Introducing British Girls to Cut Cocks by Word of Mouth [MMFF] [MF]

This story is a two-for-one, as it’s about the time my best friend’s girlfriend seduced me out of what can only be described as curiosity. Everyone in this story is 21 years of age or older.

A little unglamorous context: I grew up in the UK, where it’s extremely uncommon for men to be circumcised. Absent a religious reason, it’s something that’s only done for medical reasons and as such, many women go their entire lives without ever encountering a cut cock.

By the time I reached my twenties, with some of the worst handjobs in history in my past, I’d learned to love my unorthodox manhood and more importantly, how to teach others to love it too. I haven’t been with a huge number of women, but I’ve been a first for all of them.

One such occasion was Glastonbury – a huge music and arts festival in England – during my first year of college. It’s hard to explain the atmosphere of Glastonbury; the “anything goes” vibe, the sense that the real world is on hold and that anything that happens there was inevitable, and has no bearing on the rest of your life. Over 100,000 people in a field in rural Somerset; three days of music from the biggest artists in the world, bands you’ve never heard of in tiny tents, performance art, and hippies trying to sell you crystals to heal your chakra. A different world.

And so it was that I found myself in a tent with three of my friends – Matt and Laura, a couple – and our mutual friend Christina. Christina was a sweet girl. At 21, she’d still never had a boyfriend. She was a little cuddly but wore it well – she had a smile that betrayed a truly wonderful soul, and despite her conservative dress sense it was clear she was delightfully curvy.

Matt was an unassuming nerd – he works at a hedge fund now – and Laura was… how to describe Laura? Not conventionally pretty but posessed of a sexual confidence that made her one of the most intimidating and sexy people I’ve ever met. But Matt and Laura had chemistry the likes of which I’ve never seen.

Despite the circumstances, none of us were particularly wasted – a few pints of cider and a joint shared between us – but the festival itself gives a contact high. Matt and Laura were a relatively new couple and still at the “can’t keep their hands off each other” stage.

As we all crowded into my tent, Laura – as she was wont to do – steered the stoned conversation towards sex.

Christina had never so much as kissed a boy. Laura acknowledged this, and immediately started to seduce Matt. At first I thought she was just trying to get rid of us, but then she looked up from the sleeping bag that was just about covering their modesty and asked, sincerely – “Do you mind if I such Matt’s cock? I’ll swallow the cum.”

She said it in such a matter-of-fact manner than any response but “sure” would have felt rude. Christina and I watched, dumbfounded but undeniably turned on, as Laura stroked Matt’s – frankly, gigantic – cock until it was hard, and then wrapped her lips around the head.

What was strange was how strange this didn’t feel. We were at Glastonbury, after all. So we just… watched. Eventually Matt disappeared under the cover and Laura began moaning. After what felt like an hour but was probably only two or three minutes, Laura looked over to Christina and me.

“This isn’t right,” she said between pants and squeals.

“You need to join in.”

Christina and I looked at each other, blushing – there was not even a hint of history or chemistry between us, we truly were ‘just friends’. And I was acutely aware that while I knew my way around, Christina had no experience. Most importantly, I wasn’t about to give a woman her first sexual experience out of embarrassment.

“Kiss her!” Laura insisted. What the hell, I thought. What harm can a kiss do? So I leaned in and started to kiss Christina tenderly on the mouth. To my surprise she immediately licked my lips and then slid her tongue into my mouth, and we made out for just enough time for Laura to crawl across to our side of the tent, grab Christina’s hand and put it on my jeans, right where she’d be able to feel my hardening cock.

I was so embarrassed, I pulled away and started to stutter. But Christina left her hand there. In fact, she was starting to stroke me through my jeans.

“I’ve never… I don’t…” Christina started.“It’s OK,” said Laura. “I’ll teach you.”

As she said this, she took my hand and guided it up Christina’s skirt, placing it between her legs. I looked to her for consent, she smiled and nodded, and I started to stroke her through her knickers. She sighed, and tightened her grip on me.

“Help her out here,” Laura said, pointing at my jeans. I slipped them down and Christina enthusiastically put her hand into my boxers, pushing them aside and gripping me just a little too tight. Laura looked down. I recognised the expression.“Oh. I’ve never… I’ve never seen one in real life.”“Yeah,” I said. “I get that a lot.” I was only slightly surprised; Laura had a lot of experience (need I remind you, she was attempting to facilitate a mini orgy in a tent), but like I said…UK.

I whispered, as sexually as possible, into Christina’s ear. “If you lick your fingers…”. She obliged and reached down, encompassing my head with her palm but still unsure what to do with it. I smiled, kissed her again, and then pushed her onto her back. I wanted her first experience to end with an orgasm – dicks are ten a penny, but I knew I could make her feel things she’d never felt before and isn’t that what festivals are for?

A good festival story, and that would have been that it not been for the fact that, two weeks later, I found myself sharing a bottle of vodka with Jemima – Christina’s best friend and and more importantly, new girlfriend to my best mate Rey. Jemima and I weren’t close; in fact we were borderline hostile to each other. Childish mutual jealousy. Rey was keen that we spent some time together to get over this and even, he optimistically hoped, bond. So when Jemima wanted to score some weed, my perpetually stoned younger brother was an obvious hookup.

no longer competing for Rey’s attention, we were just two people enjoying each other’s company. I was even – whisper it- beginning to understand what he saw in her. Smart, funny, and – I was somehow just noticing – a phenomenal body. Huge natural breasts hidden by modesty and large jumpers; an adorable smile. Puppydog eyes. I felt a twinge of guilt, but shook it off . No need to make it weird.

After three or four vodkas and a couple of joints we were having a great time. It was then that Jemima – apropos of nothing – blurted out “So what happened with you and Christina at Glastonbury?”

I blushed. Christina was lovely, but we simply weren’t each other’s type and I had naively assumed that a “what goes on tour stays on tour” rule was in place.

“Come on, you know Christina and I are just friends,” I said, unconvincingly.

“I believe you… provided all of your friends have put their hands on your cock.” She smiled a wicked smile. Rumbled.

We both laughed. “It’s OK,” she said. “we talk about everything. Your secret is safe with me.”

By now I was beet red and speechless.

“She also told me,” Jemima continued, a mischievous look in her eye, “That even Laura didn’t know what to do with it.”

“Well, what do you want me to say to that?!” I meant it. I was not prepared for a conversation about my foreskin, or lack thereof, with anyone – let alone my best friend’s girlfriend.

“Relax,” she said. “I’m just… curious.”

She let the word sit there, in silence, for just a little too long, as she lit a joint and took a puff.

By this point I was way beyond being able to drive her home, and had no idea how to process my best friend’s girlfriend enquiring about the shape of my penis. So I went indoors to put together a makeshift bed on the floor of my room. I was just finishing up when I heard the door click shut. Jemima.

“That last smoke was a mistake. I’m wasted.”

She looked at the sleep pile I’d just created and laughed. “I’m not sleeping on that.” Fair.

“You take the bed then, I’ll sleep here” I offered.

Without looking back at me, Jemima slipped off her dress, revealing a tasteful but undeniably sexy pair of French panties, and giving me a sideways view of her disproportionate breasts. She jumped onto my double bed, rolled over to the far side and pulled the duvet over her head. Her voice came, muffled: “Plenty of room in here. I don’t bite.”

Well, I thought. A day ago we didn’t even like each other. I’m sure Rey won’t mind us passing out stoned in bed together. I kicked off my jeans, rolled into bed and switched out the light.

Almost immediately, I felt Jemima’s hand on my shoulder. Very gently, she was stroking my neck.

“When I’m high,” she whispered, “I love this. Do you like it?”

I mean, I didn’t not like it. The sensation was shooting from my neck right through my body. My hairs stood on end; I felt the blood start rushing to my shaft. I was already getting hard.

“Uh, yeah, it’s pretty nice I guess. Bit ticklish.” She stopped, and rolled onto her side, her back facing me.

“Your turn.” She said.

I realised she was now naked except for the French panties. I gently traced my fingers up her back and before I’d even reached her neck, she let out an involuntary groan. With the fingers of my right hand I stroked her neck the same way she’d stroked mine, and heard her breathing speed up. My left hand, currently stiff by my side in the universal “I’m Not A Sex Pest” pose, automatically reached out. My fingers found her hips and I gently brought them up, letting them reach out and with the lightest of touches, stroked the underside of her breast.

Jemima’s left hand reached past mine and went straight for my boxers, currently straining against the full-force erection trying to break free of them. Pushing into her back.

“I’ve only seen them in porn. I really want to…”

“I want to know how to use it,” she said, between moans. She grasped the head through the fabric, her fingers sliding over the ridge. She let out a giggle of delight, and turned round to face me.

She kissed me hard, bringing her whole body into mine and grinding against my hand so I could feel her wetness through her panties.

Her hand came up and pushed me onto my back.

She reached out and put the light back on, then slid down to my waist, pulling my boxers down so my cock sprang free. Fully erect, the head swollen, devoid of the foreskin she was used to. She ran her finger over the head.

“I want to know how it feels.”

In the light I could see Jemima’s beautiful brown eyes, fixated by the head and the ridge of my cock. She gently grasped my shaft and started to stroke; I panicked. I was too turned on to stop her but I wasn’t going to let this become another awkward, uncomfortable letdown. 

I had an idea. 

“Good things come to those who wait,” I whispered, taking her hand off me and gently rolling her onto her back. As I brought myself parallel to her, she couldn’t take her eyes off the head. I was starting to feel fetishised. And I liked it. 

I kissed her neck, her chest, her breasts. I gently ran my tongue over her nipples, drawing a figure of 8 between them, as I kept moving down. As my mouth reached her tummy, I started to bring my fingers up along her inner thigh. She gasped involuntarily, as my finger and my mouth met just above her clit. 

She was already so wet, running my tongue across her pussy lips served to lubricate it so I could start to run it in circles along her clit. I gently stroked her labia with a finger and it glided inside her with no resistance, making her buck her hips against me. She wasn’t going to last long. I closed my lips around her clit and started to suck. She squealed; then pulled my head up. 

“I don’t want to cum until your cock is inside me,” she breathed. She pulled my head up, then all but wrestled me onto my back. Her neck was flush, she was clearly moments from orgasm. Damn. Pride myself on that. 

She’s astride me now, my dick in her hand as she guides it towards her pussy. 

“Shall I get a condom?” I ask. I mean, you have to don’t you?

She all but laughs. “I want to *feel* it,” she says, firmly. “Besides, it’s ribbed for my pleasure.”

I grab the base of my shaft and begin to tease her clit with my head, but she’s already so wet that I slide in almost straightaway. Jemima gasps as the unsheathed ridge enters her, and again as I very deliberately slide it out.

“TEASE!” She laughs, and then thrusts hard enough that my entire cock slides into her. He beautiful breasts are in my face by this point, and I take one nippled in my mouth as I begin to gently thrust, rotating my hips so the head of my cock performs a semicircle as it slides in and out of her. Jemima is gasping.

The guilt, the excitement, the sheer fetishisation I’m feeling is building toward a powerful orgasm that’s coming on far sooner than I’d prefer. I look up at Jemima and to my surprise, she’s delighted. The head of my cock is swelling inside her and she can feel every last movement.

“I so love that I can feel when you’re going to come…” she gasps. Her pussy starts to clamp down; she’s close too. I start to pick up the pace, thrusting upwards toward her g-spot, when she pins me by my chest and says “Stop!”

I’m worried – what did I do?

“There’s still one thing I need to know…” In one fell swoop, she swings her legs elegantly off me and drops to my waist. By now my cock is as hard as it’s possible to be and a gust of wind could finish me off. Jemima looks me directly in the eyes and then slowly lowers her head. She closes her lips around my swollen head, comes up slightly and then takes my entire cock in her mouth. I can’t take anymore. I run my fingers through her hair and cum harder than I’ve ever come before. She does her best – sealing her lips around my cock as the cum starts to flow out of her lips.

She looks up, my cum smeared across her top lips. The hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

“So. That’s how it works is it?”



  1. Hot story, but… ‘I knew I could make her feel things she’d never felt before and isn’t that what festivals are for?
    A good festival story, and that would have been that it not been for the fact that, two weeks later…’

    I feel like we’re missing something

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