My first time having sex was in public. Part 2 [FM]

The bus arrived at the mountain late morning. I had spent the last few hours in a glow from the orgasm I had during the ride. I sat up and gave Scott a kiss on the cheek and he smiled at me. I looked around and I don’t think any of our classmates new what had happened during the ride. We collected our things and went to our rooms. We were staying in a condo and we had 4 people per unit. I told Scott we would catch up later, as he and many others were going skiing straightaway, but I wasn’t there to ski, so my girlfriends and I got settled in our unit. I was exhausted so got to my room, laid down, and woke up to darkness and laughing. I had slept for 6 hours!

I went out to the living area and my roommates and 4 guys were sitting around the table drinking and playing cards, Scott was one of them, so I was happy to see him.

“Hey it’s sleeping beauty!” Everyone cheered. I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

“Must have been a pretty exhausting bus ride.” One of my roommates said with a wink.

Oh shit, maybe we weren’t as quiet as I thought we were. Scott was bright red. He patted on the chair next to him and handed me a beer. Nobody mentioned anything else about the bus and we laughed, ate some pizza and played some games. A few hours in, we are all feeling good and one of the guys says that each unit has a hot tub. I hadn’t even had a chance to look around yet.

The girls all screamed “Lets hot tub!” None of us had brought a bathing suit of course. How convenient for the boys. We grabbed a cooler of beer and headed outside. The hot tub was barely large enough for the 8 of us, all in our underwear. The hot bubbling water felt fantastic in the cold. Scott slid in next to me and I found myself sitting right on top of a jet, which felt amazing. This was going to be trouble and there was some serious sexual tension in that hot tub between the half naked people and the beer.

One of the girls suggested we play Never have I ever. Of course it started out innocent enough, but as it always does, started getting sexual. Then it came up, who was still a virgin. I looked at Scott and slowly raised my hand. He smiled at me and raised his hand as well. We were the only two. Everyone else cheered.

I was feeling real good at this point, buzzed from the beer and horny as fuck from the sexual talk and the jet continuously pulsing on my pussy. So I seized the awkward moment, reached behind my back, undid my bra and took it off. I slingshotted it straight across the hot tub at one of my girlfriends.

“I may be a virgin, but I’ve got the best tits here!” As I stood up and shook them at everyone.

Talk about a cheer! The rest of the girls immediately took their bras off and flung them on the ground. We were now all standing with our tits out.

“Ok boys, who has the best tits?” My friend Jill asked.

I am proud to say that I got all the votes. I knew I had some great tits! :) I turned and high fived Scott and Brian, the guy sitting on the other side of me slapped my wet ass hard.

“So this isn’t fair, our tits are out. You boys need to shed an article of clothing!”

“We only have one!” They said in unison.

“Boo hoo” I said. “So do I at the moment.” As I hooked my thumb in the waistband of my panties and started tugging them down, just over my hip and far enough down that my pubic hair started showing. The girls all clapped and the boys just stared at me. None of the boys did anything at first, so I pulled it back up and shrugged my shoulders.

“I guess the balls are in your court, boys.” And then a hot, wet pair of boxers hits me in the face. Then another and another, as I’m trying to block them.

“Ok girls, fair is fair.” And we all sat back down in the water and took our panties off. The jet I was sitting on was now hitting me with no barrier and it felt amazing.

So we have 8 drunk, horny naked college kids in a 6 person hot tub and I have a hand on each of my thighs, rubbing from thigh up towards my hip. I’m in heaven and we’re all just awkwardly joking, not knowing quite what to do next. Not sure what I had gotten myself in to! But I was feeling sluttier and sexier than I ever had, with Scott’s hand rubbing one leg and another guy my other as I was squirming on the jet beneath me. So I reached one arm out of the hot tub and put the other on Scott’s leg, mirroring his movements on my leg. His hand made its way inside my thigh and he pulled my leg toward his, but it was so tight in there that there was little room so I had to force my legs in to both boys. As expected, both boys took this as an invitation and both of them went straight for my pussy. They banged hands and looked at each other. This was all happening under water, so the others didn’t know what was going on. I turned and started kissing Scott and the other hand left my leg and grabbed my tit instead, as Scott’s hand made it’s way to my pussy. Even in the water, I was so turned on that I was soaked. I grabbed hold of Scott’s cock and pushed my tongue in his mouth.

For the first time, the hot tub went silent. I realized it and stopped kissing Scott and looked around. The girls were all smiling at me and the boys looked like deer in headlights. The boy on the other side of me was still rubbing my boob. So I’ve got two guys fondling me in very tight quarters.

“You two need to fuck!” My roommate yells.

I didn’t disagree. I was about to do something I never had thought I would do.


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