice.

“It’s fine,” I messaged. “I’m intrigued.”

“Those are my old boobs at least so the new ones are still a surprise.”

Shit. Fake tits wasn’t even on my radar to include on the fuck-it list, nor was stripper. Or someone 10 years younger than me for that matter. If this actually happened, I would be checking off some firsts for myself no matter what.

After the “send nudes” cat was let out of the proverbial bag though, neither of us could really help sending more. So, I did in fact get to see the new set and, like oh boy. I was more than down.

As I sat on my couch all week drinking water, “resting,” and praying to Satan I recovered, all I could think about was this insanely hot, 23 year old stripper who I wanted to fuck so hard that posterity would tell the tale. Please Satan deliver me from horny jail so we could fuck.

We rescheduled our date to Friday night after my shift. Like myself, this one was also a night owl—perfect. She also said she could take the night off from work. She was committed. Luckily by Friday my mini-cold had passed, we were on track to make this thing happen.

We agreed to meet up at a local bar first and go from there. We’d promised each other a proper date after all.

I got there just a bit before her and found a seat. I was wearing something pretty casual, with just a hint of sex appeal. I’m not one to believe in going over the top for a first date, come as you are etc.

When she walked over to me I could tell she was a little nervous. Just as much of a smoke show as I remembered though. We’d built this one up a bit, so nerves made sense.

So, we got drinks and chatted a bit. Even after a bit of time I could tell she was still a little uncomfortable, but I was starting to realize it wasn’t me. It seemed environment-based.

“Do you want to go back to my place?” I suggested, hoping my read was correct.

“Yes, that sounds nice. Bars like this give me anxiety sometimes. Too many things going on. Clubs with music are different.”

Great. I had read well, and we were headed in the direction I wanted anyway. Get this girl in my bed ASAP.

So, we went back to my place. Once we settled in on the couch with cocktails, I could tell she was much more relaxed. This was the girl I had met at the club, the girl I’d been texting with. Sweet with a bad side and confident. Awesome.

After chatting a bit more and getting closer to each other on the couch, it was time for the next step. Time to kiss. I looked into her eyes, a beautiful light blue framed by a pretty red hair. (Yes, she’s a redhead on top of it all). Then I looked to her lips, and she read the mood. We both leaned in, and bam lips met–Wow.

She tasted like sweet lip gloss and smelled fresh and powdery, good perfume. It was a full sensory experience. I even opened my eyes a bit to see what she looked like kissing me. God she was gorgeous. And every so often I’d watch her eyes flutter a bit, and I’d see the whites of her eyes. Eyes rolled to the back of her head in pleasure. So. Fucking. Hot.

We made out for a while, running our hands all over each other. At one point she pulled back a bit to say, “your lips really are the softest.” One of my god-given gifts. I have the softest lips according to many a lover. But it is always nice to hear it from someone new.

As much as I love kissing, I wanted more. I was wet and fresh out of horny jail, I wanted to fuck.

“Do you want to go to the bedroom?” I asked.

“Yes.” Thank goodness. I needed this more than I needed air.

Once we got to the bedroom I put on my sex music and we hopped right into bed. When I got into bed with her, she spread her legs wide open so I could put my body right between them. Fuck that’s right this girl’s a stripper, she is flexible…Just when I thought she couldn’t get hotter.

We took it semi-slow considering the build-up. Kissing and body movements for now, but despite being at PG levels, tiny moans were already issuing from her. I love it when girls are vocal. Moans and sex sounds make me melt.

Eventually my lips went to her neck and she moaned even louder and more intensely.

“I love it when people kiss or bite my neck.” Fuck. Yeah, that one was going in the memory bank.

So, I kissed and sucked and bit her neck with little love bites, and we were both writhing.

I wanted to touch her more though, somewhere lower…

My hands went to the top of her pants and stroked across the hemline.

“Is this ok?” I asked. Consent is important folks!

“Yes, please.” She said. Thank god. My hands drifted to the top of her pants first, working my fingers and palms slowly on the surface at first and then dipping in to feel warm, delicious incredible pussy. My own moan of intense feeling issued from my mouth. As it always does the moment I feel the incredible power of pussy for the first time that day.

Fuck I needed more though.

“Can I take your pants off?”

“Oh my god yes.” She responded.

Soon the pants were off and I got to see her in her full glory. With a full view, I ran my fingers softly over her clit, then dipping a bit more inwards, but not too far…yet.

And like fingers are great, but I wanted a taste. With one more question of consent and a seal of approval I went to work going down. Kissing on the torso first, descending lower and lower. Eventually my mouth touched down lightly to her clit as the moans and writhing continued.

The lips on her face tasted good, but the other set tasted even better. That’s when you know you’ve found a good match for yourself, when things taste out of this world.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and I gave her everything I could. Every once in a while I’d look up to her face to see either her looking back into my eyes, or eyes closed and fluttering in that sexy way. These images have cemented into my brain for eternity.

I stayed down there for quite a while, and while she seemed close a couple of times, she warned me ahead of time it was pretty difficult for her to cum without a toy. But, sex is a journey, and she was fine with that. I also warned in advance, I preferred not using toys during first times with people I really liked. It was a newish and flexible rule, but I’ve found I really like to see what is possible with just bodies for first times. She agreed, even if it meant she wasn’t going to get that full release. I had a feeling we’d find a way though. I am nothing but determined when it comes to sex.

Eventually, she wanted to switch places. I was down. I was dripping wet, and as much as I love to give, I am more than happy to receive. It appeared we were both givers and receivers, and switches. Always nice to find someone as flexible as myself.

So, after a brief bout of kissing and sharing the flavor of our sex, we switched places. I took off my soaked panties and she quickly went to work with a look of excitement and purpose on her face.

First her fingers explored the surface. Sighs of her sexual desire issuing from her mouth. Touching something she’d been desperately wanted to. A certain kind of release. I know the feeling…

“Shit. You’ve got that water sign pussy. You’re so wet.” Yes, I’m a Pisces and no, I don’t go through very much lube. I make my own.

But, clearly she wanted a taste of her own, and her mouth made their way to the mothership. Fuuuck. My body tensed and shook even at the first touchdown. God, I was going to cum fast today. And, a lot…Unless the apocalypse happened in the next few moments, this was a certainty.

Her lips and tongue danced over me while I squirmed, damn near crying already. I looked down at her whenever I could fight the urge to just close my eyes and lose myself to the sensation. More eye flutters, which is an established “I’m ded” feeling, but she also looked up at me from her pussy eating position, and shit, seeing her with her face between my thighs looking up at me with those blue eyes might be an equal match to the eye flutters. Lord take me.

I had informed her before our hook-up though that I like penetration, so she didn’t waste an insane amount of time before placing her fingers to me and (quite easily) slipping one, and then another. It felt so good to have her inside of me, I couldn’t help but grab her hands and press her in even deeper. She had long fingers, and I wanted to feel them deep inside of me. Fuck me well. Fuck me hard. Fuck me so deep I can feel it in my stomach.

But still, I wanted more. So I asked. “Put in another finger.”

She obliged with a response. “Wow, you ARE a power bottom” (this was another fact I’d included about myself in the sexual identity conversations we’d had).

It felt great to have even more of her in me. But I was still craving more. I like to be stretched as long as someone was doing it right, which she was. And I was so turned on, that my pussy was gushing and ready to take as much as possible.

“Another,” I pleaded.

She smiled and dipped another in, moving her hand in time with my rapid breaths.

At this point, she had the whole hand in except her thumb. This was as far as I’d gone with people, and yet, I felt it wasn’t enough. I wanted as much of her inside of me as possible.

“Put the whole hand in,” I was ready. I didn’t expect to check this one off the fuck-it list tonight, but I wanted it, and I wanted it now.

“Fuck,” she gasped. “Yes.” This girl was fully in it and not afraid, so she went for it.

Her thumb made its way to my opening and she stuck not only the tips of all her fingers in, but slipped her whole god damn hand to the wrist point in. And I was delivered to a type of ecstasy that I’ve not seen before. Magic. I was filled up with hot, beautiful, gay magic.

As she moved her entire fucking hand in and out of me, I slid in and out of waves of orgasmic pleasure that were both intense and long lasting. We were the universe experiencing itself, sharing something on the next level of pleasure.

Eventually, I came down a bit from my insane pleasure-plane and knew it would be smart for my body’s sake to stop before I actually wrecked myself, so I had her pull herself out.

“Wow,” she said looking at her cum soaked hand, “that was a first.”

“Same,” I responded. “Did you like it?”

“Yes. Definitely. That was incredible.”

“Good. I loved it too.”

So, most people might call it a night after something like that. Especially with the clock creeping closer to dawn. But, we were not normal people.

“What do you want to do next?” She asked me. Good. I liked this one, a lot. She was a horse of a different color, just like me.

Well, I had something on my brain I hadn’t done within recent memory and had been fantasizing about, so that was my next request.

“I want you to sit on my face,” I asked. Breathing is overrated and I wanted to be smothered in pussy. Also, I knew this girl had the muscle control to make this good and fun for everyone.

She agreed with a smile on her face. I also loved what a yes women she was. She was down for whatever, and you can’t beat that kind of attitude.

So, I stayed on my back and she climbed up to the top of the bed and positioned her heat right over my face. I could feel the warm moisture beating onto my face and I was so hungry for it. When she lowered down onto my face it felt like I was sinking into a cloud that led into some fantasy realm. My own eyes rolled to the back of my head as I explored her with my lips and tongue. Incredible.

But, I knew this girl needed something a little more…intense to cum. Me and just my mouth weren’t going to do the trick to get this girl fully off. And remember, I am nothing but determined. Eventually my thumb went to her clit while she rode my tongue buried as deep into her as it could (luckily I was also blessed with a long, dexterous one of those too). She was moaning and grinding my face expertly crushing me just the right amount, but eventually her muscles were giving out and into the pleasure of my clit massage. She ended up leaning back, laying the back of her body on the front of mine. I had a face full of pussy still, which was amazing, but I knew I needed to really pick up the speed with my hands if I was going to get her there.

She said she usually needed a vibe to cum, well I’d be the vibe. With a little extra spit to help make things smoother I quickened my pace and rubbed my fingers back and forth at as close to the speed of light as I could get. And honestly, I impressed myself at the rapid rate I was going. Meanwhile her body was on top of mine in a sort of upside down 69 and writhing on top of me, quickly losing control of her faculties, succumbing to the feeling despite the awkward position. Neither of us cared though. We were in the moment and she was careening towards a feeling, a sensation that I needed to see. I had to see. It was my fucking god damn destiny to feel her tense, shake, and convulse on top of me. It wanted to feel her full release more than I wanted peace on earth. So, I channeled all of my will into fucking her so well that she forgot where she was.

As my fingers moved with purpose, I could feel it. She was so damn close, I just need to stick with it. We were almost there. And then, that feeling washed over me. The beginnings of my empathy orgasm were upon me. She was moments away. And sure enough, I could hear the cries of a mind and body surrendering to the best fucking feeling on earth. She came, and I did with her. Release.

After she woke from her bliss, she sat up almost like awaking from a dream and finding yourself laying upside down in the bed. We struggled to reposition ourselves, both sort of surprised at the state we found ourselves in.

“Damn. I did not expect to cum, or in that position. That was another first,” she said.

“I know, that was a weird one, but if it works, it works.”


After this we had a cuddle and some kisses, winding down from the intensity. Both of us smiling in happiness and in mutual satisfaction in the events of the night. But, considering it was very late in hour, it was time to say our goodbyes soon.

“I believed you were going to be good, but like…damn,” she said as she was reclothing herself.

I shivered in response. What a compliment. And it felt very, very honest. Obviously my own pleasure is important, but delivering that to others and having my sexual identity ego stroked at the same time, felt pretty darn good. Success overall.

She delivered the “let’s do this again” line before she left, but she stole it from my own mouth. We would definitely be seeing each other again. And while I would happily unlock whatever it was that made my hand work at unnatural speeds again, next time, technology was on the table. And I couldn’t wait.

So, to recap. This story started with a drink or two with friends at a truly awful bar. In the process we got pepper sprayed and then randomly ended up at gay night where I somehow met a pretty girl who just happened to be some sort of fantasy I never knew I ever had. Several different firsts that weren’t even on my radar to put on my fuck-it list, and still managed to check off something that was. It’s surely been a wild ride so far, can’t wait to see what’s to cum. Now, what to check off the list next…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zkmppd/ff_i_33_fucked_a_stripper_23_and_checked


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