[FM] High and Horny : Me and Tyler in my Dorm Room (Part 1)

I an high and horny and wrote this story of Maddie (me) and Tyler, but first we need to talk about Ryan.

Ryan is the outgoing ultimate frat boy. He gets along with everyone he meets, he knows how to command a room, he is just as good looking as he is sweet. He has dirty blond hair, a little scruff, he’s about 6 feet tall, and has an incredible smile. He and I have never talked before, but I have the biggest crush on him. We live in the same dorm and same floor, but on opposite ends. When I see him in the dorms, usually in the lobby, my face blushes, my hands get moist, and I get nervous. Most of the time he never notices me, but yesterday he did. I was in the lounge area crocheting a plushie for my etsy shop. It is something I do for fun to make a little extra money. I was making an extra large dinosaur plushie for a customer and it caught Ryan’s eye. He came over and said “woah what are you making there?” I think I froze for a couple seconds because I was not expecting this at all. I flipped my dinosaur around so he could get the whole picture and managed to say “it’s an extra large dinosaur!” He responds “that’s so cool! I want one” He is smiling at me with the cutest face and what else can I say but “oh I’ll make you one! What’s your favorite color!” He responds “Green and my birthday tomorrow! Just so you know!” I giggle and tell him “maybe you’ll get a birthday present from me!” He laughs and then tells me he is off to meet up with friends and walks away.

He is someone who has a lot of friends and has plans every night. I am someone who is quiet. I have been alone for most of my life and just want a man to want me. I want a man to choose me, hold me like they will never let go, and just love me. I feel like that person could be Ryan. While feeling giddy that Ryan talked to me, I immediately went to the store, bought tons of yarn, and got started on his dinosaur so I could get it done in time for tomorrow. I crocheted and crocheted and crocheted and when I finished it was 5 in the morning. I immediately went to sleep and then woke up at 8 am for class. After a long day of classes, I finally got back to my dorm around 6 pm and was excited to see Ryan. I checked the mirror to make sure I looked okay, grabbed the dinosaur, and headed to Ryan’s dorm room. As I approach it down the hallway, I see that their door is open. I stand in the doorway and lightly knock on the door.

Tyler is sitting on his bed and he looks up at me. Tyler is Ryan’s roommate and he is almost the opposite look wise from Ryan. He has dark hair, dark eyes, and a beautiful smile that rarely comes out. I have talked to him a couple of times since we are in the same classes and he has always been incredibly nice! I say hi and ask him if Ryan is around. He tells me he went out for his birthday and will probably be out late. My smile fades and I instantly feel sad that I won’t get to see him on his birthday. “Do you want me to give him a message?” I quietly ask if he can give this dinosaur to him when he’s back and tell him I literally worked on it overnight for his birthday. Tyler tells me I am so sweet for doing that and tells me he will forward the message for sure. I tell him thank you and slowly walk back to my room kind of disappointed.

I climb into bed and cry myself to sleep. When I wake up, I check my phone expecting to see a message from Ryan, but who am I kidding. Ryan doesn’t even have my number and probably doesn’t even remember my name. I get up and head to class. As I walk through the lobby, I see a girl walking with the dinosaur I made. I run up to her and ask her where she got it and she tells me that some guy she fucked last night gave it to her cause she thought it was cute.

Tears instantly fill my eyes and as I turn around I bump right into Tyler. I look up at him and He sees tears running down my face. He reaches his arms out but I quickly run away and lock myself in my room. I cry for what seems to be hours and when I look at the clock it is now 9 pm. I can’t stop crying, so I decide to go for a walk. I go outside and the fresh air feels amazing. there is a huge trail right by my dorm so I head over to that. I have my earbuds in my ears playing a sad songs Spotify playlist because when I am sad, I like to listen to sad songs. There is nobody that I can see near me and I sit on a bench and just cry. I feel so naive and stupid and can’t believe I am letting a guy who barely knows me make me feel this way. After a couple minutes I hear footsteps walking in my direction, but it’s too dark to see who it is. I get up off the bench to get ready to fight or run. As the figure gets closer, I see that it is Tyler!

“Tyler? Hi! What are you doing here?” I ask him while I wipe my face with my sleeves.

He says “I saw you walking over here from my window and got worried so I came to find you”

I respond “oh wow that’s so nice of you! I was uh just going for a walk!

It’s really obvious I have been crying with my puffy eyes and wet sleeves. He asks me if I’m okay and I confess everything! I tell him about my crush on Ryan and how I worked really hard to make the dino and how he just gave it away to some girl he fucked. I start crying again and Tyler pulls me in towards him and hugs me. Tight. I just cry into his chest while wrapping my arms around him.

I have always seen Tyler as quiet, maybe dark, and nice but in this moment he is also making me feel safe. I cry and cry and he just lets me stand there and cry into him. After several minutes I pull away and apologize for being a mess. He says to me “it’s all okay! I’m glad I can be here for you” I thank him and tell him I need to walk around or I’ll just keep crying and that I want to be alone. He tells me he is worried so he will be quiet and just stay back a couple steps and follow me. I shrug and keep walking. After going on a loop, I make it back to the dorms! I stand on the steps outside and Tyler is behind me walking still. I face him and watch as he walks up to me. I look at him and feel loved and realize he is actually really cute. I just never really saw him cause I was so focused on Ryan. He comes up to me and I reach my arms out to hug him again. We are now at the same height since I am standing on a step and something comes over me and I put my hands around his face and kiss him. His lips are so soft and his arms find my waist and I feel my body kind of tense up from butterflies. After a short light kiss, I tell him “thank you for tonight. I really needed that” and I head inside to my room.

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yzqlqp/fm_high_and_horny_me_and_tyler_in_my_dorm_room