Center of Attention [MFM-MFF-Group | 30s-40s | Exhibition]

Your eyes are closed. You feel him against your back, the blindfold being placed over your eyes. The silky smoothness against your face. A double wrap – maybe it’s not supposed to come off this time! He ties it, then steps away. You’re sure he’s looking at you, you can feel his gaze.

He touches your hand, “Now, follow me.”

You place your hand in his hand and walk behind. Although blindfolded, you feel where you are going. Into the hallway, then the kitchen. Then he guides you into the living room, nudging you gently so you don’t bump the door frame or run into the couch.

He stops you in the middle of the room.

“Are you ready?” he asks. You can feel the excitement. What’s the surprise?

“Yes?” you answer tentatively.

You feel his hands tug at your shirt, pulling it out of your waistband. It comes easily. Then the top button… The warm air from the fire hits your chest as the shirt starts to fall open. That’s when you hear crackling in the fire place behind you. That means you are facing the kitchen…

As more buttons come open, your shirt spreads wide, and you feel his lips on your chest just below your neck. Soft kisses on your flesh, slowly working down as each button is released.

As the lips move down your abdomen, you feel a shiver of anticipation run through your legs – almost a tickle.

His hands touch the sides of your chest, wrapping around your ribs, pulling you into his mouth and then sliding down to your waistband.

Fingers tug at the tie to your pants. You feel the knot being slowly drawn out until it falls away.

The warm fingers grasp your hips and begin sliding down, drawing your pants over your hips and down your thighs, exposing your underwear. His lips continue kissing your abdomen. Your whole body starts to tingle.

He moans softly as his mouth begins downwards again.

Those big hands grasp your legs, sliding back up your thighs and over your underwear. Then you feel a deep inhale, followed by a whisper, “You smell perfect. How do you taste?”

Your underwear slowly creeps over your ass and down. Those hot lips following as more and more of you is revealed.

You feel a tongue start to caress the front of your thigh, the warm moistness starting a chill
up and down your legs as your underwear drops to the floor.

You feel him stand in front of you.

“You taste perfect as well! Now, move back and sit down.” He grips you by the waist and guides you back a step. You bump something and sit down on it. A big padded ottoman. This isn’t usually here…

“Lay back…”

As you comply and lay back on the soft padding, his hands run down your body, tracing between your breasts and down your abdomen before releasing you.

You hear him undressing. A belt unbuckling, and then legs coming off.

“NO, don’t peek! That would ruin the surprise!”

He kneels in front of you and you instinctively spread your legs, letting him get closer. He leans over you, his lips softly touching yours for just a moment.

You try to maintain the kiss, moving your head towards him, but he is already gone.

His mouth lands between your breasts, his lips and tongue moving slowly, tasting you and moving to one breast, then the other, momentarily teasing each nipple before moving on.

He takes in your torso, kissing and caressing each part, softly most of the time, teasing. But, occasionally a firm sucking. The desire starts building as the tempo changes.

He moves further down and finally breathes in deeply, his mouth just above your bush, inhaling you. You feel the air moving across your vulva. Then he exhales, his hot breath washing over you. The anticipation is excruciating! You reach out, running fingers through his hair and begin pulling him into you. You raise your right foot up onto the ottoman, exposing yourself. You know where you want that tongue, and don’t intend to wait any longer!

Your brain explodes as his mouth envelops you. As his tongue penetrates you, your fingers curl, pulling him deeper. You let out a stifled cry as your eyes roll back in your hand.

And you hear an echo… Another moan? That wasn’t him, or you would have felt it. Your mind screams at you and you sit straight up!

He sits up, grabs your shoulders and nudges you back down. “It’s ok. Do you want to see the surprise?!”

Your heart is racing. Your body wants more, but your brain is screaming!

He reaches up, takes your head in his hands and plants a long kiss on your lips. You can taste yourself on him as his tongue finds yours. His hands embrace you, working up to your shoulders. His tongue still working magic, but in a perfect kiss.

Then you feel the blindfold slide up and over your head. As it falls away, he stops the kiss and pulls back. “You can open your eyes…”

You open your eyes, the light brighter than expected. The first thing you see is that the room is not empty! Every chair and couch is filled with a person! They are all partially naked. They are all watching YOU, their eyes full of lust. Your instinct is to jump up and run away!

“You always wanted to be watched… Well, surprise! We are being watched! Now lay back and enjoy BEING the show!” He puts a hand to your chest and gently pushes you down.

You look around more, taking it in. Both men AND women. Watching YOU!

As you yield and lean back on the ottoman, he smiles at you and then drops down, pressing your knees apart to resume the show.

As his mouth kisses up your thigh, you continue to look around the room, amazed that these people would want to watch you. You notice their faces, the lust in their eyes, their gaze on your body, watching you twitch at every caress of his tongue.

You notice one woman, she is watching your face, intent on your expressions, mimicking every involuntary movement you make. She is feeling what you feel…

Then his tongue pulls away, the nerves in your groin groaning with the cessation of pleasure.

You lift your head, your eyes focusing on him rising from between your legs, a huge grin on his face, dripping with your excitement…

He slides up towards you and reaches down, one hand moving between your legs. You feel the heat as his cock draws closer. His head just touching you sends shivers through your body.

He guides his cock up and down your lips, spreading your juices. He then looks you in the eyes and pushes. You inhale deeply as you feel him enter you. Your body tenses.

Then the whole room inhales, the crowd of people feeling that penetration through your actions. The moans and shifting making it obvious that the voyeurs are appreciative.

He slides into you, staring into your eyes, watching as your face contorts, your breath leaving you with each inch he pushes in.

His hips contact yours. He exhales with the feeling of you completely engulfing him. Your eyes meet for a few moments as you absorb the feelings. He then leans down over you, leaving his hands around your shoulders and withdraws his cock for a bit. Then arches his back and slowly thrusts deeply into you. Another pause fully inside and then a repeat.

With each insertion, you feel him swell. With each withdraw, you feel his cock head draw through you, pulling you out with him, emptying you, only to fill you again.

A few thrusts in, your sanity returns and you take an opportunity to watch your onlookers. They are totally engrossed. Some are rubbing themselves, some are erotically touching their partners. But without question, your body and your show have the room sexually aroused.

Once your partner notices you watching the guests, he thrusts HARD and then pulls out. He lifts his knees off the ground and slides his face up to yours.

“If I’m not keeping your attention, maybe it’s time for a change…”

He stands up, grabs your thighs and bodily turns you over onto your stomach. You screech, but can’t resist. He pulls you towards him a little so your knees fall from the ottoman. You feel him kneel behind you. You are so wet, he doesn’t hesitate, pushing right into you from behind, a single hard, fast thrust! Your hands reach out and claw the edge of the ottoman as he thrusts again, driving your hips against the padded cloth.

You hear him laugh, “It looks like I’ve got your attention now…”

Each thrust, long and deep. Each time just a little faster, the rhythm increasing. You can feel the orgasm building… It’s coming, you just don’t know how long…

His fingers grab your shoulders, then his nails dig in. With each thrust, his nails drag further down your back. You are sure that’s going to leave a mark, but who cares?!

Suddenly it happens! Starting between your legs, you feel the rumbling. You can’t stop it… The fire radiates outward, moving down your legs and up your abdomen. You feel the pressue build. His next thrust… you explode! Your legs shake and your cum flows, washing around his cock, the wetness engulfing him, the release uncontrollable…

And another thrust. Another wave.

Another thrust, and another explosion.

Five times. Then ten. The orgasm continues to overtake you. The waves start to hit you less hard and you start to relax. You start to gain control of your body. He senses your diminished response and slows to longer, slower strokes.

You close your eyes and moan in contentment, the enjoyment of post orgasm sensations, the thrusting continuing.

He lays on your back as he slides in and out of you. His mouth near your ear, he whispers: “if you’re ready for the next surprise, open your eyes.”

It takes you a few seconds, but you realize that he said, “next surprise…” and your eyes snap open!

There in front of your face is a rock-hard cock, dripping with pre-cum, pulsing at every heartbeat, just waiting to be licked.

You don’t even think, but open your mouth, your tongue reaching out to the tip and trying to taste the precum.

You miss! Each thrust at your pussy moves your head, and you missed! Well, you’re not missing the second time! You reach your hand up, grab the ass behind that cock and pull it towards you, wrapping your mouth around that beautiful, pulsing head.

You taste the sweet drippings, feel the pulsing heat on your lips, and then feel the thrust between your legs. You groan in wanton pleasure. Your eyes look in front of you and the abs there are tight. Muscular and sweaty, that whole body is tense. And it is hard from watching you! MMM… You want this cock even more!

And you get rammed form behind, forcing your mouth down that delicious shaft!

A few more thrusts and you feel the pace picking up. Distracted from the sucker in your mouth, you feel the cock between your legs getting ever hotter and pushing harder. You can feel him getting close. Rocking your hips forward, you push back into his thrusts.

Another! Another! Intent. Unrelenting and fast!

He pushes hard and holds against you, crushing your cervix. You feel him pulse, then explode, his cum hot inside of you, one pulse, then another, then another. The heat takes you right to the top, and another orgasm hits you. You pull the cock out of your mouth (don’t want to bite it!) and stroke as your body convulses.

A cheer from the onlookers as the first cock of the night pulls out of you, one last spurt of cum landing across your ass cheeks.

You close your eyes again, enjoying the feelings. The heat inside you , the spasming muscles, the warmth running down your ass… and then you remember the cock in your hand! Oh yes, there’s still more to come!

As you look back to the cock-in-hand, you feel someone approach.

You turn your head to the other side and see one of the onlookers standing next to you, a raging hardon in hand, his eyes already glazing over. You look at him and say, “please…” He groans and lets loose his load; several spurts striping your back, the hot cum making you flinch as it hits.

Oh yes, this is the feeling you’ve been waiting for! Your body, feeling great and being used, being the cause for other people to cum uncontrollably! All because you get to be the sexy show for the night!

You turn back to that cock in your hand, your smile a grin from ear-to-ear! You look up at him and say, “Do you want me to keep doing this, or would you like to put this monster between my legs?!”

The cock’s owner leans over, his manhood slipping form your grip, puts his hand on your shoulder, his mouth next to your ear, and says in a deep voice, “I would love the opportunity to make you squeal in delight.”

He reaches over you, grabs your shoulders and legs in his massive arms and bodily scoops you off the ottoman, throwing you upright and landing you on his hips, one leg on each side. “How about a different position?” You wrap your legs around his waist in response, pulling tight against him.

He reaches around you and guides his cock up into you while lowering you down. You can’t resist. He is handling you like a toy. But he is BIG! His head pushes into your dripping pussy with no resistance, and you FEEL him. He is just starting, and you can already feel it coming… you lean back into his arms and help push down onto him.

His arms slide you up and down on his shaft. Being pressed into his body sets a whole other group of nerves alight. You feel him inside of you, pressure sliding up and down, every vein a sensation as you engulf his cock.

His hands move to your waist and he lifts you away and pushes you back onto him… you realize you are a toy. A live, warm, fleshlight, to be moved around as he wills… You go slightly limp and start to just enjoy the ride.

The moments tick by, each impaling a glorious feeling of hot cock filling you before being pulled out and reimpaled. With every insertion, your insides stretching, you feel the orgasm wanting to overtake you. His pauses just long enough to let that feeling build before his cock withdraws.

You notice the crowd is more comfortable watching and has started moving around, some to change places, others to remove clothing, and some to excuse themselves for drinks or ‘other’ interests…

Seeing the room starting to move around, he looks at you, says “let’s make this a little more interesting”, and walks back towards the ottoman, you still impaled on his cock.

You can only imagine what “more interesting” means… It couldn’t really get much more interesting that a string of orgasms and a thick cock filling you, could it?!

He kneels down, setting you on the padded seat, then his hands roam over your body, a big smile and bright gleam in his eyes as he gazes over your body.

“I think you’re ready for this”.

He looks down, watching as he slowly withdraws his cock. You whimper a little as he leaves. Then one hand reaches between your legs, feels how wet you are, and slowly moves his cockhead up and down, teasing and spreading your wetness. A couple seconds later, he lifts both of your legs up high on his arms and you fall backwards. He works his cock against your ass. Then he pushes. A little harder…

Your response is immediate. Your hips curl up, pressing your ass against him. Your mouth opens, but nothing comes out. He continues to increase the pressure until your ass yields, his head popping through your tight flower.

Your breath jumps as you feel him enter, and your eyes start to glaze over. You whisper, “yes… yes… yes…”

The room stops. The people there look at what he is doing and the focus is immediately back on you!

He is kind. He wiggles and squirms, pushing his cock in deeper. The sensation is totally different… much more pressure. He feels even bigger back there! Your eyes can’t focus and you decide to just close them and enjoy.

He pulls back out a hair, then starts back in, a little deeper with every insertion. It is glorious!

After the 5th or 6th time, you open your eyes and without any sound, mouth the words “GO! NOW!”

His response is powerful! He pushes into you, that cock blasting in, no withdrawal. It just keeps penetrating you. Your legs start to shake long before you feel his pelvis against yours.

Once all the way in, he pushes hard, driving against you. And then he pumps, pulling out and ramming home again – all the way in.

And again. And again! Your ass is on fire with sensation. It almost hurts, but pain? pleasure? Same thing?! With every thrust, you grunt, your mouth saying “yes.. yes.. yes..” but the words not forming, just a gasp.

You want to finish, but he slows his thrusts, and you open your eyes to see why. There is a body in front of you. The woman who has been watching you intently is bending over you. She looks at you for permission as she moves her open mouth to your breasts. You smile in acquiescence, closing your eyes as her mouth closes over your breast, the warmth radiating outwards. Her tongue plays with your nipple, occasionally her teeth pinch the nipple as she massages your breast with her mouth.

With the next slow thrust, your focus gets directed back to your ass. He is lovely. The tight muscles flexing with every thrust. That cock sliding into new places, almost unstoppable in its penetration. Mmmm….

When the woman takes her mouth off your breast, you look back at her. Your eyes ‘lost’ in the sensations, it is hard to focus. She comes up and kisses you once, then again, then opens her lips for a more passionate interaction.

After the kiss, she asks, “I’d love to feel your tongue between my legs.”

Your answer is in your eyes. They open wide, the grin immediate, the hunger obvious. They twinkle in anticipation.

She stands. That’s when you notice her body, long and fit. Muscular in all the right places. Those hips… and those breasts! You can’t help but squeak in excitement. That squeak turns into a long groan as your thougths are interrupted by the next thrust into your ass.

This beautiful woman turns, walking around the ottman – her ass is as appealing as the rest.

She stands backwards above your head, then begins to bend over, her cheeks spreading and exposing her glistening, shaved pussy lips, already opening as she lowers towards your face.

She stops just millimeters above your mouth. Her scent fills your nostrils, the sent of sex already strong. As you open your mouth and extend your tongue, another thrust from below drives your mouth into her. The wetness… it’s sweet. She is as tasty as she is beautiful.

You reach your arms up around her thighs, pulling her down onto you, caressing her with your tongue. You start timing your tongue with the thrusts into your ass, the combined feelings a sensory overload. Penetrating her and being penetrated… it’s almost dreamlike! You could do this forever.

You feel his thrusting increase, every time a little quicker. His breathing is deeper, more intent. His cock is growing hotter inside you.

You begin frantically eating the pussy over your mouth, sucking on her clit, flicking your tongue and then running your mouth the full length of her slit. The faster the thrusts, the more urgent your mouth…

The room is electric – you feel the tension rising. You sense people shifting closer – to get a better view. You feel every nerve in your body vibrating, the excitement even stronger knowing there is a room full of people watching – and getting off while they watch… no, getting off BECAUSE they are watching you!

Your ass starts pounding as he hammers away – no pauses anymore. The end is imminent. He starts grunting and you start moaning in response, the wetness on your face changing with the vibrations. It is even sweeter, runny… her thighs start shaking to match your moans.

His next thrust is hard, his hands crushing your hips, he slams into your pelvis. Then an eruption inside as he climaxes. Every pulse a swelling and the hot liquid inside you. That heat fills your body and moves out into your limbs. With every shot of cum, your body convulses.

His pulsing inside of you, and the grunting, the taste of orgasm on your lips, it all cascades through you. You cry out, your body shaking, you lose control as your muscles spasm uncommanded. Your breathing is erratic… wave after wave, unrelenting. It feels like drowning – but in such ecstacy!

Until you feel the first pause… You take a breath… then there is hope you’ll survive. The shaking begins to subside and you start to gain control of your muscles again.

You feel lips on your face and realize this woman has turned around and is holding your head, kissing you. You respond by pressing your mouth to hers, sharing the taste of your passion.

The man between your legs is spent, not moving, letting himself deflate. His hands lightly caressing your body, soothing your skin, every inch of you can feel the traces of his fingers. His eyes look over your body, a satiated look, but still a twinkle of desire. You close your eyes and enjoy as you feel every little touch, every movement.

You feel his cock shrinking and eventually sliding out… Then splashes of heat across your chest. Your eyes snap open and there are people crowded around you, one man has just shot his load on your chest, another is not far behind. Yet another has a woman next to him jerking him off, aiming at you.

As the cock slips out of you, you lower your legs and spread your arms, touching the bodies around you, making sure they are real. You rub against legs, touch cocks, enticing them to finish.

And you start to giggle, elated in the feeling of truly being the center of attention!

Over the next couple of minutes, cum… and more cum… across your body. You spread it around and rub it in. A couple of those cocks slide across your breasts so you can feel them throb as they release their nectar.

The first back away as they are spent, to be replaced by others nearing their climax. Four… five… six. Each new splash of hot cum, a small shock. You have moved from a giggle to a full laugh, enjoying the moments while you can.

For surely, this can’t last forever…
