Submit Part 2 [M30/F20][Kidnapped][CNC][BDSM]

**Day 1:**

The door shoot opens. The cold breeze rushing through it and onto your naked skin- waking you. Your eyes slowly open, your head still fuzzy, but your body no longer numb. You could still feel the ropes still tied around your wrists and ankles as you sat on the chair you passed out on.

“Wakey Wakey Slut! It’s time to train!” Says the voice from last night. The same unfamiliar voice that gave you the marks across your neck, not that you could see the purple ring around your throat, but you could feel it. His footsteps were the same and you still couldn’t see. You felt his hand at your ankles, the rope around them becoming loose. This was your chance; you focus all your energy on standing- finally you could make a break for the door.

“Sit down slut.” You hear, the deep stern tone echoing through the room. His hand pressing down on your head, forcing you back to sit down. “The only way you get through that door is if I drag you there. You’ve been drugged, you have no strength. No resistance- so don’t waste your time.” He explains. The next few moments involved your weak, limp body being dragged around on the cold concrete like you were a doll. You couldn’t fight back you couldn’t do anything. You were at his mercy.

You felt your wrists crossover as they were pulled above your head, the feeling of rope tight against them. You felt some cold and solid between your feet. Like a metal tag worn by slaves, it was an iron bar- an iron spreader bar- forcing your legs open. The black bag above your head was removed, but only for a moment, the room was too blurry for you anyway. The bag was replaced with a blindfold, the sort of thing you would wear to try and go to sleep.

“This is much better; I can get a better look at you now.” He comments, placing his warm soothing hands against your cold skin. It was nice to feel the warmth, it was something you wanted- you craved. “Gosh, what a gorgeous little slut you are. Look at these perfect tits, and this ass… You’re giving me a boner just from looking at you.” He says with a smirk.

“Now today is a very easy day for you, you have to learn two things. The first is answer to your name, which you struggled with yesterday. The second is calling me by my name.” His hands come from behind you, you feel them on your tits, fiddling with your hard erect nipples. He wasn’t lying about his cock either, you could feel something hard rubbing against your ass. It was comforting to be held this way, to have some touch you so closely thar you could feel their heartbeat.

“Do you understand slut?” He whispers into your ear. You do not respond. “I see, well I’m glad- now we get to have some fun together.” He says with an audible smile. You suddenly feel his fingers squeeze down on your nipples, and then quickly tug them outwards. It prompted a whine from your lips, like a little injured puppy. The longer they were pulled the more that whine turned into a scream. They were let go after what felt like eons, the sting and throb in the very tip was a reminder of your position. You hear his footsteps moving away from you, moving behind you in fact, stopping and then returning.

The next thing you feel it your nipple being pinched again, but this was not his finger. No. His finger was warm, it was comforting. This was cold, metallic. It pinched not one, but both of your nipples- the sting never ending. Just as you thought it wouldn’t get any worse, you screamed. This was met was a firm hand around your jaw- grabbing you like you were back in that chair. “Pay attention slut. You quit your screaming! I’m adding weights to these clamps, there are 4 on each one.” He explains, mere inches from your face. You feel his fingers digging into the skin of your cheek, you mouth forced and held open- drool starting to accumulate around your tongue. “These weights will stay on until you learn how to speak to me. Learn how to answer. Every time you do it right, I’ll take off one of these weights. Every time you do it wrong- we start again and I get another toy.” He finishes adding the weights, and you could feel it. The pain was immense, the weights dragged them down with more force than you could resist- it made you hunch forward. You couldn’t help but whine. “Now, you call me sir. Every question you answer, you end with sir. Do you understand slut?” His voice was firm, like you were being told off by a teacher in front of class. But this was not that type of class, this was a very different type of learning. You didn’t want to reply, it wasn’t your name- you were not going to give up this easily. You remained defiant- how bad could it get?

“Fine.” He says, sighing into you face, his breath brushing over your skin like an autumn breeze. The breeze was quickly stopped when it was followed by a large load of spit being hurled into you face. His hand came off your chin, and you couldn’t help but drool as it did. The spit falls out the sides of your mouth and down you neck. “Come on slut. You gorgeous little slut. You don’t want me to keep getting more toys,” he says softly, stroking your cheek. “All you have to do is answer, and this gets lighter. It gets easier. You can be untied and sleep in a bed- like a normal person. Would you like that slut?” His soft tone was so reassuring, but also confusing. You wanted a warm bed again, you wanted to be hugged. His voice said he could do all those things, his fingers against your cheek did too. Maybe you could say sir just once, just once his fingers don’t lift from your cheek only to slap it.

No. You were too slow. You felt his fingers leave your cheek and the full force of his palm strike down against you. He then walked away, only to return shortly after. This time he placed a metal thing against your thigh, it didn’t feel sharp or warm. It wasn’t very big either. It felt harmless. “Let’s try again. Are you ready to answer me?” He says plainly, the metal object moving around your thigh.

No answer.

“AH!” You scream in sudden shock! What was that? It was like being electrocuted. A jolt of something hot shooting through your skin, but before you could figure it out you felt another slap around your cheek. “Did I say I wanted to hear your screams? Did I? You stand there and take your punishment quietly!” He orders.  It was impossible though, the sting from your nipples was too much and this…this toy… It wasn’t pleasant. It was harsh, it felt worse than any slap ever could.

He repeated his question again and again, each time sending a jolt of pain into your body. You could tell he was growing impatient; his voice was begining to growl and get louder. When would he snap?

“You defiant little pup. Let’s try this then pain slut. There are much more sensitive places I can use this. Like here.” He says placing it against your clit. You immediately step back, pulling away from the metal, but then his hand- his fucking hand- moved to your back, pushing down and keeping you in place. You whine, you whine like animal, almost pleading not to do it. “No, answer me.” He says simply. Your bottom lip quivers, you couldn’t see anything, only feel and this felt intense. He wouldn’t do it; he was only joking you thought. Then a jolt, a thousand times worse than any other shot through your body. “AHHHH!” You scream out, you couldn’t keep quiet, you could only whine as you anticipating the slap across your cheek. You then felt his hand around your jaw again, your mouth forced open. Instead, this time that same metal stick was pushed in. “Let’s try again. You feel that on the roof of your mouth? It will leave a really nice burn to remember me by. You think I’ll just use it once? If you don’t answer me now, I will keep clicking this, keep shocking you, until I burn through your dumb fucking skull. Answer. Me.” He says, his voice going from an annoyed yell to a low, menacing whisper.

You pause. Your eyes coat themselves with water, not that we could see. But you could feel them, the tears coming. It hurt so much, your clit was still stinging and that was only once…

“Yes thir.” You quiver out, letting out a shaky breath as you do so.

“She speaks! All it took was a little threat. Good. And again.” He says not moving the shock gun from your mouth, but you felt the pull on your left nipple reduce. The act of taking of the weight re-sensitising you to the sting.

“Yes thir.”

He moves the shock gun away, pulling it out of your mouth and wiping it on your neck before placing it on your clit. This time a weight is removed from your right nipple, but the sting was still there- made worse by the movement.

“Yes sir.” you keep responding, and each time a weight being removed, the shock gun remaining on your clit though.

“You’ve been a good slut so far. So, I’ll move this here.” He says lifting the shock gun from your clit, your chest breathing a heavy sigh of relief, as you feel it on your thigh. “You only have 2 more left, now don’t ruin it like a silly slut. Are you ready to be trained slut?” He asks.

You freeze. This was the first time he changed the question. It wasn’t a command it wasn’t answer me. You could follow orders. This was a question. There was free will involved. You didn’t need to be trained; you weren’t some animal. Some pet. So, you stayed silent.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh!” You yelp after every shock. It was 5 shocks one after another against your thigh, each one moving closer and closer to your clit. Before you could move back the 6th one hit your clit. Your sensitive clit. The shock made your whole-body jolt- and that was the mistake. The jolt caused your body to move back, which allowed those weights to swing in the air. Fuck the swinging. They move back and forth pinching your nipples harder than 8 weights ever did. The pain forced a tear to roll down your cheek.

“What’s this?” He says, placing his thumb on your cheek, wiping away the tear against it. He laughed, a small chuckle. “A tear? Really? Why are you crying? You did this to yourself slut- you only have yourself to blame.” His final words echoed in your head. It stayed there like a warning. You felt the tug on your nipples increase as the weights were re-added, and the shock gun returned to your mouth. All that progress was gone.

It felt like you had been standing there a week, each time repeating yes sir over and over but never to that question; each time the cycle would start again. More tears would cover your cheeks, which soothed the redness from the slaps against them. Your nipples would have a moment of rest before they felt as though they were being ripped off in fury. You dumb blonde brain just wouldn’t submit. It wasn’t until the 11th time, that he would ask that question again.

“Are you ready to be trained slut?” His shock gun against your thigh, the weights down to 1 each. No more you could take. Your thigh was burning, even without the shocks firing against it. Your chest burning from both the pull and the pain of having to breath so hard. You knew what was coming if you said no- but you could handle anymore. 

“…Yes sir.” You say weakly, your heart sinking as you give in. You feel the reward of on your nipples being weight free, the only thing clamping down on it was the metal. All you needed to do was pass one more question.

“Are you sure?” He asked with another audible smile.

You pause this time, thinking about it. “…Yes sir.” you reply. You give a sigh in relief as the final weight is removed and the shock gun is placed down and off your skin. You feel his firm hand against your chin again, holding it firmly as he stands in front of you.

“Good slut! You managed it in the end! It only took 11 tries. I’d almost say I’m proud.” He says with joy in his voice, sincerity. “Now let’s get these off you, I warn you, it will hurt.” He says, giving you a second to prepare yourself as he unlocks the metal clamps on your nipples. Each one stings like you were pouring lemon into a cut. Each one makes you scream against his hand involuntarily. You whine in worry; you know every time you disobeyed him, he’d strike your cheek like he was swatting a fly. But this time you feel the softness of his touch against your cheek. You hear the gentle nature of his voice. “I warned you they would hurt my pet. Don’t worry, you’re safe now. You completed what you were supposed to- there is no slap coming. If anything, let me help make it a little easier. They sting right?” He says, luring you into security. You can’t help but feel your pants slow down, normal breathing resuming as he babies you. You feel his fingers push into your open mouth, forcing drools out the sides of your lips. He rolls his fingers around in the pool that had formed before moving those same fingers to your burning nipples. He gently touches them, circling them like he was treading around a scared doe. He fingertips brushed over them, the warm spit soothing against them. The care and attention making your whole body relax in his arms.

Once he was done, he moved his hand away, releasing the grip on your jaw as well. “Well done today slut! You made excellent progress. I’ll be back later to untie you, so just wait here for me like a good girl.” He pauses for a moment; you feel the heat from his face beating down against yours; his lips beside your ear. His whispers were frightening, the low tone of his voice always made you feel uneasy. But this time each breath he took sent shivers down your spine as well. “By the way, I know that me and you are going to have fun. You know how?” He pauses, just long enough to get a simple squeaked no sir out of you. “Because you’re already wet.” as those words floated into your head, you felt a finger push up into your untouched pussy. It went deep and swirled around glossing over each wall before moving out again. You couldn’t help but gasp in shock and tense up waiting for more. As he pulled his finger out, your whole body, relaxed, you let out a hard sigh of relief. You could hear his footsteps moving away, getting quieter. “Don’t worry slut, I’ll be playing with that next time.”

Those were the last words you heard before the door slammed shut. Leaving you standing with your hands tied above your head, and legs spread with an iron bar. Your pussy craving more while your neck was decorated with spit like the sides of a cake would be dripped with icing. Your nipples still burning and a red mark across your cheek. But these were all temporary- they would go. What was left behind, that you would keep for the rest of your time here was the burn mark he left on your thigh and the anticipation of being trained- being made to submit again. 

(Thank you for all the support in the first post!)


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