[M] keeping diary/log of all [F’s] with whom he was sexual

This is not so much a gonewildstory as it is a means to record gonewildstories for the future. From the time I was first sexual I kept a diary. Among other more mundane thoughts and experiences, I made a habit of recording my sexual escapades whether it was tame or ‘gone wild.’ I can not say that every act was written up in great detail, but most of them were. What I can say, however, is that I began to keep a shorthand log of all partners. Even if I didn’t make it an entry in my diary, I would record the woman’s name, age (if I knew it), date (at least month/year), and what we did sexually.

I can not begin to tell at least the guys on reddit the wisdom behind keeping that simple one page log. Even if I didn’t record the whole ‘hook-up,’ just the name, alone, would jog my memory years later and I would be able to recreate the entire scene in my head. The other details helped, but as long as I had a name and often times the approximate date of our hook up(s), that was all I needed.

This has helped me immeasurably in being able to recount these gonewildstories on this forum some 20 – 27 years since they occurred. It has also been an excellent spank bank aid. I’ve been married for nearly 15 years and exclusively date my wife for five years before marriage. I have zero regrets, but it’s such a thrill conjuring up images of the earlier women who blessed me with hand jobs, blow jobs, letting me go down on them, and fucking me. As a married man and father of three, it’s nice to have those memories in my spank bank, and I might have forgotten some of those lovely ladies had I not at least kept that log. So I’d recommend all single guys do the same. Just keep your log in a safe place once you settle down so your future wife and children don’t discover it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zd4vhp/m_keeping_diarylog_of_all_fs_with_whom_he_was