My 38 [F] friend 40 [M] on the highway patrol or, “the sundress and the baton”

My 38 [F] friend 40 [M] on the highway patrol or, “the sundress and the baton”

I had known Dominic for a long time. We had actually gone to school together, though he had been two years ahead of me. We shared friends, similar social circles. We’d been about as close as platonic teenagers could be in those days.

I remember not particularly liking any of his girlfriends, and he hadn’t been overly fond of anyone I dated, either. Still, nothing passed between us apart from one very fiery and wholly unexpected kiss the night of his graduation. I think we were both surprised by how we felt ourselves responding to each other, and before we could take things further, we were interrupted by the rest of the party pulling us in opposite directions. In a few weeks, he’d be off to university out of state, and life continued.

I always wondered what had happened in that kiss, and where it could’ve led if we hadn’t been interrupted.

My life continued, of course; university, relationships, travel, both the mundane and exciting details of a life being lived. So as I drove my rental car from the airport to my hometown some 12 years later, the familiar sights coming into view, I spent most of the drive with the music turned up, reminiscing as I flew down the road.

“When was the last time I’d been back here?” I wondered aloud. I was lost in thought before I noticed the lights and a chirping siren behind me.

“Oh for fucksakes…”, I grumbled. Just great. I pulled over and parked, fiddling with my purse to locate my wallet, getting my ID ready, while I wondered what the hell the “procedure” was for being pulled over in a rental car. I grabbed the wad of paperwork from the glovebox, and readied it for whichever state trooper had wrecked my day.

The trooper at the driver’s side window was BUILT. That much I could tell right away. Though so many of these officers look the same at first glance, all I could really see was the uniform, and my own face reflected in his Ray Ban aviator sunglasses. I vaguely thought with some nostalgia of the scene in “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” with the bike cop, and that character saying, “Have you seen this boy?”, and I couldn’t stop the giggle that came from me.

The sound of a cleared throat reminding me where I was jerked me out of my reverie, and I could see myself reflected in his sunglasses nervously smiling now. His eyebrow was arched, and he asked me, “Care to let me in on the joke while I look over your paperwork…Miss…??” I flushed and apologized profusely (no way was I going to share my dumb nerd moment), and handed the wad of papers from the glovebox and my license into the waiting hands of the state trooper.

He took my documents with him back to the cruiser, and I was left to wait, absently tapping my fingers on the steering wheel…I wasn’t even sure how fast I’d been going, though I was sure I probably had been speeding, I do enjoy a fast ride.

I was startled again by the trooper tapping on the side of the car and calling me by my first name. “…what the hell are you doing out here?” I looked up at the state trooper about to ask why the hell he wanted to know, when I saw him take off his sunglasses, revealing those rich chocolate brown eyes I grew up with, the glare from his badge blocked by him leaning in closer to the car where I could read his name, confirming everything I needed to know.

“Dominic??” I sputtered.

His grim authoritarian face shifted into a boyish grin. “Hey there, Speedy. Know why I pulled you over?” He opened the car door, and before I knew what I was doing, I unbuckled my seatbelt and flew out of the car and into his arms for a bruising hug.

“Not the usual reaction, and I’m technically supposed to subdue folks who try to put their hands on an officer…should I let you off with a warning??” I laughed and hugged Dominic tighter…(when the hell did he get so buff??), then remembered myself. “Holy fuck, Dominic, are we going to get in trouble for that, since you have a dash cam? Shit, I’m sorry!”

Dominic chuckled and said, “Just don’t bring it up if you try to fight the ticket in court, I hate having to show up for those things.” My mouth hung open. “You’re still gonna give me a ticket??”

Dominic pinched my cheek and said, “You were going like, 25 over! No special treatment for offenders!”

I began to pout, and he asked me “What brings you back this way? I thought you’d moved…?” I let out the air I felt like I’d held in since landing at the airport.

“I decided I may as well stop by for the reunion, it’s been a long time, and my family is here…”

“You wound me, not here to see me?” Dominic grinned.

I was about to respond when Dominic’s radio went off and he walked back to his car. After a brief exchange, I saw him write a few things down hurriedly, then he marched back over to me.

“Listen, slow down out here, you know my buddies and I cover this whole stretch of highway, and you’re lucky it was me who lit you up.” Dominic grinned and handed my wad of papers back.

“Okay…OFFICER.” I said with a smile.

Before I could say anything else, his long legs had cleared the distance between our cars and he was already heading back into traffic.

I looked down at the papers in my lap and started organizing them again. I got to the ticket, and instead of any fees, the only numbers were Dominic’s phone number, and a hastily scrawled note about coming to “the restaurant” at 8.

I tried to think about what he meant, and then it dawned on me that he must’ve meant his family’s restaurant. I’d remembered many a study session over his parents’ cooking, and smiled. Dinner seemed a small price to pay.

Checking into the hotel had been uneventful, along with showering and refreshing my appearance. When one goes to dinner, one does take a little extra care.

I made my way to the restaurant, and after being fawned over by the aunties, Dominic walked through the door a few minutes later.

Out of uniform, I could see more of the physique he’d clearly taken care to cultivate. And there was plenty of him to see, my eyes were full up with him. He smirked and said, “Reel it in, Speedy…or I’ll have to actually charge you.” I flushed again and swatted his arm, telling him I preferred the menu on the wall behind him any day. He laughed and put his arm around me as we drank and reminisced.

Laughing outside about old times, Dominic and I stood outside the restaurant under the street lamp after helping clean and close up the restaurant. The neighborhood was quiet, and we were the only ones outside, it was still.

“We shouldn’t have had those shots your uncle kept giving us.” I said. He agreed. “It’s a bad look for a trooper to be pulled over for drinking.” I started giggling, the effects of the tequila surging. “Well, it’s not like I could come save your ass like that time you and Terry and Carlos got plastered and went for a joyride in the school parking lot! You’re lucky I found you and not the cops, OFFICER!”

Dominic smiled wistfully, put his arm around me and we roughhoused a bit like we had as kids. It was when I had him in a pseudo headlock that he relaxed and leaned his head back into my chest, turning his head to the side, his cheek against my breasts.

“You’re so soft, you know that? I could never get over that. Here you are, out here with me.”

He sighed. Our mood shifted. I hugged him and ruffled his hair a bit as he shifted to return my hug, and made a show of trying to burrow his face deeper into my breasts.

“That’s one way to get out of a headlock, Dominic. You are just like a little kid when you’ve had too much. Where do you live, now? We’ve gotta get you home.”

He grunted and helped me give his address to the taxi service. His head on my shoulder, he held both my hands the whole way to his place. He maintained touch as we made it home.

I used the bathroom inside, and when I went to make my way out, he barred my way. He looked like a sleepy little boy, if they were built past 6’ and lifted weights. His eyes were hopeful, and I told him I didn’t fancy another cab ride. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tightly, and said he’d get me a toothbrush.

“Strangest sleepover ever…” I muttered, and I got into the bed. Dominic had provided me with one of his shirts, and while it was big on me, my large chest was still prominent underneath. Dominic’s eyes grew wide, and I said “Not a word, buddy!” He grinned wider, and patted the spot next to him.

We climbed in and got comfortable, and soon we were both asleep.

I woke in the middle of the night after having a wildly intense dream. I was back on the highway, and Dominic was fucking me while I was bent over his squad car. I groaned and without thinking, I let one hand venture below. I was soaked! I was tingling, too, and before long, I was rubbing my clit with one hand, fondling one of my nipples with the other. I wanted back to the dream, back to Dominic fucking me.

As I felt my orgasm building, I couldn’t stop myself from crying out, “Mmmmmfuck! Dominic!”

Suddenly I was being kissed, the shirt pushed up completely, and both Dominic and his huge erection were between my thighs. As I gasped, Dominic slipped his tongue in my mouth. I groaned deeply, and his hands found my breasts as I gripped his shoulders. My hips rose to meet his.

“Sounds like you had a nice dream. Tell me what did we do next?” His hand ghosted along my inner thigh, just a whisper away from my sopping pussy. I was breathing heavily, looking at him through hooded eyes.

“Want me to continue, Princesa?” I moaned as he kissed and hummed between my breasts, I felt the vibration in my heart, it was beating wildly. He hadn’t called me ‘Princesa’ since the night of his graduation, where we had fit so beautifully tight against each other, his kiss burning me.

I was jerked back to the present as his fingers traced the edge of my panties.

“Please Dominic, don’t stop.” He kissed me, hard. His fingers peeled my sopping panties away and he traced the line of my pussy. He began kissing, licking, and when he got to my clit, he grazed it with his teeth. I nearly jumped off the bed before he began to lick and kiss and torture my clit with his too-talented mouth. He pressed two fingers into me as he slipped his other arm under my thigh, effectively gripping me in place as I helplessly rode his tongue and fingers.

“Princesa, you’re close now, aren’t you? I want to be drunk on you, but I need to feel you on my cock. You want that too, don’t you?”

I had been gripping my breasts with my head back and only made out some of his words. “My bag, inside my bag…” I barely groaned out as his tongue swirled over my clit again.

Dominic tore himself away from me and reached for my bag, finding the condoms I carried. I had no sooner blinked when I found myself hauled up into Dominic’s lap, his impressive cock lined up at my entrance. I could feel myself sinking down on the head.

“Princesa, tell me again you want this, let me feel you. Push down on me, put me inside you…” He gripped me in a tight embrace as my hips rolled forward in his lap, gravity and pure need taking care of the rest. He gripped me tightly in his lap.

Dominic filled me, and in his bruising grip, he was all I could feel. His mouth latched onto one of my nipples as he buried his face in my chest once again. He alternated between my lips, kissing down my neck, and making brutal love to my breasts with his mouth.

There was no holding off on the blinding white snap of light in my brain as I came apart around his cock and bucked involuntarily.

“Princesa, give me more, baby. Give me all of you…” we both shouted and cried out as he gripped me tighter and thrust himself into me even deeper as he came, pulsing and twitching. Without the condom and my birth control, there was no doubt in my mind he would’ve gotten me pregnant immediately.

We stayed that way for a few moments, until he laid me back down, easing out of me slowly. It had been so good, we both looked like we might cry from the parting. He took care of the condom, and got back into the bed with me, kissing and nuzzling into me.

I woke to his mouth on one of my breasts, his head resting on the other. I smiled down at him.

“Good morning, Dominic.”

“Mmmm. Morning, Princesa.”

“I have the reunion today.” I reminded him.

“I figured. Can I get some breakfast in you before you hurry off, Speedy?”

“What happened to ‘Princesa’?”

“You are always my Princesa when you’re not in a hurry. Let me show you what you might have missed…”

My mind hung on the morning all throughout the reunion. Dominic had found two more orgasms lurking within me with his talented mouth, the second so explosive and gushing, it made me wonder (at the time) if squirting was actually a real thing. What a sexy mess. I had been so eager to return the favor, I’d happily swallowed everything he gave me.

It had been nice catching up at the reunion, for the most part. There was of course the obvious confirmation that comes with meeting some folks again for the first time in ten years, that some people just never leave high school. I texted Dominic and let him know how it had gone, and he told me his shift would be over soon, and if I wanted, he’d be happy to pick me up or meet me somewhere.

It had been hot that day, the event hall even hotter with all the people crammed inside for what was essentially more a dance party than any reunion I’d seen on tv. And despite some of the people, it hadn’t been bad overall, and it helped that some alumni had very successful local businesses that sponsored the affair.

I stepped outside into the now cooling air. I’d been grateful that I’d chosen a sundress, even with the creepy leers of some of my former classmates. I’ve never been ashamed of my body, but sometimes a curvy girl could use a break.

I’d been texting with my family solidifying plans for the next day when Dominic showed up in an exceptionally high powered state trooper vehicle, uniform tight and fitted against his body. The sun was starting to go down.

“Ma’am…” he began.

I couldn’t stop myself from busting up laughing as his grin betrayed his stern appearance, his eyes shaded by his wide brimmed hat. (He later told me it was a ‘campaign hat’ long after I was unable to respond later in the evening.)

“Like it?” He asked, referring to the car with a wink. “I borrowed it from work.”

We drove away from the reunion taking back roads. Dominic needed to return the car, but hadn’t wanted to wait to pick me up. We were alone on the road, and suddenly Dominic pulled over into a shaded area near a low billboard.

“Why have we stopped? Is everything okay?” I asked him.

“Everything is fine, Princesa. I wanted to show you this place…” he began.

“Well it’s certainly secluded! Is this where I die? Is this how I go? What the hell?” I laughed, and playfully punched him in the shoulder. He grabbed my hand and kissed my fingers.

“Not at all, Princesa. I know you have to spend time with your family tomorrow, and then you’ll be on a plane again. I have a confession, I heard you last night…” he began.

“Oh, I know! It was pretty clear what you heard, and how much we both enjoyed it…” I interrupted.

“Let me finish Princesa, please. I heard you not only calling my name, but begging me to fuck you against the car. I’m going to give you what you want, Princessa. Right here. Please exit the vehicle…and follow my instructions…”

I couldn’t have been more nervous or turned on so fast if I’d tried. Dominic had parked the car behind an old billboard where we could see the road, but we couldn’t be seen from the road. An old ‘holdover from the days when state troopers could get away with outright hiding’ before they pulled you over.

I got out of the car, and Dominic fiddled around for something inside the car before he joined me. “Place your hands on the roof of the car, Princesa.”

Oh fuck…I did as he directed.

He placed a hand on my lower back, and adding a little pressure, caused my back to arch and my torso to dip down further, my arms still on the car. I heard a ‘fwhip!’ sound, and I barely got a glance behind me as I could see one of those retractable police batons in Dominic’s hand.

“Oh fuck…what are you going to do with that, Dominic??” I was swimming with need, I could feel my arousal soaking through my panties.

“That’s OFFICER Dominic to you, Princesa…” his tone matching when he’d pulled me over as I’d rolled into town. It had felt like ages ago.

Slowly, he ran the baton between my shoulder blades, down my back, over my ass. Next, I felt the back hem of my dress dress being lifted, and the baton brushing against the top of my ass as my dress was pushed up, leaving my ass and panties bare to his gaze, exposed to the night air.

“You wouldn’t object if I took a closer look, Princesa?”

I yelped when I felt the baton tracing down my ass and felt the light pressure as he rubbed my pussy against the sides of it. I felt the friction of the tip as it grazed my clit, my hips moving on their own. Hot, naughty, wrong, forbidden, all of this.

OFFICER Dominic gently wrapped his hand around my hair and slowly tugged my head back. “You’re making some awfully suspicious sounds, Princesa. I know what I’ll need to do.” The baton was tossed inside the car, and Dominic dropped to his knees behind me, latching onto my pussy from behind.

“Holy fuck, I can taste how fucking turned on you are right now. My Princesa is so dirty.” He fucked my pussy with his mouth as I struggled for breath, another orgasm on his tongue.

I started to move to straighten, but Dominic held me firm.

“Princesa, I’m going to give you what you wanted. I’m going to fuck you right here against the car.” He gripped my hips as if they were handles and pressed himself against me. The sound of his buckle and trousers coming undone, the rustle of fabric, the tear of the condom wrapper, and I nearly blacked out with the force of him pushing into me.

He pulled the front of my dress and bra down and my 36GG breasts were freed. He drove himself into me wildly as he gripped my breasts, pinching and rolling my nipples as I helplessly clung to the car.

He pinched my clit with his fingers and I came undone, squeezing and gushing on his cock as we both came.

We stayed like that for a bit. The cool night air buzzing with our expelled energy. The far off sound of crickets and a few frogs in the distance slowly coaxed us back to reality. Dominic turned me around, kissing my breasts before he helped me back into my dress, straightening everything. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply, I could still taste myself on him.

The incredibly naughty and erotic gravity of what we’d just done catching up with us as we both started giggling. Dominic straightened his vehicle, and I went with him to return it, switching out to his civilian clothes and car.

Dominic took me back to his place where he cooked us dinner, and we ate and drank and laughed throughout.

I helped him clean up, and as we strode towards the living room, I told him I really should make use of the hotel room I’d booked, I hadn’t slept there at all.

Dominic grinned as he dangled some handcuffs in front of me.

“I think I can help you with that…” he said as my eyes grew wide, a grin forming on my face as I put my hands on my hips.

He grabbed my ass and pulled me forward.

“I borrowed these from work.”



  1. My God what a read!😍 If only this could happen in todays society with out risking being fired. Would love to see a sexy picture of your darling. You sound gorgeous! Please share more!

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