My [F] co-worker left [M]e with massive blue balls

My (F) 26 co-worker gave (M)e 24 massive blue balls

I took up a part time job at a nursing home recently as I needed some extra money and working the night shift meant it wasn’t that much work to do.

I’m the new guy at place and I’ve been getting along just fine with my co workers. As the shift goes on there isn’t much to do but chill, so it’s been alot of talking and getting to know everyone, especially Danielle.

We’ve been flirtying for some time, and it’s always been light, fun and harmless. Don’t get me wrong. She do look fine, and those scrubs looks like they were made for her ass.

Last night we were chilling in the common room, sitting on different couches just scrolling on our phones. When she suddenly made a comment about how cold it was in the room. Now it’s winter and even tho the scrubs are not made of the best materials, as long you wear something underneath you’be fine.

Knowing she was both serious but also flirting I told her to toughen up since the shift was almost over. She crossed her arms and started to rub them as you would when you’re freezing. I gave her a smirk and she told me to fuck off as I said ” You’re always complaining about something”.

I noticed a blanket in the corner where we put some old magazines in a basket. I could have told her about it but I was bored and it’s only so much you can scroll on your phone before get tired. I figured why not partake in some much needed entertainment, and got up from the couch, grabbed the blanket and laid on the couch and made a loud noise so she would look up from her phone.

“It’s quite cozy in here”, I said looking over at her. I could see her getting slightly mad, as she said ” Are you fucking kidding”. Seeing her visible mad was just the entertainment I needed. “It’s only one blanket, and I’m not going to give it to you, so why don’t you come here and get warmed up” I said with the biggest grin on my face. She paused for a minute before getting up, lifting the blanket and laying between my legs.

It felt so nice and cozy but I couldn’t help to put my hands across her front stomach, just snuggling. This girl smelled so nice, and like cheeky girl she is, she began to readjust her ass but that only got me harder. She started to move her ass again, pushing it against me. I know she could feel my bulge but that didn’t stop her at all. My hand starting moving across her stomach slowly making me way to her thighs and spreading them apart. My fingers moving along her inner thighs. I decide to move my right hand up along her body. Until I reach her lips. Putting one finger in her mouth, I can feel both of us getting so worked up…

When the got damn alarm to one of the patient went off and our other colleague started calling us for help. Never been so frustrated before. The worst part we never got to finish what we started.



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