taking my client’s red thong off minutes after we ditched our thurd wheel [MF]

of course my first post EVER i typo the headline…. oops!

i’ve loved these stories and have been thinking about what i’d say if i ever share mine. hope a couple of you enjoy – m

(feedback also welcome)

i was still in the phase of my career where i was lying about my age. i was 24 and say im 33, so clients were less likely to get annoyed by a recent college grad telling them how to spend millions

it helped that i was cocky (which they mistook for confidence), had a good vocabulary (which they mistook for knowledge), and married (which they mistook for wisdom)

on this trip i’m pretty sure i’m the only person flying in from my company (there may have been 1 techy dude from our team). this trip was to houston as part of some workshop a client exec was running. to me, his initiative felt like an excuse to buy a bunch of technology and feel like a hot shot. but whatever, they were spending

i land and start texting with my direct contact, heather, who i had gotten cool with recently. aka, we randomly partied in vegas at a conference. shes at dinner with her team and charitably invited me to join.

while i’m tired, last time with her was really fun.

so i freshen up, throw on boat shoes, vanilla khakis, and a grey-white polo. (which i travel with, because it highlights two of my best features: chest and shoulders. i’ve only been told that a couple times, but im pretty sure its more than flattery bc when girls flirt with me their hands rest there at one point in the night)

heather, for context, is one of those women who seem girl-next-door when you meet her but is actually a huge flirt. i genuinely have zero plan of anything happening.

firstly, she’s a client.

secondly, she is 38 and a full 14 years older than me



so i get to dinner, get to know the clients more, laugh at some jokes i wouldnt normally, and match their energy when they are dropping sexual innuendos all over the place

heather and i are two big drinkers, so we, as usual, outlast the dinner crew and wind up at a nearby irish push with fisher, the techy guy on their team. somehow heather is saying im not hot, and me and fisher are reassuring her that she totally is. so its one of those vibes where the energy goes from sad to horny to laughing, and there’s a building elecricity in the air that made the night feel like a feel-good indie flick.

we get back to the hotel, fisher gets off at floor 6, gives us the “i wonder if they’re gonna fuck” look, and the doors close.

we’re chatting mindlessly, get off at floor 10, and suddenly i dont remember my room number and neither does she. we’re trying rand doors and then i remember, “Heather we aren’t on the 10th floor, our rooms are on the 8th. We’re hammered right now.”

“We aren’t hammered, I’m sure it’s 10” she said in a way that said she may have been confident, but keeping our banter up was worth being wrong for

After we try a few more rooms I convince her to try the 8th with me anyway. we get down and she still cant find her room, but i find mind. I murmursomething like, “oh, i found mine” and push the door strongly enough that it took a while for the hinge to auto-close it.

heather wordlessly follows me in

i’m chattering away absent mindedly, and said something corny like, “do you want clothes to sleep in? here, i have boxers”

i reach to grab boxers, hold them up, turn it around, and heather’s lips meet mine. “i don’t want boxers.”

Our hands are SWIMMMMMING all over each other and suddenly her ass feels very curvy to me, giving me green lights as i grasp her roughly

I throw her on the bed, rip my polo off, and with my help, she gets her jeans off too. i’m kissing up her legs and thighs and #1 she’s wearing red underwear, which is SO HOT in that moment and #2 it’s a lovely thong 😍, which if my brain hasn’t already turned off at this point, it definitely has now.

the fucking is rough, her pussy is tight and i support her thigh in the air to feel how to work my cock inside her. i feel like wherever i am, she’s responding well, and then she does something with her hips that is somehow fucking me back just as hard

i’d love to say we had multiple orgasms and fucked tenderly all night, but the truth is we were both hammered, cheating and somewhere not feeling happy about it. we also both very much cared about our careers and must have both spied the clock that said it was 5 hours our first meeting

i’d end up getting in to the meetings late, but my presentation went well, and we sold past the technical concern they had, and closed a solid deal that would take this account from $0 to one that would grow to be one of our largest.

i jerked off thinking of fucking heather for years after this. we sexted for a while intermittently, usually when one of us was out with friends and felt like scratching an itch. and we did end up fucking one more time in nyc.

as far as the cheating, it was kind of a crazy feeling. simultaneously hating yourself and getting incredibly aroused.

as far as my marriage, you’ll have to find out in another post

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z421l7/taking_my_clients_red_thong_off_minutes_after_we

1 comment

  1. Very nice drunken romp. I’d like to hear more about Heather, and any other times you strayed.

    I had a similar experience two months before getting married. The roller coaster of emotions between guilt and extreme lust was unreal.

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