[F] I got naked at work to win over a new client…and I feel some regret

On Saturday I was called into our Dallas office. We had a huge new client in town from Brazil. I wasn’t running point on this pitch, but I was asked to be there because I was in town. As one of the few women in the company, I knew a lot of times this request was due to appearing “diverse”.

I was wearing a sparkly black dress that was a bit on the shorter side, but still professional looking. I hadn’t had time to do laundry while being on the road so much, so I was getting down to the last choices in options.

We filed into the conference room to get set up. There was a small platform in the back with a few extra chairs. Since it wasn’t my pitch I took a seat up on the platform, enjoying the feeling of being over the table. A few minutes later the clients filed in. There was the usual handshaking and we all took our seats.

The head of the Brazilian company sat at the head of table, opposite of me on my raised platform. His skin was jet black and he was dressed in an incredibly expensive suit. He left it unbuttoned so his stomach could hang out. He had a thick mustache and was very tall. Let’s call him Mr. B.

The pitch started and I zoned out.

At a certain point, I felt like I was being watched. I looked and noticed Mr. B was looking at me. More specifically, he was looking at my thighs.

It clicked. Because of my elevation on the little platform, he had a straight view at my closed legs.

This is how I knew I was getting in too deep. I didn’t even hesitate.

I should mention that due to a dare from a Redditor I didn’t generally didn’t wear underwear to work anymore. Today was no different.

I slowly opened my legs, centimeter by centimeter. I kept my eyes on my phone, like I was texting. I opened the camera and I could then see him watching me. His eyes widened.

As my legs spread, I could then feel the wetness between my legs as my pussy also started to spread. I knew he had a straight view at my pussy.

Someone asked him a question and he had to snap back to reality to answer it. Then his eyes drifted back to me.

We locked eyes. I smiled and then looked back at my phone.

I stayed like that the entire meeting.

When it ended, Mr. B stood up to make his decision. I put my phone down.

“I love the idea, it’s a good look for our company. But…” he looked around the room. “A good look for our company is also working with a woman on a project like this. I think this will speak to the female gender. Do you have a female representative that could represent this idea?”

Every eye in the room turned towards me.

“Of course.” My boss said, also standing up. He said my name. “She’s the head of a branch, but if this is something she feels important then I think we could make that work. You’re an important client, we want to make sure you’re happy.”

Mr. B locked his eyes on me. I could feel my face burning at the attention. “What do you say, Miss? Is this a project you feel…passionate…about?” He asked.

I tried to find my voice. “Yes, I think we could work very well together.”

I tried to ignore my coworker glaring at me, who’s pitch was the one given. He just lost the commission on this completely.

“Could I have the room to speak with my new representative?” Mr. B asked.

I noticed he used the word “my” instead of “our”.

“Of course!” My boss said. “We look forward to representing you.”

Everyone filed out of the room until it was just me and B.

The door closed.

Well, you certainly had the most interesting pitch.” Mr. B said. “I’m a straightforward man, so let me be frank. The last company wasn’t very good at meeting my needs. Are you going to meet my needs?”

“Yes, of course.” I responded.

“This is a professional relationship, I expect you to refer to me professionally.” Mr. B said.

I took a breath.

“Yes…Sir.” I said.

“I see you’re wearing a wedding ring.” He noted.

“I am.” I responded.

“Prove to me that you will meet my needs. Right now.” He said.

I looked at the closed door nervously. What the hell was I supposed to do?

My hands, shaking, went to my dress. I grabbed the bottom of my dress and slowly lifted it up my thighs.

My brain was racing. What the actual fuck was I doing? This was unacceptable and beyond comprehension. I needed to stop. I could still back out. I could retain my dignity. But my thoughts kept going back to the comments and the degrading I has been receiving from Reddit and how much I loved it.

I didn’t stop pulling my dress off until it was over my head.

I placed it on the table and stood in front of Mr. B in just my heels. He slowly stood up and walked up to me. He looked my body up and down.

“You’ll do just fine. Put your hands on the table.”

I turned and put my hands on the conference table. He walked behind me. His foot tapped my feet wider, then he gently pushed down on my back until my chest was on the table. The wood was cold.

I felt so exposed.

His finger slipped into my pussy.

“Oh my. You have a tiny little cunt.”


I think my heart stopped. The door opened a crack.

“Sir, we had the car pulled up front.”

“Good, I’ll be down shortly.”

The door closed.

“Don’t move.” He said. His finger retreated from inside me.

I heard him take a photo.

“Turn around.” He ordered.

I slowly turned around and looked at his smiling face. He held up his camera and took another photo. All of me exposed. Then he slipped his phone into his pocket.

“We’ll fly you down to our headquarters to talk further. Is that understood?” He asked.

“Yes sir.” I responded.

He stepped close to me, grabbed the back of my head and kissed me deeply. His cologne washed over me. He pushed me against the table, lifting my ass up onto the wood. He kept kissing me and I responded.

Then he pulled away.

“Get dressed.” He said.

I took a moment to compose myself, then quickly pulled my dress on while he watched.

Then without another word he stepped out of the office and left. I waited another moment before stepping out of the office. My head was spinning the rest of the day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z0d7kn/f_i_got_naked_at_work_to_win_over_a_new_clientand


  1. well good luck you pissed off a co worker so if they get wind of anything they will probably expose you to your bosses and husband. cheating is one thing now you are now putting your job on the line too. i know you are addicted to the rush now but its not worth blowing up your life over it.

  2. Looks like you’ve got a date and a client

    Are you going to do what it takes to keep him?

  3. As hot as this is, you should be careful. If he is a huge client and got a full frontal photo of you including your face, it could jeopardize your career. I may get down votes but thats the truth. Don’t let our thrill affect your career!

  4. Well this story sounds completely reasonable and realistic. On the off chance that it actually is real, you must realize he has complete control over you. If he leaks that photo your ass is so fired.

  5. Exciting but be careful. I know youre getting more used to this and have been enjoying this kind kf thing a lot more but crossing business and pleasure can start to get into some murky waters. Still, thank you for the post!

  6. Such a good slutty eager rep willing to do anything to get the job done…going without panties to work is too easy for you..I’ve got some kinky ideas if interested

  7. Looks like this is what my wife does as well. Only difference is she wears “Sexy Bras, Panties and Stockings.

  8. The spinning head feeling never stops being amazing. Congratulations on your sexual escalation as a powerful man’s delicious little fucktoy, girlboss 👏

  9. Congratulations. Not only did you degrade yourself & put your entire company in jeopardy, you fucked over a hardworking colleague, set yourself up for future infidelity AND managed to reinforce that guy’s misogynistic view of women in the workplace. Solid day at the office. All because you’re a worthless horny slut. I hope the pathetic thrill you got from indulging your desperate desire for attention was worth all the damage you did. I hope you remember all the chaos you sowed by flashing your needy cunt when he’s pounding you senseless in some luxury suite down in Brazil. I hope it was all worth it when you’re cumming like a whore all over his big cock.

  10. Nice attention seeking. I peeped your account and either you work for a pimp. Or your just seeking attention. Either way your story was well written.

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