I (19) [F] am going to run through a city completely naked

I like to do a lot of streaking but it’s always been in relatively safe places. Places where even if someone comes by I have a place to hide and not get seen. And like that’s fun and all but I’ve always wanted to be extremely risky. I finally decided I’m just going to jump right in.

There’s a somewhat small town nearby my house. I wouldn’t say “small” but it also not busy. I’d give details on the location so you guys could picture the place but I’m not going to tell people where I live. I took the day off of work tomorrow cause I’m going to be out really late at night. Also me and my boyfriend booked a room at a motel type deal.

The plan is we’re going to leave our house around midnight, and I’m not bringing any clothes whatsoever. Not packing any, not wearing any, no shoes no socks no jewelry (I like to be 100% naked, even completely shaved so I have no body hair covering me, it’s a weird perfectionist thing.) My boyfriend will drop me off at an old Smiths that got shut down, and then he’s going to drive to the hotel and hang out and wait for me (I told him to leave the door unlocked because I don’t trust him to stay awake.)

And that’s the entire plan. No safety nets, no phone to call him if I get scared, nothing. I haven’t gone streaking in a few months and I just decided fuck it. Who cares if there’s cameras or if people see me, they probably won’t ever see me again. I’ll post an update when I’m done. Probably not for a day since I’ll be tired as hell afterwards. Wish me luck, or wish for my downfall. Whichever turns you on more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zcnqre/i_19_f_am_going_to_run_through_a_city_completely


  1. Enjoy! Running naked is very liberating and very sexy when the thought of getting caught hits!

  2. Not attempting to stop you/shame you, but I’d suggest some sort of safety in place in case something happens.

    Not saying it’s your fault if something happens, but there’s some true monsters out there.

  3. How long do you estimate to be outside in public? Hours? Minuets? Are you going to walk? Ride a bike? Jog?

  4. Can’t wait to read her next post. It will probably be a gangland or R_pe.

  5. This sounds great, but I wanna encourage you to explore your kinks in a safe and considerate way :)

    Any kink that has an some sort of exposure or risk of being caught also risks people participating in your sex life without their consent. It’s all well and good for you to be ok with strangers seeing you naked, but you don’t know that they are ok with it.

    Is there a way to explore this particular part of your sexuality without risking others being involved? Maybe there’s a sex party in your town, or you can your partner can do this in a more private space?

  6. If a cop sees you or you get caught on camera you can get arrested for public indecency. Not how I would wanna end the night

  7. Yeah please be very very careful. This is dangerous and risky! Please only do this after dark and i a safe area

  8. You should keep in mind that the people outside not not consent to it. If you do it where you can hide thats all power to you but I have ptsd and the last time I saw someone do this I had a massive breakdown

  9. Qs:
    1. What’s the typical temperature (F) when you do this?
    2. Ever done it in broad daylight walking, like many Euro women do?
    3. Biggest risk is stepping on something that cuts your foot. Has that happened?

  10. Is your plan to hide as much as you can, or just run in the open and not care who sees? Does it excite/worry you that someone may take a pic? Either way, very hot!

  11. When you say you’re totally shaved does that mean you’re bald? I’d be honestly freaked out if I saw someone not just naked but hairless from head to toe dashing through the night in some secluded town

  12. We’re… We’re going streaking! We’re going up the quad and to the gymnasium.

  13. You couldn’t pay me to run barefoot in a city of any size. Thats how you end up with broken glass and other trash in your feet.

    Best of luck!

  14. You need to know that you can run that far. If you aren’t a regular runner it might be farther than you think. I would look up the start and end points on Google maps and check the distance to see. That’ll also give you an idea of how long it will take.

    Right click on Google maps, ‘measure distance’

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