Letting our friends find my boudoir photos – Part 2 [MF]

[Part 1 Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/za6331/letting_our_friends_find_my_boudoir_photos_mf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Would be good to read part 1 if you haven’t already but the net-net is our our very good friends are on their way over to stay the night and I’d just placed the book of my boudoir shoot subtly on the dresser in the guest bedroom….

A few too many drinks with our friends later, the topic of naked photos came up. It’s well known among the 4 of us that Tyler has quite the collection of nude photos of Megan, exes and random celebs on his iPad, although he hasn’t shared with us. Of course you couldn’t keep your mouth shut and mentioned my boudoir shoot photo book. Didn’t say where it was or anything, but def made it clear it existed.

Another hour or so later, we all were off to bed. I barely survived the embarrassment when you “jokingly” suggested we all hop into the same bed. NOT COOL!

The new house has the guest bedroom up on the 3rd floor, directly over ours. As I slipped into bed in a t-shirt and thong, we could still hear Megan and Tyler moving around upstairs. I wondered aloud if they’d stumble onto the book. I think it was you who first heard it. It wasn’t just them getting ready for bed. It sounded rhythmic, like a clothes dryer with a pair of sneakers in it. We laid there spooning, listening. I could faintly hear Megan moan, clearly trying to be respectful in our house, but also very much enjoying herself.

My normal sleeping outfit: https://imgur.com/a/rfR173R

I felt your hand slip up the back of my shirt. As we both listened intently, you began to trace your finger slowly down my spine. It always gives me goose bumps when you do that. I tried to shift my ass back harder into your crotch but I couldn’t understand why you slipped back an inch or two until I felt it… your finger kept tracing down lower, making its way past the T of my thong and into my ass crack. I lifted my leg slightly to give you better access and a few seconds later, your finger was gently rubbing over my asshole.

(For those that haven’t seen all our posts, my ass has always been off limits before my husband. I wasn’t interested and no one seemed to push the issue. Over the years though, I’ve realized how amazing a finger or tongue can feel if used right)

A finger in me: https://imgur.com/a/sSIwROd

As your finger continued to alternate between skimming back and forth then lightly pressing into my ass, we both heard Megan grunt. From all of our late night convos, we knew Tyler was “gifted” and Megan had always been on the tighter side. They’d told us in the past that it would take a few mins for him to get all the way inside her. This must have been that moment. The rhythm picked up pace and almost sounded frantic now.

I reached back, pushed your hand away and grabbed your dick. It was rock hard. (It’s ALWAYS rock hard.. Jesus, when will it realize you aren’t 18 anymore??) I lifted my leg up a bit more and started to use the head of your dick to rub back and forth over my clit, making me jump just a tiny bit each time it hit the spot. I could feel how wet listening to them have sex had made me. Every few seconds I slide your dick back just a little further and let the head slide in slightly, starting to cover it in my juices.

We could hear Megan through the ceiling. Just a soft “eh eh eh eh eh eh” over and over again. You laughed and joked that we may have a mess to clean up in the morning. Megan isn’t on BC and I’m guessing they didn’t bring condoms…

God I was ready to fuck. I pushed back hard onto you, felt your tip slide inside and then keep going until my ass was pressed up against you. Spooning sex isn’t wild, but damn I love it. I rocked my hips slowly back and forth, creating just enough motion for us to both feel you moving inside me. Your hand made its way down to my pussy and alternated between rubbing my clit and feeling lower down where your dick was moving in and out of me. I’m not sure I’ve been THIS wet in a while. Suddenly, you hand was gone and I turned my head to look back and saw you licking your finger. (I don’t know why but this always freaks me out!) It was right at that moment that the noise from upstairs stopped. You stayed inside me, us moving slowly while we heard footsteps upstairs, the sound of the toilet flushing and then just silence.

I don’t remember how long it was… maybe another 5 minutes, but I could hear your breathing getting shallower and I started to rock back into you harder. It didn’t take long for you to freeze up and for me to feel a little extra warmth pumping out inside of me.

The next morning

Both couples have kids, so even if we can sleep in, we rarely are able to. We were up at 7 and a few mins later, Megan popped down from the third floor. She said a quick “morning!” and then was unusually quiet other than asking for a cup of coffee. Just before Tyler came down, I felt you starting to drip out of me from the night before. When he came down a few mins later, he walked over, gave me a hug (not unusual for him to do), a quick peck on the cheek (slightly more unusual) and said “Hey Gorgeous” to me with a big smile on his face. Hmmmmmm…

Drip drip: https://imgur.com/a/jB3kcUU

An hour or so later, they were on their way to pick up their kids at grandma’s and we were cleaning up before getting ours from your sister’s. When I went up to change the sheets, I noticed they had taken them off the bed already and balled them up. Not their usual M.O. Sure enough, there was a big dried and crunchy spot on the sheets… And of course, I checked the book. There it was, on the dresser. But instead of being tilted just so to the side as I had left it, it was lined up perfectly straight in front of one of the wedding photos… I like to think I may have inspired them.

(All photos are of us and are ok to use.)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zahevz/letting_our_friends_find_my_boudoir_photos_part_2


  1. I love this story! The play when positioning the album, the possibility that your photos helped inspire them to hot passion, the thrill of hearing bits of their enthusiasm and the resulting “quiet sex” between you have created a multi part thriller!

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