[F] I happily submitted to my coworker to keep my job

I received a gift box at work from the secretary.

It was from my new Brazilian client that I had just won over my coworker…thanks mostly to me flashing him what was up my dress during the entire meeting. In my defense, I was bored and only in the meeting because they wanted to appear diverse to a new company. I had just happened to fly back in that morning.

This was an account worth millions to my company, and I got it purely based on being flirty during a meeting. And here I spent my whole career up until this point working hard.

I opened the gift in my office. It was a VERY expensive dress. At a glance, not something I would wear to work certainly. More of a date night dress. The note read, “Happy to have you represent us – we hope you will consider this gift an initial thank you. Mr. B.”

A bit chauvinistic, to buy me a “sexy” dress in a professional setting.

Was I supposed to wear this to the work meeting in Brazil?

Then I saw something else in the box. I pulled out a pair of black, crotchless panties. On the back of the panties it said, “Property of Mr. B” (his full name). My heart went in my throat. This was humiliating. And very bold.

Knock knock.

I threw the panties down in a panic. Eric stood at my door.

Eric was the coworker who put the entire pitch for Mr. B’s business together, had spent months on it…and then I got it. And I wasn’t even supposed to be in that meeting.

“You off to Brazil tomorrow?” he asked.
Eric is a big guy, 6’3, probably 250 pounds. He’s also a dick. But I still felt bad for how this all went down.

I nodded. I didn’t want him to look at the gift.

He looked at the gift.

“Is that a dress?”

I nodded again.

“It’s from my husband.” I said meekly.

Eric walked in.

“No, wait-“ I started.

My heart raced.

He reached down and looked at the tag to see who it was from. I saw a wave of anger pass over his face. He took a deep breath. Then he saw the panties. He lifted them up, looking at the back.

“Wow.” Is all he said.

I don’t think I breathed.

“I thought as much. Why did you say it’s from your husband?” he asked. “Is it because he doesn’t know?”

“There’s nothing to kno-“ I started.

“So you didn’t sleep with my client.” He said.

“NO!” I said. “I literally landed in a plane that morning. They only brought me in because they wanted a woman in the room. I’m sorry that it turned out the way it did, but I didn’t do anything.”

“I don’t think you didn’t do ANYTHING.” Eric said, twirling the panties. “I’m sure your husband will agree when he hears about this. Or our boss.”

He had me there.

“What do you want.” I said coldly.

He dropped the panties onto the desk.

“You cost me months of work, and a lot of money. You walk around here all high and mighty, flying around the country on the companies’ dime acting like you work hard…well now the truth comes out. You did sleep your way to success. Shaking that fat ass of yours in offices all over the place. Now I have the power to completely ruin your career. Or…” he trailed off.

“Or what?” I asked. I knew where this was going.

“Should I close the door?” He asked.

The enormity of this moment was not lost on me. I could say no, risk the consequences of losing my husband, my job and who knows what else. Or I could say yes…and see what happens.

“If I say yes, there is to be no documenting of any of this. Not a word spoken to anyone else. And no efforts to hold this against me in the future.” I said.

“You have my word.” He said.

“Okay. Close the door.” I said quietly.

I knew things would never be the same.

The door closed.

“I have a work zoom meeting with a client in…” he checked his watch. “Seven minutes. Let me take your chair.”

I stood up and walked around my desk as he sat back in my chair heavily. Awkwardly I stood in front of my own desk.

“While we wait, why don’t you try on those panties from my client?” He said. “Right now.”

My hands were shaking as I obeyed my coworker. I unbuttoned my dress slowly, Eric’s eyes feasting on my body. It dropped around my ankles. He started laughing.

“You’re wearing spanx?” he asked, incredulous. “Take those off, let’s see that chubby belly.”

I could feel my face go bright red. I pulled them down, leaving myself half naked in front of him. His eyes found my bush.

“Come over here.” I walked around to the side of my desk as he looked closely at my vagina.

This all felt unreal. I looked to the door as I heard someone walked by. They kept walking.
I looked back in time to see Eric reach out with one finger and rub it along my pussy. I saw the wetness on his finger as he smiled up at me.

Without him asking, I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra, letting it drop to my feet. I was butt naked.

“Meeting is about to start. Get under the desk.” Eric ordered.

I crawled underneath my desk, past his knees. It was a tight fit. He cleared his throat. I knew what that meant. Reaching out, I undid his belt, then pulled his pants and underwear down around his ankles. His cock was buried in hair, probably the hairiest bush I’ve seen on a man. The cock was still a good size…and growing.

The zoom meeting started.

Eric discretely reached under the table without looking and wrapped his hand around my tit. He refocused his grip around my nipple. And started to slowly pull.

Electricity seemed to course through my body as he pulled on my sensitive nipple. I almost gasped as he slowly twisted it. I stopped moving and he released his grip. They continued talking in the meeting as I tried to control my breathing

“Show me how you get your jobs.” He whispered.

I leaned forward. His dick pressed against my lips and I caved, opening my mouth to him. His bush pressed against my nose as I sucked, his smell overpowering me.
I tried every trick in my book to make him cum quickly. It didn’t work. Minutes passed. Finally Eric said he needed to step out for a moment to the Zoom Meeting.

“Don’t worry, the camera is off.” He slid back and helped my cramping legs stand up.

“You’re not very good at blow jobs, you should probably practice more.” Eric said.

I stretched my cramped body and looked at his computer screen. Eric’s camera was off but the other screens were filled with my coworkers, people I had worked with for years.

Eric his chair away and bent me over the desk in front of the computer, hands on either side of it. He kicked my legs wide open.

Spitting in his hand, he lubed up my pussy. His hands went on my hips and I felt the pressure behind me as he pressed the head of his cock into me and it slowly entered my body, stretching me immediately. It felt big.

“Jesus christ, you are so fucking tight.” He groaned.

That seemed to be enough at he started to fuck me. He reached around me and I watched the mouse slowly drift down to the camera “on” button. He started fucking me faster, his thighs slapping into my ass as my tits bounced around on the camera preview.

“Imagine…if I pressed this button right now…” Eric whispered. “Everyone would see you…”
I pictured all of my coworkers seeing me in that moment.

It was too much. All the build up hit me. A shiver coursed through my body and I groaned as the orgasm took over my body. Eric groaned with me and I could feel him cumming inside me.

Finally, it was over.

“Good girl.” he said.

He spanked me on the ass — hard.

We both got dressed again. Eric bent down and picked up the panties from where they fell onto the ground.

“Don’t forget these.” He set them down. “See you when you get back.” He left.

I sat at my desk as my brain tried to process what just happened. Finally I got up and went into the bathroom, sitting on the toilet to let his cum drain out of me.

This job was never going to be the same.

The next morning I got on a flight to Brazil.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z8v893/f_i_happily_submitted_to_my_coworker_to_keep_my


  1. Does the thought of all your employees seeing you be fucked hard like a cheap whore turn you on? Does it excite you that people working under you would see their boss spreading her legs for them?

  2. I like this. I’ve had so many managers and supervisors submit to me. This is how it’s done properly. I hope you enjoyed showing how you got your clients. There’s always some truth to your writing. Correct?

  3. If this story is true….. You might as well quit now! Your coworker will say something and your career and marriage will be over! In my opinion you care more about the job then marriage.Good luck again if it’s true😉

  4. You’re his whore now

    Don’t think for a second that this was the only time he wants his dick serviced

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