This hot girl in my school who is very thick I wanted to fuck really badly. We have a class together and I sat next to her in class. We was watching a movie in class and I was just flirting with her. I put my hand on her thigh and she didn’t seem to mind. Next thing you know I put inside her tights and played with her pussy while in class. She got so wet. Since the class was dark I pulled out my dick and told her to play with it she jerked me off a bit I sucked it a bit while in class and no one noticed besides my friends. I told go to ask to go to the bathroom and I went out the classroom 2 mins later. I met her in the staircase and made her finish sucking my dick and cum down her throat. I was still so horny and put her tights down and made her ride my cock. Next thing you bam we got caught by the dean fucking in the staircase. We both ended up getting suspended. I don’t regret doing that it felt nice doing it in school. But she got grounded by her parents and my parents don’t even care they know I’m sexually active.
Message me to see her