Door to Door Bible Salesman [MF]

Back in collage, over a summer break one of my friends told me he’d made around $10K selling “books” door to door for 4 weeks and asked me if I was interested. I was the typical broke student at a small directional university in the mid-west. I had some financial aid, but not much left for anything else. What the hell, why not give it a try.

I, along with 4 other guys in my dorm, went to Nashville fora 2 day “sales training”. The books we were selling were bibles,topical bibles and bible stories for kids. They gave us a script to learn how to get in the door, tell the story then try to close the deal. I’d never done anything like this and was already skeptical, but what the hell, I needed the money and they made it sound easy. I played football & wrestled in High school so I was in shape, my teeth were straight and I owned a couple of ties so the trainer told me I had all the essentials be a natural salesman (ha).

We were loaded up and were sent on the road to Lubbock, Texas.This job was the worst. We’d start in a neighborhood around8AM and were expected to work till the sun went down. Lubbock was hot and smelled like manure from the surrounding stockyards. The sales pitch was knock on the door, say “I’m ___ from the ___ Publishing company and we have something here that all the church folks in town have been mighty interested in”. With that we’d look down, reach for the doorknob and see if they’d let us in. Obviously today that would be a good way to get yourself shot, but in the late80’s, in bumfuck Texas, folks were pretty trusting I guess.

The first week I sold a few books but was starting to hate it and planing to catch a bus back home. One of the doors I knocked on had a kid around six answered. “Is your mommy or daddy home?” I asked and then Mommy peaked from around the door. I gave her first few lines and before I could reach for the knob she said “come on in young man” and pushed the screen door open. She was trim, mid 30’s looking, around 5’5″ with shorter blonde hair. She said have a seat and pointed to a chair next to the couch.

She introduced herself as Dora and was wearing [a red bathrobe]( She sat down across from me with junior nestled next to her on the couch.I started going into my pitch about the Bibles, leaning across to show her the faux leather cover, gold edged paper and quality binding. She seemed sorta interested. I was interested too. I kept starring at her long, tanned legs. Junior however was not interested and kept fidgeting.

When I got to the Children’s Bible stories she asked me to read one so I started Noah’s Ark book. About 3 pages in I noticed Dora’s bare foot grazing against the pants leg of my khaki’s. I also noticed the more I read the more she’d lean in and the more the top of her robe opened.I don’t know if I mentioned it, but at around 2PM in June, Lubbock Texas was 95 degrees with around the same amount of humidity, Between the temperature, the tie and my improving view of Dora’s cleavage I began sweating like I’d just finished wind sprints. My Khaki’s were also getting a little tight in the crotch area and began pitching a tent. I didn’t think this would be a proper look for a Bible salesmen so I used the book to block her view.

By page six I also didn’t notice that junior was falling asleep on the couch. At the point in the story Noah finally reached land, I felt a hand on my thigh. “You read that story so well” Dora said in her sweet little Texas drawl and pulled the book down. Her eyes went right to the Eiffel Tower created in my pleated dockers. “Let me get my checkbook” she said as she stood up. At that instant, her robe, having been somewhat wedged into the couch cushion, opened wide. “Oh my” she said,feigning modesty and pulled the robe closed after I’d seen a brief glimpse of her toned body, tan lines and the darker haired racing stripe she shaved her public hair into.”Uhh… I …. uhhhh” I said as I watched her walkover to the kitchen table.

By now junior was snoring on the couch. So I stood up, My flagpole at full mast. She walked back over with the checkbook, and put her hand on my now sweaty forearm. At this point I’ll confess I’d not been with an older or married women, but it felt like she was dropping me a hint so I pu tan arm around her waist and said “Dora, you are so beautiful” or something close to that inane compliment. With that she leaned in and began kissing me with her tongue immediately searching for my tonsils. My other hand opened her robe and began sliding from her thigh upward past her waist and to her soft supple breast which I first gently cupped then began squeezing like an almost empty mustard bottle.

She grabbed my hand and led me back to her bedroom with her robe falling to the floor as we walked in. I briefly noticed the large round bed as she draped her arms around me, kissing me while simultaneously pulling my shirt out and trying to loosen my tie. She pulled me close as we fell on top the bed and her legs wrapped around my thigh. My mouth found it’s way to her breast and I began sucking her hard hard nipple while my free hand went directly between her legs as she rolled onto her back.Her pussy was soaked as fingers started exploring. I remember wishing I could see this picture of beauty so I pulled my head up briefly for a better look when she grabbed my sweaty head and started pushing it towards her crotch.

I wasn’t quite an expert on cunnilingus at that age, but it appeared I didn’t really need to be. Once my face was buried between her thighs she started grinding her pelvic area up and down while pushing the back of my head. My tongue was lapping up her delicious juices as she increased the pace. I was also sort of asphyxiating as my tie had tangled around her leg. I’m convinced to this day, this is the origin of my fetish for tan lines and racing stripes on women.

As her hips continued to swivel, she started to come. I could tell because I heard an “ohh… ohhh… ohhhhhh” progression that grew louder and longer with every “ohhhhhh”. When she was hitting full climax I remember thinking “I can’t wait to fuck her”when I hear… “momma, momma” coming from the living room. Yep….she’d woken up junior with her orgasmic Aria. With that she quickly jumped out of the bed, grabbed her robe and ran into the living room to check on her son. Here I was on the edge of the bed, shirt and tie soaked from a combination of sweat and pussy juice in a “what happened” daze. My Khakis had wet streaks where she’d humped my leg and my throbbing erection was begging for relief. Luckily Dora got the kid back to sleep and made her way back in the bedroom.

To be continued if interested… 



  1. Buddy Holly grew up in Lubbock. I wonder if he ever sold bibles to desperate housewives in the summer 😏

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