Brokenhearted friends seduces me [M] [F]

When I was in university, I was in a long distance relationship with a girl called Steph for 2 years. We had been together in school and wanted to keep the relationship going even once we went to universities that were about 500 miles apart. Though I didn’t know it at the time, she began cheating on me about 6 months in, and as her feelings for the guy developed she grew more distant with me and she dumped me by text message. Believe it or not, they’re married now, so I can’t be too bitter.

One of my friends at the time, Maria, had feelings for me. She spoke to me about it, told me she really was into me, but knew I was with Steph and nonetheless wanted to stay my friend. She was cool, fundamentally. She was Italian, and was studying her subject in the UK. She had short, square cut black hair and green eyes that looked huge behind her big glasses. She smoked frequently, and usually the instant she left class had a rancid cigarette dangling from her pale pink lips. She hated the climate and always wore thick jumpers and multiple layers. Our friend group would get together to play board games, and she would lose at every one, swearing furiously but enchanted by the game. Like I said – she was cool.

In second year, she moved into a flat with a group of five, one of whom she ended up dating. He cheated on her, which was bad, but with another of the flatmates, which was worse. She moved out immediately, but she had nowhere to stay, and since I had a flat of my own, I let her have my spare room. Living with her was actually really nice – we would alternate cooking in the evenings, hang out and talk, blah blah blah. It was intended to be a temporary thing, but after a couple of weeks, we agreed to try it. And hey, I was glad of the help with my mortgage.

One Friday, I said goodbye to Maria and I took the bus to the airport, flying down to see Steph for the weekend. I was literally just through security when Steph called – she had an essay due, didn’t want to see me. Steph spent a lot of time in the past telling me how she liked how I wasn’t clingy, and so, not wanting to be clingy now, I told her it was cool. No problem. Meanwhile, I had just dropped nearly £200 quid on flights I could not now use. The walk back through security was… humiliating, let’s say. I’m sure people back out of flights all the time, and of course they couldn’t read my mind, but in my heart I was sure they could, and knew how I had been rebuffed.

I had my headphones on at maximum volume, trying to shut out the world, listening to some kind of angry music I no longer remember. I let myself back into my place, tossed my backpack onto my bed, and headphones still in pushed open the bathroom door to go piss.

When I opened the door, steam billowed out, and Maria lay nude in the tub, her skin a vivid peach against the white porcelain. Her breasts jutted out of the water, which lapped against the full rounded undersides, and her nipples were tiny brown points surrounded by quarter inch areolae of the same colour. The black thatch of her thick bush was buoyed up by the water and shifted languidly back and forth. Her hair was soaked and the water ran down her face and I realised she must have been submerged when I entered the room. She was saying something, but I couldn’t hear her. Belatedly I took the headphones out. Maria laid one arm over her breasts and cupped her free hand over her mons veneris.

“I’m so sorry!’ I said, and finally looked away, though I was aware my gaze had lingered far too long. “What the fuck?” she was saying.

“Talk later. Sorry!” I said again, and backed out of the room, closing the door behind me. I went straight to my bedroom, knocked my backpack onto the floor, then lay on the bed, a pillow pressed over my face. It had been an embarrassing day. Maria knocked gently on the door within about 5 minutes.

She came in wearing a pink bathrobe she must have had for years given how ratty it was. Her hair was askew from a brisk towelling, but still damp. “You scared the hell out of me!” she said, laughing. “I thought you were away this weekend.” I explained. “Shit, fra, I’m sorry,” she said. She had sat next to me on the bed while I told her the story, and her robe had spread a little, revealing a smooth section of thigh. The scent of her near me, the warmth of her body against mine and the memory of her beautiful nude body was having an effect on me, and as my cock swelled against my jeans, I think she noticed because her voice was tenser when she next spoke. “You know how I feel about you, don’t you?” she said.

“We’ve discussed it,” I said. “But Maria, we can’t do anyt…”

“I know, I know,” she said, interrupting me and waving one hand expressively in the air. “I am just saying – you don’t need to be with someone who treats you so, so disposably as Steph does.”

When friends tell us stuff like that, experience has taught me, they are almost always right. Sometimes we aren’t ready to hear it, though. “I don’t know,” I said.

“You liked looking at me earlier,” she said. Her hand grasped the collar of her robe, pulled it aside until her plump right breast spilled out. “You like my body?”

“I do,” I said, “but we shouldn’t…”

“Shouldn’t what?” she asked, and her index finger circled her nipple. She stared at me, challeningly. I had to touch her. I caressed her perfect full breast and then she pulled my head down onto it and I took her nipple into my mouth and sucked on it. She moaned and i felt her nails dig into my scalp. She bared the other breast and I planted kisses along it, licked her areola until the nipple formed a sharp point and then took that into my mouth. Her skin was still hot from the bath, and she tasted of soap.

She was on her back and I lay on top of her. Her legs were spread, and the robe had fallen to the side. Her hands were running up and down my back, and she was moaning with pleasure. I was kissing her neck, and she reached down and began to undo my belt. That brought me back to myself. There was literally a photo of Steph on the shelf next to my bed, watching us. “We can’t Maria. I can’t do this.”

She lay topless on my bed, gorgeous breasts flushed and nipples erect from my attention. She was breathing hard, and her beautiful eyes were squinted slightly as she looked at me, because she really needed those big glasses. I was propped on my elbows, torso raised above her. All I wanted was to fuck her.She rolled me off her and got up and stood beside the bed, and I thought she was going to leave, when instead she took the picture of Steph and tossed it behind her onto the floor. There was the brittle sound of glass breaking. She tossed the robe as well, which landed on top of the picture I later found out. The elegant line of her body as it flowed from slender neck into full breasts, flat stomach into the curve of her hips is still etched into my memory. The swollen pink lips of her pussy were just visible through her dense bush.

“Are you sure?” she asked and her hand ran down the fabric of my jeans, tracing the length of my very visible erection. My cock twiched, and she knelt on the bed and undid my belt. Her breasts hung down and I took them in my hands and stroked. “Are you very sure?” She tugged down my jeans, and I lifted my hips off the bed to help her. The jeans pulled my boxers down with them, and my cock, fully hard, popped free.

“Oh my,” she said, and paused.

“Is something wrong?” I asked. I was nervous. Steph was the only person I had been with sexually, while I knew Maria had slept with a lot of men. Was my cock weird in some way? Was it too small?

“Nothing wrong!” Maria said, smiling. “You are just a lot bigger than I have had before.” She took my cock in one hand, and when she couldn’t wrap her fingers around it, she smiled wider. She stroked it up and down and I moaned. “Touch me,” she said. “I want you to feel how much I want you.”

We touched each other for a long time, my fingers working at her clit and then slipping inside her. She was amazingly wet. Finally, I couldn’t wait and I said, “I want to fuck you.”

She pushed me down on the bed and climbed onto me. She straddled me and rubbed the head of my cock up and down her pussy. She lifted herself and tried to lower herself onto me, but my cock was too thick and she couldn’t take it. After some attempts she said, “One moment,” and ran out of the room. She was back soon with a bottle of lube. She poured a generous amount over my cock and worked it in with her hand, thought for a moment, then added a dollop more.

She slid down on me slowly and eventually my entire cock was engulfed by her pussy. She clenched down on me and gasped. “Are you okay?” I asked, worried. She gasped again.

“Yes,” she said, eventually, “Just ummm…”


“Well, I came,” she said.

“Really?” I said.

“It’s been a while,” she said. “And I’ve wanted you for a while. And your cock is… perfect.”

“Not even a two-pump chump,” I said, teasing her. I kissed her and her tongue met mine. I grabbed her butt in my hands and ground her against me. I was so horny my cock was twitching.

“Let’s see how long you last,” she said, and began to ride me with slow, powerful thrusts. I lost track of time, but when she came again, I took over, rolling on top of her, and I think it was only a minute or two more before I felt my own orgasm building.

“I”m going to come,” I told her.

Her hands clenched on my back. ‘Come inside me,” she said. “I want to feel your come inside me.” I met her beautiful eyes with my own as my last thrusts erupted in a powerful orgasm.



  1. Is it wild that I am turned on because she asked for consent? So seldom I see women so that.

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