I enjoy having sex with violent and disrespectful men. men who grasp my tit and puss without my permission. Tell me I was fortunate or that I earned it. Tell me that is what I am here for. Please don’t call me a useless whore. Inform me that I ought to be grateful that you’re fucking me. Tell me I’m worthless because I get wet so quickly. Tell me that my pussy is the only thing that counts. Tell me that all I’m supposed to do is extend my legs and allow you to do what you please. I’m beneath you. You don’t care if I scream, cry, or it hurts. Hit me once, then hit me harder the second time. Toe-rub my clit when you throw me to the ground. Spit on me for being wet and shove one inside. Take hold of my hair and bring me to the restroom so I can urinate inside of me. Put me down on the table, then fuck me there. As I urge you to, take me to the bedroom and tie me up to make me pregnant.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z6y0wv/i_f_enjoy_being_abused_physically_and_verbally_23f