Electric Cage (Femdom, Chastity Training)

Electric Cage

She jabbed her palm against the door. It slammed into the wall, boomed, and startled Cody. He spun, faced his girlfriend, and stopped. She stood several feet away, but the rage radiated from her petite frame. Cody had never seen Kara like this before.

“What’s going on?” Cody asked.

Kara had her hands on her hips now. She stared down at him.

“Come with me,” she commanded. As she spun around, Kara’s golden blonde hair flew up and smacked down against her shoulder blades. She stomped out of the room.

Cody glanced back at his computer; on the screen, several pixelated warriors were braced and ready for combat. Breathing out slowly, he tried to shift his strategy and thinking. He didn’t need to worry about reaction times or reflexes; instead, he had to be careful about saying the wrong thing to his girlfriend.

With the nervous energy building inside of his chest, Cody got up and followed her out into the living room. His feet pressed down against the marble flooring, and he glanced up to see his laptop right there.

“I thought I would use your computer,” she explained. “I didn’t think it would be a big deal because I didn’t assume my boyfriend had lied to me.” Kara spat out every word.

“What are you—” Cody started to ask until she turned the computer around so he could see it.

Back in the office, he played a few games when he wanted to relax between work sessions. His laptop, however, could be used for games, communication, work or…

Oh crap.

Cody saw the image on the screen, a positive video. There was a woman on her knees with a collar around her neck. She wore an open blouse that exposed her breasts and a short, pleated skirt. Her lips were wrapped around the curved edges of a man’s erect cock. Eyes wet, she stared up as she served the powerful alpha male who held the end of her leash.

“What is this?”

“Kara, I can explain,” he said without thinking.

“Exactly,” she said. “I’m asking for an explanation.” With her blonde tresses, perfectly sculpted cheeks, cute nose, and sharp ears, Kara was gorgeous. She had amazing breasts, slender limbs, a perky ass, and a flat stomach. She was the kind of girl who could saunter into any bar or club and have guys circling her like wild hyenas. Not only that, she was beautiful enough that one harsh look could make most men melt. Sure, the guys might want to brag about their confidence and swagger, but this was different.

“Tell me,” Kara commanded. “What is this garbage?”

Cody opened his mouth, and he tried to think of something to say. Normally, the words just flowed, and he didn’t have to think or worry about them. Most conversations were automatic, only now she asked a simple question, and his lips refused to move; his tongue didn’t know how to dance.


“Why did you look in my laptop?”

“I had to check on something. I didn’t want to grab mine.”

Stupid, stupid, stupid. He should have put a password on his computer. And yet, this was Kara. She cared about trust, and she didn’t have many rules, but this was one.

“When we first got together, what did I ask from you?”

“You said you didn’t want your boyfriend watching pornography,” Cody answered.

“Exactly,” she practically growled. “I know most guys don’t believe this, but I think of pornography as cheating. It’s a violation of trust for two reasons. First, and it doesn’t matter if you disagree with me, fantasizing about someone else is grotesque. If you are with me, you should be with me. But I get it. Most boys wouldn’t accept that.”

“Kara, I—”

“I’m not done,” she snarled. “But you know what really, really makes this qualify as infidelity? Do you know why and how you cheated on me?”

Worthless and defeated, he could only answer with a quick, timid shake of his head.

Kara slammed the screenshot, “You made me a promise. When we first got together, I asked you if you could abstain from watching videos like this. You said yes.”

“I promised not to watch porn if you promised not to check,” he said. Those words seemed so clever at the time.

“And I kept my word,” she said. “I didn’t check on you. I didn’t monitor you. I thought I could trust you.”

Feeling like some little kid who had been caught misbehaving, he glanced up at her. Her lips remained in that firm, angry line, and her eyes were narrowed with undisguised rage. “What happens now?” Her eyes were boring through him. He looked away. My God, he thought. Kara was so beautiful. Cody tried to go through the logical sequence of events. He had broken up with girls before. Or rather, they had dumped him, but this would be different.

Cody worked as a computer programmer, but he got all of his contracts through her father, an executive at a major telecom. He lived here in Kara’s house, the wildly expensive and sprawling estate in the best part of town. Yes, he loved this girl, but he realized just how dependent he had become on her too.

This could get bad. Very bad.

“Come here,” she said. She yanked a chair out from beneath the dining room table, pivoted it to face him, and she sat. She crossed one leg over the other and looked like some powerful political matriarch.

Tentatively, Cody approached. He didn’t know what to expect or what this young woman might have in mind.

“Sit,” she said. She stuck out her index finger, but she didn’t point to one of the chairs. Instead, her finger directed him down to the floor in front of her.

Cody opened his mouth to ask what she wanted him to do, but then he decided it would be better to just kneel. Like some medieval servant, he got down onto his knees, bowed his head, and waited.

She touched a finger to the underside of his chin and nudged his gaze back up toward her face.

“Do you want me to dump you?”


“Are you willing to do anything to stay with me?”

“Please, I don’t want to break up. I love you, Kara.”

“I asked you a question. Are you willing to do anything to stay with me? And look at me when you answer.”

Trying to sound firm, sincere, and not afraid, he responded, “Yes, I’m willing to do anything to stay with you. I love you, Kara.”

“You know, I believed that before I found the filth on your computer.” She shook her head from side to side. “Since I obviously can’t trust you, we are going to have to make some special arrangements. I hoped I would never have to use this.”

“Use this? Use what?”

Kara didn’t answer her boyfriend as she stood and left the room. Just before she disappeared back down into the house’s wide hallway, she called out, “Stay. Right there. Don’t you dare move.” She may as well have been addressing a dog.

Cody bristled at the command, but he knew better than to question her. The seconds ticked by. They turned into minutes. He started to wish he had brought his phone. Torn between boredom and fear, he had to wait.

Eventually, he heard her footsteps as she came back.

Kara held a plain, brown box under one arm as she sat down in front of him again. She held it out, and he took it without knowing what to do. “Open it.”

“What is this?” Cody asked as he searched for a weak spot to tear at.

“Open it,” she said again.

He swallowed back some of the nervous energy. Part of him wanted to believe that he was safe now. If she had already decided to dump him, then she wouldn’t be playing this game. And yet, that wasn’t how a girl like Kara worked. She could hold onto resentments, allowing them to stew, simmer, and burn hotter and hotter until she finally acted.

He ripped off a piece of tape, popped the box open, and looked down in to see another package. This one had a strange device: some kind of metal belt and a neatly shaped cage in the outline of a man’s cock.

The Captured Lover 3002.

He pulled out the box, examined it between the palms of his hands, and tried to understand exactly what he had here.

Despite seeing the picture on the front, Cody had to glance up at her and asked, “What is this?”

“It’s your chastity belt,” she said.

“What?” Cody didn’t understand.

His incomprehension didn’t matter because she ran her fingers up his cheek before grabbing his scalp. She yanked on his hair, pulling his head back and said, “Cody, you broke my trust. That means we need to come to a new arrangement. Since I can’t rely on you to keep your word, we will use this instead.”

Her boyfriend still didn’t understand what was going on, or what would happen next. Like so many other boys, he had no idea how vulnerable his freedom could really be.

“Stand up, and strip.”


“Strip, Cody. I want you naked in the next ten seconds. If you disobey me, you can just leave, and we can be done.”

You can just leave, and we can be done. They could break up right here and now. Because he knew his girlfriend, he understood just how permanent that would be. They wouldn’t get back together. Besides, a beautiful girl like Kara would have absolutely no trouble finding another guy.

Realizing just how replaceable he really was, Cody rose to his feet. He practically ripped his T-shirt off, dropped it to the marble floor, kicked off his shoes, peeled off his socks, and pulled down his pants and boxers all in one sweeping movement.

He glanced over at her and hoped for some sign of her approval. Instead, she just seemed impatient.

“Okay,” he told her. “I’m naked.”

“Close your eyes, place your hands behind your head, and stand still.”


Her tone tightened, “Close your eyes, place your hands behind your head, and stand still. I won’t tell you again.”

Cody should have been annoyed; he waited for a spark of anger to ignite below his chest, but instead obeyed his girlfriend. Maybe he justified this by thinking she could have fun for a couple of minutes, but then everything could go back to normal. She would forgive him for his lapse, because it really wasn’t a big deal…

Naked, he stood there with his eyes closed and his fingers laced behind his head.

He listened as the package ripped. He imagined her deft fingers tearing through the cardboard and plastic bags within. Next, he heard the clink of metal against the table’s glass surface.

She took several minutes. All the while, he stood there. Cody shifted his weight from one foot to the other, all while he wondered precisely what this might be like.

“When we first got together, I thought I would need something like this, so I did my research. I want you to know that I really did hope I would be wrong,” she said. It sounded like idle conversation. “Men shouldn’t need chastity belts, but if they insist on misbehaving, then I’m willing to oblige. Males really are the weaker sex, aren’t they? You just had to keep from looking at dirty videos. You could have avoided this felt so easily. I mean, there are even computer programs out there to help you. You could have censored the Internet yourself.”

Cody decided not to say anything.

“I wonder how you’re going to behave in a couple of weeks.”

A couple of weeks? What would that mean? He looked at her quizzically.

She glanced over at him. “You’re still soft,” she said. “That’s good.” Then he felt a metal band around his waist. The cool touch made little bumps run down his neck and along his shoulders. Then he felt the cage for the very first time. It slipped along the length of his shaft. The sensations were strange, especially the cold metal bars. But then he felt another strip of metal underneath his scrotum. Right there at the base, it must have connected to the rest of the cage.

Then he picked up on the sound of a lock clicking.

“Okay,” she said. “You can try to take it off now.”

Cody didn’t understand, not until he looked down and saw the cage. Sure enough, his cock had been imprisoned. He saw the different pieces of metal, the smooth seams, and the metallic pack at the top of the base of his cock.

“What is this?”

“It’s a male chastity belt,” she explained. “Of course, this is one of the most expensive and elaborate ones out there.”

“What does it do?” Cody asked, although he knew exactly what “chastity” meant.

“Essentially, it will prevent you from having erections and orgasms without permission.”

Permission? He didn’t ask the question, but the look on his face must have been easy to read.

“Since you can’t be trusted on your own, I own that now.”

By “that,” she clearly meant his genitals. He glanced down at her, his eyes wide with nervous energy, but that just made her laugh, “It’s okay, Cody. We both know I have your best interests at heart. You shouldn’t have been looking at that stuff anyway. This way, even if you decide to, you won’t be able to do anything about it.” She gave a slow, condescending shake of her head. “No, you won’t!”

“Look, Kara, you made your point. Can you let me out of this thing now?”

“Nope,” she said with a pop of her lips. “But if you want, you can try to take it off yourself. If you succeed, I won’t be mad at you.”

Cody gulped, and that’s when he decided he had to try. Even with his girlfriend watching, he tried to hook his thumbs underneath the metallic waistband. He sucked in his breath to make his waist as narrow as possible, and then he pulled.

It didn’t help.

The smooth edges pushed down against his hips. He could move the belt maybe an eighth of an inch, but that wasn’t anywhere near enough. With his nostrils twitching now, he went for the metal cage. He tried to tug. He tried to pull. No matter how he made the cage wiggle, it wasn’t coming off. If he pulled anymore, he would hurt himself.

Secured between the base of his shaft and the belt around his waist, the cage wasn’t going anywhere.

“Please,” he said, yanking his hands away like the metal had suddenly turned hot, “This isn’t funny!”

“No,” Kara agreed with a cold, imperious note in her voice. “This isn’t funny. This is actually rather tragic, Cody. I thought I could trust you. But I couldn’t, could I? And now I need to make sure that I can control you.”

“Control me?”

“This chastity belt isn’t just about denial, Cody. It has some other very special features. What? You didn’t notice the special features listed on the box?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Tell me I’m the most beautiful girl you have ever seen,” she said as she dipped her hand into her snug, jeans pocket. She pulled out a small controller. Just a couple of inches long and maybe two inches wide, it didn’t look like much, but she pressed a button, and he looked down.

When he first started to feel the bars of his chastity cage contract, drawing tighter and tighter, he didn’t believe it.

But then he jerked his head up, and his brain finally figured out what to do, “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen!” The words spilled from his lips in a rush of panic.

“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“How tight can you make this thing?”

“As tight as I want,” she said. “Of course, there are other features. For example, did you know that your chastity belt has a built-in GPS?”

“Why would you need something like that?”

“Chastity is all about control. Specifically, it’s about a woman like me controlling a boy like you. I want to know where you are at all times.”

He bristled at her word choice.

His girlfriend just smiled. When the corners of her lips rose this way, she looked more like a hungry cat with her eyes aimed at some helpless mouse. In this situation, Cody knew he was her prey.

“You can’t track me! That’s a total violation of my privacy!”

“And when you speak out of line, here’s another nice feature,” she said.

Her finger came down on a different button, and he had no idea what to expect. After all, he didn’t think anything could be worse than the tightening cage.

He was wrong.

The electrodes that he hadn’t noticed suddenly sparked to life against his flesh. Electricity shot into his body, right there from the base of his cock, into his balls, and along the rest of his skin.

The world instantly morphed into a white, hot explosion of pure agony. Screaming out, not that he could hear his own voice, his eyelids came down, and he found himself panting.

“That was only for a second,” she said. “If I want to, I can just hold the button down. Would you like a demonstration?”

“No! No! Please no!”

“Then tell me what you did wrong.”

Fortunately, Cody had already been braced on his knees, so he couldn’t really fall much further. And yet, he now noticed the cool touch of the marble floor beneath his palms and fingertips. He had fallen forward, and now he lifted his head to look at this beautiful girl.

“You know, I don’t think this is a good idea. Maybe you should just let me out, and we can take a break.” She was beautiful, and he was dependent on her, yet that hardly mattered. If she could punish him like this, Cody didn’t think it would be worth it.

Only this lovely girl shook her head from side to side. “No,” she said simply, practically singing her answer, “I don’t think so.”


“You don’t get to take a break, Cody. You could have walked out a few minutes ago, but you decided you were going to let me put you in a chastity cage instead. This cage will ensure your obedience and that I will be able to give you everything you need.”

“Obedience? I’m not a—”

She pushed the button again, and another flurry of electricity sped through his skin, lighting up those pain receptors and making his fingers nails slide along the marble as he bit down. He probably shouted or screamed, but he couldn’t hear it.

When his vision cleared and the pain faded, he found himself on his side and looking up at her.

“What was that again?”

Shame burned along his cheeks and down his chest as he said, “Nothing.”

“Are you about that?”


“Then tell me you’ll be as obedient as a dog.”

His lips parted as his mouth opened, and he was ready to growl at her. He would tell her no such thing! He wouldn’t give her that kind of satisfaction. And yet, his gaze drifted down toward the controller and her thumb, which hovered right above that button.

In movies and video games, he saw characters get hurt all the time, but he never really imagined what true agony might feel like. When a superhero brushed off a punch to the gut, it seemed so easy. When an action star shrugged off a few bullet wounds, it didn’t matter. But now, his eyes were wet, and he found himself surrendering.

“I’ll be as obedient as a dog,” he said, mimicking her word for word as the humiliation burned his face red.

She reached down and ran her fingers through his hair. “Look at that. Your forehead is damp with sweat. I think that put the fear of my remote in you. Good.”

She pulled away, smiled again, and continued, “Tell me you’re going to be a good chastity slave.”


“Do I need to repeat myself?”

He grumbled back, “I’m going to be a good chastity slave.” Now that he satisfied her, he glanced up. “Please, just tell me what that means.”

“Isn’t it pretty self-explanatory? Basically, I’m thinking you don’t deserve to be my boyfriend. Instead, you can just be my slave.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Yeah, why not? Don’t you think I have the leverage I need to control you?”

Cody said nothing.

“Cody,” she told him, using his first name to assert her authority over this boy, “I asked you a question.” This innocuous comment came loaded with the threat of another jolt.

Cody was very anxious, unsure of where this was going, but scared to not answer in the way she wished. He had to perform. He had to please her.

“Yeah, you can control me.”

“Exactly.” She clapped her hands together. “Maybe I will let you be my boyfriend again at some point. But right now, I think you have been demoted. Just remember, this was your own doing.”

With his head bowed down, Cody didn’t know what to say. He glanced over at the doorway. “If you want, you can try to leave.”


“I told you that your chastity belt comes with a tracker. You want to test it out?”

“What does that mean?”

“See for yourself,” she said as she unbuttoned her jeans. He didn’t understand, but he tentatively decided to find out for himself. Maybe, after getting jolted twice, he couldn’t think clearly.

At first, he crawled. Then he remembered he could walk, so he lifted himself back up onto his feet, and he approached the front door.

Cody had sauntered in and out of this house countless times before, all without thinking about it. But now he came close to the front door, he reached out for the handle, and he didn’t even get to touch it before the electricity blasted through his body.

His knees and knuckles hit the floor hard! The electric shock ripped through him, teaching him a valuable lesson, one of many.

“Why did you punish me?”

“I didn’t,” she said.

He jerked his head up. Sure enough, she had left the controller right there on the table.

“Then what—”

“Isn’t it obvious? You aren’t allowed off of the property without my permission. Remember the GPS sensor? I can set a perimeter for any distance I want, beyond which you can’t go. I control you absolutely.”

He glanced down at the chastity belt and realized just how powerful this device could be. Cody shuddered at her statement. “Now crawl back over here.”

Cody hadn’t noticed before, but she had stripped off her jeans and panties. Through his addled thoughts, he couldn’t figure out what she had in mind, only now she licked one finger with sensual abandon before sliding her hand down between her legs. “Let me show you what real intimacy looks like.”

She would use him; she would turn him into her own private sexual plaything, and he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. As he realized all of this, Cody didn’t know what to do.

“Get over here,” she said with a snap of her fingers.

Cody didn’t want to obey; he wished he could resist or fight back, yet her authority overwhelmed him, especially because he could still see the tip of the controller right there on the edge of the table.

He crawled forward, cutting the distance between them until she reached down and slid her fingers around the back of his neck. She pulled him forward and guided his face right between her inner thighs. His cheeks brushed along her flesh, and he shivered with embarrassment as he caught the first aroma of her sex.

“I was a good girlfriend,” she said quite simply. “I was willing to go down on you, give you whatever you wanted. But it wasn’t enough, was it? You still had to run off, download the videos, and cheat on me.”

Did she sound hurt? Just angry? He couldn’t tell.

But then it hardly mattered because she said, “If you do a very good job and obey me as I expect, I might let you out of the cage. Eventually.”

But for right now, his command was obvious. He needed to serve her with his tongue.

Hot embarrassment ran through him, but he started licking.

Cody couldn’t help but think about his male friends who had sworn they would never go down on a female. Seriously, they thought it was demeaning. Yeah, they expected their girlfriends to suck their cocks and give them as many blow jobs as they wanted, but this was about power.

Right now, Cody didn’t have any.

He licked, sliding his tongue up and down. He tasted her juices and knew his place because of the electric cage between his legs. The chastity belt wasn’t coming off, she could use it to control him with hardly any effort.

“This is sex,” she said. “This is intimacy. This is how it feels when a girl like me controls a slave like you.”

He glanced up along the length of her body and saw the smooth fabric of her shirt along her breasts. Their eyes met for just a moment, and she shook her head with obvious amusement. “You don’t like this, do you? You don’t want to be owned?”

Cody couldn’t say anything, not while his mouth was busy on her pussy. He licked, sliding his tongue up and down again and again. He penetrated the walls of her opening; he pleasured her. She savored the heat and friction of his tongue against her most sensitive spots.

And then she grabbed his hair, pumped his face, and used him like he was nothing but a living dildo.

“Oh, that’s right. Keep looking. Keep going.”

Pretty soon, she couldn’t help herself. She let the wild ecstasy surge through her, “Yes, yes, yes!” She screamed, forcing his face into her pussy again and again, rubbing his nose against her clit, as her voice reverberated down the Hall and against the walls.

Then she yanked him back.

“Are you going to be a good chastity slave for me?”


“Say yes, Mistress.”

He kept his voice low, but he gave her what she demanded, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Good boy.” She patted him on the head.

Over the next two weeks, Cody held onto a fast, slim hope: she would change her mind. Or even if she didn’t change her mind and let him out of the chastity cage, then maybe she would simply let things slide. Little by little, she would allow him more freedom.


Cody kept tabs on the remote, thinking that if he could get his hands on it, he could take away her control and she’d have to take off the chastity belt.

It was a Tuesday morning and she had left the remote on the counter when she left to go to the bathroom. Cody saw his opportunity. He kept his eye on the hallway where Mistress Kara had gone. This was it. He never got his hands on the remote. His hand was within six inches of it when his body erupted into a piercing, screaming, bone jarring electric shock that didn’t stop for several seconds. Cody fought to hold on to the counter, but his fingers couldn’t lock on, and he slid to the floor, screaming in the most pain he’d ever suffered. There was no getting away from it. He tried to crawl away on the floor, but his muscles wouldn’t respond. He continued to try to slither away, but it wouldn’t have mattered. The shocks had to be turned off manually by the remote. And only Mistress Kara could do that.

“Oh my God, Cody! You stupid boy! Why did you think I never hid the remote? If you’d thought about this a little more you would have realized I didn’t have to hide it for a reason.” Kara rushed to the remote and hit the code. Cody suddenly slumped, passed out.. “This was your own fault for thinking you were smarter than me. Huh. Boys really are inferior.” Kara left him there.

From the moment she discovered his secret stash of pornography, she decided to lock him up and demote him. She kept him as her slave boy. Before, they were equal partners in their relationship. She did the cooking, while he did the dishes. She swept the floors while he washed the windows. But since he couldn’t be trusted with any kind of equality or independence, Kara made a few modifications to their relationship. Specifically, he was now responsible for all of the chores.

Not only that, she contacted her father and had his vendors redirect their payments. Yes, Cody still had to work late in the night on various programs as he hunted through lines of code to find different bugs and glitches, but now his paychecks went directly into a bank account controlled by Kara.

Kara never told him. He asked her why his account wasn’t growing, but she explained it as just slow payments. Cody didn’t know any different.

As all of this happened, he told himself he just had to be patient.

At several points, he tried to seduce her. There were moments when he would find her after she showered and he would stroke her back, her legs, and her chest. He would pet her softly. Sure enough, she would begin to be aroused since he’d been a pretty good boyfriend and knew what she liked.

But instead of taking out the key from its hiding place and unlocking her enslaved boyfriend, she would just place her hand on the top of his head and guide his face back down between her legs.

In the first couple of days, this didn’t really bother him. But then, the arousal built up. He would see her naked, and his cock would twitch against the bars of his chastity cage.

At other points, while alone, he would try to remove the belt. He pulled out wire cutters, but they couldn’t get any kind of purchase on the stainless steel.

Lucky for him, he didn’t just leave a few noticeable scratches. He knew there would have been consequences.

Then again, Kara found other reasons to punish her chastity slave.

After he completed any chore, she would inspect his handiwork. This usually meant running her fingers across the furniture to see if any dust came up. Occasionally, she would just glance down at the floor, look up at him, and say, “Do it again.”

And after he finally finished the task to her satisfaction, she grabbed him, bent him over the nearest piece of furniture, and yanked down his pants and spanked him. Her hand flew down hard and fast. She was ferocious with her chastity slave. Before long, his backside turned bright red, and then she would tell him to pull his pants back up.

Afterward, if she felt especially cruel, she might pull out the controller and point it at him.

Sometimes Kara pressed the button. Sometimes she just enjoyed watching him flinch. Yet, she couldn’t deny that when she pushed the button and Cody fell to the floor screaming and twitching spasmodically, her pussy started getting wet, and her hand was going to her pussy sooner and sooner, and the remote was used more and more.

Despite all of this, he couldn’t deny the arousal as it coalesced within his body. Up until this point, Cody had been fairly proud of the fact that he never lost control. He never became one of those wildly horny, desperate boys who would do anything for the chance to touch a boob or slide his hand down a girl’s panties. He had dignity; he had self-respect.

Until now.

Two weeks. He held out for two weeks. Due to his training, he became a much more obedient boy. He did his best to anticipate his owner’s desires. He woke up early every morning, cleaned the house, cooked her breakfast, and prepared himself for another day of subjugation. After she left for work, he returned to the small office, only now he just had access to a few websites. The rest of the web had been blocked off, and only Kara had the password.

When she came home, he cooked dinner, massaged her feet, and serviced her as best he could.

But now, he was on his knees, pressing his fingers down against her toes, massaging them and watching her relax as he looked up at her.

Cody should have planned this out, but the arousal was pumping through him, and his cock was pressing hard against the cage as he looked up and said, “Could you let me out of the cage? Please?”

“And why would I do that, slave boy? You’ve been so obedient over the last week, in particular. You do whatever I want. In fact, you try to anticipate my needs. You make me such a happy owner. Why would I ever give that up?”

“May I ask how long you intend to keep me locked up?”

She touched a finger to her chin, looked up toward the ceiling, and wobbled her head from side to side as she considered different answers.

Then she grinned down and said, “Does it really matter?”

“Yes! Yes, it matters to me! This is driving me crazy!”

“Really?” Kara asked with an amused lilt in her voice, “Go on. Tell me more.”

Her slave boy must have understood that she was just messing with him, yet he had to proceed. He couldn’t just to stay there on his knees as he massaged her feet and pretend nothing was wrong, especially as those desires continued to thrum and burned deep within his body.

“Please, Mistress. Please, I don’t think I can take this much longer. I have never, ever gone this long without getting off.”

“So, you want an orgasm?”

“Yes. Please. Please, can I have an orgasm?”

“Let me think about that,” she said. “If I give you an orgasm, would you be a grateful slave?”


“Can I make you be a grateful slave without giving you an orgasm?”

He saw the trap for what it was, only he didn’t know how to answer her. He couldn’t risk her wrath, but refusing to answer could annoy her just as much.

“Please, Mistress, you can do whatever you want with me. You own me.”

“Yes, I do. And to think, I used to really care about you as my boyfriend. Now I just enjoy owning you.”

He gulped. His heart sank a little as he realized that Kara seemed long past even thinking of him as her boyfriend. How could he ever return to being her boyfriend, and would the chastity belt ever come off?

“Slave boy, lick my toes,” she commanded. She raised her right foot, and he bowed his head down. He looked up at her. As he did so, he searched for some sign that she might be willing to change her mind. Instead, Kara seemed just as imperious and confident as always. This was a young woman who knew she could have whatever she liked, and the boy on his knees wouldn’t be able to stop her.

With the electric cage on his shaft, she owned him. She could shock him, punish him, track him, and train him.

“You know, I think I will let you have an orgasm at some point. I just need to decide if it should be tonight.”

Cody didn’t make a mistake of pulling his lips away from her toes. Instead, he kept licking and sucking. He moved from her big toe down along the side of her foot. He kissed her and worshipped her. Occasionally, she giggled, the corners of her mouth twitching upward. But for the most part, she just reveled in those sensations that curled through her body and danced along her nerves.

“Oh, this feels really good. I love having you right here.”

She closed her eyes, stretched her hands over her head, and then she said, “Come up here. I’m not wearing any panties.” She peeled back her skirt, spread her legs, and looked down at him.

“Are you sure this is what you want, Mistress? If you like, we could have sex…”

“Why would I bother having sex with you when I can just use your mouth?” Cody didn’t have a good answer to that.

“Sorry, Cody, but you were never that great of a lover. You never really put my needs first. You are okay. Mediocre. Your cock is only average. Almost six inches. I’d give you a three out of five. Kind of sad, really.”

His cheeks burned bright red; her demeaning comment about his cock made him blush, but then she just grabbed him. Her fingers pressed against the back of his skull as she guided his face between her legs. “This is where you belong, on your knees, between my legs, licking my pussy, getting me off. Doing my chores and treating me like a queen. And that’s why you’re going to beg me to keep you in chastity after I finish. You’re going to grovel and tell me how much you love being denied.”

Cody didn’t know if he would be able to do it.

In the meantime, he served his Mistress, licking her eagerly. All the while, he tried to push those pornographic thoughts from his brain. It was all his fault. He never should have made that promise to her, but he would have been willing to say anything. He should have kept his word; he should have been honest with this girl.

As he tasted her and licked her, she reveled in her power over him. The sensations were nice, sure enough, but it was the power that excited her more than anything else. She owned this boy.

And to think, she had been reluctant to put him in a chastity belt. But now that he was all locked up and powerless, she could do whatever she wanted with him! She could have whatever she craved, and he would have to kneel there and give it to her.

A ferocious grin stretched across her face as she lifted her chin, closed her eyes, and braced for the orgasm.

The explosion danced through her.

She pulled him back. She smoothed out her skirt and crossed her legs. She still wasn’t wearing any panties, but this boy had a chastity belt on, so his frustrated reluctance didn’t really matter.


This was one test among many, but Cody had to pass, especially because he saw how she fingered her controller again.

Even so, he needed to make her understand, “I’m not going to grovel or beg for more time in a chastity belt. Please, Kara, can’t we just go back to how we used to be. You have to know this is wrong!”

She zapped him. She pressed the button, held it down beneath her thumb, and watched as he writhed, twitched, then dropped like a rag doll, and bucked there on her expensive floor.

“Try again,” she said.

Panting, he climbed up onto his knees. His eyes were wet, and he bowed his head down.

“Grovel,” she ordered.

“I can’t!”

Rather than argue with her slave, she punished with another shock. She watched, growing callous as he twitched there on the floor. Then it stopped and he crawled back up onto his knees, more slowly this time, his face growing more scared and strained, shaking and perspiring.

“Care to try again?”

He glanced up at her. For just a moment, she thought she saw a spark of defiance, but it quickly flickered out. Now Kara saw fear, and smiled.

“Thank you for owning me, Mistress. I’m your chastity slave, and I am begging you to keep me locked up. Please, don’t let me have an orgasm. Please, keep me trained. Deny me. Please, Mistress!” His voice had lost its defiance, its strength. In its place was anxiety, worry, uncertainty, a whiny submissiveness that was new.

She leaned forward and grinned at him. With her fingers brushed along his cheek, she said, “Only because you asked so nicely.” This was his life, and he had to accept the fact that he was never, ever getting out of his electric cage.

The End

If you like this story, feel free to send me a chat or DM. If you like, you can also email me at [aritter664@gmail.com](mailto:aritter664@gmail.com).

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zkfmw7/electric_cage_femdom_chastity_training

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