This story is a continuation of my frantic evolution into a sexual being over a few weeks. I don’t remember exactly how soon, but it took place shortly after [the hot tub fingering incident](
If you just want fucking – I have to warn you up front, I never fucked Pearl. I got close, but fate intervened. (You better believe I’ll be sharing that story at some point!)
Most of our stories involved finding places where we had a few minutes to make out heavily, tear some clothes off, and for me to shove my fingers into her cunt. Finding that time and space was a tall order for two young people who both still lived at home with their parents and siblings and didn’t yet have cars or licenses. (Looking at you Gen-Z…some of us Millennials were ahead of the curve on waiting forever to get a license!)
If you read my last story – all the characters are here again. We’ve got Pearl, the tiny dancer. Me, the relatively talkative tech nerd. Pearl’s friend, who I’m going to name Joanna. She’s important in this story, and she’ll show up in the future again! And of course my omnipresent idiot friend who was always around because I guess he figured that would eventually get him in Joanna’s pants. (Sorry that never worked out for you bro…) Plus a couple of other bit players – overall, we were just a group of friends, six or seven of us.
So yeah, most of us had home lives and just houses that didn’t work to have people over. But Joanna lived alone with only her mom, in what felt like a huge mansion up the hill. There was a pool, a hot tub, beautiful art all over the house, a pond with fucking swans in it – and lots of space for us to be left alone and get up to our own shenanigans.
Today we were all getting together to watch Adaptation. Pearl and I sat together on the couch under one blanket and held hands. Joanna was next to Pearl, literally inches to her left. Given our hot tub escapades a few days earlier, the hand-holding quickly escalated into my hand on her thigh and her hand on my thigh. Pearl was wearing a bell-shaped canvas skirt that landed just about at her knees when she was standing up. Sitting down, not so much – and this was an open invitation for my wandering hands to find the hem of her skirt and start exploring her skin. The moment I reached the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, I heard Pearl’s breath catch and sensed her tense up a bit. Joanna turned her head, side-eyeing us – I think she may have been catching on, but she looked quickly back at the movie. Pearl took a lazy scan of the room to see if anyone else noticed. But there was no pulling back, no closing of her legs – her body language said “yes please sir, more of that”. So I continued stroking my hand gently up and down her inner thigh, eventually reaching the crease where her outer lips were squeezed between her thighs. Looking back, she was in full-on slobbering slut mode – skirt, no panties, legs spread under a blanket on the couch with her friends and her new friend with benefits, cunt drooling before my fingers even got there. But she was also a lady – her legs were only spread enough to invite me in, not enough to leave her wide open and completely clear from the obstruction of her inner thighs.
Feeling the invitation of Pearl’s incredible wetness, I gave up tentatively stroking her inner thighs and concentrated all my energies on exploring every bit of her pussy. The last time we did this, we were in a steamy hot tub and my hand was encumbered by those ridiculous latex hotpants that are permanently seared into my mind. This time, no barriers at all. Except our 4 friends scattered around the room. But their attention was on the movie. Mine? No fucking away. I remember the crazy cover art, but I don’t remember even the tiniest plot point. I do remember deep attunement with how every little change – from lightly stroking with my index finger to probing her cunt with my middle finger, would result in the slightest and most ridiculously hot catch of Pearl’s breath, or the tiniest moan. Every moan elicited another check from both Pearl and me on our friends around the room – did anyone notice? Do they care? Is the jig up? And every time, no signs of being caught – just rapt attention on this movie. I kept my fingers in Pearl’s sopping cunt for an hour and a half, just a lazy fingering as we continued mapping out the illicit patterns of behavior in our young sex friendship.
As the movie came to a close, we just kind of reversed the game step by step – back to gentle leg caresses, finally back to just total innocent hand-holding. Movie over, we went our separate ways – the girls went to do something in the bedroom and the boys out to the kitchen to grab a snack. I definitely snuck a few heady sniffs of Pearl’s cunt on my fingers, my brain woozy with excitement and satisfaction.
This was the first time I experienced Pearl’s aversion to underwear – but definitely not the last.