My [M35] conservative wife[F32] [MF]

My wife and I have been married for 10 years now. She was born and bred in pakistan and only came to the uk after we got married. I was born and lived my whole life in the uk. We are from a conservative Muslim family and had an arranged marriage.I was her first and only partner and took her virginity a few months after marriage. In pakistan she was from a small village and had never been with anybody else nor did she ever have the desire. She went to an all girls school and college and the only men she was around was her father and cousins.

Since we’ve been married the majority of time she’s only ever been around me and the men from my family so very limited contact with any outsiders (her choice, not mine. I’ve tried to get her to interact more with other people but she just never wanted to).Shortly before our youngest son was born I got the idea of wanting to see her with another man. I tried to keep it a secret for as long as I could but eventually i was unable to sleep for weeks on end and started having high blood pressure. During the night all I would think about was watching her getting fucked and I watched porn imagining it was my wife.

Eventually it got too tough to beat so I told my wife everything. She was genuinely worried about me so started playing into my fantasy a little bit without going too far. She would say she’d do it whilst we had sex but outright refused straight after. This seemed to work in the sense that I was now able to sleep again and my blood pressure was coming under control but the desire for me never went away.For the past five years now, any time we have sex I bring it up to her. It increased my pleasure knowing she knows even though I knew it would never happen. I usually tell her that I will book a holiday for us And invite someone back to our hotel. She laughs it off because she knows we can’t do anything with the kids there but this all changed recently.We went on our first family holiday together. We decided on Egypt as it had decent weather at the time and I managed to get a decent deal on a hotel with a pool.

My wife is very conservative and is usually fully covered from head to toe with a salwar/kameez and a headscarf at home or she throws on an abaya when she goes out of the house. Recently she has started wearing long dresses that cover her body fully and this is what she wore on holiday. As it was our first time away from the extended family I managed to convince her not to wear her underwear under her dresses. Her body would still be covered and any cleavage that showed through her dresses could be covered by her headscarf. This was a big change for her and I realised the first night that she was very horny because of this. We had some amazing hotel sex that night once the kids were asleep.

During the holiday we spent most of our time by the pool. She would dip her feet in the water but as she was fully clothed she wouldn’t go in any deeper than her ankles. There were other people at the pool too so she kept to herself mostly just watching me and the kids.Like i said earlier, she didn’t speak to many men outside of the family so when we needed a towel I had to convince her to get us a towel from the towel hut which was usually guarded by the lifeguard.

The hut was a small outbuilding on the side of the pool with a window kiosk and a small room at the back where I’m guessing they kept the towels and other safety equipment. the lifeguard would just ask for a name and a room number each time and then give the towel. The first time I asked her to go she protested as she didn’t speak the language and wasn’t comfortable asking but after some convincing she went and got it for us. We spent most of our time going in and out of the pool and sometimes we’d need a few towels during the day and it got to the point where she was either getting towels or returning them multiple times a day.

I could see the hut from the pool so kept an eye on her. The first few times she just went there and came back as quick as possible but after the third day at the hotel I could tell that she was no longer afraid and was starting to engage in conversations with the lifeguard.A few times I’d catch her staring at the lifeguard from her deck chair but I didn’t point it out as I was very turned on by this. Our sex during the holiday was amazing too and my wife seemed much more receptive. I thought it was just because we were on holiday but boy was I wrong.

She started getting a bit more adventurous as the holiday went on. After a few days she stopped wearing her salwar under her dress which she had never done before and one day she even bought a couple of shorter dresses from the market that she started wearing around the hotel. They weren’t very short by western standards but by our standards this was a whole new side to her. I was loving every moment of it. My imagination was racing on what people would be thinking of her.One day like normal I asked her to get us some towels and when she went to the hut she started a conversation with the lifeguard as usual. I noticed their hands had started wandering a bit more than usual as they were talking. He’d either touch her shoulder or she’d place a hand on his. It was unusual for her but if anyone else saw it wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary by western standards. After a few minutes of talking he led her inside the hut as I stared on.

My wife followed him inside and I was left there wandering once again what is happening.After a few minutes I noticed one of the other guests of the hotel go up to the towel hut. He stood at the open window and leaned in but obviously couldn’t see anyone so went round to the back.He stopped suddenly and smiled before I noticed my visibly flustered wife leave the hut in a hurry while adjusting her dress.My wife managed to get back to our sun loungers and I noticed her face was redder than I had seen her before.When I went up to her she whispered something in my ear “I need you to fuck me right now” She said.



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