His Darkest Secret, Part 2 of 3 [femdom] [bdsm] [real] [femdom] [extreme] [fearplay] [execution] [new] [F25/m44]

He woke up and was in a bit of a daze. He blinked his eyes a few times, but could see nothing except darkness. He could faintly hear some noise behind him that sounded like someone rummaging through a silverware drawer. All of a sudden, it all hit him. Not only was he blindfolded, but it felt like there were steel cuffs on his wrists and ankles. It felt like he was chained to a chair. It was at this point when he started to panic.

“Oh, just shut the fuck up,” she said as she pulled the hood off of his head and held it in her hand. “You knew what you were getting yourself into when you reached out to me. You knew what ‘execution role play’ meant.”

He tried to protest, but she slapped him hard across the face. His heart was racing. In his head, he was replaying every conversation they ever had and every message and form he’d ever shared to try and remember exactly what he told her. She hit him hard across the face with the back of her hand, snapping him out of his moment of thought just as she started to speak once again.

“You probably noticed by now that there never was a chance that you and I would be playing together – I simply view you as something that fills a need for me. A means and your end,” she smiled at her own pun as she reached onto the table and picked up a large hunting knife, stroking it as she continued. “Now, I’m not a total savage, you’re going to get everything we discussed so you get to enjoy yourself too.”

She stood in front of him, and was a sight to behold. Her pin-straight, black hair framed her beautiful face perfectly, with her trademark large glasses serving as a reminder that these were the eyes he’d looked into online for months as he fantasized about being in her presence. She had literally covered her entire body in black leather, and that was having its desired effect. As she came close and rubbed against him, she noticed a twitch from his cock, even though he was currently afraid for his life. She rolled over a small cart with several sharp-looking, steel tools, and removed a thick leather apron from a hook on the wall.

“You told me that part of what gets your pathetic cock hard was being told exactly what was about to happen to you before it is carried out, so that is exactly what I am about to do,” she crossed the apron strings around her back and tied them in the front, then picked up a scalpel and admired its sharpness. “I have made the determination that you are a threat to every woman you meet, and for that fact, your life will end today.”

She stopped and let the magnitude of her statement sink in. At first she could tell he was processing each word, and then true panic overtook anything else. He tried to move, but his chains were too tight and even the chair seemed in some way fixed to the floor. As he struggled and called out, she put down the scalpel and picked up a syringe, jamming it hard into his leg and pressing the plunger. He felt a rush of heat at the injection spot, and then was overwhelmed by a feeling of calm before all of his limbs feeling heavy – he was unable to easily move anything.

“That was Haloperidol, but only a small dose. I expect you to cooperate with me and accept your fate, but if you choose not to, if you fight back again, I will inject you with a larger dose and you will be completely conscious but also completely paralyzed,” she was being very deliberate with every syllable. “Now, you have been sentenced to die by hanging. This sentence will be carried out in front of three witnesses and I will be the executioner. Your sentence is to commence immediately.”

She reached in her apron and took out a key, starting to remove the locks from the chains that held him to the chair. He was in complete shock.

This had started as a fantasy he carried around for years, and he couldn’t believe the first person he shared it with took it so literal. He felt tears start to roll down his cheek as thought about his circumstances, but was unable to do anything about them. As she unlocked the last chain from his ankles, she stood him up, applying new leg irons and cuffs. She then took out an off white cloth hood and put it over his head. It allowed for the tiniest bit of sight as she took his arm and walked him through the door to the next room.

In the room, there was a noose hanging from a large eyebolt in the middle of the ceiling, with a simple step stool positioned directly underneath. There were three women seated against the opposite wall, all dressed down in sweats and loungewear looking extremely relaxed given the situation. She walked him over and positioned him in front of the three. She could tell the drug was still having an extreme effect on him so she grabbed a folding chair and seated him in it.

She pulled up the cloth hood up to expose his mouth, nose and eyes; allowing him to see the group in front of him. He couldn’t help but be in awe of the beauty of the three. His infatuation was short lived as she read aloud his name filled by the words ‘will be hanged by the neck till death.’ This had gone far enough, he was done. He used all of the strength he had to stand up from the chair and leave, but was once again met with the full voltage of her cattle prod turning his world completely black.

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zaibrr/his_darkest_secret_part_2_of_3_femdom_bdsm_real