Reflecting on the time I [F] 20, flashed my boyfriend’s friends in college

This is just a short memory and not a crazy story that I’m only recently reflecting on. Back in college I wanted to get my nipples pierced and when I brought it up to my boyfriend at the time he was so excited about it that he offered to pay for it. So he came with me and I got them pierced.

A month or so later was our school’s spring break and we rented out a vacation house on the beach for a few days with a group of my boyfriend’s friends/ our friend group. One my boyfriend’s friends (let’s say Kyle) who was a year younger than me knew about my nipple piercings and wasn’t really shy / didn’t have any shame and basically begged me to show him. I honestly didn’t really care and so I called over to my bf across the kitchen and asked if I could show Kyle. He said something along the lines of “sure, I don’t care!” He was very chill lol.

So yeah I just flashed my boobs and let Kyle gawk at them for like 5 seconds. Meanwhile his other friend “Jake” definitely overheard the conversation and basically fast walked to the room Kyle and I were in and got a full peak too. He was definitely blushing and smiling.

I just thought it was whatever and not really sexual but now I wonder if either of them got off to me later after that incident. And now it’s years later and I’m horny thinking about that. Sad I wasn’t more adventurous in those ways when I was 20.



  1. First rule of piercings. If someone asks, you show them….show them please?🤣🤣

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