NNN 05 – Video Conference (fiction, No Nut November, 22M)

*November 4th*

I woke up to something I *should* be accustomed to……I woke up with my morning wood.

Doesn’t sound like a problem, right?

Well the morning wood really wasn’t the problem. The *problem* was the ‘way’ my morning wood was this morning.

It looked……

What’s the right word?


Can a dick be angry?


Well whatever the right word was, my morning was **not** natural.

My dick this morning was at its normal standing position *but* unlike any other normal morning this one looked **pissed**.

By pissed I mean my dick looked like it went to the gym without me as my dick had all its veins popped out.

And if I wasn’t mistaken it looked bigger….I think.

All I know is it looked like it was ready to go down a wet hole and keep on soldiering.

When I looked at it as I pulled up my covers to see my tent I blinked confused. I felt my dick throb and decided to take a closer inspection as I pulled up my waistbands on my sweats and underwear to meet a entirely different dick.

*What the fuck am I looking at?*

Was I even looking at **my** dick? Cause I’ve never seen my dick look this….different.

I stared at it trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

Eventually I sighed and decided maybe pissing would help my situation and maybe **my** dick would go back to being *my* dick.

I hoped at least.

I put my waistband’s back in place and officially got out of bed as not even the fabric could keep it from bending or bowing showing its dominance.

I walked into the bathroom pulling down my waistband’s again freeing the fucker and *tried* bending it down and faced another problem.

I couldn’t bend it….at least not without it hurting something fierce like even **I** was defying its purpose….to stand tall.

*Well shit!*

I scratched my head wondering what in the hell am I supposed to do.

Pee on the wall and hope it gets in the toilet somehow?

No that sounds stupid.

Well whatever I’m supposed to do I better do it quick cause my bladder isn’t going to hold its load for very much longer.

Maybe if I lean and prop myself against the wall it’ll be enough to somehow angle the fucker down to aim at the bowl?

I tried to lean and prop myself against the wall and angle my hard on down and was forced to ignore the pain as I semi achieved my goal as I peed into the toilet.

Granted I didn’t get **all** my urine into the toilet so I was forced to clean up what I missed.

With that nastiness done I looked down to see that pissing *sort of* helped as my morning wood no longer looked so angry but it was still going strong.

*Maybe it needs a few extra minutes to go back to normal?*

I pondered it for a moment I decided coffee was probably the best idea because all this thinking was beginning to make my head hurt.

I needed wakey wakey juice.

I walked out of my bathroom and out of my bedroom as I entered my kitchen.

I started making coffee before laying out my morning supplement’s as I was forced to patiently wait for my wakey wakey juice.

While waiting, I decided to check on my email to make sure my video conference hadn’t been moved or anything for work.

I know Becky told me to blow off work but it was with my boss and I’m pretty sure my boss is a guy.

Granted I’ve never met him as he has been my boss for the last seven or eight months and most of our conversations are over the phone or via email. Hardly have to do video conferences with him.

My boss’s name is Carson Paulson.

And his voice has a nice timber tone to it.

So it was common sense *Carson* was a **guy** and shouldn’t raise too many red flags.


I clicked on my mouse pad to wake up my laptop as it turned on nearly immediately to see I had my email open for work confirming my video conference was still slated for 9am.

Good, I still have time.

Once I confirmed my video conference, I walked back to the kitchen now that I saw my wakey wakey juice has finally finished brewing.

I poured myself a cup and grabbed my small handful of pills as I lightly sipped my coffee making the mistake I forgot it was piping hot instantly burning my tongue but couldn’t spit it out with my mouthful of pills.

I looked down to make sure my morning wood had run its course confirming it had *finally* subsided but noticed a new predicament.

It seems my dick hadn’t fully retreated to his *normal* position making my dick look small and shriveled.


I’m grower not a shower.

Anyways my dick was in a relaxed state *but* he hadn’t fully shrunk and instead was limply hanging seemingly partially deflated.

*That was new!*

I looked at my newly hanging fellow semi impressed as I looked and suddenly realized it must be the supplements that was making this happen.

I looked over at the supplement’s and grabbed the bottle as I spoke out loud, “Why didn’t I try you seven years ago when I lost my virginity?”

I lightly recalled the memory as the girl I lost my virginity kind of surprised me as she *was* one of my sister’s friends….. Cassie Hudock.

She had walked in on me as I stepping out of the shower completing forgetting she had slept the night.

Naturally my dick, at the time, was in a relaxed state looking small.

She laughed at me teasing me saying it looked like a pimple claiming she had seen bigger.

Not exactly how a guy *should* lose his virginity.

Well I was used to fighting back with Cassie as it was our little game over the past few years.

I teased her back saying I had seen bigger boobs on my tablet causing her to get mad and flashed me her tits saying I’ve never seen tits in real life instantly making me drool.

Granted she wasn’t exactly large as we both were still developing, I guess, but I’ll admit it was my first time seeing tits….right in front of me.

Which caused me to grow and….well she changed her mind about my *size*.

She stripped and we fucked in the shower…..with no running water.

I smiled at the odd memory knowing my first time wasn’t exactly conventional. Though looking back on it we should have at least worn some type of contraception. But I was young dumb and full of cum. And we weren’t exactly using logic at that moment.

Naturally we had fucked like rabbits for a few months after that until Becky found out. They fought and had a falling out causing my free range of her friend to go dry as she quickly found a boyfriend and started ghosting me.

I shrugged at the memory with a grin as I kissed the bottle of supplements before setting it down with its comrades.

I moved off quickly making some toast putting something in my stomach until I finished off my coffee and went to shower so I could get ready for my video conference.


I sat in my office in front of my official computer that had all the goodies with all my relevant files open I needed prepping for my video conference not sure what the discussion would be about.

The only thing I know about the video conference was that my boss, Carson Paulson, wanted to speak to me and a few others.

I assumed he wanted to check up on me and others about our current work load and how far we were.

I don’t know about the other’s but I’m a Junior 3D Architect working for LAS Holdings. LAS Holdings is a firm that buys and sells land, pitches building designs to companies, and what not. I work in the housing division so I make 3D builds of houses that haven’t been built yet.

I want to work in the building division building big buildings that haven’t been built yet as satellites or headquarters for any company willing to pay for it, that’s where the big bucks are, but I haven’t put in my time yet as I had only worked for the company for about a year now and needed at least three before I can try.

After I brought up all my relevant files that I was currently working on, most of which was done I was just waiting on the deadline to officially turn them in due to it being ‘No Nut November’, I plugged in my headsets that had a workable mic on it.

Then I brought up the email, opened the email that had the link for the video conference and clicked on it.

My computer screen instantly jumped into a meeting where our names were displayed as I instantly saw other people including Carson sitting in the video conference. All of our cameras were on…..except Carson’s.

I instantly heard Carson’s deep timber voice come in on my headsets, “Ah Mickey so glad of you to join us. Right gents, I have two topics to cover today. First I’d like to see how each of your projects are coming along making sure you’re each making use of your time at home.

Tyler, we’ll start with you.

How is the barndominium coming along for the Morrison’s?”

Tyler coughed before speaking, “I got most of the design done as the client requested being 15,000 sq ft and incorporated all the updates the client requested to be in the build.

I’ve also calculated how much of each material will be needed to complete the build and even done some homework on rough estimates for all the material needed.

I’ve also project rough timelines for each stage of the build so the customer knows both rough timelines from start to finish along with projected finances required to do this particular build.

I’ve included all that info in my outline in the files that should be on the server now.”

Carson spoke, “When did you upload those files?”

Tyler answered, “Last night.”

*Hmmm maybe **I** should start doing that.*

I jotted down that note for future reference on other projects.

Carson spoke, “Perfect. I’ll let management and the client know of your speedy turn around.”

Tyler spoke, “Thank you.”

Carson spoke, “Alright Greg, how’s the basic build for the newest estate over in Tulsa coming along?”

Greg quickly spoke, “Coming along great. I’ve nearly completed the variations they have requested.”

Carson spoke, “Do you have enough to give the investor’s an idea of what to expect in your variation’s?”

Greg spoke, “If they don’t mind I can start wire frame renders on the variation’s now and have that uploaded by COB.”

Carson sounded chipper, “That’ll be fine. How much longer do you need to finish the project?”

Greg spoke, “Depends on how much detail the client wants to see.”

I heard Carson’s quizzical tone as he spoke, “Well I’m not sure what you mean but the ‘client’ wants full 3D renders in the blue prints.”

Greg sighed, “Just the basic’s will take another two weeks.”

Carson mused, “And how much longer for *your* level of detail?”

Greg spoke, “Late January at the earliest.”

Carson lightly chuckled, “Yeah I don’t think management will like that.”

Greg sounded non plus, “Then I won’t be able to ‘*wow*’ the client who’s paying us 6.2mil for a series of houses to build a new neighborhood.”

Carson spoke flatly, “Point.” Then he sighed, “Ok when do you think you’ll be done to ‘*wow*’ the client.”

I imagined Greg shrugging as he spoke, “March best guess.”

Carson was silent for a moment before speaking, “Alright I’ll let management know *but* I want those wire renders and a rough timeline for **all** steps to justify the time by COB.”

Greg quickly spoke, “Rendering now.”

Carson checked in with three other guys seeing how they were doing on their own individual project’s before he finally settled on me.

Carson spoke, “Alright Mickey seeing how you were the last to jump into the meeting you’ll go last.”

Carson paused for a moment before continuing to speak, “As far as I understand it you have six different projects going on. Is that correct?”

I cleared my throat, “Yes that’s right, Carson.”

Carson grunted, “Uh huh.” Then he sounded chipper, “Right! How are you doing with all those?”

I coughed before I spoke, “Well if I’m honest four of them are in the final stages of being ready. And the other two I’m about 40% complete.”

Carson spoke slowly, “Meaning you have four of your six done?”

I bit my lip before speaking, “Ummmm, almost.”

I decided to lie because I liked the extra work that Tyler did on his project and what harm was there putting in the extra work if it helps delay my handing in my projects, “Still have to put the final touches on them before I’m ready to hand them in.”

Carson spoke, “Oookkkkkkk…….how long until they’re done?”

I rolled my head side to side trying to think how long it’ll take to ‘*add*’ that extra detail before speaking, “I can have two ready by the end of the month and other two ready before Christmas.”

I heard Carson tap on his desk for a minute before he finally spoke, “That’s acceptable. But do me a favor?”

I quickly spoke, “What’s that?”

Carson sounded cheerful as he spoke, “Upload ALL your files of the four so I can show management where you’re at along with projected timelines when to expect the completed files?”

I nodded and spoke, “Sure, I’ll have them uploaded by the end of the day.”

I had already had a plan to show I was working *but* planned on handing in an older file as I save a newer copy as I finish each stage.

All I had to do was save today’s date on the old file, possibly my 85% file, and simply upload it so they see I’m still working on it.

Carson spoke, “Alright gents I appreciate the updates on all your projects and look forward to looking at your uploads. This finishes my first item I wanted to speak to each of you about.”

I smiled thinking the hard part was over not sure what the second item was about but sat there waiting.

Carson continued, “My second item of business is not work related but I have a proposition for you all.”

Carson waited as Greg was the first to speak, “And that is?”

Carson spoke and I found his speech a little weird became his voice sounded shaky, “As I understand each of you has taken part of Muschi’s November Challenge.”

*That’s weird* I thought as I wondered how **he** knew how *all* of us were doing Muschi’s November Challenge.

I *thought* the guy’s doing the challenge was pretty much anonymous.


My eyes widened as soon as that idea clicked.

Tyler lightly chuckled, “Yeah. I take it you’re doing it as well boss.”

Greg chuckled, “Yeah can’t say no to a free $750k for being celibate for 30 days.”

There was a chorus of laughs as each guy pretty much thought the challenge was easy.

Just then Carson’s camera turned making all of our eyes bulge as our jaw’s dropped on the ground as ‘*Carson*’ turned out to be a gorgeous woman wearing a dress smiling at each us as **her** deep timber voice came out, “Not exactly.”

And in that instant two things happened.

My sister’s words rang in my ears.

And I felt a *thump* as my dick, just the tip, hit the underside of my desk.

*Mick’s NNN Journal*

**November 4th**

* 07:13: Took 1st round of supplements – Morning wood seemed to be different; noticed my dick has slightly changed; beginning to get random boners


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zigv3n/nnn_05_video_conference_fiction_no_nut_november