[FM] Out intense first date

So there are a few things we need to get out of the way before we get into the crux of the story, so bare with me.

First off, Joe and I (names to be substituted for privacy) have been friends for the better part of a decade. We met after we graduated college and started in our first post graduate ‘real’ jobs. And we hit it off great! There was clearly a spark, and an immediate attraction, but something we never acted on. Why? Timing. When we met, we were both in relationships. When he was single, I was in a relationship. When I was single….. you get the point. And even when we were both single, the timing just wasn’t right. Rushing into a new relationship after a break up is never good, especially if you’re contemplating dating a really good friend, like he was. And then after a while, that friend zone is hard to break out of. Sure we talked about it, we flirted with each other even while dating other people. But it was just too much of a good thing to risk hurting, so we never took that risk….. until we did, or I did i guess is more accurate, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

The other thing you need to know is my friend Kate (again, her name is made up). We grew up together, best friends, shared a rental house together for a while too. Kate was engaged to be married, and had moved out of our place and in with her fiancé almost a year prior. However, both Kate and her fiancé come from large families, and finances being what they are, COVID concerns being what they are, the wedding was limited to immediate families only, no exception. Sad for me, but understandable. We were going to celebrate separately and get all fancied up for a nice dinner after the fact.

Alright, so onto the story. This all took place 2 weeks ago, and it’s been a whirlwind since then. It was Friday morning, the day of Kate’s wedding, and I was at work. Joe had taken the day off to kill some vacation time prior to the end of the year, lucky bastard. I forget the time, but my phone rang while i was in a meeting, i glanced and saw it was Kate, but returned my attention to my meeting. She called again. I knew that something had to be up, otherwise she wouldn’t be calling me repeatedly on her wedding day. I excused myself from the meeting, answered the phone and held it at my side while i walked out of the conference room, and said hi as soon as I was outside. Kate was panicked, which is unlike her.

Kate explained that her sister-in-law to be was intended to play the part of her maid of honor, but had come down with appendicitis overnight and was currently in the recovery room from emergency surgery. She asked if it was at all possible for me to get to her wedding in time for me to step in. There was one other female who could have stood in, a cousin, but the age gap was awkward, not to mentioned the dress color being wrong. These things are important after all. I was caught off guard, i was at work, and i couldn’t possibly get home to grab what i needed and make it there in time. The wedding venue was about 2 hours away, and started in 3 hours time. Feasible, sure, risky, definitely. The reality was i would likely be half an hour late by the time i wrapped up work, got back home and got on the road. So i did the first thing that came to mind, and asked Kate if i could bring someone.

With her approval, and my hope and prayer, I called Joe, hoping that he would be able to cancel any plans he had for the day and to escort me to a wedding. I’m pretty certain he was sleeping in, but that didn’t matter. I rattled off what was happening, asked if he could somehow make it work, and drive me to the wedding on time. It didn’t shock me of course, but he assured me that he would be at work to pick me up with plenty of time to spare. I asked him to call me when he got to my place so that I could talk him through what to pick up for me.

Thank God for smart locks. When he called, we ended up FaceTiming, and I let him into my house. I have to say it was both weird, slightly uncomfortable, and an awkward turn on in a way, watching someone walk through my own house. He made his way into my room, opened my closet and grabbed the dress and shoes that i needed. Then i let him know that I would need a strapless bra and which drawer it was in. Pause, i knew i could have just let it there, but it was kinda fun watching my closest being opened and clothes placed on the bed through the lens of the camera, and like i said, it was an awkward turn on.

I could have continued wearing the bikini style panties that I was in, but a thong would have been better, and watching Joe go through the drawer seemed fun. With that thought, I asked Joe to open the drawer below it and to find a black thong, there were a few, but just choose one he would like. I watched as he selected a black piece of underwear and inspected it to find out if it was a thong or not, finding one on his second attempt and closing the drawer. He didn’t seem to put much effort into it, but that’s ok. He asked if what he found was okay and I confirmed it was. He also grabbed makeup, a brush and a couple other items, left the house and I locked up electronically behind him. Before much longer he was outside my office and I left for the day.

Wedding countdown, 2 hours and change, with a 2 hour ETA on the map. Things seemed tight, but doable so long as we didn’t hit any unexpected traffic. So Joe and I settled into a drive, i thanked him for dropping any plans he had, throwing on something nice (he looked amazing) and racing around for me. I later found out that he enjoyed the experience in a weird way as well. We made small talk about how it took a wedding emergency to get us out on a first date, and how it’s been a long time coming. Generally just enjoying being away from work for the day and with each other on the road.

Now I don’t know who broached the idea, I know I was thinking it, but I don’t know if I suggested it. Joe seems set on thinking that I volunteered, but I’m not so certain. But in any event, we both had a fear that we were close on time. We would make it there, but I wouldn’t be dressed. The road was fairly quiet, no one would really ever find out, why not???? We both decided that I would change in the car to be certain that we would be able to be there for Kate as soon as we arrived. So here we are, highway speed on a averagely quiet highway. Don’t get me wrong, there were cars, and we were passing them here and there, but we weren’t surrounded or driving alongside people for long. So with Joe’s eyes on the road, I unbuckled my seatbelt, and undressed. It was obvious how much effort it was taking Joe not to turn his head and look, but he was being a gentlemen, and allowing me my privacy, what little privacy there is sitting inches away from someone naked on an open highway.

I invited him to take a look, it’s the least I could do. He declined saying, “if i look, i’ll never be able to look away,” and continued his efforts to stay focused on the road ahead. And then i’m not sure what came over me, pent up sexual energy, a lingering arrousal from watching Joe surveying my underwear drawer, being naked in a car, i don’t know, but I grabbed his phone that was connected to CarPlay, grabbed the camera and began taking a few very intimate photos for him. We later counted and there were 21 which i took in the span of 1 minute. I was sitting, but that didn’t stop me getting some detailed up close images for him haha. I returned his phone to the cupholder before he had chance to even question what the heck I was doing, or so he says, not that I believe him. I told him that he could take a look later when he wasn’t driving. We laughed and i continued getting dressed. The only slightly indecent thing he said was that he did want to see me in the thong, so at some point i had to make that happen for him. Which was cute and sexy in it’s own way.

We made it to the wedding, I looked on point, he looked incredible, but most importantly, we made it on time. I sadly had to abandon him at the door to the chapel and went to meet with Kate. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, thanked him again, and told him I would see him after the ceremony. Fast forwarding a little, the ceremony was perfect, and Kate looked beautiful. Obviously, Joe and I kept making eye contact most of the way through it, and we clearly couldn’t wait to be back at each others sides. That was in part due to the fact that neither of us knew anyone there. I knew Kate and her fiancé, Joe had met Kate a few times but didn’t have much of a friendship with her, but beyond that, no one.

From that point, we just enjoyed being together. We danced at the reception, we laughed during the speeches, we talked to people, never correcting them when they referred to Joe and I as a couple. We had sort of landed somehow in the middle of a relationship. I mean as far as first dates go, this wasn’t normal, but neither of us wanted to correct anyone for referring to us as ‘us.’ We both wanted it, and we had arrived. But inquiring minds want to know, I had to ask, so while we were sitting quietly at the table, I asked if Joe had taken a look at the photos. And hand on heart, he had forgotten. He had been so focussed on getting there safely and on time, and being respectful to the family there that he had entirely taken his mind off of it. Which was funny in and of itself. We laughed about what it would have been like if I hadn’t brought it back up and he stumbled on them unawares. So we decided to look together. He lowered his phone below the table ledge so it was out of sight, and pulled up his photos. Even I was a turned on looking at them. I mean they weren’t classy, they weren’t composed, but damn did i look good, and damn were they intimate. To be clear, 5 of them were close ups of my pussy with my legs spread open. Full screen, nothing else, just my pussy.

Needless to say, he spend the night at my house that night, my invitation being, come on, it’s time you saw my thong, when we pulled up outside my place haha.

So here we are 2 weeks in, and its been nonstop sex between us. Ten years worth of wanting to be together realized in a very abrupt way. Sometimes fate has its way of bringing you together, sometimes fate and a bit of sexual deviancy that is. And for those who want to know, we have since gone on a proper first date, going out for dinner and a walk through my old college campus. Reminiscing on memories and stories of Kate, talking about past loves that prevented us from being together. And yes, Joe has now been fully introduced to the contents of my underwear drawer, after I let him lose to explore and have them modeled for him :-)

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zaozl8/fm_out_intense_first_date

1 comment

  1. It’s a really good story, very well written. I just wish you’d gone into more detail about what happened after you invited him in.

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