[F] You decide if I’m a little bit of a slut, according to my husband. [25F]

I’ve been dating someone for a while. Nevertheless, setting all of that aside, I must ask your opinion, hehe. You may be aware from reading any of my prior writings that I frequently end up in legal trouble without him knowing. My girlfriend and I no longer communicate for a variety of reasons, but she recently went out with other people and ran with an old buddy of mine, whom she chose to fill him in on parts of my past. She also revealed my starting age and hinted that I had slept with some of my step dad’s friends, both of which are somewhat accurate. I don’t want to generalize, though, because my stepdad was a biker, and even those guys were decent guys. I had a lot of rough sex with them early on, which gave me a lot of experience before most people have (she was mistaken that boys my age couldn’t fuck; I lost track of my sexual partners when I was 20, and the number was somewhere around 140). She said that I had reached about 100 sexual partners when I was 21 and then lost track of them. Even though half of what she says about me is accurate, my spouse still thinks I am the worst slut alive. I believe that my numbers are slightly above normal for this day and age. Please let me know what you think. From the chat room, greetings.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zgrwri/f_you_decide_if_im_a_little_bit_of_a_slut