[FM] My orgasms got deeper and more satisfying Part 2

This is the internet, huh? In the midst of a global pandemic, this is the new method of social interaction. I browsed around on the internet and found a few sites that looked promising. There were a few places where I signed up, but I quickly abandoned them.

Many of these sites appear to be populated primarily by sleazy middle-aged men, creepy types, bored teenagers, and the like. When a guy showed interest, all he wanted was pictures; others wanted numbers and wanted to have sex that night; still others would chat briefly before vanishing.

It seemed like there were no Black men within three to four hours’ drive of some sites. After that, I began talking to a guy on a particular platform. It was stated in his profile that he was in his 50’s, was employed, lived between 25 and 30 miles away, etc. We had an online conversation that lasted for weeks, and eventually we decided to exchange phone numbers. We had a nice chat during which he gushed about his affinity for white women and probed me about my sudden fascination with Black males. The two of us managed to schedule a “date” in the end. He insisted that I don a skirt and high heels for our date. I think I got a little more interested in him because of how demanding he was. Do I enjoy being told what to do?

So, I went out and got a nice skirt and a black top. That evening, I applied makeup (which I rarely do these days because I get a rash if I use too much). So, I went ahead and waited for him, as instructed. Nothing happened when I tried to reach him by phone. In the end, I decided to return home.

His profile was gone when I logged in, you asshole! It took a lot of courage for me to approach a man of a different race, and when I finally did, I was jacked around by a pig of a man. He assured me that I would have my first taste of adulthood that very evening. My already shaky sense of pride and confidence has been completely destroyed.

For a few weeks, I logged out of everything and sulked in isolation. Then, in the early summer of 2021, I began searching online and found a site dedicated to interracial sexual relationships; it had a verification process and featured articles and stories written by actual members; thus, I decided it was time to get back out there.

As a result, I found myself staring at this website, stumped about what to write in my profile. The majority of the site’s users are white women seeking sexual encounters with black men, which is a positive sign. Seems less like a dating service and more like a place to hang out and have a good time. I’ve been married for 25 years and have a terrible track record when it comes to dating, so it’s high time I had some sex, and what I’ve seen on TV has me craving variety. In light of this, I went ahead and finished my profile. Despite my repeated checks, I continue to receive only a trickle of new views and contacts. Those men I did speak with were hundreds of miles away and, on average, 75 years old. When I was sending pictures and the conversation suddenly stopped, I began to think that maybe I wasn’t attractive enough, which, in turn, weakened my sense of self-worth.

Then a woman who knew her way around Black men got in touch with me after reading my almost daily updates. She sensed my frustration and offered to give me some pointers on how “online dating” actually works. No one had cell phones or even “beepers” when I was dating before getting married. She patiently taught me the ropes of navigating the site. She showed me how to use my profile picture, interests, and searches to attract men’s attention and weed out the pretenders right away.

At that point, I noticed an advertisement. This new resident is a soldier who has recently returned to the United States and is being stationed nearby. Wanted to spend time with a white woman his own age who was adventurous and open to trying something new while he was in the country. My friend and I both decided to respond to the ad. His reply was a questionnaire with 20 or so questions. Some basic information like my age, location, and work experience, followed by some more introspective details like why I’m particularly interested in black men and the BBC, etc. I got a response from them asking if I would be open to a “interview” in public. Apparently my friend got a response from someone claiming her level of experience made her unsuitable.

He claimed that he received twelve responses and ultimately invited four of them for an interview. Also, he insisted that I address him as Sir and that, for the time being, I occupied the position of slut number four. My friend talked me into saying “yes” and asking “when” and “where” after I made a bunch of lame excuses for not wanting to.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z5jqqe/fm_my_orgasms_got_deeper_and_more_satisfying_part