Running with the bull [FM]

I need to give credit where credit is due. I’ve talked to Jason about me writing our experiences online and he came up with the name. He’s also reminded me a few more details about our experiences so hopefully that means a little more sexy details and a little more buildup since I am very very forgetful!

This is a continuation of my last story where I had just met Jason for the first time and experienced my first threesome with him and my boyfriend. We texted through the day and he decided he wanted to join me on my run that night. He did fuck up my schedule given our very steamy encounter the night before since I normally run in the morning and given how dark things get late in the year, I was not the most comfortable running alone at night. He framed it as a safety thing but I knew what he wanted. I remember telling myself that he wouldn’t be getting any that night and that this was purely a platonic run. Regardless of the mutual attraction, I didn’t want to just fuck him again that day.

Now when my boyfriend Harry heard that I was going to go for a run with Jason, he instantly gave me that look.

“Have fun and just text me if I should expect to have dinner alone tonight”.

I remember rolling my eyes as he gave me that dirty smirk. The same kind of smirk you’d give your friends when you do they were about to do something inappropriate or were thinking inappropriate thoughts.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be home for dinner” I said, not even realizing that was a big fat lie at the time.

I wore tights with a running jacket, a sporty long sleeve underneath and a white sports bra. I had mittens and a headband on as I was ready for the cold (trust me, it gets very cold where I am from so I need to be prepared!). I took a sip of my left over green tea, gave Harry a kiss and quickly headed out. I lived somewhat close to Jason so I figured I could jog to his place before it gets really dark.

As I got there, I saw him waiting inside his lobby, his face beaming as he saw me turn the corner and approach the sliding doors. He came out, pulled me close, his hand behind me just above my waist. He kissed my lips. It lingered longer than I expected but I was surprised as I remember slapping him on his chest.

“Hey I’m here for just a run”!

He laughed as we walked out. I had paused my running watch at the time and had just pressed to start again as we discussed him following me on my usual route before he interrupted me and said.

“Oh Trish, I completely forgot my watch. Do you mind if we go back upstairs?”

I rolled my eyes and paused my watch again. This guy… asking me to come for a run and completely forgetting his things! I was definitely annoyed and it showed on my face but I thought it was fine. It was suspicious and I felt he had different things in mind (I mean we were talking through the day, I knew he had other things in his mind). And I kept telling myself no, I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted but my sluttier side said what can go wrong. We can run right after and he just needs his watch. I agreed to go up with him. Mistake #1.

We took the elevator up, almost in silence as I stared at my watch and saw my heartrate just slow down from my jog to his apartment. We started walking to his apartment and immediately flashbacks of last night came to my mind. We entered the front door and I stood in the doorway, shoes kept on as flashbacks of our clothes littered on the floor from last night.

“You know you can come in. It’s not like if you haven’t been here before”

He chuckled as he walked into the bedroom. Every gesture, his tone of voice. It kept feeling like an invitation to come inside and settle in. I kept telling myself “Trish NO! We are here for a run, you had your fun yesterday. Don’t give in!” but another part of me felt this kind of want and curiosity. Like what does he really want with me today, what does he have planned. I let my curiosity get the better of me and decided to take off my shoes. Mistake #2.

At that point, more flashbacks of our previous night came back. The coffee table was back in its original place, the couch neatly organized again with the cushions on both sides. The glasses of half empty water as we tried to hydrate ourselves for our continued sexual escapades were gone. He called out from the bedroom.

“How does it feel to be back here? My mind can’t look at that couch the same way again”

He’d make comments and jokes about last night almost in quick succession as I’d continue to respond with single syllables. I remember my eyes just glazing at different spots remembering what I had felt, the rush of emotions and sensations at every moment. I took off my headband and turned towards the bedroom where he stood and our eyes met. It was just silence at that point.

He approached me slowly as I backed up until I felt his kitchen counter on my lower back. My hands on his hoodie as I almost braced myself, his beard tickling my neck and ear as he whispered into my soul.

“I can’t stop thinking about last night. Your taste was intoxicating and I need more”.

He had this deodorant that still reminds me of him when I see it at the store. I had closed my eyes at that point and that smell and his beard against my skin was all I remembered. My hands at that point were on his face as I pulled his lips close but still far apart. I remembered giving a few fruitless pleas

“I told myself we would just go for a run”. Our lips touched softly and quickly. “I shouldn’t have come up”, again our lips touched, “I shouldn’t have taken off my shoes or come in”.

I looked up and he stared deep inside me. He said something to me but I can’t for the life of me remember what he said but it almost flipped an internal switch inside. I closed my eyes and my lips parted slightly before his met mine with force. We made out as his hands ran up my jacket and underneath my long sleeve onto my stomach. I was hot to the touch as I ran my fingers through his hair. He pulled me close and up towards him as he began carrying me towards the bedroom. My legs wrapped around his waist as our kiss never let go.

We reached the bed and his body weight fell onto me as mine sunk deep into the mattress, pinned but loving the fact he had all of the control. We both began stripping our tops, him much faster than me as I was about to remove my sports bra before he went back on me, his hands pulling my tights off in the process. His lips kissed down my neck, down my stomach and to my panties as my hands clutched the bed sheets in anticipation. His beard ticked and almost irritated my inner thigh as he kissed and tasted my body until his lips met my wetness. Jason knew what he was doing and his tongue worked magic as one finger helped his tongue tease my clit while the other hand explored my insides.

I think I came once before he decided to flip me over and put his hand behind my neck to push my upper body into the mattress. My ass up, ready for him to enter me from behind and almost on cue, he began fucking me like an animal. It was more than anything we did the night before, almost as if he knew I could handle it while I screamed into the mattress begging for more.

“Fuck me Jason. Fuck me harder and harder” I screamed. His breathing and his grunting got me wetter and wetter as our bodies slapped in perfect rhythm. I held his headboard, doing my best not to be shoved into the wall with each of his thrusts only to quickly feel a vibration on my wrist. Harry was calling and I realized that it was already an hour since I had left our place to go on a run.

Jason saw and quickly said “where’s your phone”. He pulled out as I collapsed, trying to catch my breath as I moaned “on the kitchen counter”. He came back and told me to unlock the phone which I quickly obliged. My head running, but quickly realizing that he had control of my phone. I remember beginning to turn only for him to enter me again and for me to gasp and to collapse again.

A few thrusts later, a flash. He took a photo and a few seconds later, my phone landed on the bed beside me. Another few thrusts later, my watch lit up with a text. “Enjoy yourselves, tell me everything tomorrow”.

The thrusts started to speed up as he was getting more and more turned on. “Do you love my cock Trish? How badly do you want me to cum?” only for me to moan back “Yes I LOVE YOUR COCK. PLEASE KEEP FUCKING ME”.

We didn’t last much longer after that. I was shaking as my body felt new incredible sensations before he finally finished inside me. We collapsed on the bed, lying side by side next to each other as I saw how sweaty he had gotten. He headed to the shower to clean up where I joined him and where we began to bathe each other, this time in a much more sensual manner. He ordered thai food and we ate standing up alongside his kitchen counter as we continued to flirt and talk about hobbies, running, life in general. I remembered talking about how I was going to pursue grad school in a month and a half and he told me about his work and the people he worked with.

The one thing I always appreciated about Jason was the chemistry we had beyond the physical. I did meet others throughout my experiences and even though my boyfriend and I don’t open our relationship anymore due to us being long distance, I still talk to Jason often (which Harry is aware of).

We made out more on the couch after dinner but I decided it would be best to go home. He walked me out and texted me after to make sure I got home safe. Harry loved the story and we enjoyed each other physically while I gave him every dirty detail.

Hopefully you all enjoyed this experience! I have much more escapades, with the next one chronologically being Jason’s birthday and how I spent the night alone with him. I do have other stories to share (grad school was very eventful) so let me know if you prefer one of those stories instead or if I should keep it chronological. Also let me know if you love it and please feel free to reach out with comments!!!


1 comment

  1. I think you should jump around with your stories. They don’t have to be chronological.

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