[F22] I was part of “Fuck a Fat Chick” at one of our Frat’s functions [MF]

Before we go too far down this rabbit hole, my name is Avery, 22, and originally from Maine. I’m definitely on BBW side of the spectrum, by no means a pin-up girl. Believe it or not, we still like to have fun, even if we aren’t super models. I know i do!

So my story happened my sophomore year of college in the middle of fall semester. I go to a decently large university so the Greek life scene is pretty active and lives up to a lot of the stereotypes in terms of “out there and outrageous sexual behavior “.

I went pretty wild my freshman year when I really just came out of my shell and embarrassed not caring about what people said about my sex life and just having fun in a pretty safe environment. I was at someone’s party at least once or twice a week and more often than not, i had my fun both at and away from the dance floor and pong tables. Also acquired my fair share of free tshirts to go home in the next morning.

With that in mind, it didn’t truly suprise me when one of the frats I frequented fairly often approached me about attending a “fuck a fat chick” themed party. And by attending, they meant “be the fat chick” that people could fuck. I was actually pretty hesitant but they offered to make it worthwhile (which the did follow through with) and I agreed to at least come talk about it.

After a decently long talk about how it would all go down, with a definite feeling of holy shit i’m going to be some type of fetish thing for people but at the same time maybe be with some people that are totally out of my league, we agreed to do it with a few stipulations. A few things they agreed to was I would get my own room for the night, nothing out in the open, and I’d get one of the brothers I trusted to be outside the door to 1, take anyone’s phone before they came in and 2, to be there if anything got out of hand. Overall I felt pretty safe with it and again, they were agreeing to make it really worthwhile. Before I left, they took a few pics of me in my underwear, a cute full coverage purple pushup bra with matching lacy thong. They were going to pin them to my bedroom door the night of the party, and do the same for the other 2 girls who had agreed so that guys could decide who’s room to go to.

The night of the party arrived and I got there around 6, grabbed a few drinks to take up to my room and met up with my friend from the frat that would be my doorman, Mark, for the night. He was super cordial and I told him if he was interested, I could take care of him a different night if tonight went smooth. He said he didn’t want to wait for another night and would see when I decided to close it down for the night. Fair play Mark, fair play.

The 2 other girls that agreed to this were getting there about the same time and the icebreaker was having a bit of a laugh about the poses we had all tried to strike in in photos that were pinned to our doors at the top of the stairs. Believe it or not, girls can look super awkward trying to be sexy and that was definitely the case with us. Oh well, maybe some other time I’d get it right.

I settled into my pretty plain bedroom for the night, just a bed, nightstand with a lamp that set the mood, and a TV on a dresser that thankfully Mark had left a stack of towels on because tonight would probably be…messy. I put my overnight bag in the corner, pulled out a few boxes of condoms that I’d brought for those who wanted one along with 2 bottles of lube, my go to silver vibe, and slipped out of my totally not sexy jeans and university sweatshirt. That’s when the reality set in that this was really going to happen. I’m naked, stack of condoms on the dresser, lube and a vibe ready, and pictures of me pinned to the door outside. With a deep breath and a mental pep talk telling myself this would be worth it, I put on my bathrobe that I thought to bring to hang out in, and opened the door, telling Mark that I was ready whenever.

I could hear the party starting to get going downstairs and shortly after, someone yelling on a mic that “the girls are ready, so nows your chance, no judgement here, go fuck a fat chick!”…..super cringe…that’s me and the other 2 girls…deep breath, it’s worth it I told myself. Mark handed me a sharpie and told me to make sure guys autographed me somewhere so the house would know that I’d been a hit. He hinted that the girl with the most autographs would “win a prize”. Another degrading thing but another deep breath and I went to my room and climbed into my bed to wait.

A few minutes later, a knock on my door and a guy I’d never seen around before is in the doorway. Mark reminds me that he’s just outside and shuts the door. Unsure of how intimate or not I was supposed to be, I awkwardly say high and slip my robe off asking him how he wanted me, spinning around and trying my best to be sexy. With a few words of small talk, he tells me I should just get on my back so he could break me in for the evening and get guys interested in actually coming upstairs.

I lay back and start to rub my clit with 2 lube covered fingers, prepping myself for what was sure to be not super sexy sex. After a few minutes of watching me while stroking himself, my first man slips on a condom and pushes his way inside me. I continue to rub my clit, trying to build my arousal as my gentleman pumps inside me, feeling almost like he’s just using my vagina to masturbate. A few quick minutes later, he makes 3 firm, deep thrusts and its over. He slips out of me, throws his cum filled condom in the trash, sees the sharpie Mark gave me and scribbles his name on my breast, and gets back to the party, heading out before I even have my robe back on, giving Mark a peak of my naked body spread eagle on the bed.

There’s already a line forming on the stairs for the 3 of us. Some guys saying they wanted a specific one of us, some saying they just want to get off. Guy number 2 comes and goes in a similar quick fashion before a third repeats the process. As the night progresses, some guys want a little more intimacy and I ride a few of them, blow one or two, and give a lubed up hand job more than once as more intoxicated guys come up and need help “getting up” if you know what I mean. Only the growing pile of used condoms and cum on my sheets, along with the growing number of signatures in random places of my body give testimemt to just how busy my night has been.

In between partners, I try to take my mind off things by playing some pokemon on my Switch and have some of the drinks I brought for myself. I start to relax and feel less awkward and more confident as more and more guys are waiting for a turn with me. In a weird way, it makes me feel wanted and it’s a definite turn on. I start to get fairly sore but the night starts to slow down as drunk frat boys start to pass out around the house.

Eventually, Mark comes in and tells me that they’re going to call it a night. It must have been 3 or 4 in the morning and this adventure had drug on for hours. I ask him if he really wanted me tonight as I look at myself, covered in sharpie signatures, lube/cum mix, with a pile of used condoms in the bin. He comes in, closes the distance between us and kisses me square on the lips as he holds me close, pushing us back onto the bed with him between my legs. With a few practiced movements, he strips off his jeans, and grabs my vibe from the table.

He proceeds to tease my clit with my vibe as he coats himself with lube, stroking himself as he tells me how sexy I look. He hands the vibe to me as he positions himself at my gaped entrance and slides inside with one firm stroke. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him deeply as he pumps into me faster and faster, the mix of lube, cum and my own arousal making a slick hole for him to thrust harder and harder into, his balls slapping against my bum as he desperately pumps into me, breathlessly trying to build both of our arousal.

I moan for him to fuck me harder. He pulls out of me, flips me onto my hands and knees, and begins to take me from behind as one hand forces my face into the pillows and the other lifting my hips to arch my back, exposing myself to Mark as he takes me again and again and again. I reach back between my legs, rubbing my clit as he reaches orgasm deep inside me, filling me one last time as I reach my own release, breathlessly moaning his name again and again.

We pause in that position and catch our breath as he goes soft and begins to leak out of me. He rolls me over and takes the sharpie, signing “Mark’s Pussy” right on my bare pubic bone, just above my swollen lips. I’m utterly exhausted and don’t even bother with anything before just getting into bed and going to sleep. Mark cuddles in behind me, still keeping me safe even after he got his reward.

The next morning, Mark counts my signatures and determines I have definitely won the evening, as 1 of the girls quit half way through the night and went home, and the other girl was one behind me (thanks for the win Mark). The frat kept their word and made it very worthwhile and I have been welcome at their functions the last 2 years as a “guest of legend”….their words, definitely not mine. Overall, I felt completely used but I knew that going into it, but I did meet Mark and he’s pretty awesome so that’s a win for me!

Let me know if you have any questions about what happened, I’m totally an open book!

Love y’all- Avery

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z4pkrd/f22_i_was_part_of_fuck_a_fat_chick_at_one_of_our


  1. How many guys did you fuck total, how many fucked you bare, and how many came inside you?

  2. Perhaps I a wrong to inquire about how the frat compensated you and made it worth your while, but I would like to know if you are willing to answer.
    The average rate for a sex worker in my country is $2,000(USD) per encounter no matter how short.
    So I would hope you received perhaps a year of schooling or something equatable to at least $50,000 to participate in this Greek exersise. That sound untenable but I know some fraternities have very deep pockets from alumni contributions.

  3. That’s an amazing adventure to share with us thank you and I definitely wish I was the door watch at one of those I wouldn’t let her not be satisfied. To captain Mark 🍑🥷🏻

  4. That’s awesome. Good for you to try and experiment and you had a good guy like Mark to end your night right.

  5. You know, although some part really made me go “oh dudes really are something else” and then the Mark part really makes up for it!!

    Yay Mark!!!

  6. “Fair play Mark, fair play” and the use of the word bum sounds a bit english for someone in the US.

    Anyway, everything else sounds plausible and I hope it is true.

  7. True , similar story….
    All over age 21…

    I was a young hunk , kinda geeky cool, when I went to university, but a virgin. During the frosh week mixers two chubby senior females kept interacting and hitting on me. We were in the same residence and would hang out a lot. Well one night one of them burst into my room and basically had her way with me. Thnx pub night… She basically stripped me and rode my hard cock… I came very fast … she got up went to washroom came back and we did it again… no oral this time just her riding my cock. Round two I lasted longer this chick really liked to ride cock. I later learned that was her shtick she was for two years dominating younger students …. good for her…..after I came the second time…. she again got up and I thought was going to the washroom.. this time took a little longer… she came back eventually and said she wanted to try something different… I said sure so she asked me to put on a blind fold and lie down. I instantly got hard again. As I lay in the bed she sat on my face .. her hairy Bush was Inches from my mouth , I instinctively started lapping for it….. she didn’t let me get into it initially was kinda teasing me… all of a sudden I felt my cock being sucked and immediately knew there was no way we were alone… as I struggle to get up and look to see she sat on my face restrict my movement.. grabbed my hair and said…”just chew baby , mommy wants to be pleasured”.

    After a while the cock sucking was amazing and I moaned and came… again I could not see who was sucking me off as I had a hairy Bbw sitting on my face… about three minutes later she started yelling and came…eventually she got off my face as she was overly sensitive….let.

    Let mE know if you want the rest of the story…

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