All Coked Up: Friend of a Friend [MF]

There honestly isn’t a whole lot to this one… However, in an attempt to rid my mind of constant re-living of my past sexual encounters I’ve been writing down the ones that keep coming into my head and sharing them here on Reddit.

Why is this helping? I honestly have no idea, but it is.

Maybe somewhere out there these women are even reading this and putting two and two together with the name changes and slight location alterations. Maybe they’re reliving it through reading.

Who knows…


I was in college and incredibly attracted to a girl in one of my classes. It was the typical “never met anyone like her before” college love crush. She was a total hippie, which was far from me at the time. Also, she had a BF which she seemed constantly unsatisfied with. And she flirted with me all the time. So basically, college hell on earth.

Well, we’d go to this British Pub which was incredibly odd for a Southern town and have drinks from time to time. She’d smoke cigs and I’d pretend to smoke them too. It went where you’d expect; fucking nowhere.

Eventually, I met her friend, we’ll call her Amiee. She was a punk chick, or what I’d call a punk chick at the time. Cropped black hair. Pale. Piercings here and there. Tats. Leather jacket with black jeans. She was very, very slender and referenced her “no ass” often. Really not my type at the time. Oddly enough, cause now 100% my type minus the no ass part. She would come and join her friend and eventually, somehow, I ended up having drinks with her solo a couple times. Things were cool but I didn’t get much of an impression she was into me. If anything, she told me I was too square, and frankly at the time, I was.

One night I’m at my house that I shared with two other folks. I lived in the basement. She rings me up about going out. I pass cause I’m tired and just didn’t want to go anywhere. She says she’s coming over. I’m all, whatever, if you want. Again, not really vibing or anything.

A while later she says she’s outside and I go out to flag her down because shed never been to my place. I do so in basically pajama pants and a tshirt. From a distance I can see she is not in her usual clothes. Tight maroon mini-dress tube top situation. Covers her tits to over panties and that’s about it. She is definitely fucked up, swaying and jittering from what I can see. “Oh shit” I remember thinking, she’s fucked up. She said off hand that she’d done a lot of coke. I just remember thinking, Jesus, why the fuck were you driving?!

She says hello kinda crazy to my roommates and they split to go upstairs cause it was somewhere around 11pm or so. I take her into the kitchen and offer to make her some tea since it’s so cold and she’s in such a small dress. She sits on the stairs, or falls on them more likely, and watches as I make tea. She makes general conversation I cannot remember, soon taking the tea from me and drinking it quickly. I can see the warmth spread through her as she shivers.

Then, honest to God, she jumped on me like fucking cat. She was wrapped around my upper body and began kissing me forcefully. I was not the type to turn that down, no sir, and held her tight and passionately kissed her. Within seconds I was walking to the stairway down to the basement, holding her the entire time. Down the stairs, finding the door handle into the basement bedroom and not releasing her until I threw her onto my bed. I tore off my clothes as she did the same to her dress. We were naked and in bed together within moments.

I grabbed a condom and quickly rolled it on as I moved down to lick and suck her, it turns out, totally bald and very pouty little pussy. I recall her smell. Almost sweet; hint of lavender. She had clearly washed up and prepped, that much was obvious. She was here to get fucked. So, happy to oblige. I leaned up, and now that she was wet, rubbed my cockhead around her lips and began pushing in.

I don’t remember much from that point on. It was a wild and crazy fuck. I remember snippets. This was years ago and I hate faking details. She was tighter than all hell. She bit my lips so hard they were sore for days. She scratched my back deep, drawing blood I’d find on my sheets afterwards. And she screamed. God she screamed. Bloody fucking murder the whole time. Especially when she came. Christ. You’d have thought I was murdering her.

When we were done, I almost jumped away. I was sore and bleeding, my lips felt like they’d been chewed off. But damn if it wasn’t amazing. Five minutes later, this crazed woman was passed out in my bed. She woke up in the morning and apologized upon seeing my back. I made her cereal and told her she outta stop driving when she’s coked to the gills.

But hey, it was worth it.


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