Elisa’s Journey – Part 1: Awakening [M/F 18-21] [F/F 18-19] [Cheating]

Hi, I’m Elisa. I’m a 36 year old English woman and up until recently, I had everything I could ever want in life. A home, a husband, a great sex-life, and most importantly, happiness. I’ve lost almost all of that now, and I don’t have anyone to blame but myself.

This story isn’t about my current situation, though; I’ll get to that, eventually. No, this story is about the beginning, about how all this began, about how I started to become a ‘sex addict’, a ‘whore’, a ‘nymphomaniac’. I hate all of those descriptions, but that’s how people have often described me throughout my life. I’m not especially proud of everything I’ve done, even if I did thoroughly enjoy it, at the time. To be quite honest, I have a lot of mixed emotions about it all. Yes, I loved having fun. Yes, I’d probably do a lot of it again, given the chance. Yes, I’ve done bad things. Yes, I regret a lot of those bad things. And, yes, I hate myself for some of the things I’ve done. Anyway, I’ll stop going on about how I feel and just start.

I lived quite a sheltered childhood. My mum left my dad and I when I was younger, so I never really knew her. I grew up under the overly-strict parenting of my dad, which only seemed to get worse as I got older. Whatever I did, it just never seemed to be good enough for him. I was never allowed a boyfriend, I could barely see the few friends I had, and I was always being shouted at and insulted. Not long after I hit 18, I decided I’d had enough. I packed a suitcase, stole some money from his wallet, put a letter on the breakfast table, telling him I didn’t want to live with him any more, and I left.

I didn’t have much of a plan, I just bought a train ticket to the nearest city. I wanted to experience living in a big, bustling, and beautiful city. I had a head full of naive dreams and hopes and ambitions, but reality hit me like a tonne of bricks when I got there. My first couple of nights were spent on the street and it was fucking awful. I was scared, disillusioned, and doubting my decision to leave. Thankfully, I managed to find some help and spent the next couple of weeks in a hostel, of sorts. I got help finding a job and managed to get employed at a local supermarket pretty quickly. Within a couple of months of being moved around a bit, I managed to land emergency housing with the council. Things were starting to look up.

I made friends with a couple of people from work and actually ended up dating one of them. He was my first boyfriend and my first big love. His name was Sam and he was sweet, funny, and to my young eyes, the coolest person I’d ever met. It wasn’t long before I lost my virginity to him, and once I did, I was hooked on him. We would have sex wherever we could and as often as we could. I soon fell completely in love with him. Months rolled by and I knew I had to move out of emergency housing. So, I took a second job working at a bar on the weekends and would spend every second I could looking at flats to rent. All I wanted was to move in with Sam and feel like a proper adult.

My bar job was much more fun than working at the supermarket and I usually made pretty good tips, too. I also loved it because I met a girl who would eventually become my best friend; we’re still besties to this day, actually. Her name’s Sarah. She quickly befriended me and began exposing me to a totally new side of life that I hadn’t experienced: drinking, drugs, and sex. She’s got me in trouble more times than I can recall, but I wouldn’t change any of it. She’s my rock. Anyway, one night I was talking to her about my flat search and she mentioned that the guy that lived with her and her boyfriend was moving out. She suggested that Sam and I move in with them. She really made the hard sell, telling me all the great fun we would have together. I was a little hesitant, as the rent was higher than I wanted, but after a discussion with Sam, we decided to accept her offer.

I ended up leaving my emergency housing and stayed at Sam’s parents’ house for a week, while we waited for Sarah’s flatmate to move out. Sam’s parents were nice, normal people. I remember thinking how strange and surreal it was, sitting down for a family dinner each night and watching a movie together. My childhood was bitter in comparison. The only downside about staying there was that there were a few times when I felt like Sam’s dad, Mr. Barker, was creeping on me. It wasn’t anything crazy, just lingering looks or checking me out when he thought I wasn’t looking. He was a relatively decent looking man but he was so much older than me, so his attention grossed me out. Apart from that, it was a lovely week living with his parents.

Our moving day finally arrived. I was ecstatic. I couldn’t wait to start living a new, exciting chapter of my life. We moved in all of our things, which wasn’t much, but Sam’s dad surprised us with a new bed, some cabinets, and some other bits. When Sam and I were finally alone in our room, we were like giddy children. Everything felt so new, scary, and exciting. We spent the evening eating and drinking with Sarah and her boyfriend, Tom. That’s when things started to turn sour.

It was a fun evening. At least, I thought it was. It was great getting to know Tom, and it was nice seeing Sarah in an atmosphere outside of work or drinking. She was really sweet and loving with Tom, which was a side of her I’d never seen. After the evening had finished and Sam and I were in bed, he admitted that he didn’t like Tom. He said that Tom had been rude to him several times that evening. I told him that he was just being silly and we would all end up being great friends. Sam seemed to accept it and we had some messy, drunken sex and fell asleep.

But it wasn’t finished. Over the next couple of weeks, Sam would complain to me about Tom, constantly. I even caught them bickering about something in the kitchen once. I could tell it wasn’t going to go away. Sarah and I discussed it when we were at work together and she insisted that Tom liked Sam. But then, I’d go back to work at the supermarket and have to listen to Sam bitch about Tom, during our shift. I didn’t know who to believe. After a couple more weeks of this, Sam told me he was going to take the night shift for a while. I was devastated. We were together when we were at work and we were together at home, just how I wanted it. I wanted to spend every second with him but he said he was just getting too stressed with the whole Tom thing, so he would work nights for a while to see if it made things better. In a way, things did eventually get better.

I hated the new routine. I would finish work at the supermarket and get home by about 6pm, spend some time with Sam, then he would leave for work at 7pm and not be home until 6am. I barely saw him. So, I spent most of my evenings drinking with Sarah and Tom, which was the only consolation. We started to get on really well together, as the weeks rolled on. Sarah and Tom had also introduced me to weed, so we spent a few evenings a week smoking and watching movies and random YouTube videos. Weed really relaxed me and I loved talking about random things when I smoked. Sam was not happy when he found out, though. He was really against it for some reason, but I wasn’t going to stop doing it just because he was mad.

One evening, I was alone with Sarah. Tom was out with some friends and Sam was at work. We started smoking some joints and got to talking. I don’t remember how it came up but she asked me if I masturbated and went crazy when I said I didn’t. She passionately and graphically explained why masturbation was so great. I had done it once or twice before, but it was never something that I had gotten into. At the end of another one of her hard sells, she’d convinced me to get a toy. I was a very shy girl at 18. Sure, I’d started drinking lots and smoking weed, but I was innocent to most things. I had such little life experience and practically no confidence, so it wasn’t difficult to convince me to do something. So, swimming in peer pressure and a smokey mind, I agreed that I would buy a dildo. A couple of days later, when Sarah and I were alone again, she brought it up.

“Did you get a toy, then? What type did you get? Go and get it.”

She was beaming with excitement.

“Umm, yeah, I didn’t get one.”

“Why not? I thought you were sold on the idea,” Sarah said.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know what to get. And it would be so embarrassing going into a sex shop. Imagine if I saw someone from work!” I replied.

“Oh, don’t be stupid,” she mused. “You don’t know that many people. Besides, everyone has a sex toy these days.”

“No, they don’t,” I scoffed.

“Oh, yes, they do,” she said, with a cheeky grin. “Even your parents.”

“Don’t be disgusting,” I said, grimacing at the thought.

“Stay there.”

She hopped off the sofa and darted upstairs. I heard her rustling around in her bedroom for a while, then she ran back downstairs and enthusiastically jumped back onto the sofa.

“Here,” she said, with a giant smile, holding up a life-like, fleshy dildo in one hand and lube in the other, “borrow mine.”

“Oh, my God!” I squealed. “I can’t use that!”

“Sure you can, I’ve got loads,” she said.

We lit up another joint and she ran me through the basics. Then she went into detail about how she liked to use it. I could tell that she was enjoying teaching me; I think a part of the reason we were such good friends was because she felt like she was my mentor. We ended up watching a movie and smoked a couple more joints, as the evening wound down. I was feeling pretty light-headed after a while and told Sarah I was going to bed. I got off the sofa and started walking upstairs.

“You’re forgetting something,” Sarah said, her eyes still on the TV.

I laughed and went back to pick up the dildo and lube from the side table.

“Thank me later,” she said.

I walked up to my room and settled into bed. I tried scrolling through my phone for a while but the dildo was just calling out to me. I gave in and grabbed it from my bedside table. It wasn’t huge, maybe 6 inches. It was a fleshy colour and had veins all over it. I felt dirty at the thought of using it but I was curious at the same time. After staring at it for a while, I buried myself under the covers and spread my legs. I gently stroked the dildo around my pussy for a while, until I started to get wet. I took the lube and squirted some onto the dildo, rubbing it all over. Once it was inside me, I started realising that Sarah was on to something; it did feel good. It wasn’t exactly the same as when Sam fucked me but it still felt nice. I slowly pulled it back until it slopped out. I pushed it back in and picked up a nice, easy rhythm. I carried on for maybe half an hour and then stopped. As pleasant as it felt, it just wasn’t doing that much for me. I hid the dildo under the bed and drifted off to sleep.

After I got back from work the next day, and after Sam had left, Sarah shot me a knowing smile. We had another evening to ourselves and she was clearly looking forward to hearing all the details. After I’d showered and we’d eaten some food, Sarah lit up a joint for us and we started talking. I told her what I did and explained that it just wasn’t that great.

“What? How did you not like it?” she asked.

“I did like it, it just wasn’t incredible,” I replied.

“But…I mean, did you put it all the way in?” she asked.

“Well, not all the way in, but it was pretty much there,” I said.

“Wait, wait, wait. This is crazy. Go and get it and show me what you did,” she told me.

“No way,” I said, shaking my head and laughing.

“No need to be embarrassed, ‘Lisa,” she said. “It’s just us.”

I thought she had been joking. We went back and forth for a bit but she predictably broke me. I fetched it from under my bed and handed it to her.

“I don’t want to use it in front of you,” I said, feeling my face turn redder.

She laughed at me and slipped off her jeans.

“Then, I’ll do it and show you how it’s done.”

I was so nervous and embarrassed, and I didn’t have time to process anything. She was nude before I knew it. I’d never seen another girl naked, let alone watch a girl masturbate, but something in me wouldn’t let me look away. She propped one leg up on the sofa cushions and let her other leg hang off the sofa. She lubed up the dildo and immediately slipped it inside herself. I felt so wrong watching her but it was getting me excited, too. I couldn’t understand why, though. I didn’t think I was attracted to women. Regardless, I watched as she stroked her clit and pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy . She was moaning like I wasn’t even there, as she writhed around on the sofa. I remember feeling awkward, turned on, scared, and excited. She began rubbing her clit faster and faster until she screamed out, orgasming right in front of me. She lay there for a couple of minutes, before sitting up.

“Wow,” I said, not really knowing what I should say.

“Yep,” she said, in between heavy breaths, “that’s how it’s done.”

Once she’d fully recovered, she rolled another joint, lit it up, and passed it to me.

“So, did you enjoy the show?” she asked.

I bit my lip. What the hell was I meant to say to that?

“Umm…” I began, taking a toke.

“Oh, shut up. You clearly did,” she said, laughing at me.

“You orgasmed so quickly,” I said, ignoring her accusation. “If I ever orgasm, it takes ages.”

“If you ever…? Sam’s made you cum, right?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah,” I replied, quickly. “A few times now.”

“A few times now…” she repeated, smiling.

“Yeah, I think so,” I said.

“Right, please let me help you have a real orgasm,” she said, shifting in the sofa to sit next to me.

“No,” I said, laughing awkwardly. “No, it’s…no, I’m good, thanks.”

She wasn’t having any of it.

“Life is too fucking short not to be having orgasms, ‘Lisa.”

She took the joint from me and put it in an ashtray.

“Take your leggings off,” she said.

I was so nervous and I wanted her to just leave it, but I didn’t have the confidence to tell her no. I slowly pulled off my leggings and just sat there, trying to cover my naked legs.

“Come on, it’s only me. Don’t be weird,” she said. “Take off your knickers and spread your legs.”

I slowly complied. Her tone wasn’t forceful but there was definitely authority in it. Once I was spread eagle on the sofa, and feeling more vulnerable than ever, she positioned herself between my legs on the floor.

“Umm…what are you doing?” I asked.

She reached out and held both of my legs up and apart.

“I’ll hold onto your legs so you’ve got less to worry about. Now, go on. You do your thing and I’ll tell you what to do.”

I felt so awkward and exposed but I gradually did as she told me. I lubed up the dildo and slowly pushed it inside myself. It felt good but I was majorly distracted by my friend sitting right in front of my spread legs.

“Okay, good. Now, gently rub your clit,” she instructed.

I did as she asked. It felt much better than the night before, already. I awkwardly played and toyed myself, often losing my rhythm. Every time I felt like the sensation was going somewhere, my awkwardness or break in rhythm set me back to zero. Sarah could clearly tell.

“Look, you’re getting into your own head too much,” she said. “Let me do this and you just focus on your clit.”

She let go of one of my legs, waved my hand aside, and grabbed hold of the dildo. It didn’t feel right, but I just continued rubbing my clit, anyway. She was so much better than me. She softly twisted it as she pushed it in and out of me, and she was pushing much deeper than I had, too. She could tell that I was starting to relax into it more.

“Yeah, that’s it. You’re getting it now,” she said, biting her lip.

Now that I was feeling a bit more relaxed, the reality of the situation set in. It was so fucking hot. There was my girlfriend, just pounding me with her dildo, while I rubbed my clit faster and faster. It felt so wrong but not normal wrong. It felt naughty wrong. Wrong and right. The thought of it alone was intensifying the pleasure. My head fell back into the cushions and I closed my eyes, vigorously flicking my fingers over my clit, all the while a dildo sliding in and out of me.

“You like being fucked by this cock?” she asked, out of nowhere.

I felt a mix of things in that moment. Initially, it shocked me. Right after that, I realised that her question kind of turned me on. Then, I fell into my usual shyness. What was I supposed to say? Would it be wrong to tell her the truth? Would I sound silly? I could feel myself drawing away from the moment, so I just decided to go for it.

“Oh, God. Yeah, I do,” I replied.

My answer spurred her on.

“Fuck, yes!” she cried out, fucking me with the dildo with renewed enthusiasm.

I was entering a state of hyper-arousal, which was something I’d never experienced before. Everything, and I mean everything, felt natural, sensitive, responsive, and intensely pleasurable. I think it really helped that I was keeping my eyes closed. Behind my eyelids, I was safe. It was a way of disconnecting from my fears, worries, and anxiety. I just settled into a beautiful, orgasmic bubble. My mind was far, far away, while my body was having its insatiable appetite filled. As I continued rubbing my pussy, I felt a soft, warm, and wet touch that was licking between my fingers, occasionally brushing against my clit. It was a foreign sensation, but I was so deeply absorbed by the experience, that I just happily accepted it. I didn’t even think about what was going on, nor did I care.

I suddenly felt a short, soft suction feeling on my clit, and my eyes immediately opened. All at once, my mind came crashing back into my body, as I realised what was happening. I looked down between my legs and watched like a stunned animal. As Sarah continued to fuck me with her dildo, she was lapping away at my pussy with her tongue. Once the realisation settled in, I didn’t flinch, or push her off, or try to stop things, I just pulled my hand away from my pussy and gave her full access. Now that my hand was no longer in the way, she really started getting to work on me. I watched in disbelief as she slid her tongue wherever she wanted.

If she’d suggested going down on me before all this, I would have clearly told her no. I would have been too nervous, too embarrassed, too shy. But, now that I was watching my friend eagerly eat me out, I was absolutely fucking loving it. It was the first time I experienced something that I felt was taboo, and I suddenly became acutely aware of how dirty, naughty, and good it made me feel. I think I was so fixated on the fact that a woman was going down on me, that I didn’t even consider that I was cheating on Sam. I could have stopped her, but at the same time, I couldn’t. I was tumbling deep down the pleasure rabbit hole and nothing was able to bring me back.

Barely any time passed before I felt something building within me. It was totally new. It started as a quiver between my legs, then it changed into a more intense and all-encompassing tingling. Sarah responded to my body, and began focusing her attention on my clit. My eyes widened as the pleasure grew and grew and grew. I could tell that I was building up to something, but I didn’t know what. As the feeling evolved, I noticed a pressure building up inside me. It almost felt like I was going to pee. I was a little apprehensive, but Sarah was driving me over the edge and all worry just fell away. I relaxed, and then it happened. I threw my head back and let out a long, deep scream, as I came for the first time in my life.

It was a powerful fucking orgasm. As I relished the waves of pleasure that charged through my body, I suddenly felt all that building pressure just release. I heard it before I felt it. It was like a pipe had suddenly burst and pressurised water was gushing out. I quickly looked down to see what the hell was happening, and I basically froze in horror. Sarah was still fucking and licking me, but I could see liquid shooting everywhere. She pulled out the dildo and quickly moved her head back, and the floodgates fully opened. It was like someone had a super-soaker aimed directly at her. I was more embarrassed, fearful, and turned on than I’d ever been. As far as I understood the situation, I was just pissing on her. Yet, I could see her wearing the widest fucking grin. Was she enjoying this? Why?

“Oh, yes!” Sarah screamed, as I drenched her. “You’re a fucking squirter! Oh, my God. This is amazing!”

With my nerves a little more at ease from her response to my squirting, I closed my eyes again and rode the rest of the orgasm. As it began to fade, I let my body collapse into the sofa. I’d never felt such an incredible release before. She let me be for a couple of minutes, until I re-opened my eyes. Dripping wet, she came and sat next to me. I cautiously looked across at her.

“Ever had one of those before?” she asked, knowing full well that I hadn’t.

I couldn’t speak yet. I just shook my head and smiled, as I breathed heavily. Despite feeling confused about my first squirt, I was in a state of pure bliss. I felt amazing and I wanted it to last forever. Reality quickly returned to me, though, and I suddenly remembered Sam. My poor, sweet, amazing boyfriend. All kinds of negative thoughts began eating me up, as I realised that I had just cheated on him.

It was the first time I had cheated. It wasn’t an easy thing to mentally process. I loved Sam, dearly, with all of my heart. I would have been crushed if he had cheated on me. The guilt fell over me like a weighted blanket. All I could think was that he was going to find out and then everything would be ruined forever. I started to freak the fuck out, then burst into tears. Utterly confused, Sarah tried to ask what was wrong, but she couldn’t get any sense out of me. I was a blubbering mess. It took about an hour for her to calmly talk me down from my hysteria and stop the tears. Once she knew what was upsetting me, she tried her best to do some damage control. She explained that it was fine because it was just us girls, and that it wasn’t really cheating. She said that, even if it was cheating, it wasn’t really a massive deal, anyway. According to her, everyone did it. She even said that cheating can be a bit of a thrill. She also swore she would never tell Sam. All of these things helped but the guilt still remained.

After I calmed down a bit, we both cleaned ourselves up and did our best to dry the carpet. Sarah made a few jokes about how much mess I’d made, but I wasn’t really responding to humour yet. We spent the rest of the evening smoking joints and talking about rubbish. She didn’t bring up what we had done, which was probably for the best. It felt nice to just pretend nothing had happened, even though I couldn’t stop thinking about it in the back of my mind. I was fiercely wrestling with it all, trying to make sense of how I felt. Yes, I knew I felt terrible. Yes, I knew I had broken Sam’s trust and betrayed him. Yes, I felt like a slut. But, at the same time, something in me was enjoying the thought of what had happened. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, a part of me liked cheating on him. It was a dirty, confusing thought, but it was definitely there. I actually liked that I had been a slut. I went to bed that night with a heavy, guilty conscience but also with the knowledge that a spark had ignited within me. It was almost impossible to come to terms with and I was actively repressing it, but I knew the truth. I loved cheating on Sam.

The weekend arrived and I got to spend some quality time with Sam. When I was alone, I’d been turned on that I’d been unfaithful to Sam, but when we were together, that feeling was just gone. I only felt awful. It was difficult to look at him at first, but I didn’t want to seem like I was being different, so I just tried to act normal. I ended up over-compensating, though. I took him out shopping, bought him a pair of jeans, took him out for dinner, and spent most of the weekend fucking him. I avoided Sarah as much as possible. I knew she wouldn’t say anything, but I felt like I would just explode if we were all in the same room together.

When Monday came around, I felt a huge relief that Sam and I were able to have some time apart, with him still being on the night shift. It had been such an emotional drain to act like nothing had happened, while we were together. I made sure that, after I finished work, I killed time by grocery shopping. I didn’t want to run into Sam at home before he left for work that evening. Once I got back, Sarah greeted me with a glass of wine. It was exactly what I needed. We caught up in the kitchen briefly, and she asked if I was alright about everything that had happened. I did my best to assure her that I was fine, even though I was a bit of a mess about it.

“Tom’s upstairs having a shower, by the way. Just so you know, I told him about everything. Don’t worry, he’s okay with it and he won’t tell Sam,” she said.

I felt my heart skip a few beats. I hadn’t wanted anyone else to know about this. Plus, I hadn’t even considered what Sarah’s boyfriend would think about her cheating with me.

“Shit. You sure he won’t say anything? Is he…fine about you and me…you know…” I asked, nervously.

“100%, ‘Lisa,” she said. “And, he lets me do what I like with other people.”

As she led me into the lounge with a fresh bottle of wine in her hand, I thought about her last statement. I was really surprised that anyone would let their partner fuck other people. I was also a little jealous. Putting the thought aside, I quickly finished off my glass and we cracked open the new bottle. We talked a little before Tom came downstairs, then we all had some dinner and a few more drinks. We put a movie on, drank and smoked, and settled in for the evening. Sarah and Tom were snuggled up on one sofa, while I was on the opposite one. I noticed them whispering with each other at one point, and I immediately started to worry that they were talking about me. I tried to just watch the movie and ignore them, though.

“So, I heard that Sarah gave you your first orgasm…” Tom said, looking over at me.

I immediately went bright red. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. It kind of felt like a trap; some way for Tom to get me to confess what a terrible thing I had done. I tried to speak, but my mind was too cloudy to get anything out. Tom laughed a little.

“Relax, Elisa. It’s cool. No need to freak out about it,” he said, still chuckling.

“She’s a little shy about it, babe,” Sarah said to him.

“Ah, sorry. Didn’t mean to put you on the spot, or anything,” he said.

“It’s…it’s okay,” I said, trying to calm myself down. “Umm, yeah, she…she made me cum for the first time.”

“How was it?” he asked.

I looked at Sarah, who was watching me intently. I felt my heart beat harder.

“Well, I won’t lie, it was…it was amazing,” I said.

Sarah shot me a wink and turned her head back to the TV.

“Yeah, not surprising,” he said, smiling. “She’s great at giving guys head, too.”

I gave Tom an awkward smile and turned my attention to the movie. I wasn’t actually watching it, though. I was just trying to stop thinking about Sarah’s tongue between my legs. As I tried to repress my horniness, I noticed Tom’s hand slip into Sarah’s jeans. He tried to be subtle, but I was acutely aware of what he was doing. He was clearly rubbing her pussy. There was no use in trying to stop being turned on, now. As I faced the TV, my eyes stayed locked onto the movements of Tom’s hand inside her jeans. I felt this amazing combination of nervousness and arousal, as Sarah squirmed around. What was going to happen? Surely they weren’t going to just fuck, right in front of me. After a short while, Sarah slowly shimmied her jeans and knickers off and spread her legs a little. I could see everything, now. He wasn’t trying to be subtle, any more, as he played with her. I sat there, paralysed, just watching them. It was so sexy. She started to moan softly and I began recalling her moaning when she orgasmed a few days before. I couldn’t help how my body was responding, I was starting to get wet. Without warning, Tom quickly shuffled his trousers off. Sarah turned round to face me, catching me mid-stare. I quickly looked away, but I knew she saw me.

“Do you mind?” she asked, casually.

“Umm…no,” I replied, quietly.

Almost as soon as the words left my mouth, Tom quickly stripped off his boxers, tossed them to the floor, and sat up in the sofa. Sarah knew what she wanted, and she went straight for it; she got onto her knees between his legs and took hold of his growing cock. I was totally unprepared for how quickly they got down to business. I was also kind of impressed; they knew what they wanted and they weren’t afraid to take it. I remember thinking that I’d never have that kind of confidence, as I watched Sarah take Tom’s dick into her mouth. At the time, I really thought that she just didn’t care that I was there, but I later learned that she just loves performing for an audience.

She looked like she gave a great blowjob. She stroked his length in a sort of corkscrew motion, as she slurped away on him, constantly playing with his balls. She didn’t care how messy or noisy she was, either. I could tell that she was genuinely loving sucking his cock. I felt a twinge of jealousy again. I enjoyed giving Sam blowjobs, usually, but I’d never had as much fun as Sarah was clearly having, in that moment. Like I said, it was only a twinge, though. I was mostly focused on how fucking horny I was getting, watching the two of them together. All I wanted to do was slip my hand into my leggings and start rubbing my soaking pussy, but I was too afraid. So, I just resigned myself to watching them.

I enjoyed the show for maybe another five minutes, until Sarah shocked me out of my trance. Without taking her attention away from his cock, she held back one of her arms in my direction and motioned with her hand for me to come towards her. I held my breath, suddenly realising what she wanted. I froze with indecision. On one hand, I wanted to join them right away and start sucking him off. I wanted to cheat again. I wanted that rush. On the other hand, I didn’t want to betray Sam again, I loved him. As I was thinking, Sarah motioned for me again. I broke.

I got up and slowly joined her on the floor. I was so fucking nervous, my heart was beating out of my chest. As I nestled between Tom’s legs, Sarah drew his cock from her throat. She gasped for air, smiling at me. She looked a bit of a mess; her mascara was running down her face, she had spit all over her chin, and her hair was all over the place. She angled his length towards me. I was so anxious I was worried I would puke, but I desperately wanted to have fun with them, so I fought back my nerves and reached out my hand.

I almost moaned aloud as I wrapped my fingers around it. He didn’t have a massive cock, maybe a little bigger than Sam’s, but I was impressed with how hard he felt. It was like holding concrete. I squeezed gently, and began to stroke him, while I stared at it. I was crazy horny, but I couldn’t prevent the guilt from seeping back in. I did my best to keep it out of my mind, but you know what it’s like when you’re trying not to think about something. Without consciously meaning to, I randomly started picturing Sam at work, completely unaware that I was back home, about to blow his flatmate. I started feeling like a proper, little slut, and I realised that I might actually be loving it. I moved towards Tom’s dick and slipped it into my mouth. Yeah, I was loving this. I was really fucking loving this. I picked up my pace.

“Oh, yeah,” Sarah said, “that’s it, ‘Lisa.”

As I bobbed up and down on his cock, Sarah began licking and sucking his balls. I just couldn’t shake the thought that this was the naughtiest thing I’d ever done, and that I was so excited that it was happening. I had no idea what had come over me, recently, but I just didn’t fucking care. I was having a great time. Eventually, Sarah joined me in sucking his cock, and we spent the next half an hour greedily licking, kissing, and stroking him together. At some point, we pushed him over the edge and he announced that he was going to cum soon. Sarah quickly turned to me and pressed her lips into mine. As we passionately kissed, Tom began spurting long, thick shots of his load onto both of us. We carried on swirling our tongues together, not wanting to stop. I kept feeling Tom’s cum splashing across my cheek, my neck, my cheek again, my hair. He had a huge load and it was going absolutely everywhere. Once he’d finished, Sarah broke off our kiss and smiled at me, and I smiled back. She wiped some cum from her eyebrow and turned to Tom.

“Fuck, you came loads, baby,” she said.

“Christ, I know. You two were amazing!” he replied, breathing heavily.

“Did you enjoy it?” Sarah asked me.

“Yeah,” I said, quickly, turning to Tom. “You really did cum a-”

I heard the front door handle turn. Before any of us had a chance to even process the noise properly, Sam walked in. There was no explaining this away, no way to undo the damage. Sarah and I sat between Tom’s legs, absolutely covered in his cum. So, I knew I was fucked. I’ll never forget the look on Sam’s face. I broke his heart in that moment, which broke mine. He didn’t say a word, he just left and slammed the door shut. I stood up, quickly wiped the cum off me as best I could, and followed after him, shouting his name. I went outside, as he was storming away, and caught up to him, crying, grasping at him, and begging his forgiveness. I said literally anything and everything I could think of. I just couldn’t let our relationship end. He screamed that I still had Tom’s cum in my hair, threw my arm off him, and walked away.

I was crushed. I went back inside and cried into Sarah’s arms all night.

Sam ended up staying with his parents for a while and I was miserable the entire time. We spent weeks arguing, over and over, with no end in sight. Then, one day, he just said that he was willing to try and forgive me. I jumped at the chance, and we got back together. The relationship was totally fucked, though. He just couldn’t trust me. I tried to show that I’d be loyal to him. I even moved out the house and into a horrible, little flat. But, deep down, I kind of knew that it would never be enough to regain his trust. I couldn’t admit that we weren’t meant to be, though. I think, looking back, I just didn’t want to leave the first man I ever loved. So, we stayed together and things got much, much worse.

[This story series was commissioned by a client]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zi4pfj/elisas_journey_part_1_awakening_mf_1821_ff_1819

1 comment

  1. Really outstanding writing! This wasn’t just erotic, but the narrative absolutely carried me along. Believable characters–something so rare in erotic fiction.

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