How I (42F) feared, eased into, and eventually started loving anal sex [F]

I was scrolling through the confessions and saw a bunch of Redditors talking about anal sex. So, I thought I’d share my story.

Back when I first started having sex, I did not really like the idea of anal sex. I feared it and was almost repulsed by it. Back then, I was also a good girl and used condoms. After I got married and started having unprotected sex, I could not go back to condoms after my divorce a few years later. Even worse, I somehow started developing mild allergies to BC pills.

So, when one of the guys I dated after that suggested anal sex, my thoughts were “can’t be worse than condoms.” That was my easing into it phase. I started having anal sex more often just to stay off BC pills and condoms. But, I had not started enjoying it yet. The credit for making me fall in love in anal sex goes to this one guy who firmly believed that ‘easing into it’ is no way to enjoy anal sex. He was hard and rough, and after I started getting used to the pain, it started becoming a pleasure. I am sure my body got used to it too, because it didn’t hurt as much thereafter. Since then, I’ve loved anal sex.

Now, it’s at that point where I crave it more than any other sexual act.



  1. Aren’t you a trooper!! Best attitude to have keep doing it till your crave it!

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