[MF] [Teacher Student] The Making of Dr. Hand: When I Fucked My Professor

Picture it: mid 2000s, Dr. Hand as a 21 year old walking around a college campus, not yet a professor, not yet had any students of mine of my own, just a student myself walking to class every day, studying all the time, and living in a tiny apartment next to campus.

I was starting college again at 21. My first go at it failed due to partying way too much. I only lasted 1 year at my first school, then I dropped out and went home for a couple years. I worked as a cashier at a huge retail store, and I hated it. I thought it was the most mind-numbing thing I had ever done. So after a while I decided I wanted to get my shit together and go back to a university. I started taking community college classes to get my GPA back up, and after a few semesters I was packing up my car and unlocking the front door of a tiny 1 bedroom apartment right next to campus.

I got a little bit of transfer credit, but not much at all – mostly just some math and foreign language courses. I did *not* get credit for any writing classes because I flunked every writing course I took prior to that, so my first set of courses at the new school included one of those freshman writing courses.

I was pretty surprised on the first day of class for the writing course. I saw an “older” woman walking towards the classroom. I put older in quotes because it’s funny to me now that someone in their mid 30s seemed old to me at the time (30s is like the new 20s for me now). Anyway, my young brain thought, *Oh wow, her tits are so jiggly. Is she coming to this room? She is! Is the seat next to me open? Yes! Please sit next to me, please sit next to me, wait, where is she going?*

She didn’t sit next to me. She didn’t sit at a desk at all. Instead she went to the front of the room and started unpacking her bag. My brain was about to explode. You see, until that point literally all of my professors had been either 1) old as dirt, 2) ugly, or 3) both. Suddenly she didn’t seem very “old” to me at all anymore. Older than me, sure, but she seemed young and confident compared to all my other professors. But she also seemed…inaccessible, in that she wasn’t my peer anymore so no chance to hook up. That was fine – I was excited for class now! *What will this new professor be like?*

She did not disappoint. She was funny, upbeat, and likeable. I’m not going to reveal her real name of course, so let’s call her Dr. Blue. Dr. Blue mentioned she had been at the university for a while and that the course I was in was her favorite one to teach. That was nice to hear. Our icebreaker was to say our names and our favorite book. Most of the answers were Harry Potter or things you were forced to read in high school like The Great Gatsby, Of Mice And Men, etc. Those answers didn’t get much of a response out of her. I seemed to surprise her with my favorite book though.

“Hi, I’m [first name] Hand. My favorite book lately is Infinite Jest.”

“*Really?* Wow, that’s an undertaking of a book.”

I chuckled. “Yeahhh, it took me the better part of a year to finish, but I got there eventually.”

“Well, very good. I’m excited to have such an ambitious reader in the class.”

Her small comment instantly put me in a good mood. I hate to admit it, but I love praise. I love to be evaluated. That might be why I ended up loving school so much. Having my teacher openly express she was excited to have me in class made me super happy about my decision to try again at school. Funny how little comments like that can affect people so much.

We had our first paper to write a few weeks into the semester. I honestly can’t remember what I wrote about at this point (it was a long time ago), but I do remember the feedback and grading process. We did a few classes where everyone got into groups of 4 and passed each other’s papers around, read them, and left feedback for them. After that, Dr. Blue wanted to meet with each student individually to go over the paper for one last round of revisions before turning in the final version. I thought that was weird. I didn’t do that in the writing courses I failed a few years prior. Why would she need to talk with us one on one? Why not just write feedback on our paper? I actually did this for my subsequent writing classes too, but at the time I didn’t know it was a normal English-course thing to do. I thought it was a Dr. Blue thing to do.

Since I wasn’t sure what to expect, I tried to err on the side of it being a formal thing. I thought a one-on-one meeting with your professor was something you should dress up for. I thought it was a big deal. I know – it’s funny because NOW I know it’s absolutely not a formal thing at all. I can’t tell you how many people show up in their pajamas to come to talk to me. But I was young and ignorant about college life, and I really liked Dr. Blue so I was nervous about giving her a bad impression of me.

I put on the best clothes I had for the meeting. It wasn’t a suit – I was a college student after all. But I did have a nice fitting button-up shirt, tailored dress pants, and some dress shoes, so I could do business casual pretty well. I showered, sprayed on some cologne, shaved, made sure my breath was okay, you know – basic hygiene plus a little extra.

We met at a coffee shop on campus. I had never been there before, but I went there many times afterwards because it was pretty cool. The lighting was low (even in the afternoon), it was never too crowded, and there was a giant fish tank with cool looking fish swimming around. Dr. Blue was seated in a corner looking intensely busy with a table covered in books and papers.

“Hi Dr. Blue.” I said when I approached her.

She jumped, startled.


I watched as her mind caught up with her senses and realized who I was and why I was there. I remember her looking me up and down before telling me to sit.

“I-sorry, I lost track of time. You’re my first meeting of the day.”

“Oh, no problem.”

“And then I almost didn’t recognize you! You look so different! Where are your usual black jeans and t-shirt?”

“Uhh…they’re dirty…” I said, trying to stop my voice from shaking.

Dr. Blue chuckled at my awkwardness, and we jumped into the paper after that. We ended up not finishing everything she wanted to talk about. We spent all of the time talking only about the minor changes because we kept getting side tracked about other stuff – where I am from, if I lived on campus, how long she had been teaching, etc. She was easy to talk to, and she seemed genuinely interested in me. It was fun, and before I knew it time was up. Another student awkwardly walked towards our table, and sure enough we only had two minutes left.

“Hmm, okay well I have a bunch of other comments about your paper. We only really got to the simple stuff…” Dr. Blue said, seeming annoyed.

We decided to meet again during her office hours the next day.

“By the way, you don’t have to dress up.” she said with a kind smile. “I certainly won’t complain if you do, but it’s not necessary.”

I cringed and walked away. Fixing all the changes we talked about took no time since they were all minor, so I did that after our meeting and printed out a new version to take to her.

The next day, I walked to her office with my stapled paper in hand (this was before student stuff was emailed). I heard her talking to someone as I walked up, and *she was not happy.* I can’t recall exactly what she said but it was something like this:

“This is fucking idiotic! I can’t believe you wrote this. Fix it by Monday!”

Nowadays I’m used to arguing and cussing in an office environment, but I was blown away hearing Dr. Blue talk like that. *And she wanted to talk to me about major edits to my paper??* I was terrified to walk in. I tiptoed up to the doorway and saw her standing over a student sitting on her office couch. Knowing what I know now, that was probably a Ph.D. student that messed up big time.

“Seriously, if you think that-..uhh,” Dr. Blue stammered as her eyes noticed me. “If you think…you know what, nevermind. Just fix it. I have another meeting.”

The student got up slowly and kept their eyes on the ground as they walked past me. Poor guy. I’ve been there before, along with probably every other Ph.D. student in the world. It doesn’t feel good.

“Hi! Come in, come in!” Dr. Blue greeted me with such a volume that her voice could probably be heard a few doors down.

“Have a seat.” she said, gesturing towards her couch as she spoke. “I’m so sorry we couldn’t get to everything at our meeting yesterday.”

She sat next to me on the couch and brought out her copy of my paper.

“Oh I brought a new copy that fixed the stuff we talked about yesterday.” I interrupted.

“Oh – wow that was fast.” She smiled as she skimmed the new copy. “Thanks for doing this so quickly, great job.”

I started feeling more at ease after her voice calmed down. She had a gentle tone when going over things that were big changes to the paper, and I thought they all made sense so I was quick to agree with her. I was, however, feeling discouraged that there were so many changes she thought I should make. I thought the paper good, better than good even.

I was trying hard to project myself as taking it in stride, but I think Dr. Blue could tell I was upset. She reached out to touch my arm, and squeezed a little, which startled me so much I nearly gasped. Dr. Blue looked me right in the eyes until that startled feeling went away and then said to me, “I’m sure it’s going to be great.”

“O-Okay.” I said, trying to smile.

“Oh, what’s this?“

Dr. Blue noticed a tattoo I have on my forearm. And look, I would love to describe the tattoo because it’s awesome but obviously that outs me if any students see my post and then see my tattoo so I can’t really talk too much about it. But suffice it to say, I have a medium sized tattoo on one of my forearms.

“Oh yeah, that’s right – I think I’ve noticed it in class, but I’ve never been close enough to actually look at it.”

We talked about it a bit (where I got the idea, where it was done, etc.), and the whole time Dr. Blue was moving my arm around to inspect it. Her fingers were chilly, but they felt good, so good that I relinquished any control of my arm to her.

“Mm, very cool…” Dr. Blue said. She slowly ran her fingers down the length of my forearm a few times, past the tattoo and back, then wrapped her hand as much as she could around the middle of my forearm.

I started getting butterflies. While a lot of college stuff was new to me, hitting on people was not new to me. I knew that what was happening right then was not a normal professor-student thing.

“D-Do you have any tattoos, Dr. Blue?” I dared to ask her, knowing I couldn’t see any on her arms.

“Uhhh, yeah, I do.” she said, trying to contain a smile. “But they’re hidden.”

“Ooh, okay. I’d…love to see them. I bet they look great.”

Dr. Blue let a smile wash over her face and said, “You know, I might like to show you one day.”

Her hands gave my arm one last glide, and she pulled away.

“But not today. So make those changes and your paper will be outstanding. Anything else?”


I showed up at Dr. Blue’s office hours the following week to go over my first draft of the next paper we had to write. This wasn’t an official part of the assignment – I just worked on it super early and wanted her opinion before doing the first round of reviews.

She was surprised, to say the least. Apparently no other student had done that before. We sat on her couch again and she skimmed over the paper writing editing marks along the way. It was super fun. She commended me on my initiative before I left, and told me I could come back anytime.

I took her up on that offer by coming back to office hours every week. In between the rounds of revisions we did in class, I would show up at her door to get her thoughts on my paper. In hindsight I can definitely see how some professors might have found this annoying, but Dr. Blue always welcomed me with a big smile and a loud, friendly voice.

Those visits got more congenial as time went on. We talked a lot about books and food in between discussing my papers. Dr. Blue told me about the writing classes she took when she was a student, and discussed at length how they influenced the way she taught. Some days we didn’t discuss the papers I brought in at all, and instead simply sat and talked. One day she closed the door when I came in.

“Sorry if this is weird. The department sent out an email reminding everyone to ‘keep their voice down or shut their office door so as not distract others trying to work.'”

We both laughed, knowing that was definitely from us. That visit was normal from what I recall, but the *second* time I visited and she shut the door was definitely different.

We sat on her couch like usual. But as we talked, we scooted closer and closer to one another, seemingly unconscious of it, until our thighs were touching.

“Can I look at this again? God it’s so beautiful.” Dr. Blue said, running her fingers on my tattoo again without waiting for me to answer.

I knew instantly where this was going, but I let her have her moment. Chills ran through me as I waited for her to look up.

“*You’re*..so-” Dr. Blue stopped when she realized I was staring right at her with a knowing look.

I put my hand on her thigh and slowly leaned in. Dr. Blue reached her hand around the back of my neck. *This is it*, I thought. *I can’t believe it.*

Knock knock.

We both gasped and jumped back like two people caught in the act. Dr. Blue collected herself and opened the door, revealing a student staring there – the same one she was chewing out way back at my first visit!

“What have I told you about my closed door? I’m busy, very busy.” Dr. Blue snapped.

“S-Sorry, it’s just that I-I finished the next draft and we had a 2 o’clock appointment.”

It was about 1:55pm. I stood up and told Dr. Blue that I’d show her the new paper version next week in class, and away I went. My head was about to explode walking home thinking about how I almost kissed my professor. *My professor! How the hell did that end up happening? Was that a one time thing or did we just hit pause? How far would it have gone?*

When I got home I immediately jerked off thinking about Dr. Blue. I threw my stuff down, took my pants off, and layed on my couch. I didn’t need porn. I replayed the scene in Dr. Blue’s office on repeat, but made it go further. I imagined her groping my cock, her grabbing my hand and pulling it onto her tits, and eventually her head bobbing up and down on my lap.

After I took care of *that*, I spent the rest of the day making changes to the paper I went to talk to her about. It was dark outside by the time I was done. And it was Friday so I walked down to the local bar. I was a regular there since it was so close to my apartment.

It was a normal Friday night at the bar – same beers, same regulars all chatting at the bar, same mix of students and “normal people”. But that night changed drastically when none other than Dr. Fucking Blue came walking through the door. She had changed clothes since our meeting (much more casual), but I recognized her as soon as she walked in. She was in a group with 4 other people, two of which I recognized from seeing them at the bar. I had never talked to them, but I knew they were professors. Apparently Dr. Blue was also a regular here for a while but she hadn’t come out much that semester.

I didn’t approach her right away. I watched them come in, order a first round, and then go sit at a booth in the back. I wasn’t sure if I should go say hi or not. Remember that I was still just a 21 year old college student back then – I wasn’t very familiar with bar etiquette or professor-student etiquette back then, especially not when I almost kissed that professor only hours earlier. I kept drinking at the bar and talking to the guy next to me, wondering what I should do.

Luckily I didn’t have to decide. Fate decided for me. Suddenly Dr. Blue appeared at my side trying to get the bartender’s attention. After she ordered, she looked around aimlessly, and did a double take when she looked in my direction.

“Hi Dr. Blue.” I said clearly and smiled.

She gasped, and without closing her mouth she said with rising happiness, “Hi..!”

We did the small talk dance for a few moments before she asked me about my age.

“Wait, you can drink? But you’re in the freshman class?”

“Yeah, I’m 21. I kind of screwed up my college life, well maybe my life in general, since high school, so I’m uhhh, starting over now.”

Her drink was ready by then, but she didn’t leave.

“Wow, well that explains why you seem a lot more mature than the other students. Hard to imagine you not being a good student though!”

She looked fucking hot that night. I still remember doing everything I could to *not look* at the cleavage she teased with her low cut top. It was a dark green top paired with a flowy but short black skirt. Her hair looked the same as always – thick, dark, and wavy.

“Oh I finished making the changes you suggested today.” I told her when there was a lull.

“*Already??*” she asked incredulously. “How do I get all my students to work like you?”

“Yeah well I started on it when I got home. I thought it’d be good to do while everything’s was still fresh in my mind.”

“Smart.” Dr. Blue nodded while she spoke. Seeming like she didn’t want the conversation to end, she invited me to sit with her.

“Hey, come over to my table. I want to introduce you to my colleagues.” she suggested, tugging on my arm.

I nodded, and followed her to the back. To this day I ponder what ifs about that night. *What if I declined? What if I said no and drank my beers alone and went home by myself? What if I never followed her back to her place that night?*

Would I have ever slept with a student myself? Did that night, that decision to go back to her table, that decision to go home with her, change my view of sleeping with students? If I never encountered her at the bar that night, would I have walked the line more when students came onto me? I have never tried to take advantage of a student, but I still ponder the morality of sleeping with a student even after they’ve graduated, or after they’ve thrown themselves at me, or even after they’ve tied me down and made me beg to cum. Was it all because I had a good experience sleeping with *my* professor?

Anyway, I walked back to her table and was introduced by Dr. Blue.

“Hey this is a student from my 1101 class.”

They all introduce themselves and were very welcoming and happy to talk.

“Oh Jim, this is the Infinite Jest student!” Dr. Blue told one of the other professors.

“Oh? That’s really cool. Cassandra told, I mean *Dr. Blue*, told me she had a student that read Infinite Jest. I did a few papers discussing the descriptions of drug abuse and addiction in the book.”

(By the way, Cassandra is not Dr. Blue’s real first name. I just think it sounds good. Jim was also not her colleague’s name.)

I sat down at their booth and chatted with “Jim” about Infinite Jest for a while. I was pleasantly surprised to mostly be able to keep up with him. I mean, he was obviously way way way more knowledgeable than me on the topic, but I could follow what he was saying and insert a couple ideas.

I remember feeling *really* confident sitting in that booth. I was a little drunk, hanging out with a sexy professor that seemed interested in me, and I was able to have a conversation about my favorite book (at the time) with a professor that has studied the book inside and out. All in all I was feeling pretty good. And ballsy. *Really* ballsy.

So… I made a move. I started slow, moving my leg so that our thighs were touching, testing the waters. She didn’t move away, so I played footsie with her. And lo and behold, *she played back.* I knew it was fucking *on* after that. So I went for it – hand on her thigh.

I took a drink at the same time and acted totally natural talking with the other professors there. I can’t recall what the topic was but Dr. Blue, another professor, and I were talking while the other two were having their own convo. I slid my hand into her inner thigh as soon as I made contact, reaching down her leg as far as I could and crawling back up.

“What do you think Cassandra?” the other professor asked.

“Umm..uh…sorry, what did you ask?” she said, shaking her head quickly to bring her mind back to the booth.

He explained again, but Dr. Blue scurried away from the question.

“Another round??” Dr. Blue asked, sounding out of breath.

One professor bowed out, but the rest of us (4) stayed. Someone suggested we play darts. *Darts??* I had never played darts before and it seemed like such a grown up bar game, but whatever, I was game to do whatever kept me next to Dr. Blue.

They told me how to play, and I threw a few rounds getting miserable scores. The rest of them were really good from what I could tell, even Dr. Blue.

“Aw, well maybe you can just stick to English.” Dr. Blue joked when I missed the board altogether one throw.

“Well actually I’m a [STEM field] major.” I replied. (sorry for so many inserts in this one, but I don’t even want to reveal my undergrad major)

Dr. Blue sucked her lips and sighed. “What?? Come on!”

“Wow you could have fooled me.” Jim chimed in.

They spent a few minutes trying to recruit me to their department, unsuccessfully. I joked with them, playing kiss-ass to Dr. Blue for a moment.

“Well, you’d have to start teaching all the other classes so I could take you every semester.”

“*Aww*, if only I could I would, just for you.”

Dr. Blue wrapped an arm around me as a sideways hug. I hugged back, of course. The other faculty rolled their eyes (understandably) and went back to darts, but Dr. Blue and I stood there with arms wrapped around each other. When it was her or my game in darts, we let go to throw, but then came right back to holding each other.

Looking back, this seems crazy. I would never do this if I were the professor in the situation today. But it was a different time back then and it didn’t feel risky in the moment. Social media wasn’t much of a thing yet. Smart phones were just beginning. I wouldn’t have a Facebook account for another year or so (it existed, but wasn’t big yet). The idea of someone seeing us clearly holding each other out in public, taking a picture with a phone, and posting it to social media just wasn’t in my brain at all.

The only risk I felt was from the other professors. I think they knew what was up, but they didn’t say anything. Student teacher relationships were certainly known about, but we hadn’t had a large social discussion about consent, power dynamics, etc. yet like what happened post 2016.

We were out in the open there for a while, at least a few games worth of time, holding each other. My hands would explore right on the border of her hips and thighs from time to time. She, being far less hesitant, would rub my inner thigh every time she came back from a turn before standing next to me.

At some point she excused herself to use the bathroom. I felt really awkward standing around with the other professors after Dr. Blue and I were being so public. Luckily none of them gave me the “if you hurt her I’ll kill you” talk.

“Are you having fun?” Dr. Blue asked me when she came back, in a volume only for me.

“Yeah, I never expected to be getting drunk with my professor.”

“I never expected to see someone from my freshman class here.” Dr. Blue smiled. “Is that the only reason you’re having fun?”

“No…I’ve always wanted to learn how to play darts.” I replied, trying hard to hold back laugh.

“Ha! Well you’ve got a lot to learn, that’s for sure.”

“Yeah I’m lucky to get the dart on the board at all all. But, as long as you keep teaching me I’m sure I’ll get there.”

“I wouldn’t mind that. Maybe I…can teach you some other things as well.”

I paused, letting the moment sink in.

“Yeah, maybe you can…”

“If you’re willing to learn.” she nearly whispered.

“I’m an…eager student, Dr. Blue.”

She smiled, as did I. Dr. Blue reached into her pocket and handed me something in a balled fist.

“*Good*,” she said, sounding satisfied. “Here, I got you something. It’s a secret, *shhh.*”

It was fabric of some kind. Very thin. When I peeked at it through my fingers, I saw that it was her underwear. A black thong. *Holy shit.* I looked around making sure no one was looking at us, feeling a little panicked.

Dr. Blue put a hand on my arm and told me to relax and “just don’t go waving them around.” I calmed down a little, and kept them balled up in my hand.

The bar is a blur from this point on. All I wanted was to get out there and go fuck Dr. Blue. Every time she threw darts, I kept thinking about how she was wearing nothing under her skirt. I was at the point that I would have been happy with finding a dark corner in the bar to ourselves. Or even a bathroom stall, I didn’t care. Luckily something even better popped up.

“I’ll tell you what,” she started. “You said you already made all the changes right? Come to my house and I can give you another round of feedback tonight.”



Dr. Blue lived in a fancy neighborhood adjacent to campus so it was close enough to walk back to her house. Some of the walk was through campus itself, which was fun to walk through with her. It wasn’t totally deserted though and there were definitely some people that saw us walking together, probably obviously drunk or tipsy, very late at night.

Her house was on the smaller side, but had a ton personality.

“So this is it, don’t expect too much.” Dr. Blue said as she pushed the door open.

We walked in and she showed me the front of the house, basically just the living room and kitchen. It was bigger and fancier than anything I had lived in my whole life up to that point though, so I was definitely impressed. The small talk about the house died down fast though. We were standing really close to each other in her living room when the mood changed.

“Oh, it seems I didn’t bring my paper, Dr. Blue.”

“*Damn,*” she said sarcastically. “What are we going to do now?”

We didn’t say anything else to each other. The next thing I remember is running my hand through her hair while her tongue swam inside my mouth. She reached down to grab my cock. *Finally*. I was so ready for it after waiting all night I nearly jumped.

She pumped me through my pants a few times. The feeling rose up into my stomach and head, putting me in that momentary lustful paralysis that first touches can do.

Dr. Blue laughed as I moaned, unable to hold it in any longer. Suddenly both her hands were cupping the back of my neck and pulling me into her. *Ow! Fuck!* She bit my neck, hard, giggling some more at my reaction. It felt good, really good, albeit startling. That’s a bit how this next part felt too.

She pulled and shoved me onto her couch, and quickly straddled me. Her face plunged into my neck, kissing and sucking and biting, while I moaned it out.

“*Wow, so sensitive.*” Dr. Blue whispered into my ear, and I felt something so strong that I had never felt before. Every syllable she whispered made me squirm. I learned *that night* how sensitive my ears are.

“*Mmph…*” I moaned. “Y-Yeah.”

Dr. Blue’s hands rubbed my cock over my pants. A wave of absolute pleasure held me in place as she nibbled on my ear and pushed on my cock. I didn’t know it at the time, but my ears are *very* sensitive.

It’s very rare that someone teases my ear(s), but when they do I am seriously helpless. It sounds crazy, but it’s like a full body experience. I feel it in my cock, like someone is slowly and meticulously licking my head in all the right places. I feel it in my stomach, like having teenage butterflies. I feel it even down in my toes, as they get all tingly and wiggly. And my brain wants nothing more than to lean in and let the person have their way with me. I can barely manage to do anything except whimpers, moans, and squirms.

I swear Dr. Blue must have known this somehow. I didn’t even know I was like that until that night. I could feel her smiling as she bit lightly and traced my ears with the tip of her tongue. Her nibbles elicited whimpers from me, and before I knew it my dick was out and in her hands. I didn’t even register her unbuttoning or unzipping my pants – I was so far gone under her spell.

“*Ahhh, oooh!*” I nearly yelled.

Dr. Blue’s nibbled turned to licks – I squirmed desperately. Her fingers rubbed my frenulum and pulled on my shaft – I squirmed more. She sent her tongue straight into my ear, circling all around – I yelled.


I couldn’t control myself. I was ready to leap over the edge with open arms. But she must have known. Dr. Blue stopped before I could do it.

“*Mmm*, we’re not quite done yet Mr.” she said.

Dr. Blue slid off the couch onto her knees in front of me.

“Didn’t you come here for more?”

I lifted up so she could pull my pants off.

“You came here to fuck me didn’t you?”

She pulled her top off, exposing her tits in a lacey bra.

“You came here to fuck your professor, right?”

“*Yes.*” I breathed out.

Her mouth came down to wrap around my cock. Soon I felt saliva falling down my shaft.

“*Oh god…oooh*” I groaned, struggling to hold it together.

Dr. Blue laughed at my attempts. “You’re so put together until I get my way with you huh?”

Her head fell back down onto me, and I was lost in the feeling before I could even respond. I squirmed, and moaned, and gritted my teeth trying to not cum. To this day, that is still one of the best blow jobs I had ever received.

“*Fuck, I’m going to cum.*”

Her head whipped up before I even finished the sentence.

“Not-uh, not yet.” Dr. Blue said with a smile.

She climbed on top of me and her top went flying off over her head. Her breasts were not contained for long – only as long as it took me to immediately lean forward and unclasp her bra. Dr. Blue pushed her tits together and into my face. I inhaled deeply, breathing in nothing but her flesh.

“*Mmmm*,” Dr. Blue moaned when I gently squeezed her nipples.

She let me have my moment with her breasts. I licked, sucked, and squeezed them as much as she would let me. Dr. Blue seemed to love the worship and encouraged me, even as I pulled her nipples hard with my mouth.

With her chest glazed with my saliva, my hand found her ass and grabbed. I had to lift up the skirt she still had on. Dr. Blue lowered and grinded, making her pussy graze my cock.

“*Oooh, fuck…*” she whispered, shivering.

I held tightly onto her – one hand on her ass and one behind her neck. Her face rose and fell with her hips, but no penetration yet. We explored each other’s mouths more, sucked at any flesh we could find, and groaned in anticipation.

And then it happened. I was in.

“*Ooooh!*” We both yelled.

The urge finally overcame her and she collapsed down onto my lap. The transition was effortless. Dr. Blue yanked my head back by my hair to suck my neck while she rode me. She made it clear she was in charge. I sat there leaning back into the couch cushions trying to sense everything – feeling Dr. Blue’s wet pussy squeezing my cock, feeling her weight shift and groove on top of me, hearing all the small grunts we made, closely paying attention to every movement her lips and tongue made on my neck, smelling her dark wavy hair…

“*Ahh*” I’d moan when her teeth came through.

The bites were intense. Maybe they were just nibbles, but when combined with everything else I couldn’t keep quiet. They were nothing compared to when she went after my ears again though.

“*Oooh!*” I gasped when her tongue traced my ear.

“*Stop stop stop stop,*” I said as quickly as I could. “I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop.”

Dr. Blue chuckled and bent away from my face. I had a full view of her body while she let me regain my composure.

“Holy fuck that was intense.”

“It’s always fun to learn someone’s sweet spot.” Dr. Blue bragged.

I took a few deep breaths, and Dr. Blue seemed to know when I was ready again. She smiled at me, and slowly circled her hips. I wanted to keep eye contact with her but I couldn’t help looking down at her tits jiggling. I had oogled them nearly every day that I saw her clothed, and finally, *finally*, I experienced them in a way I’d only fantasized about.

“*Mmm*,” Dr. Blue hummed when I reached out to grab them.

They were soft and squishy, like most breasts. They filled that webby curved spot between my thumb and pointer finger so perfectly. I lifted them slightly and felt them fall so quickly back into my hands. Dr. Blue kept it slow while I took my time…until I pinched her nipple (softly). She gasped, and told me to do it again. I did, and again she gasped. Again, and harder, she told me. Dr. Blue winced, and repeated herself.

“*Oh! Fuck…again.*” she said. “*Don’t stop, just…fuck…don’t stop.*”

Her hips crashed down on me, and we both groaned. She couldn’t maintain the slow pace anymore. I squeezed and pulled her nipples, she bounced up and down irregularly.

“*Oh god, oh fuck!*” Dr. Blue shouted.

I kept my composure, just focusing on her nipples. Occasionally I’d be selfish and grab two handfuls of her tits. Every time I pinched or grabbed her I’d do it a *liiiittle* bit harder. Dr. Blue never told me to stop. She got louder and louder, and her body leaned into me more.

“*Slap my ass.*” Dr. Blue commanded.

I did as she said. She screamed when I connected, in a good way. Dr. Blue leaned in and found a fast rhythm.

“*Ah, fuck!*” I moaned as she started grinding me faster.

“*Mmmm!*” she replied, burying her head into my neck.

She rode me so hard the couch moved. And so hard that her tits grazed my chest when they rocked. I managed to slap her ass a few more times, but mostly I was just along for the ride (pun intended).

Every moan that escaped me was met with her sucking or biting my neck, my jawline, and or even my cheek. I couldn’t break free even if I had wanted to. I didn’t, for the record. I wanted the opposite. I wanted her to fucking fuck me and bite me and suck me and kiss me and do whatever the fuck she wanted to me. I wanted her to fucking to *cover me* so much that I couldn’t perceive anything but her body.

And then she whispered in my ear.

“*Cum. Cum inside me. I’m on the pill. Cum for me. Cum inside of me right now.*”

*Fuck*, how could I not? I wanted to. I wanted it bad. I was *so* ready to. I wanted her to fuck me until cum rocketed out of me.

*And then she licked my ear.*

Everything released out of me as soon as her tongue made contact my ear. I moaned so loud I swear there was an echo. I felt the cum race out of me, filling her pussy that enclosed my cock the whole time. It felt so heavenly I thought I would pass out.

When I came to, I realized she had never stopped grinding on me. She did though, once she saw I was “done”.

“*Oh my fucking god…*” I whispered.

Dr. Blue laughed. “Gotcha good, huh?”

“*Yeah*…wow, I don’t know if I’ve ever cummed that hard.”

Sadly, she did not cum that night. But it’s okay, we fucked *many* more times after that night and she got there 9/10 times.

She showed me to a bathroom to clean up while she went to a different one. It was fairly late so she offered to let me sleep on her couch. Oddly, it felt more intrusive to sleep on her couch than to fuck her so I declined, and walked home.


I got an A in the class. I don’t attribute that to sleeping with her though. My grades were already really good by that night, and the semester was already like 3/4 over.

We definitely didn’t stop after that one night. It went on for the whole time I was in undergrad. After that night, we met up at the bar every Friday night for the remainder of the semester (3 or 4 weeks). She would also blow me in her office if I came outside of open office hours. The following semester, we had a weekly meeting (I still remember the time – Wednesdays at 12pm) and often she would go down on me during that time. She said that was when most of the department went out to a weekly departmental lunch so we had a bit more privacy. We wouldn’t *always* do something sexual, but I’d estimate 7/10 times we would. Things slowed down after that first year, of course, especially over the summers, or once our interest in each other waned some.

All of this leads me back to reflecting on the encounters I’ve had with students. I’ve always wondered if Dr. Blue is the reason I didn’t deny students more. In theory I know there’s always a possibility that students or even former students feel some kind of power dynamics pressure with me. But I like to think that I’ve never asserted that power, and I like to think it’s possible that all of these experiences were positive ones for both me and the students. My experience with my professor certainly felt positive. Everything felt consensual and exciting and, well, sexy. I *wanted* it. I wanted *her*. There was certainly some sexiness in the fact that she was my professor, but I didn’t feel any desire to fuck any other professors I had. It was her – her interesting personality, her looks, and her interest in me.

Anyway, that was my experience in undergrad with my professor. It *probably* calibrated me to see the nuance in student-professor relations, assuming the students are of age, consent, etc. On a less philosophical note, it was fucking awesome. Dr. Blue was smoking hot, and I couldn’t believe she was into me. That was a huge ego boost. I thought I was good at sex before meeting her, but I really wasn’t that great. Dr. Blue taught me a lot, like how putting the woman first nearly guarantees good sex, and how to give cunnilingus well enough that she would cum every time I went down on her, and how to take breaks to make myself last longer. Being with her was…enlightening.

So that’s it. That was my experience as a student having sex with a professor, and I’m sure it shaped me even more than I realize.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z1f3t1/mf_teacher_student_the_making_of_dr_hand_when_i