[F] I (F46) had a secret affair for 8 months. It revitalized my sex life with my husband [PART XIII: Origin Story]

After my last post (my least popular), I reflected on how to make this posting on reddit thing work for me. Many of you suggested writing more about my sex life with Scott, my husband. I was conflicted about that for a while. On one hand, it makes sense: the point of writing about my affair with Keith was always in a way about how it revitalized my married sex life. On the other hand, I hesitated to “publish” too much about the most meaningful sexual relationship of my life with the person I love. If my stories have seemed cold about Scott, or more interested in other people, it’s only because I felt funny about sharing too much about our life.

But after a lot of thought, I think maybe this is the way for me to keep exploring myself and my sexuality. After all, though I am a randy little bunny who has fantasies about fucking lots of people and trying new things I wouldn’t do with Scott, at the end of the day Scott is my best and favorite lover. And apart from Keith, the only one in 20 years. Plus, things with Keith ended ages ago and though I nearly had a relapse a few weeks ago, that’s no longer an issue.

So here begins a new phase in my saga: Scott and me. We’ll see how it goes. There are certain things I will keep private, and there are details I’ll change a bit to avoid being recognizable to anyway. But I’ll try to be as sexy as I can. Even just writing this I feel excited by where this storytelling might lead: maybe new ways of seeing Scott as a lover? By excited I mean motivated. I also mean aroused. I keep pulling my hand away from the keyboard and pressing on the crotch of my jeans.

Where to start? Probably the beginning.

I met Scott in uni, in the third year of my undergrad. I was 21, nearly 22, living with two other girls, Melissa and Holly. That was my wild year, I wasn’t in a relationship, and I spent my time going to parties or bars and hooking up. Looking back, I can’t really believe it’s the same me. It was like I was on a mission. To put it in perspective, more than two thirds of the people I’ve fucked I fucked within the first six or so months of that year.

Compared to me, my roomies Holly and Melissa were pretty tame, but that’s relative. They were less interested in seeking out lovers and they preferred to have one or two or three boys in reserve (I guess nowadays you’d call them FWBs). We had lots of stories to tell each other on the low key nights when we’d watch TV, smoking joints and trading adventure stories. My favorite stories were about the FWB that Melissa and Holly were “sharing,” this really hot guy called Scott.

I liked Scott. He was confident, interesting, funny and, did I mention this?, very attractive. He was (and is) tall, fit in a natural, low-effort kind of way, with olive skin and thick black hair and the whitest teeth you can imagine. Unlike a lot of guys, he seemed to be completely at ease with women, didn’t act awkward or arrogant, didn’t mansplain. No one seemed to find it weird when he’d come over and hang out with Melissa and Holly and me, to just watch movies or have dinner or whatever. Holly and Melissa didn’t seem to get jealous of each other. At the end of a night of hanging out, he would go to bed with one or the other, and that never seem to cause any problems. There was nothing Melissa and Holly seemed to find funnier than exchanging notes about the lover they shared, so long before I even thought of kissing him, there were things I knew about Scott. For example:

He was (is) circumcised.
His dick was (is) large, but also “pretty” (Melissa’s word, but I concur).
He absolutely loved (loves) giving cunnilingus.
He had unusually massive ejaculations (Holly and Melissa privately called him “Big Balled Boy,” not “Hot Scott” like everyone else).
He had remarkable stamina..

At least a few times, my roomies suggested I give Scott a try. But to be honest I didn’t really want to, as attractive as I found him. I was having lots of fun as it was, and anyway I didn’t think I’d be as cool with sharing a guy as my friends apparently were. The topic even came up once or twice when Scott was around, but it was easy to bat it off as a joke.

But eventually the dynamics changed. Melissa found a serious boyfriend and started spending most of her time at his place. Scott still came over to hang out and sleep with Holly, but was around much less often. I found that I missed having him around. It wasn’t a crush or desire or anything, just disappointment that someone fun and funny wasn’t there as much. But this all coincided with a change in myself. Basically, I was getting bored and tired (literally tired, I never slept) of playing the field. It was getting weirdly repetitive to sleep with a guy for the first time, and I was starting to miss something more cumulative, the chance to develop a sexual relationship over time, not just one or two encounters here and there. I wouldn’t have admitted this at the time, but I guess I was also starting to want more romance, rather than just lots of sex. I wanted both, really.

So part of me must have known what I was up to when I invited Scott over to our place for a night when I knew Holly and Melissa wouldn’t be there. I didn’t tell him this, but I definitely didn’t say Holly would be around. Later, he told me he knew exactly what was going to happen, but I’m not so sure. I’m not even sure I fully knew what I was doing at the time. Anyway, he said he’d drop by.

He showed up with a bottle of wine, but I made us gin and tonics instead. It was one of the first warm, almost hot, days of the spring. Things were actually a bit awkward–it was the first time we were hanging out just the two of us, apart from a few minutes now and then in the mornings after he’d slept over with one of the roomies. The conversation was weirdly superficial considering how much time we’d spent together over the previous months. We finally landed on a topic we were both comfortable with–music–and when he said he hadn’t heard Jeff Buckley’s version of “Hallelujah” I found myself asking him up to my room for a listen.

It took me a while to find the CD (yes, this is early 2000s), and I was getting flustered. Scott actually said “it’s okay, never mind” at least once or twice while I riffled through my collection. I was also very aware that Hot Scott was in my bedroom, and I felt flushed and, well, wet. Finally, I found the CD and put it on. We listened in silence, which is the only way to listen to that song, and when it was over we were quiet some more. Then Scott just quickly, softly, moved his hand and just slightly touched my lower back.

It could have been an accident, but I knew it wasn’t. I felt a fucking tsunami of desire well up in my stomach and up my throat, my heart was pounding and I was actually a bit worried I pass out. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone so bad. Whatever Scott was expecting, the next few seconds just happened automatically, as if we had choreographed it. I grabbed his head and kissed him, hard and sloppy, and he didn’t hesitate for a second but kissed me back. After a while we pulled away, giggling, then went in for another kiss, though this one was more tentative and awkward. We were still figuring out each other’s style.

Scott stroked my thighs through my jeans, but I was in no mood for a slow buildup. I stood up and pulled down my pants and panties, and sat on the edge of the bed with my legs open. I’d heard so much about his love and skill at eating pussy, and I wanted that right now. He knew exactly what to do, it took me less than a minute to reach my first orgasm. While I recovered, Scott got undressed and helped me out of my shirt. He had what I can only call a heroic erection, as if his horniness was straining to burst out of its skin. I wanted to suck him, but instead our bodies kind of just fell together and then Scott and I were fucking. It was so overwhelming I can’t remember much, except that I felt like as amazingly loose as a ragdoll, helplessly (but in a great way) being rocked by his thrusts and especially by the excitement of it. I was fucking Scott! The physical pleasure was out of control, I came twice again, very quickly, but it was the excitement that made it probably the best fuck of my life.

I wanted him to cum inside me, but he wasn’t ready for that. Instead he pulled out at the last second, lay on top of me with his cock pointing up between our bellies, and came hard. It was true: he could cum like a champion. I felt his dick bucking again and again and the warm semen kept spurting out onto my tummy, while Scott twitched and moaned. When he was finally done, he said “did you cum?” and I just laughed and laughed and laughed. Did I cum! And how!

I resolved then and there that I wouldn’t play it cool with Scott. I wouldn’t pretend I was just after a one-time fling or whatever. So I told him I didn’t want this to be the last time. I wanted to explore a lot more. He said “me too,” which made me so happy. And then he told me he’d never had such a good fuck. He had me.

We had sex four or five times that night. Almost my record (the record was with Graham: 7 in less than 24–but that was TOO much!).

I think I’ll move to more recent Scott stories next. But it’s been fun revisiting our beginnings, so who knows.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zaqy7a/f_i_f46_had_a_secret_affair_for_8_months_it


  1. Welcome back, I honestly wasn’t sure we’d hear from you again, but I’m glad we did. This was probably my favorite story yet, so well done and I hope you keep writing.

    One thing I’ll say though, and I hope this doesn’t come across as being too much of a dick, but you’ve mentioned several times now about the reaction you get from readers (i.e. upvotes or comments and specifically the lack thereof). It kind of comes across as disingenuous and that you’re only doing this for attention. I don’t believe that to be true and you’ve mentioned how you like writing and posting your story was somewhat therapeutic. You’re a good writer, so unless you’re trying to spin your posts into a book deal, which is your prerogative, I wouldn’t worry about how many upvotes you get. A wildly upvoted poster deleted their account yesterday because her obviously untrue stories got out of hand and the author couldn’t keep coming up with a more outrageous story to top the last. So I would not equate upvoting with enjoyment to the reader. Just my two cents.

  2. I’ve been following along with your stories since towards the beginning and love your style of writing. I was really hoping we hear a story about you and Scott and it definitely didn’t not disappoint. I look forward to hear more of the stories about the two of you!

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