Elisa’s Journey – Part 2: Down the rabbit hole [M/F 18 – 25] [Cheating]

Sam had decided to stay with me, despite catching me sucking our roommate’s dick. He had insisted that we both move out of our shared house with Sarah and Tom. We had to stay at his parent’s house again for a little while, but we eventually moved into a small one-bedroom flat on our own. He had also changed back from the night shift to the day shift, so we were working together again. I was still in love with Sam, but things had changed. Our relationship was always rocky. We would argue a lot, he would grill me about where I had been, and we had definitely moved passed the honeymoon phase of our relationship. I knew it was all my fault, of course.

He was also angry that I remained friends with Sarah. He blamed her a lot for what had happened, but I couldn’t stop being friends with her. She was basically my best and only friend. On top of that, I didn’t want to give up the feeling I got when I was with her. When we hung out, it always felt like anything could happen, like anything was possible. She was just so wild and carefree, nothing was an obstacle to what she wanted. Plus, I kind of liked being friends with someone who had made me have my first orgasm. There was always this weird vibe between us, like it wasn’t going to be the last time that we fooled around together. Whatever the case, I wasn’t going to lose her, much to Sam’s annoyance. Tom, though, was totally off-limits. I was never allowed to see him again, not that I really wanted to.

A few months after moving into the flat, life settled into a dull routine. Working at the supermarket on the weekdays, seeing Sam in the evenings, sometimes going out with Sarah on Fridays, and working at the bar on Saturday nights. The bar job was a nice respite from the boring, daily routine of my life. It was always a great atmosphere and I got to listen to cool, new music. I’d often get hit on, too, which I usually enjoyed. One night, I was chatting to my manager, Jack, during a quiet period. He was a nice guy in his mid-twenties; a little cocky, but he always made me laugh and had fun stories to tell. He was very upbeat, charismatic, and cheeky. It made a nice change of pace to hang out with him after seeing my unhappy, grumpy boyfriend all week.

Jack was telling me another one of his stories and was talking about this older woman that he’d slept with a couple of weeks previously. The sex stories were always my favourites, and he always had a new one to tell me. He proceeded to recount all the gory details of their sex session, and I listened intently.

“So, where did you meet her?” I asked, not really having much more to contribute to the conversation.

“This sex club. Just off Broad Street,” he replied, grinning his usual cheeky grin.

“Sex club?” I asked, curious. “What’s that?”

“Come on…do you need me to spell it out?” he said.

I punched his arm softly.

“No,” I said, trying not to seem as naïve as I was, “but I’ve never heard of anything like that before.”

“Oh, It’s great,” he said. “I’ve been a few times now.”

“So, like, how…what…what’s it like?” I asked.

He went on to explain that it was a small sort of club with hot tubs, private play rooms, glory holes, saunas, steam rooms, and other bits. Basically, people would go and have sex with strangers there.

“Where do they have sex, then?” I stupidly asked.

“Anywhere,” he said flatly.

“Anywhere?” I asked.

“Anywhere,” he said again. “It was mental the first time I went.”

“I can’t believe I’ve never heard of it before,” I said. “What’s it called?”

“Utopia,” he replied. “Yeah, I’m not surprised you’ve not heard of it, neither had I. It’s got no sign and it’s above this old bookshop. I only went because a friend told me about it, and he heard about it from his mate. Proper word of mouth sort of place.”

We continued chatting about it for a little while, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I wanted to see Sarah and tell her all about this juicy new gossip. It was rare that I had something interesting to tell her, so I couldn’t wait to see her. I wasn’t thinking about going, it sounded way too crazy for me, but Sarah and I loved to talk about all things sex. She also had a thing for our manager, so I knew she’d love my news. The next day, I met her in town for a coffee, since I wasn’t allowed around her and Tom’s place, any more.

“Fuck off!” Sarah exclaimed. “We have to go.”

“What? Are you joking?” I asked.

“We don’t have to do anything, well, you don’t have to do anything,” she said, visibly bouncing, “but there’s no way I’m not gonna have a cheeky little look.”

“Really?” I asked. “It doesn’t sound too…like…seedy?”

She laughed in my face.

“Fuck yes, it sounds seedy,” she said. “But who cares? Aren’t you even a little curious to see what it’s like?”

I hesitated.

“I know you well enough now to know you’re thinking about it, you minx,” Sarah said.

“Well…yeah, okay, I’m slightly interested. But there’s no way I could do it. Sam would fucking kill me if he found out,” I said.

“Oh, fuck Sam,” she said, loudly. “He doesn’t have to know. You can’t let him sap all the fun out of your life. We’ll just pretend we’re gonna go drinking somewhere, which won’t entirely be a lie.”

As usual, Sarah gave me the hard sell. She knew I felt guilty about the mere thought of going, but she knew I was curious, too. She loved to encourage me to step out of my comfort zone. We eventually agreed that we would go after work on Monday when it was likely to be quiet. She gave me all these assurances about how we wouldn’t get caught and it would just be a laugh. I was definitely interested in going to explore this place, but I was terrified Sam would find out. The thought of hurting him again killed me. I always remembered that look on his face when he saw me covered in cum. But, at the same time, I wanted to explore life, and I was starting to feel like Sam was getting in the way of that. Being the young and curious woman I was, I made the bad choice. I wanted to explore life but keep Sam at the same time, while also keeping it from Sam.

Monday evening arrived and I met Sarah at a small bar in town. I was excited, but that didn’t stop me from shaking the entire time. What if I got caught? Plus, I had no idea what we would be walking into and it was making me anxious. We had a couple of drinks to ease our nerves, then made our way to the bookshop that Jack had mentioned. Sarah helped put me at ease, thankfully. We were giggling the whole way there, joking about the kind of people we’d find inside. Once we found the bookshop, we entered through a small door to the side of it. We walked up a dimly lit staircase until we reached a door, with a window in the wall to the side of it. A middle-aged guy asked for our IDs, charged us £20 each, and slid some condoms under the glass partition. Sarah snatched them up and put them in her bag, turning to me and winking. The guy buzzed us through the door and we stepped inside. There was no turning back for us now.

We walked into a much brighter room that split into two separate rooms, one for men and one for women. A well-dressed man appeared and offered us each a towel.

“First time?” he asked.

We nodded.

“Okay, I’ll cover the ground rules, then. No phones, no drugs, no clothes,” he said. “You can cover up using the towels, though. If you get trouble from anyone, just call out and someone will be with you in seconds. Have a good night, ladies.”

We stiffly walked into the changing room and burst out laughing as soon as we got inside. We felt so silly and out of place, but it was fun and exciting already. We both got undressed, put our clothes in a locker, and wrapped our towels around us. We walked through a final door. On the other side, it was a bit anti-climactic. I sort of expected to see naked people everywhere, just fucking, but it was just like a fancy spa. Nicely decorated interior, signs pointing to different areas, and some people walking around in towels. After a few giggly moments, we decided to head to the hot tub room. We followed a sign down a small corridor until we reached a room with the biggest hot tub I had ever seen. It could have easily fit 30 people. There was a couple who were chatting, a few single guys, and a couple of women. Sarah flung off her towel, revealing her slightly curvy body, and hung it up on a hook. It suddenly hit me that I would have to get naked in front of strangers. Sarah could clearly tell what I was thinking.

“Don’t be nervous,” she whispered, leaning in. “Everyone is in the same boat. Besides, you’re a skinny little thing with great boobs, you’ve got fucking nothing to worry about.”

She walked towards the hot tub and slipped in. I hesitated for a few moments but decided I’d only look awkward if I just stood there doing nothing, so I pulled off the towel. It was such a strange feeling. My naked body was on display for anyone and everyone to see. I was nervous and worried but also kind of liberated. It felt strange, but good. I quickly got in next to Sarah. She leaned over to me, biting her lip.

“This is wild, right?” she asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

I had to force my mouth not to smile like a moron.

“It’s crazy,” I replied, through pursed lips. “What do we do now?”

“Fuck knows,” she said. “Let’s just see what happens.”

It took about half an hour for the silliness of the situation to fall away. In that time, a few people left the hot tub and a couple more had gotten in. We were just talking quietly together when a really, really attractive guy with a gorgeous body sat down next to her.

“Hi,” he said, inserting himself into our conversation. “I’m Danny.”

I instantly blushed and looked away. Sarah, however, was thrilled at the attention.

“Oh, hi, Danny. I’m Christy and this is my friend, Allison,” she said, without skipping a beat, gesturing towards me.

I awkwardly turned towards him and gave him a cringe-worthy, little wave. I wanted to die of embarrassment.

“Hey. So, how are you both doing this evening?” he asked.

“Oh, we’re doing great, Danny. What about you?” she said, seemingly in her element, as I just stared off, pretending to pay attention to something across the room.

They went back and forth for a little while, all the time Sarah flirting outrageously with him. They even started kissing at one point and I began to feel like an awkward third wheel. I was really hoping they wouldn’t start having sex next to me. I didn’t want some sort of repeat of what happened the last time she got horny with me nearby. The guilt would be too much to handle. Luckily, they eventually stopped kissing and Danny got up to leave, for some reason, saying goodbye to both of us. Sarah turned to me.

“Jesus!” she said, holding her chest. “He was so fucking pretty. Did you see him?”

“Yeah, I saw him,” I said, smiling, “and his body.”

“Oh, my God. Right? Fuuuck,” she exhaled. “You wanna go exploring more? I’m in the mood for exploring.”

I nodded and we got out of the hot tub, dried off, and wrapped ourselves up again. We walked out and back down the hallway until we reached some signs at the bottom of a staircase.

“Hmm,” Sarah mused. “Where next? Where…next…”

“Umm, what the hell is a glory hole?” I asked, laughing and pointing at the sign.

“You don’t know what a…Christ, ‘Lisa, sometimes I forget how bloody sheltered you are,” she said. “It’s like a cubicle with a hole cut into the wall. Guys stick their dicks through.”

“So, then…” I began.

“Yeah, exactly,” she said.

I pretended like it was hilarious, but the idea really resonated with something deep inside me. We decided to check it out. We walked up the stairs and arrived at a door with a sign saying ‘Glory Holes’. We looked at each other, smiled, and went in. It was almost pitch black. The only light came from thin strips of blue LED lights along the edges of the floor. We carefully walked down a small corridor, holding onto each other, until we reached a set of 8 cubicles, all adjoined and all lit with a glow-in-the-dark number. I suddenly became aware of a faint, sucking sound. I held Sarah closer, trying not to burst out laughing.

“Let’s go in one of them,” she whispered.

“What? Really? Wait-” I began.

“Of course!” she giggled. “We’ve come this far…”

“Okay,” I whispered back, my nerves really kicking in.

She slowly led us to a cubicle and pulled on the door handle. It was locked.

“Sorry,” she quietly called out to its occupant.

She tried another door and it opened. We walked in together and she locked it behind us. As dark as it was, we could just about see thanks to the LED lights on the floor. We had gone into one of the cubicles at the end, so there were only two adjacent holes.

“What…what now?” I asked, worried that Sarah would hear my heart thudding in my chest.

“I don’t know,” she replied. “Wait?”

Seconds after she spoke, a cock appeared through one of the holes. We both gasped and held onto each other. It was probably average size and fully erect. She looked at me and I could just about see the devious smile on her face. She knelt to the floor. She took it into her hands and gently stroked on it. I felt so dirty and ashamed, all of a sudden; a feeling that surprised me. I reluctantly watched as she stroked it, then slipped it into her mouth. Feelings of guilt started to overwhelm me; I felt like I did when Sam caught me cheating, but I still couldn’t bring myself to look away. I watched as she expertly stroked his length while sucking on him. She made it look good, just like last time. She carried on sucking away on his cock as I just stood there, staring through the darkness. After a while, she pulled it out of her mouth and turned to me.

“You want a go?” she asked.

I silently shook my head and she turned back to carry on. I didn’t want to hurt Sam, I really fucking didn’t, but I was sicker at the feeling of being caught, somehow. Yet, I started thinking about how fun it had been to cheat before, despite the fallout afterward. Some part of me wanted to be a naughty, cheating slut again. I just didn’t know how to confront those feelings. So, I stood there and watched her fulfilling my fantasy. Not long passed and I could hear the guy start to moan. She pulled it out of her mouth and stroked it faster. He shot big, thick loads all over her face and chest. It looked amazing, she looked amazing.

Just as I was processing my conflicted emotions, a small bit of cum hit my thigh. Stunned, I just looked down at it. It slowly started to ooze down my skin. I couldn’t explain how I felt, I just knew that a surge of electricity was running through my body. I had some random man’s cum on my leg, and it was triggering something inside of me. After the guy had finished and pulled his cock back through the hole, Sarah used her towel to wipe the cum off her. She stood up and faced me.

“Fuck, that was amazing,” she said. “Fuck!”

She looked wild-eyed and feverish with desire.

“Are you sure you don’t want to have a go? We can wait for another one,” she asked me.

“Umm…yeah…yeah, I think so,” I replied.

She could tell that I was at war with myself, in my mind. She wrapped her towel around her, guided me out of the cubicle, and we walked back out.

“You wanna go home?” she asked. “Or, you wanna explore some more?”

I hesitated a bit.

“Well…umm, I…yeah, I guess we can explore some more,” I said.

Sarah always could tell when I was lying, not that I was great at it. She told me one load of cum was enough for her and that we should go back to the bar and have some more drinks. The idea instantly put me at ease, so we walked back down to the changing rooms. I discreetly wiped the cum from my leg and we got dressed. Once we left the club and we were back at the bar, I felt much, much better. We had a few drinks and laughed about our experience. It had been exciting, even if I had felt guilty and ashamed at the time. Once we were finished drinking, we parted ways and I went home to Sam, which brought on the guilt harder. He gave me the usual grilling about what we had done while drinking, then calmed down a bit. We spent a couple of hours cuddling, while watching a movie, then went to bed.

As Sam snored his way through his sleep, I lay awake staring at the ceiling. I was feeling conflicted and confused. I loved Sam so much, but at the same time, I ached to be sucking some random guy’s dick through a hole. I wanted to look as sexy as Sarah had looked, as she handled a stranger’s dick. As soon as the thought entered my mind, though, I told myself that it would be a mistake. I went back and forth all night until eventually, I fell asleep. I just couldn’t come to terms with what I was feeling.

The next day, Sam and I were at work at the supermarket. I was distracted all day; my mind was still twisted up in knots. Toward the end of our shift, I somehow managed to make a decision. It was painful and it felt wrong in every way, but I made it anyway. I told Sam that I had a training shift at my bar job and that I would be gone for a few hours that evening. He grilled me a little bit but, as we were at work, he didn’t push too much. We went home, had dinner, then I dressed into my bar clothes and left. I messaged Sarah asking her to cover for me, on the off-chance that Sam asked her where I was. She asked where I was going and I just told her I wanted to have a night away from Sam, as we’d been arguing. She asked if I wanted company but I told her I was just going to go to a bar and drink on my own for a while.

And so, I soon found myself in front of the old bookshop again. I was practically vibrating with nerves. I cautiously made my way into the club, paid my entry fee, and got changed into my towel in the changing room. I decided that I needed to relax a bit first, so I made my way to one of the Saunas. It was empty and baking hot. I sat there, wrapped in my towel, and tried to chill out. I felt sick to my stomach, but more excited than I had ever been. I tried to justify everything by telling myself that I was just there to explore again, not to actually do anything with anyone. Once I’d calmed down a bit, I stopped thinking about how to justify my presence at the club. I knew why I was really there. I gathered what little courage I had and walked back to the glory hole room. I made my way toward the cubicles, my heart beating hard in my chest. I pulled on the handle of the same cubicle we were in last time and it opened. I quickly slipped in and locked the door behind me. I could barely believe what I was doing, it didn’t seem real. I looked around, but no cocks. I decided to sit on the floor and just wait. It didn’t take long until I heard someone walk into one of the cubicles next to mine. My heart began pounding again.

Before I had a chance to start doubting what I was doing, a cock slid through the hole in front of me. This was it, it was going to happen. I felt so damn guilty but I pushed the feeling aside, letting my selfish desire lead my hand toward the dick. I wanted to be bad, even if I couldn’t admit it. It was a bit smaller than the one Sarah had sucked, but I wasn’t bothered. I wrapped my hand around it. It was so warm and soft. I gently played with it and smiled as it started to grow. I stroked it until it was the hardest it was going to get, then shimmied closer. I opened my mouth and slowly moved my head toward it. I wrapped my lips around and took it in deep. It felt incredible, and I began to embrace my slutty urges. I picked up my speed and began sucking with cause. I felt like such a whore. It was a horrible feeling but an incredible feeling. I felt kind of gross and dirty at what I was doing, but I didn’t stop. I felt a strange arousal doing something that sort of repulsed me.

It didn’t take long for him to cum, which took me by surprise. A few shots of cum hit the back of my mouth and I choked a little bit. I swallowed a couple more small shots, then the dick quickly pulled away from me and disappeared. I sat there in the relative darkness and wiped my mouth, smiling. It was amazing, swallowing a stranger’s cum, even if I did feel disgusted with myself. My head started to get busy with emotions and thoughts, so I decided to bail and calm down again. I left the cubicle and walked back to the sauna; my little sanctuary. As I was opening the door, I whipped off my towel, expecting to walk back into my place of solitary safety and refuge.

“Elisa!” A surprised voice called out.

I saw him sitting there, a towel around his waist, but it took a few seconds to register who it was.

“Jack!” I exclaimed. “Oh, God!”

I promptly pulled the towel in front of me to cover up my nakedness.

“Didn’t think I would see you here,” he said, with his usual cheeky grin. “Don’t be shy, come sit down.”

I’d been busted. I couldn’t fucking believe it. I hovered on the spot for a few moments, deciding whether or not I should sit down or bolt out of the building. I decided it would be ridiculous to run away from my manager, so I awkwardly sat down opposite him, still covering myself with my towel.

“Please, don’t tell my boyfriend!” I blurted out.

Jack chuckled to himself.

“I don’t even know your boyfriend,” he said. “But, relax, I won’t tell a soul, I promise.”

“Okay,” I said, timidly. “Thanks.”

“So, this place sounded like fun, then?” he asked.

“Umm…it sounded…interesting. I wanted to see what it was like, that’s all. Nothing else,” I replied. “What are you doing here?”

He laughed again.

“I would have thought that was obvious,” he said. “I’m here to fuck.”

I forced a nervous laugh.

“You just here to see what it’s like? Or, you here to fuck, too?” he asked me.

“I..umm…” I began, not knowing how to admit the truth to myself, let alone my manager. “I’m not sure,” I said, softly.

“You know, you can drop the towel,” he said. “Anyway, I saw you naked as you walked in.”

Not wanting to look stupid and shy, I slowly pulled the towel away from my body and placed it next to me. His eyes locked onto my body and he looked me up and down.

“So?” he asked.

“What?” I asked, totally oblivious to what he wanted.

“Are you here to fuck?” he asked again.

“I already said, I’m not sure,” I replied, suddenly starting to regret being there.

He unwrapped the towel from around his waist and took hold of his semi-erect cock. He began slowly stroking it while keeping eye contact with me.

“Well, we’re both here naked, and I’ve always thought you’re hot as hell,” he said. “So, why don’t you come over here and suck my dick.”

I didn’t reply. I literally couldn’t. I just watched him stroking his growing cock. I was so nervous I thought I’d shake apart, but I did want it. My confidence was just too low to act.

“Come here,” he said.

I automatically complied; my body just lurching up. I slowly stepped towards him, doing my best to leave my shame behind me. I knelt between his legs and marveled at his cock. It was a touch bigger than the one Sarah had sucked the night before, which made me feel a little proud. He stopped stroking and let his cock hang loose. I snatched at it and stuck it into my mouth before I could think. He moaned as I greedily slobbered up and down. I felt so hot sucking an older guy’s dick. He put his hand on my head and pushed me down onto his cock, as I continued sucking him. I carried on for a bit longer until he motioned for me to stop. I took him out of my mouth and looked up at him. He beckoned for me to get on top.

I froze. Sucking someone’s dick was one thing, but fucking someone was something else entirely. It was a line I had yet to cross. I definitely wanted to fuck him, but I’d never done something that bad before. Apparently, I didn’t need much convincing, though. Without speaking, he gestured for me to get on top of him again. I eagerly grinned and got up to straddle him. He guided his dick into position and pushed into my pussy. I let out a soft moan as he slid fully into me. He quickly picked up a faster pace and began fucking me hard, like, really fucking hard. I let out moan after whorish moan as I rode him. He had both hands on my arse cheeks and was pulling my arse down onto his dick, with each thrust he made. It was incredible having my body used. I felt so completely out of my comfort zone, fucking my older manager in a strange place, but it just added to the excitement. He leaned forwards and started sucking on one of my nipples and I swung my head back, continuing my cries of pleasure.

As I rode him, the door suddenly opened. I quickly turned my head and stopped moaning. I almost had a heart attack. I couldn’t believe I’d been caught again. A man and a woman came in and sat opposite us. I nervously turned back to Jack and made a face at him. He shrugged at me and I just sat still, his cock still inside me. The couple could clearly tell they had interrupted our flow.

“Please, carry on. Don’t mind us,” the woman said.

“Yeah,” the man agreed. “We’ve just come in to soak our muscles after the session we just had.”

I nervously bit my lip. I knew what I wanted to do, I just didn’t have the confidence to do it. I felt so on the spot, but Jack decided for me. He slowly began pushing into me again. I closed my eyes and joined his rhythm. I couldn’t believe that I was fucking, and cheating, in front of strangers. I turned back to look at the couple, as Jack continued to slowly fuck me. The man had his head laid back, with his eyes closed, but the woman was watching us. She gave me a soft, subtle smile and a look that sent an electric pulse down my spine. She was enjoying watching me. I turned back to face Jack, fireworks exploding in my mind and body. It was beyond wild. Jack picked up his pace. He started fucking me like he had before, and I started to let go of the fear and just enjoy what was happening. I kept picturing the woman watching me riding Jack’s dick. It was such a new, kinky thing for me to be experiencing.

“Get onto your back,” Jack told me.

I climbed off him and lay down on the sauna bench, lifting one leg to rest over a higher bench. He straddled me and pushed his hard cock back into me. I couldn’t help but be vocal. My moans must have turned the woman on, as I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she had spread her legs. I tried to subtly turn my head towards her, and watched as she led her fingers into her pussy. She looked into my eyes, gently rubbing her clit, as Jack fucked me. I couldn’t help but beam a huge smile. I remember feeling like me and her were communicating with just our eyes. I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying the show.

On one of his strokes, Jack hit a perfect spot and I let out a light scream. I watched as the woman responded to my moan, her face getting serious and her hand rubbing her clit faster. She grabbed one of her boobs and twisted her nipple as she played. It was such an incredible sight. We continued this sexy dynamic for the next 20 minutes, or so. I decided to rub my clit while Jack fucked me and it started to drive me over the edge. I was so desperately looking forward to my second real orgasm. Like before, I felt the tingling get more intense and more acute, and the building pressure inside me began to form. I moaned louder and louder, and then I heard Jack start to groan. My moaning was pushing him over the edge. Before I could react he pulled out and shot a big load over my whole body. My orgasm deflated. When he was finished, he stood up and grabbed his towel.

“I’m gonna go take a shower,” he said. “Wanna join me?”

“Yeah…sure,” I replied, somewhat disappointed.

He wrapped his towel around him and left the sauna. I quickly picked up my towel and tied it around myself, before leaving.

“You were so close,” the woman said. “Better luck next time.”

She winked at me, just like Sarah always did, and I smiled as I went to follow Jack. I caught up with him and he led me to a shower room. We soaped up and made out for a while, water rolling over us. After, we decided that we were both going to leave, so we got dressed in the changing rooms and left together. We went for a drink at a quiet bar before we both went home. We spoke about how much fun we had, then moved on to talking about work and more normal stuff. Before I left, I insisted that Jack never mention what happened to anyone. He promised he would keep our secret and told me he hoped to see me there again another day. As I walked back home, exhilarated and somewhat fulfilled, the guilt filtered back into my mind. Sam. The incredible, dirty feeling I had at the sex club was quickly replaced with crippling feelings of shame. I loved Sam, but I had just betrayed him, again.

I got home and he greeted me with a smile. He was much nicer than he had been before I left. He wasn’t his usual jealous self and actually seemed happy. I nervously hugged him and we sat down to watch some TV. I was half-expecting him to tell me that he knew where I’d really been. I just didn’t know how to explain his sudden high spirits. Halfway through a movie, he turned to me.

“Look, I need to tell you something,” he said.

A sick, twisting feeling formed in my stomach and I started to get breathless.

“So, I was worried about where you were going tonight. I didn’t believe you were training at work,” he said. “So, I messaged Sarah asking her what she was doing.”

“What?” I asked, still panicking.

“Yeah. I’m sorry I doubted you,” he said. “She told me you were both training at work. I’ve just been so jealous ever since…well, you know…”

I was relieved and disgusted with myself at the same time.

“I know, baby,” I said, quietly. “It’s okay, honestly. I feel so terrible about everything that happened, and I would never do anything like that to you…ever again.”

“So, you’re not mad I checked up on you?” he asked.

“No. You can do it whenever you want,” I reassured him.

“Thank you, I really appreciate it,” he said. “Oh, and Sarah said you may both have to do more training tomorrow. Is that going ahead?”

I hesitated for a second. Why had she told him that? I didn’t want to rock the boat, though, so I just went along with it.

“Oh…yeah,” I said. “There’s a lot to cover. We’re…learning how to make a new drinks menu. So…umm, yeah, I’ll need to be in tomorrow, too. But, that’ll be it, I hope.”

“Okay baby,” he said, giving me his first genuine smile in days. “Maybe I’ll join you for a spliff or two after you get back. I know you’ve missed it.”

“Really?” I asked. “I thought you hated weed.”

“Well, I do,” he said. “But, I know you like it, so it might be fun to do it and chat all night or something. Weed makes you chatty, right?”

“Yeah…okay, yeah. That’ll be fun,” I said, knowing I didn’t deserve his kindness.

We turned our attention back to the movie, but I was desperately trying to understand why Sarah had told Sam that we would be training the next day, too. What was her plan?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zj7ckc/elisas_journey_part_2_down_the_rabbit_hole_mf_18